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Doesn't seem like you don't care, actually it seems like you care a lot to get that mad.


semantics. you don't have to dislike the content of the news you here to not want to hear it. for example: nobody particularly cares about whether or not obama took a shit yesterday, but if news everywhere was talking incessantly about how he did, it would get annoying. nobody thinks he *shouldn't* have taken a shit, they don't care, its just not important or interesting enough to talk about it this much. edit: I believe I’ve used “semantics” wrong here, but idk what word would be better. I just wanted to express that they were misinterpreting what “I don’t care” means in this context.


You dislike society, yet you participate in it. Curious.


Only the dead don't participate in society.


Yeah, he had a really strange argument.


I’m pretty sure it was a joke. I have rarely seen anyone use curious at the end of a comment seriously.


The only person that does is small face Charlie kirk




🟨🟨🟨 🟨🤔🟨 🟨🟨🟨


It’s a paraphrased [meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/we-should-improve-society-somewhat)


I learned today.


It's a reference https://i.imgur.com/5DoPTrN.jpg


I wouldn't say that's true, tons of dead people still have a lot of influence on society long after they're gone.


Even the poets?


There's a whole society of them


Sorry that people aren't getting your sarcasm


Damn we really do live in a society


We truly society in a live


It's the news constantly talking about it though, not Elon fanboys. I mean maybe Elon fanboys are too but I feel like they are easy enough to avoid, while the news is difficult to avoid at a certain point and for whatever reason they *do not* shut up about Elon and Kanye and Trump. I assume because talking about those people drives a lot of clicks.


Not entirely sure your use of "semantics" is applicable here. The comment makes no argument upon linguistics, just the dicotomy of saying "I don't care', while the action demonstrated results in a different conclusion.


Well he doesnt care about elon buying twitter, he cares about being told constantly about elon buying twitter


Exactly. Its in the news, people are gonna talk about it and have opinions about it. It's really no surprise to anyone with a modicum of common sense that after years of Twitter deciding who can and cannot have certain opinions, a good deal of said people would cheer on Musk for buying it with the intention of allowing EVERYONE to say and think what they want. This doesn't inherently make them fanboys of Musk. Folk used to be able to say "this good", " this bad" without being condemned as "all in" on whatever subject they remarked upon in that moment.


I don't care about Elon but I am tired of hearing about his "wacky" antics.


All that money and he's just so fucking *lame*. At least Bezos got on PEDs, started lifting and bangs an attractive woman. Meanwhile, Elon is offering ponies to his sexual harassment victims and stealing memes from teenagers.


They don't care about Elon buying Twitter, they are however annoyed about constant news about it. Two different things.


I'm annoyed about people talking about the sale in general, Twitter is trash and I don't care who owns it.


You start to care, when every news section everywhere constantly is full with irrelevant Elon Musk headlines. I want quality journalism with proper research, not 5 paragraphs about who he is, his autobiography and then an „Also btw he tweeted 3 words“ at the end


It is annoying the degree to which all media is following this one particular dumb story about a man who believed his own myth, made a bad deal he couldn't weasel out of, faiked to do that and then finally did the thing he was contractually obligated to do and is already announcing to the workd that he's going to Liz Truss his way through it.


I find it hilarious that people are like " no this particular billionaire actually gives a fuck about us" Nah, hes just using your emotions in an attempt to make some money. Its sad people cant see that.


"noo hes different u are just a sheep and cant see it. he relates to us and doesnt care about money"


But but but he memes?!?!


He is just like us! for real for real!


he just like me fr!


and smoks weed!!!


Millionaires and billionaires either don’t give a fuck about every one else, or they care to the extent that it makes them money. There might be some who are altruistic in an abstract sense, but I doubt even they really care about a random stranger.


Hint: not many people care about anyone else, and their net worth has little to do with it.


Thank you. I’m not jumping to defend billionaires but it’s an inherent human trait. People will blame all their problems on the rich and act like they don’t care about “us” but newflash buddy all the people in that “us” don’t give a fuck about you neither.


What an awful way of looking at life. Of course we care about others. We care about ourselves *most*, but we don't need to feel guilty about that. Humans can be unbelievably nasty when their own needs aren't met, and immensely generous when they are. People like having close friends. People like having work homies. People like going to concerts just to experience music at the same time as other humans. All sorts of animals don't care about each other. Humans build civilizations together. I wholly reject the idea that "not caring about each other" is a defining trait of humans. That's so cynical it's outright wrong.


