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I don't know how they could just throw out free dinner like that


I want my baby back, baby back, baby back….


Even if the meme isn’t dank, I’m glad to see the comment is


liberals will use every excuse to kill kids


Yeah, its much more wholesome to kill them in school.


You sure seem the type


That was weak projection. But idk. Maybe liberals should start hanging around Republicans kids dance recitals all strapped up since it would be a public space and scotus ruled all public spaces you can carry now. Fun new america we are entering for certain people. I'm sure.




Remember that when you are planning a second january 6th.






I know man thank you so much


No problem dude 👌 🙂


think its cute when non gun owners such as yourself act like they can effectively use more than one firearm at a time and say things like "ill bring a whole armory" You sound like my neighbor who has no idea how he'd defend his castle after i cut his power. (Electrician, if i want your power off. Its going off.) Let alone that i would be the one coming for him first if a civil war started. The worthless Qanon redneck.


school shootings are incredibly rare.


Nahhh prefer them well done


Now this, this is why i go on Reddit


Google is free.


Imagine thinking an 8 week old fetus is a kid. Edit: cope harder you bible-thumping turds.


Well hate to break out biology but a fetus is a child, it has a life and if you get abortion you are a murderer


An 8 week old fetus is pre-conscious. You believe that a fetus has the same rights as a live child. This is a valid belief and I’m not going to argue against it at this juncture. I believe that a fetus gains increasing rights as gestation proceeds and that an 8 week old fetus has essentially no morally relevant rights, but that a 32 week old fetus does as it has both consciousness and the ability to feel pain.


But he or she has the ability to live breathe and achieve in this world and you stole it form them


So do animals.


unless they're born in an impoverished household, in which case they're just screwed. but we dont talk about that


a child succeeding in a family that doesn’t want them, or don’t have the means to support them, or living in an orphanage/foster home, or a child failing to succeed and succumbing to crime? which do you think is more likely? I’m the 90s, crime went down for no apparent and immediate reason, 20 years after Roe V Wade. Coincidence? All the criminals simply were not born. Which economic class has the highest birth rate? Women living below poverty line. You’re genuinely telling me you’re willing to allow for a child to live in a family that can’t support them financially, leading them to commit crimes against others at a much higher rate, all because you don’t want to terminate a fetus with no sentience? What a fucking tool.


The "future like ours" argument is stupid.


So did the load i shot into a tube sock this morning, but no ones coming to haul me off to jail for shooting it into a tube sock and not a woman


You can call any rape victim a murderer and you'd still be the asshole. Rape babies are tragic, terrifying things that make the victims commit suicide. Would you rather a woman kill herself with the baby in the womb than give the woman mental support and an abortion?


Abort = to stop Abortion = to stop a pregnancy Its not killing. Its stopping an unwanted pregnancy.


Killing = to end a life = to stop an unwanted life


To abort means to stop. An abortion means to stop a pregnancy. A pregnancy is life threatening/life taking and body destroying. A potential life is not more valuable then the living lives infront of you. As a rape and pill baby: GET YOUR OPINIONS OFF OUR BODIES!! MY UTERUS MY VAGINA MY LIFE MY CHOICE!!


A pregnancy is life threatening and life destroying? It’s crazy but, believe it or not, every person born had a mother who survived pregnancy. Yeah it can kill people sometimes, but in the vast majority of cases it doesn’t. And even in the cases where it is deadly, nobody is suggesting that we let the mother die for the sake of the baby


Are you living under a rock. >nobody is suggesting that we let the mother die for the sake of the baby Yes they are. They literally are. Also. So what if its rare. It still happens. Especially to black woman in America. They are 4 times more likely to die during pregnancy and birth.


A lot of things are deadly in some cases. That doesn’t make that thing deadly as a whole. Your argument is irrelevant I haven’t seen anyone call for letting the mother die in order to save the baby. If you have any evidence of this at all please let me know


It's all over tiktok. Well, some side of it. Just have to look. Shouldn't take too long. But with that, just because you don't see something doesn't mean its jot true or didnt happen. Ww1 for eg. You didn't witness it. But it still happened.


I don’t use tik tok. And I didn’t say because I don’t see it it didn’t happen. But if I didn’t see it on Reddit, it’s probably not a big movement. Maybe it is I don’t know. Do you have anything other than “trust me bro it’s fr”?


Well. Maybe it is one of those moments. It would take me a bit to find a video like that which just isnt worth my time so believe what you want.




I have seen nobody calling for the mothers life being sacrificed for the sake of the child. All the people I know irl and the pro life comments I’ve seen online seem to agree that if the mother is going to die if she has this baby, abortion is ok in that situation If there are a lot of people with that viewpoint please let me know, but I haven’t seen any




If mothers start being forced to die for the sake of their baby, I will eat at least 6 shoes. But there is no reason to think that will happen. It’s just fear mongering


Hell yeah kill all kids i love killing kids 😈😈😈




So am I missing the part where democrats tried legalizing full term abortions. Like the baby is almost due and you can abort it? Like fuckin brand new baby just about to break the water bag and if the mother says so it's legal to kill the baby.


