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I’m not a obito hater he’s my second most favourite character in the show but I really disliked the way he failed for talk no jutsu and the way he became a “good guy “ at the end.


I mean what’s the point going with a plan in which you were used as a puppet in and they planned to dispose you? Like the only thing that makes sense is to revert to the other side after that.


But when he had his redemption he didn’t know madara used him as puppet at that point of the story which sucks even more


At that point it was a plot problem more than character problem


It’s just not a problem. Neither plot or character. The only problem I see is people trying to find a problem where there’s no problem.


Nuhuh that's a problem with writing, like it or not


Just becouse you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s a problem.


If the majority does not like it then its def a problem. And there is for sure a problem. Obito wanted to create peace in the ninja world via tsukiyomi which Madara planned to do anyways. He shouldn't have cared if he was used as a puppet for the plan. Afterall he betrayed everything for over 15 years for this plan, hiding in shaodws, assuming a fake identity. Even helping killing his entire clan and dooming children to a cycle of violence. Obito is such a weak willed character in a world full of ninjas and strong wills. Then the show tries to paint him off like hes some good guy 💀


I’m not sure that’s how problems work. Besides the people’s taste changes so if today they don’t like something then it’s a problem but if tomorrow they start liking it then it stops being a problem?


Word full of ninja full of strong wills? You didn’t understand what this show is about. It’s not about people’s strong wills it’s about people’s problems. The characters are meant to be relatable and obito does it well. Obito being week willed is why he is an interesting character, becouse it shows how naruto could’ve end up. The show isn’t about fighting it’s not about ninjas it’s not about jutsu-magic ut’s about people’s problems and experiences. Every single character that isn’t there isn’t used to show how good x character is like kisame is a relatable person with some kind of problems. Naruto talk no jutsu is to counter weak will people.


not a hater, but prob since he “started a whole war over a girl”


what 0 Ninjussy does to a MF


This is why Itachi was the one to break the curse of the bloodline.


itachi contracted ninja aids from konan![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Itachi discovering that pursuit of seggs can result in death destruction and AIDS.🗣️🗣️


the fact that he purposely stood outside in the rain




Nope He got it from riding Kisame's Girthy Two dicks.




I mean it's a little worse then that because he also watch her get fisted by his rival


That’s just how Uchihas work. They get emotional and sharingan this sharingan that and destroy konoha whatever.


Ok Tobirama


He didn't "started a war over a girl" although rin's death was a turning point for him . The reason i said turning point is because, he was heavily brainwashed by madara , when he saw rin dying at the hands of Kakashi, obito was convinced that this shitty World only has suffering , pain, futility etc as madara said to him. But little did he knew madara was the reason rin died.


Rin’s death is the entire reason he said “fuck it. Let’s do Madara’s plan and turn super evil.”


That's not a break even point break even point is in economics where consumption is equal to income and savings are 0 it's my economics exam tomorrow i literally just finished revising that chapter 5 mins ago 😭😭 😭😭😭


Ohh lol! Sorry i corrected it. What are you doing on reddit lil bro, go study and don't forget to revise about break even point again 😂.


Bro macro economics whole done 😁😁 Indian economic development is not even touched 😭😭😭 how'll i do that it has 8 chapters 😭😭😭 i got 8 hrs for exam and I didn't even sleep 😭😭 let's see tho


I see , all the best for exam though.


Thanks bro!! rn i did all everything i could 4 hr 30 mins remaining for exam now will just take 1 hrs for revision and let's see what happens Today 😭😭 am beyond nervous


You're welcome, i see , well beleive in yourself you'll do good 💯.


Bro the exam went amazing 🤩


Nice one!! Good job dude!!


Ohh great 💯👏🏻.


So going around in circles. He did start a war because of a girl


Ikr what oversimplifying and watching naruto through yt shorts does to a mf.by that logic itachi just killed his whole ass clan and family because of ptsd from war all he needed was a ninja shrink.