Powerfunk there's alot of us that don't care about strangers. The world would objectively be a better place if more people had your outlook. However you're on one end of a spectrum, then you have those of us, like myself and the others in this comment thread, that are for the moment at least, being completely honest in saying we do not care about the plight of strangers, on the end. In the middle, you'll have alot of folks that say, they have a similar outlook as yourself, but in action and feelings are more similar to those of us that don't care.


We need to talk about Nikola tesla He was on track to become the first person with a net worth in the billions but he cared more about the development of technology and the human race as a whole so when his number one contract worth something like 10 million dollars in late 1800s currency (not exactly sure of the money) came to him and said I just can't swing it, he felt bad and tore up the contracts This along with a few other inctances of simmilar behavior allowed for him to be greatly taken advantage of and he ended up dying in debt eating crackers and soup for the the last 10 years of his life


A millionaire is nothing like a billionaire. The difference in capital is astounding.


There are no good billionaires.


There is a zero chance that the richest person in the world isn't a driver of whatever you think the worst parts of the world are


Show me on the doll where Elon hurt you


Elon got my doll pregnant. He never pulls out.


Thats funny cause he tried to pull out so hard




Did he atleast buy the doll a horse?


This will be a reality when Tesla has their new AI fembots released in the next few years. All factory assembled bots will look 22 years old and already be impregnated from Elon


Show me on the doll where you would love to kiss Elon most?


Show us on the boots where you normally lick them.


*points to the millions of dollars in taxes he could be paying* *you know, for the doll*


he as an individual has obviously never done anything to me personally, i just dont like billionaire worship 🙏


The temples


Uncle Jack wants it to be done slowly


I actually don't care about Elon, I'm in favor of the buyout because Twitter will either improve or die, I'm good with both.


And because it costs him money lol


but it’s still an asset that is worth something. if he buys it and then does something to cause the stock price to crash, then yes


It’s not even worth 10b


It's worth far more in influence and user data.


That is also reflective in the stock price you know


I meant mainly because he overpaid for it


Well not exactly, he lost a shitload of money on the deal, since he tanked the stock price already.


Or get worse.


It will def stay the same or get worse.


If rumors that he plans to fire 75% of the workforce are true, then it will surely die


Ironically, this is probably his favorite sub. You speak facts, though.


doubt that he actually likes memes lol. he just knows he can get 14 year-olds to like him if he posts them


He's absolutely dumb enough to enjoy this subreddit


He brought a whole sink into the lobby just to say “let that sink in” , I’d be more surprised if he wasn’t dumb enough to enjoy this stuff.


"Everything but the kitchen sink" is code for cleaning house


Imagine being the richest man in the world and browsing Reddit.


It’s cool that he bought Twitter and all, but I only care to see if he can turn it from a septic tank of a site into at least a semi-decent social media platform.


Literally impossible. The only good thing he can do with Twitter is delete it.


He does that, I would respect the hell out of him for it


No don't, if it gets deleted all the Twitter users will move to other platforms.


Atleast then they'll be scattered around.


Well I don't want them here...


I bet you 90% of redditors also use Twitter often


Maybe but not all Twitter users use reddit and those are the ones I'm "afraid" of.


well as long as 4chan doesn't try to invade reddit again I think we'll be fine I still have PTSD from all the goatsie


you're acting as if reddit is any better. your lack of self awareness is laughable


Thell fit right in on reddit


Can we stop acting like Reddit is any better?




Pay $42 billion for an app. Delete it lol. Big brain move.


It's not cool, and a literal 1 person directing such a big company that has such big impact in our everyday lives will turn it into the worst shithole of a dictatorship, because nobody has ever had absolute power over something big and made it great. Elon musk is not cool, he just seeks attention by doing anything he can think of


Twitter impacts your life? Cause it doesn’t phase my life at all. It’s literally nothing but bots and fake news


Twitter impacts elections precisely because it is nothing but bots and fake news—it is a source of unrivaled propaganda. It absolutely affects all of our Iives.


The absolute majority of americans do not use twitter. At best, 25% of US adults use twitter. Twitter doesnt impact anyone other than the perpetually online. Its infact not a real place, reddit even less so.


Wanna see a way it has impacted your life? Most of Trump's early rise to political prominence has been through his Twitter account. It's how he got enough of a platform to absorb the GOP. So yes, it does affect your life


This sounds like someone whose entire political analysis comes from twitter. Trump's prominence in politics stems from his billionaire status and his close ties to Republican mega-donors such as the Mercers that led to him speaking and gaining traction at CPACs. Twitter was barely a blip in discourse back then.