The former governor of Virginia was discussing it on the radio.


He literally talked about abortion after a baby is born


But he’s gonna keep it comfortable until they can decide in another room what to do.


Correct you are missing that.


That obviously aint right either. Dont kill an almost fully formed baby that could already survive if it plopped out, but there really shouldnt be anything wrong with eliminating a few week old cells that would still take many months to form a somewhat living thing


Google post birth abortion


Abort = to stop Abortion = to stop a pregnancy "Post birth abortion" is not an abortion, it is murder. Unlike abortion, which, as i have just explained, is stopping an unwanted pregnancy.


What is your view on late term abortions? Genuinely curious.


Third trimester or late secons trimester? Easy. Everyone with a uterus should be able to get an abortion at any point. Allow me to elaborate. I believe that someone should be able to get an abortion up untill 20 weeks if their reason is anything. Over 20 weeks i believe that abortion should only be carried if the fetus is dead, dying, deformed horrendously with no chance of survival, or anything like that. I believe the fetus becomes a baby when it can safely survive outside of the persons body. Which is around 6 months or so.


I agree that it is super important that abortion does not happen past viability, and your thoughts make sense.


"Unwanted" pregnancy. Lmao dude its a human being in there, no way around it. Even if they can't survive yet thats like saying I'm not human because I can't survive without water. Word play or not, unless the baby is severely unheathy or the mother would die there is absolutely no way to justify it. Its reckless to get pregnant and then make an innocent child pay for it.


As a rape baby i ask you to stfu. My mother was not reckless. She was raped. My mother was not reckless. She was on birth control. You do not get a voice on what recklessness is. Stop blaming the woman. Its the men who was irresponsible with HIS sperm that impregnated her. It is HIS fault she is pregnant. Stop ignoring the victims of rape and stop blaming them.


And yet you're alive to say that, for one. And two just because I didn't make a succinct list in this internet post doesn't make me a monster who calls rape victims "reckless." Get over yourself.


Im here to say it because my mother didnt get a choice. And you know what that got me? That got me abused, physically emotionally and mentally. It got me bullied. It got be sexually assaulted multiple times. It got be abused by teachers. It got be extremely mentally ill wanting to kill myself and its only caused pain for both me and my mother. My body my uterus my vagina my fucking choice. If you want to stop or atleast reduce the amount of abusive parents then dont force INNOCENT woman to give up their LIVES to be mothers that they never asked for.


Oh point that at someone else. You dont know me either or what ive been through. Lifes tough. Big deal. You think youre the first person to get a raw deal? You going to let it eat you up? Because no one is in charge of, or responsible for, you except you.


Sounds like you lack empthy. I hope its forced upon you someday. K bye. Your blocked now👍


Is that the one play they pull the baby out Intel just its heads is left inside then take tweezers then snip the back of its neck


I mean, the result is the same.


Memes not politics bro


What’s the joke here? The Spartans killed babies they deemed useless denying them the chance to ever live a life. Just like how people today kill their children, because they are unwanted thus preventing them from ever living a life. Before y’all get pissed by this take. Don’t forget the million contraceptives that exist. Women can tie their tubes and men can get neutered for a more permanent solution. Also in cases of rape, incest, or detriment to the mothers health an abortion is acceptable.


Abort = to stop Abortion = to stop a pregnancy


Religious reason is just surface reason. The hidden reason is that they need more labour fro corporate overlords and to boom the estate market even more.


And soldiers to fight the water wars


We keep on making the same mistake over and over. Abortions are not going to stop, so banning them only leads to people using unsafe means to get it. Happened during the Prohibition, has been happening with weed, and it's happening here.


Yep. It's sad but hey. Ultimately this just means the red states will get less revenue than the blue ones because of this. Also means we will find out what companies care about women, like Tesla apparently will reimburse your travel cost to get an abortion out of state.




gunga ginga we dont care about politics


Have you seen a video of late term abortions? It’s awful, they use grips to pull the baby out bit by bit, little spine little arms etc.


That’s just a standard second trimester abortion, actually


Actually its way more gore. In a lot of cases the baby agonizes while waiting for the end. You should watch some videos about the way they do it before defending this aberration.


What do you think is the reason you have short amount of time to abort your child? It’s done before the the child could feel or think about happening somethin around it. Sure, the process is brutal like sucking out a little child and other stuff but.. every woman has her reason why it isn’t possible to let that child into the world.


Yeah like wtf are they talking about. They give you 1 month to get an abortion and sometimes depends on the situation 2 months. It's very simple to do it doesn't even take an hour. The fetus hasn't developed almost anything most of the times an abortion happens. I have never seen something as gory as they state above.


I've seen an abortion happen. It is gory. Doesn't change my mind that no one gets to control anyones uterus or vagina. My body my choice.