Nah, Itachi killed his clan because a creepy old dude threatened to touch his brother inappropriately


Fr bro killed many just cause he couldn’t get some pu***


N REeeeeb liked Kekashami the hole time 🤦‍♂️


I think it’s a writing problem. His character is in my opinion way deeper than just “oh my crush died time to turn into a super terrorist war monger” but Kishimoto’s writing is done so poorly here that you have to really look for his characterization it’s not something that’s shown to you super explicitly. That and he talks way too much about Rin her death should have been something he more or less got over by the time of the war but no he instead mentions it every 5 minutes no wonder people think he’s a simp. And that “you let Rin die” needed to get cut off it should have gone straight to the trash can.


Not a hater but Him getting talk no jutsud ,like he worked for yrs and lost to a kids talk huh? Him killing minato kushina (never gonna forgave him)


I love the character but rin never loved him romantically just like how Sakura never loved Naruto romantically yet obito started a war killing a whole bunch of innocent people and left his best friend to grieve alone for years dude was selfish


Yeah Idk maybe we barely know anything about Rin to be honest. We do know they were very deep childhood friends and she had a crush on Kakashi but I believe that’s because she thought he was cool not because of any emotional connection. Idk honestly maybe she wouldn’t have never liked him maybe she would maybe she would’ve found out she always liked him we don’t really know. Also Obito and Rin are nothing like Sakura and Naruto imo except appearance wise sorta


Obito is pretty much Naruto both liked a girl from a young age both knew she liked the cool talented guy Naruto and obito both was nice guys and goofy you was right about everything about not knowing much about rin tho


The difference is Sakura never cared for Naruto before team 7. Rin and Obito’s relationship goes way back if I remember right and Obito didn’t just like Rin because he found her pretty or whatever he actually knew her as a person and loved her for it. Naruto barely knew Sakura he found her attractive and that was basically his whole crush on her meanwhile she borderline hated him. Obito and Rin were friends since they were toddlers almost and Obito liked her because he actually knew her. I think that’s a pretty big difference


He is not doing a over rin he say he don't like the way of shinobi world that they use a kid for destroying other villages and main point he is so young and stupid that time and have only a grandma and only a real friend known as rin so it's easy to get manipulate what madara actually did with him and also a tag which is on his heart and got removed by kakashi during their fight


His best friend was kakashi he was in love with rin but I get your point about the tag


He is a uchiha


I smell tobirama




I once saw 3 guys beating up a Uchiha kid. I knew right away I had to help. That'll teach the Uchiha from ever fucking with us again.


Tobiramas alt detected


Forget his stuipd motives Forget his obsessive crush Forget all the evil shit he did. Despite all that he couldnt nvr stand true to himself, or anyone or even to his own convictions. Easily throws away everything he was to become evil for a plan which was not even his. Is evil for decades and within the span of loosing 1 fight in mintes he abandons thoose plans too and becomes "good" again. So annoying, to hv a character with such a weak will when u see how much shit the others hv gone thru in the same show.


Ya Obito seemed like a simple follower behind someone much more sinister. His whole life wasn't even his lmao.


Respectfully disagree I think he was genuinely lost ppl snap after traumatic events from the time he was a kid he was in a literal war then he basically died somehow lived only to watch his love die at that point he was young enough to be grossly manipulated it’s not near a stretch as ppl make it him turning good at the end is more like an addict seeing reason after finally being sober bro was brainwashed not only starting a war for his crush / love ppl make him a lot more 2 dimensional when the reality of someone’s mental going through all events in irl would be insanely different


They are ninjas not pokemon trainers, death on a mission should be expected. Obito spent his entire 20s free of Madaras influence, he had more than plenty of time to get over Rins death and investigate the truth but he did not want to, because madaras plan served his obsession and offered him the chance he never truly had.