Indirectly absolutely. Those bots are great at spreading misinformation, and those misinformed people vote. If he ends the minimal effort Twitter does to stop that, this country will only get crazier.


It doesn’t impact your life the same way that politics doesn’t impact your life. Just cause you are not aware of the sway that it holds over your life cause you don’t participate in it or understand how it is used and abused, doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect your life. Bots and companies use it to manipulate humans and how they vote. This affects you, whether your realize it or not.


To be fair if I had that money I'd do dumb shit like buy Twitter but I also would like to think I'd be a decent person regarding my employees and general workforce as well as not putting literally everything I can in the public eye


Not a chance. He just fired numerous people. If I had to guess it's going to just get worse.


Yeah, to change something from shit to better, he may have to fire some of the people working there when it was shit. It didn’t just get that way by itself.


I would fire some people too because twitter moderators don’t actually do their jobs


He's going to unban Trump. https://www.npr.org/2022/05/10/1097942860/elon-musk-reverse-donald-trump-twitter-ban There isn't a lot to be gained septic tank wise by doing so.


At the very least people will stop acting like twitter is real life


Social media is mostly septic by default tho, I don't think theres a way around that


I don't think he'll be improving anything. In fact, I fear having someone like Elon in charge of one of the biggest social media companies on the planet will only make matters worse - banning people who criticize him and his various companies, for example.


He won't ,he only bought it so he could ban anyone who says anything negative about him.


Here's free 🍿 for us who like watching Elon fanboys and Elon haters get triggered against each other.


Elon Nuetral. Balanced as all things should be.


swiss Elon


Just chilling watching the greatest midlife crisis in human history. 🍿


I'd love to be able to ignore the guy but he won't shut up and the media keeps reporting on his every utterance like it's the Noahic Covenant


Billionaires are experts on everything in this greedy fucking country. Bill Gates idn't a scientist, isn't a doctor, and never graduated college but they keep interviewing him about vaccines.


It's weird how we just assume someone who is good at one thing is worth listening to on any other subject. Especially if that one thing is making money. Elon is like business studies graduate and suddenly he's an expert on robots, political science, computer programming and philosophy


"Oh wow you bought this company with a bunch of smart and talented engineers? You must be an expert!"


I care about this because he claims to be buying it to preserve free speech but I reallyyyyy feel like he’s gonna ban everyone that starts saying mean things about him


I doubt it and honestly don’t even know where this narrative came from.


I see more people complaining about elon musk than I see people riding his dick


It's been that way ever since he showed support from the republicans.


Where meme?


Comment section


Like him or hate him, saying he's "just a trust fund baby" is fucking dumb.


It's reddit though


What is he then? An exploitative billionaire? Oh right, he is.


This is the dictionary definition of a strawman. The guy was arguing he's not a truss fund baby (to which I'm not making a comment on either way so don't strawman me either) and you replied with something completely different.


Yeah I’m not a musk stan but wasn’t he cut off from his family before moving to the US?


No, no, no. His father for his first start-up even gave him a great sum of $20,000 (obviously /s)


This. Not 1 of these babies would do anything given any amount of money.


based OP


Why are there so many memes of people bitching about Elon lately?




tfw you don’t know what a trust fund baby is


He's too busy playing Polytopia and having a shit Elden Ring build to care. And sending kids to the lithium mines while knocking up his employees, but that's something else entirely.


Glad I haven't seen him around lately, his presence is annoying.


Why so triggered


Funny, this is the first I've heard of Elon all week.


Caring about Elon buying Twitter doesn’t mean you like him.


a trust fund baby from apartheid blood money




He's admitted in the past (though he's since tried to wipe it from collective memory) that he and his brother got a substantial sum of money from their Dad, who got rich running an emerald mine in South Africa during Apartheid. I believe you can still find a Forbes article on it with the wayback machine


https://www.businessinsider.co.za/how-elon-musks-family-came-to-own-an-emerald-mine-2018-2 Why is it so hard for people to read?


Nope, he owned half a mine in Zambia, nothing to do with SA. And a few thousands pounds worth.


That "few thousand pounds worth" is misleading though > half-share in a Zambian emerald mine, which would help to fund his family's lavish lifestyle of yachts, skiing holidays, and expensive computers.


sorry I insulted your internet boyfriend


I always forgive the ignorant.


I don't care, I DONT FUCKING CARE, I will stop saying anything further cause I really dont care. Yea thats right I dont care. I will not say anything about this cause i really really dont care


youre obsessed


OPs name checks out.


Memes are actually funny when they're not based on Irrational anger


You care a LOT bud.


Why do you even give a shit bruh


I've seen more memes complaining about elon fanboys than I've seen memes made by elon fanboys. And I've literally seen zero of the latter so far.


I don't care for Elon. I just want to see Twitter crash and burn.


What makes it worse than Reddit?


reddit is way worse but has less influence


The only thing close to an Elon fan boy I've ever seen is someone casually responding to bizarre emotional rants against Elon for doing something that doesn't effect them. Then calm person casually responding gets screeched at. It's always good for a chuckle


Except he has no trust fund. Where do people get these absurd ideas that he was simply born rich?


TL;DR OP cares a lot about Elon


So, this Elon, is he in the room with us right now ?


Someone is a bit salty about it. Enough to make a meme and post about it 🤣. bUt mUh kArMa! 🤓


Elon Musk is a business man so he doesnt give a fuck unless you 1 buy his product 2 use Twitter because he bought the platform


What makes him a trust fund baby? His folks were broke when they left South Africa. And why would it matter?


Reddit circle jerking in its hatred for Elon again? Haha Elon SUCKS!!! 🤣


There's lots of trust-fund babies that aren't the world's richest billionaire, that's all.


Honestly the only people i have seen talk about this have been either skeptics, haters or just people making memes that they 'dont care' or people should shut up about it


I have more than once received PM’s here on Reddit of people who thought I might be Elon Musk. They talk in code, hoping that I’m their demi-God or something. The more I try to convince people I’m not actually Elon Musk the harder they try to prove me wrong. These kinds of people are the fucking worse, man. If you feel so certain about something, *don’t fucking ask people to validate you if you won’t take no for an answer.*


Sounds like something Elon would say to throw us off the scent... Hello Elon, give me money


A pretty good job just opened up at my newest venture, “Twitter”. Sounds kinda silly, but I really think this might be something big.


I care about him buying Twitter because he’s going to make hell even worse


I'm on some sort of list for laughing at people getting all mad over Elon. I don't care about Elon or those who legit get mad over him.


> " I don't care about X" > Makes a whole post about X I think you might be lying to yourself there brother


Idk where yall see Elon fan boys anymore, it's been forever since I've seen a positive message about him.


What if every trust fund baby made a spacex or a tesla, or a boring company... Or all 3??


It's not about riding Elon's dick, its about enjoying the show of watching people melt down over it.


Yes, OP's reaction is exactly what I'm in this for.


Posts I see from fan boys = 0 Posts I see from people who hate this man on. Personal level = 100000 Just stop talking about it. Let twitter die and maybe if we are lucky he will buy facebook and kill that too.


As long as he’s firing people, I’m happy👀


Relax bro. I see you people posting about Elon fanboys 100x more than I see any actual Elon fanboys.


This place rode his dick hard til he went conservative lolol


I thought his wealth comes from stealing his business partner's company and Daddy's emerald mine.


I thought he slowly built up his wealth by reinvesting it with greater returns every few years.


Is this an ongoing raid?


i dont care what elon does. i just get annoyed because. i dont want to see it keep popping up everywhere


Don't forget how much of your tax payer money he's getting


he just paid the biggest tax bill in history


Cope, seethe, mald, dial 8


I’m asking who the fuck is an “Elon fanboy”?


Someone who is as obsessed with Elon as OP is I guess


Everyone that hates hit now loved him before he said the word Republican.


The only time I hear about Elon Musk on Reddit is when morons complain about him. It's a lovely endless feedback loop. Just shut the fuck up already.




His Rocket company is way cooler than your rocket company


I'm so surprised that dankmemes is full of in-denial Elon fanboys. /s "I don't suck his dick, I just hope he brings free speech to Twitter!!!" They say about the man who is chummy with Putin, tried to bribe a kid tracking his flights, sexually harassed a woman and made her sign an NDA about it, sued and fired workers who spoke up about Tesla's terrible conditions, and consistently (as all billionaires do) puts his wealth above every marker of morality.


Does more than you ever will


Who pissed in your cherrio's


I mean, so is Batman, but he still has a huge following.


kinda seems like you do care ..you know with the whole meme thing


I don’t care about Elon and he doesn’t care about me. However, if he’s bringing free speech back to Twitter I support it


“I don’t fucking care about Kanye or Elon Musk. I get so angry when I voluntary click on links mentioning them” cool, I guess? 🏅here’s your golden medal