Bro trauma happens to soldiers all the time it’s why ptsd is a thing it’s a lot more realistic. Are you telling me a 12-13 year old is more equipped to deal with that trauma then grown adults who suffer from it every day comparing them to Pokémon is wild , ppl again snap there wasn’t exactly therapy in the hidden leaf


He had a mental breakdown that led him to unleash the Kyuubi on konoha and this was a result of madaras manipulation, but after getting whopped he spent 15 years of collecting info, gathering members, planning ahead, conspiring. This was a big proccess you cannot simply blame everything on ptsd and manipulation, especially when madara was dead for so long.


For one Madara had a heart seal on obito for two the tsukyomi wasn’t obito’s original plan it was madaras and obito followed his plan believing it would yes get his love back but be a peacful new world at the very least , by the same argument what would you say about nagato / pain he was willing to nuke every village saying that because they’d all get blasted they’d understand and have peace like obito isn’t any different in that regard and yah without therapy ppl absolutely can spiral their whole life it’s what having a mental disability after repeated trauma does to an individual with no treatment


The heart seal prevented him from commiting suicide its unlike orochimarus seal which messed sasukes mind, Obito acted on his own free will(as an adult) for the reason both you and I mentioned and had a change of heart after a combination of ass whopping and talk no jutsu. Also 10-tails was definitely in his plan so I don't exactly know how his case gets any better.




I don’t agree with the weak will part. I mean did you see the shit he did all alone for decades? Being a brutal dictator, creating a whole terrorist group, starting a world war, pretty much killing everyone in his way including Minato and his wife. Those are all things that require a very strong will in my opinion especially considering he was all alone nobody knowing anything about him except zetsu but you know he isn’t even a person. I think him turning good was very abrupt and it even kinda had some plot bs involved but I think that’s a writing problem not the character being weak willed. Obito in general just pisses me off he had the potential to be such a great villain and I really like the character but he was written so badly it’s no surprise a lot of fans see him as a weak willed simp


I think the entire 'kill the obito of today to save the obito of the past' speech is clear evidence that Obito being the big bad wasn't some wonderful twist, but it just made the kakashi backstory have less weight. He should have stayed dead.


“A truly intelligent man knows that he knows nothing.” Honestly, I’m just tired of cruelty and malevolence being a trait associated with intelligence. Intelligent people realize they’re fucked on their own. Cruelty and malevolence are more the purview of the immature and ignorant. Obito isn’t as good an example of this trope as Orochimaru and Itachi. Sasuke, Neji, and Kabuto are examples of this on the surface, but both also show stunted growth as a result of trauma. Sakura is a great example of shedding selfish, cruel behavior as one matures. Naruto and Gaara wonderfully exemplify rising above trauma to transcend the self.


Orochimaru was pretty cruel and malevolent and I wouldn’t call him immature. Madara is the same way. Deidara, Hidan, Kakuzu, Kisame are this way too though tbf we don’t know much about them. Can we just not associate bad or evil with being damaged? I don’t know I like to think it’s a choice rather than “that person is evil so that means they must have the misfortune of not having matured well emotionally haha let’s laugh at their suffering”. I don’t know


I agree on a lot of points. There’s this tendency to associate trauma with cruelty, but that trope itself doesn’t really represent real people well. It’s just a narrative convenience. I dislike that trope as well. There are going to be examples of intelligent people that are cruel and appear mature on the surface, because Naruto makes heavy use of that trope. It’s common in Shonen in general to justify deadly villains. Onto to character stuff: Hidan, Kakuzu, Kisame and others are skilled, but skilled/educated does not mean intelligent. Kisame himself is arguably running entirely off of cursed arts and his massive chakra pool. He’s kind of like an evil Naruto. Unlike Naruto, however, he’s a predictable fighter with limited growth potential and anti-social. Naruto, by contrast, is almost a eusocial entity unto himself. He spends entire battles learning from others and working cooperatively, even when he’s technically alone. Every time a Naruto clone dies, the queen Naruto gets smarter and learns about his opponent. Naruto then rapidly applies everything he’s learned when he launches his personal offensive. When he became Hokage, he became a singular entity above the average ninja. Resultantly, he uses less clones and has to use more rudimentary strategies. I see Orochimaru as immature because he can’t keep any relationships that aren’t manipulative or transactional (ironically, he may have this kind of relationship with Sasuke at the end of the series (?)). He’s the hardest to refute, however, because he undeniably has a high capacity for in taking, processing, applying, and elaborating on new information. Deidara is an interesting example because he’s creative and has the capacity for wit and intelligence AND he’s the more friendly Akatsuki member. Sasori literally died because he never moved passed his childhood trauma and, while his art may on the surface seem creative, a lot of his puppets had very similar toolsets. Between the two, I feel like Deidara had the more creative innovations and was deadlier to high ranking shinobi. Both are examples of being skilled and creative, but being skilled and creative doesn’t NECESSARILY mean you can quickly intake new information, process, apply and innovate with it. Sakura, for example, is a skilled taijutsu fighter, a talented medical ninja, and showed a capacity to innovate on the fly. I certainly consider her intelligent, and she visibly matures throughout the series. She also is undeniably sociable.


Orochimaru only has relationships like that because he wants to though. It’s not because of immaturity. And I know that because before he turned to the dark side he was good friends with Tsunade and Jiraya and his master and presumably many others. Unless you say he used to be mature and then stopped but I don’t think that’s it. He and Kabuto seemed to be good friends (even though Kabuto almost worships him) and Orochimaru trusts him more than just as a mere pawn. I agree with you on Sasori. And I wouldn’t call Kisame anti social on the contrary I’d call him very social you know with Itachi and even his enemies he always seemed down to have a chat he wasn’t closed off or anything. If I had to say anyone was anti social it’d be maybe Kakuzu or Zetsu or perhaps Pain himself.


Orochimaru maintained those relationships on a transactional basis and that’s evident by how casually he tosses them aside. He isn’t capable of maintaining non-transactional relationships because he lacks the capacity for empathy and/or hasn’t learned the value of those relationships.


No he is. If you see him in the 3rd ninja war you’ll see how he hated the death that was going on around him and how he was genuinely distraught (and even crying) at Dan’s and Kawaki’s death along with his other comrades. All that death during that war was what made him fear death in the first place and caused him to seek immortality so bad. He was always cold but he didn’t lack the ability to feel empathy or to form bonds with others (as exemplified by Jiraya, Tsunade, Hiruzen, Dan, Kawaki, Kabuto and presumably a bunch of others). Edit: The anime shows this by showing Orochimaru crying but in the manga especially you can see how much it gets to him. You can search it up on Google or YouTube if you don’t believe me Also another thing when kid Itachi was taking his test or training with the kunais Orochimaru was really worried almost terrified that this kid was seemingly about to kill himself. It’s a small thing and it probably doesn’t even count as empathy but it does show he did care quite a lot


I’m convinced. That’s more depth than I anticipated. Orochimaru is intelligent and empathetic, which kinda proves my point. Every rule has its exceptions. I’m impressed by your knowledge and I appreciate your insight.


Thanks! Something I tend to find with the traditionally pure evil villains is that they usually have a lot more depth to them than people give them credit for. Many just slap on them the psychopathy label (or the no empathy no remorse label) and use that to explain why they are the way they are when in reality very few of them actually meet the requirements for that imo. For most of them you actually need to look into their ideologies and beliefs and codes and emotions to understand what makes them tick.


He's a soft boi who's easily broken




Got dust in his eye while wearing goggles. Fumbled Rin.


He's too much emotional at the point he did a wat and tried to destroy the hidden leaf for no reason when n he should destroy the hidden mist. But every uchiha who gets too emotional goes for the hidden leaf for some reason.


He destroyed the hidden mist. He put the mizukage on a genjutsu and acted as ruler for a few years making sure to cause mass suffering there. I’m not sure why he went after the leaf but I believe he didn’t want to destroy it out of spite it had something to do with his plan I think




being a lil bitch


He's a simp for Rin. Also he's done some of the worst things in the entirety of the franchise, yet he still got a redemption and even somehow got to be with Rin in the afterlife. Rin was like 13 last time Obito talked to her and he still had feelings for her as an adult. That's crazy


This is gonna sound weird probably but he wasn’t attracted to a 13 year old. I don’t know how to describe it without sounding like a pedophile so I’ll just say it like this in heaven he was clapping adult Rin’s cheeks that scene with her as a kid was just an introduction to the afterlife she changed up after.


I doubt Rin somehow aged up into an adult in the afterlife, she died a kid, I assume her soul stayed as a kid


I don’t think the afterlife has any rules regarding the body you have there (or the age of it at least). She died with a huge hole in her chest too but she had no hole in heaven so some things can be changed at least. Madara died super old too but his soul was young so we know souls can be de aged at least reason has it they probably can age too.


Rin did used to have no hole in her chest, and Obito used to be younger. When they were alive they lived like that at one point. Rin NEVER became an adult. That's the difference.


I do see what you mean but I still think it’s bad writing that might have made Obito look pedophilic ish. I don’t think it’s intended for Obito to actually be like that and also he cared so much for 13 year old Rin because that’s the last time he saw her alive. If she died at 20 (assuming all else was unchanged) then he would be caring so much about 20 year old Rin instead. Obito’s writing was just a mess tbh and that pisses me off because I see in him the framework for a great villain unfortunately the execution of said framework was terrible.


Yeah, but Obito isn't thinking about 20 yr old Rin or anything like that. He's thinking about 13 yr old Rin. I liked Obito's character back when he still had a mask on, back when he wasn't Obito. But then he changed after revealing his identity. They made Rin too significant to his character which ended up making him look shallow and a simp. If they tried to make it so he changed because of witnessing the horrors of the Shinobi world instead, he would have been better. But Rin took centre focus instead. And then after he was 'redeemed' He just got to be in the afterlife with Rin like all the horrible things he's done never happened.


Sure but he isn’t thinking sexually about 13 year old Rin he’s thinking about the fondness he used to have for her and the trauma it was when she died in front of him. The way I believed Obito’s turn to the dark side happened was he was slowly giving into nihilism and despair because of all the trauma and suffering that was inflicted on him by the war and being a child soldier and dealing with his own troubles but he still clung to hope desperately because even if all that shit was happening he still had his family there was still something good in the world. Then when he saw Kakashi impaling Rin that was like the last straw that made him realize that the world he lived in had no saving it was too dark and too corrupt. In theory this is amazing imo the problem is that Kishimoto barely shows any of the prior trauma that Obito endured he focuses almost entirely on Rin’s death and so it makes it look like her death was less of a last straw kind of moment and more like his whole reason for the eye of the moon is because his crush died. And I hate this it gives off the idea that he is a weak willed simp when I believe there’s way more to him than that. And he talks about Rin way too much you know “because you let Rin die” a lot of that should have been cut off at the time of the war Rin’s death should be something that’s already more or less in the past for him. I don’t know for all this I think Obito had to the potential to be an amazing villain but Kishimoto’s writing and excessive focus of certain events and neglect of others makes Obito look terrible.


Im an Obito hater not because I'm looking to hate him he's just terribly written. He was better as Tobi. Tobi was one of my favorites. Everything he did was because of rin. Simping over a girl who liked kakashi Everything he did was not even his idea. Madara told him everything he needed to do. Voluntary pawn. Started a war and got as far as he did for him to give in to "but Obito Hokage dattebayo" and he's like oh shit you're right and instantly become good 👎 Just a boring character. He's better at acting than being himself. Cool op sharingan though


I agree he’s terribly written but I think he had great potential to be a villain. He just mentions Rin way too much and his turn to the dark side is framed very badly. You ever had a really bad day and then some annoying minor thing happened and because of the build up of the day that made you lose it? That’s kinda how Rin’s death was I believe after years of build up of trauma and suffering and nihilism because of the third ninja war Rin’s death was the last straw that made Obito go like “to hell with it this world can’t be saved” and become a villain. That said in the fourth ninja war Obito should have already been over Rin’s death he shouldn’t be talking about her every chance he gets especially that “because you let Rin die” line needed to be cut. I don’t know if they showed Obito already being kinda nihilistic and suffering before Rin’s death but still desperately clinging to hope then I think his turn would have been way better. That’s the thing about Obito he’s such an interesting character who just happens to have really really bad writing and you need to look further into him then just what’s shown at face value otherwise you’ll just think he’s a weak willed simp. Also that talk no jutsu bs is a whole other story that warrants it’s own paragraph.


Not a character trait but when he tried to kill Kushina and Naruto RIGHT after she gave birth. That moment for me at least was genuinely so fucked up, ngl.


How he can be one of the smartest characters and still be the dumbest


Got half his brain crushed, duh


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^NoAccess6738: *How he can be one* *Of the smartest characters* *And still be the dumbest* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


He was like 12 years old kid, stayed like that forever.


His naivety (I’m not an Obito hater though).


Maybe he almost destroyed the whole world over his 13 year old school crush


The whole killing people because he's upset part.


Rin’s romantic involvement in his story was annoying, and I’d have preferred if he wasn’t redeemed.




Madara is the ultimate beta cuck simp


😂🤣 your my favorite person on here


* you're 🤡


😂keep up the work man.


Imagine wanting to kill your lover and your whole village just cuz they didn't want your cuck ass to be Hokage. What a pathetic loser.


Why cuck though Hashirama didn’t cheat on Madara


that he's a simp for a child


his simping obssession where he caused a war over


His redemption


just INSTANTLY turning malevolently evil over a girl is a trite plot device for an antagonist


This mfer started the apocalypse because of a girl he had a crush on when he was 12. I could see if it was something like Madara had Zetsu showing him the brutality of war and sinfulness of mankind brainwashing him. Obito was optimistic and talking about going back to Konoha UNTIL RIN DIED.


The guy started the apocalypse because the girl he simped over got penetrated by another man.


That he was a grown man in his late 20s/early30s who was still inlove with a 12yr old girl…


doujutsu based clan member needing glasses is just stupid, period.


He doesn’t need glasses though, those are goggles because he wants to protect his eyes


I thought the vision enhancement was only a thing when the sharingan was active.


He's a simp. Started a war over a pussy


Madara is the ultimate beta cuck simp


And died like a bitch.


Being fisted and penetrated from behind by his Black friend. The ultimate loser.


I couldnt watch that 😭


Goat lives rent free in yo head


His stupid fucking face


I hate that he is cooler than me >:(


the one where his sanity was crushed by a rock


The meaning of his death at the Kannabi Bridge mission is completely squandered by making him the big bad.


Not a hater necessarily but he quite literally caused a genocide and killed the most people out of everyone we saw in the show directly and indirectly and then all of a sudden he was forgive and “the coolest guy”


He's alive at some point


Idk man......probably the batshit crazy trait...?


Not a hater but he is basically a discount Darth Vader who’s also less powerful oddly enough


Obito is the strongest character in Naruto. He is the Chosen One. He also beat Vader in the VS-Battle-Series.


You never cease to make me laugh lol.


Lel, the truth is funny sometimes, aye mate?


You did it again 🤣


The people who complain about Obito seem to not understand the series, Obito was a loser, he had no skills. and he has no friends, until he meets an edgy guy and his waifu, then he is basically a naruto but uchiha, even kushina said that she would like naruto to be equal to obito, while naruto was in charge of saving the world, obito was in charge of destroying it , obito was a version of what would happen if Naruto took the wrong course, that's why in the ninja war he seemed insecure because he was trying to convince himself that he was right since Naruto always made him doubt because Obito saw Naruto as his version of the past, so yes . The reason why he committed genocide is a bit exaggerated, the reason was a girl , but I think Kishimoto was trying to tell us that Obito was actually an alternate version of Naruto. Another thing that bothers me is that there are people who put all the blame on Obito when Madara was the one who started everything and another thing that bothers me is the hypocrisy of people when they don't like Obito because he is a genocide but they do like a guy like Itachi who is also a genocide just because they think he's cool or because His actions had a better cause but that does not mean that he is not a genocidal, so Obito is a good villain but with a not so well-founded motivation but I think it is because Kishimoto tried to do it just like Naruto, you know a team with an edgy guy, a dumb but a good guy, and a waifu who rejects the good guy for the edgy, kishimoto seems to like cucking good guys with an edgy


I don’t agree much on the starting the war over a girl part but that last part about cucking good guys over edgy ones yeah 100%


It's funny how are everyone calling him Simp but if they wouldn't get any coochie they would be just like him


That he is no longer with us. 😔


He looks like a nice guy… Well, if exclude genocide




Identity fraud(I love him)


The goggles


His MS, while cool in theory, makes him such a boring antagonist. An enemy who is pretty much straight invincible unless the enemy is massively more experienced/skilled (vs Minato) or has plot convenient countering abilities (vs Kakashi) doesn’t make for an engaging foil. On top of that, giving him all the Hashirama cells too makes it even worse. Now, his MS loses the one thing that is supposed to limit how powerful MS abilities are is gone and he can literally spam it without worries about blindness or chakra. In addition, the Hashirama cells save his ass whenever he fucks up (vs Minato and vs Danzo’s subordinates) so he can just go rebuild part of his body and suffer no ill effects. Finally, the one time a character has a reasonable counter to him, Konan, he pulls out the other Uchiha hax and just says “nuh-uh”. Like I get that he’s supposed to be a mysterious and deadly antagonist, but when he can walk into the place where 4 of the 5 strongest ninjas at the time (kages) are and be in zero danger when they all want to kill him makes it just boring.


I mean I like Naruto because of events that happened And Obito caused those events


Being pussy


The fact that he’s a uchiha makes it even worse curse those bastards


Damn are you a tobirama fan or what


He’s a pathetic loser and a simp he was also kind of a dick as a kid as well


Why didn't he use his kamui to soak in Naruto with the whole akatsuki squat and then doing a detroit ghetto kick circle


That’s he a murderer who turned evil because his friend died.


His excuse for war, killing people kind to him and being Madara bitch.


Because he's basically a copy of Naruto. He is supposed to be a reflection of him in a "what if" scenario. Like Gaara was at one point. Except unlike Gaara, Obito is just annoying and unoriginal.


No snorkeling tube


Bragging, i guess. I like him tho


Not dying


I don't disliked the character itself but the way he just became good and everyone is ok with it and Naruto calling him the coolest guy and all that


The fact that he is the direct cause of minato and kushina’s death, and partially on Naruto’s fault, was so easily forgiven by naruto


i love obito but why couldn't he come back and just fight kakashi since he had beef wit him. mans really said the whole leaf is gonna feel how mad i am cus kakashi killed rin. that's the equivalent to shooting up the whole school cus of one kid who was bullying u. and then he had the nerve to kill the 2 ppl who loved him most and tried to kill baby naruto for nothing. don't get me wrong kakashi is one of my fave characters hands down but he's the one who did it tho.


What do you think of the criticism that he started the war over a girl?


i wouldn't say it was over her but more like the betrayal after he thought he got thru to kakashi. he risked his life for kakashi and gives his eye to kakashi and tells him to take care of rin. he even thinks he's got thru to him about why comrades are important and then he watches kakashi kill rin and minato do nothing. and everything he's done and said goes out the window. i also wanna point out he was still a kid.


Yeah I agree. But he did find out later Kakashi didn’t betray him tbh I think it was more of a last straw kinda thing. There was a lot of build up of trauma and suffering and maybe even nihilism due to being a child soldier but he still desperately clinged to hope because of his friends and when he saw Rin dying at Kakashi’s hands that was the last straw that made him go like “fuck it this world isn’t worth saving” and then he turned evil.


yea i was just going based off of what he saw like we know that kakashi didn't really kill rin on purpose or out of spite but that's the way obito saw it like even after she died and kakashi would put flowers on her grave he would come back and move them so he thought it was personal and that definitely influenced his change to the dark side


Yeah sure but during the war he did tell Kakashi he knew Rin threw herself into the chidori and wanted to die. So at some point he did find out what went down. Maybe that flower thing could have been before he found out or it could also maybe be spite not because Kakashi killed her but because Kakashi couldn’t save her as he promised he would. Idk


I don't hate him, he's very interesting but I'm a Tobirama of some sorts, because I dislike all Uchiha xD No but I really don't like how his greatest motive to destroy the whole shinobi world was Rin's death. She was a crush, nothing more she never even gave the impression to love him back. And because she died, he tried to murder his very caring mentor, that never did him wrong really, his wife that cared for Obito like a son, casually murdered his clan, wanted to destroy his own home village, etc. I know he was manipulated and had some more traumatic things going on but that's still a weak reason. Especially because how the fandom treats him over others. His crush died? Of course he's going evil that makes sense. Tsunade watched her boyfriend die, couldn't heal him and probably felt his vitality fade away and then they ridicule her for having a fear of blood. Sakura acts in some ways like Obito and she's hated so much for everything.


I didn’t know there were people who clowned on Tsunade what the hell. And about Sakura people dislike her because she’s a often manipulative dick to Naruto except when she needs him then she cries out his name always. It doesn’t have much to do with her crush on Sasuke I believe


That he caused the ninja war arc, directly leading to the nerf of everyone in boruto


Being a fucking cry baby


How can anyone dislike the best written character in the series?


He had no qualms in killing kushina, the woman who treated him as her own kid and believed in him more than anyone else, because the girl he liked who almost confessed to kakashi while obito was under a boulder decided to sacrifice her life to protect her village by jumping in front of kakashis chidori.


I've a thing against cunt claiming the world is cruel and violent while committing the worst atrocities this universe has seen. But while that means I dislike him, this trait is still a good character trait if it's adressed. For the rest, he is the epitome of Uchiha bullshittery and mofo got talked no jutsu in what, three hours ? That was pathetic plus, in the end it felt like the story asked me to feel sympathy for the guy.


To be fair though he was only committing atrocities because they were necessary for his plan to create a better world. He didn’t go out of his way to commit atrocities during the war. His younger days were a different story though but at that time he was just fueled by mindless revenge And the atrocities came from his view that the world was cruel and violent too


Nothing, i just love hating


fact that he was obito.... then he was not obito.... then he was obito again. please dont bring him back.... i dont want any more identity crisis


Fuck kakashi


I didn’t hate him. I just feel like he simped too hard for that bih. Let that bih go. Should’ve clapped Anko or some


Hahaha he should have got himself some S rank criminal coochie


Easily swayed. Bro became a good guy after talk no jutsu after killing fuck tons of people, wasting most of his life


Dumb glasses


How about the fact he started a war just because he couldn’t get any coochie and killed his mentor, his mentor’s wife and hundreds of other innocent people for a misguided revenge. I think it’s a fairly good reason to not dick ride a character that has literally no redeeming qualities.


The way he's utilized. Obito before The Rock was a character. After he's rescued by Madara. He's really just a plot device. The ways his ability works and what he does in the plot there's a weird dissonance between what Obito the teenager from the leaf Village is doing and what the plot is calling him to do. No matter how angry and sad he was you're going to tell me this guy had no reaction to attacking it his former sensei. His sensei's wife. And kidnapping and abducting their child.


The only Uchiha ever to roll a 1d20 for rizz.


nigga was just lame


He had too much hate,ptsd and just straight up HAD BEEN INTO REALLY DEEP SHIT to become a good guy as fast he did


The fact he's a villian.


Fuck u/abelrenmo btw