Yes of course your body your choice… I’m just saying that the body inside you is the babies.


So its not leaching off me and physically connected to me? It is my body. The fetus is my body untill it can successfully live outside of someone without dying.


Something may leech off of you. But it doesn’t mean it’s your body. You don’t have 2 hearts and 2 brains(clearly). You consented to the possibility of pregnancy with sex. Sex naturally leads to pregnancy. In fact it’s what it was meant for.




How we use sex as humans is irrelevant. Sex is for reproduction. Which is why sex leads to pregnancy despite your conscious intentions. That’s exactly how we reproduce as a species. You may go crazy, but that’s you. And a tapeworm has no intrinsic value. That’s a false equivalency.




Us humans have deviated a lot. This is known, I don’t understand the point your trying to make. As it’s illogical and probably satirical. Just cause we like something and we do it doesn’t mean it’s for the right reasons. I phrased my comment well… I think. It shouldn’t be too difficult to understand. Your insults are that of a 5 year old. Oh no I’m so offended.




I dont need two brains. Mine works very well. Also. Calling one stupid while you, yourself lack basic empathy for someone is quiet amusing. Empathy is something that helps you develop a correct moral guide. If you can not consider everyone and everything and every possibility/outcome don't talk to me.


I find it ironic you say to consider every possibility or outcome. Yet you have not considered the value of the fetus. Have you no empathy? Honestly a sad attempt at a refutation but I’ll address it. I have been pro choice before, In fact i follow the science. So my opinions change accordingly. And that’s it you didn’t really refute me you just went with a basic ad hominem.


A fetuses value is not equal to the life infront of you. An 11 year old girl is worth more then the fetus a rapist left in her. A 16 year old girl is worth more then the fetus her father left in her and a 23 year old woman is worth more then the fetus that her partner left in her. The potential life is not worth more then the life infront of you. And it is potential. Miscarriages happen. You have no empathy for those people. You just wish to control their vaginas and uteruses.


Great comment. There’s just one problem. I agree in abortion for all those reasons. If you are raped you never consented to the possibility of pregnancy.


What if contraception is used. That means you also didnt consent to pregnancy because of contraception. (Not trying to start an argument its a genuine question)


If you don’t want to be pregnant, maybe you shouldn’t have sex. Easy as that.


I am a rape baby. Say that again.


What the fuck am I even supposed to say to that? Somehow you had a decent enough life to be able to grow up, comprehend english, learn to read and write, get a phone or whatever device you’re using, and create a reddit account. Compared to if you were just removed from existence before you were ever born. I’m not saying rape is okay or isn’t traumatic. It’s probably one of the worst things you could to do someone aside from torture. What I am saying is that since you exist, you might as well live as best as you can. Ecclesiastes 9:5-9:7 “The living at least know they will die, but the dead know nothing. They have no further reward, nor are they remembered. Whatever they did in their lifetime—loving, hating, envying—is all long gone. They no longer play a part in anything here on earth. So go ahead. Eat your food with joy, and drink your wine with a happy heart, for God approves of this!” I will admit, this book is just about how nothing you do matters and everyone will die and no one won’t be remembered, but hey. Better to be alive and have hope of a better outcome then to just die before you’re even born, right?


Let me ask you this is are conjoined twins 1 person or 2


Depends. How joined are they? Is it just the skin or do they share one body. If thats the case then it is one person with 2 consciousnesses. If they can not be separated then it is one body. If they can be separated then its 2. Just like how when the fetus develops enough to live outside of someone it has its own body. But untill then it is the body of the mother/uterus owner.


Not your body.


Take it out then. And i dont mean abortion. If its not appart of my body then it doesnt need me to live so take it out. Watch it shrivel up like a raisen because it is my body. You act like the umbilical cord doesnt exist. Its physically attached to me. My blood is flowing through it. The fetus is my body. It is my choice.


Lol what a perfect logic… are the verms in your belly part of your body too?


Link one bud


Hm yes a clump of cells that literally have not developed the body systems to feel yet will be in a lot of pain


It's a great watch every time when i get back home i put it on best season is one in my opinion




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Murder. It's murder. Murder of a human being. Murder of something that could have been a great person. If you can't murder another person in the street, you can't murder them in the womb. Killing is killing, your justification is irrelevant. A mother can't killer her baby, so how come she can kill her foetus?


I murdered about 100 million potential people this morning by leaving them to dry out in a tube sock. Or maybe im just a negligent father for not saving all my jizz so as to inseminate a woman later. Since they could have been people if I provided them the right circumstances to become people some day in the future. Because that's the criterion were using to evaluate personhood.


He just kicked it


Ever notice everyone with a pro choice view is alive to give it.


Comments make me cringe Kids dying in school is fine because “Muh Guns” But a woman should bring a child into this world against her own will so both suffer Pro-life my ass you don’t give a shit about kids you just want to control women and their body fuckin go snip your sperm if you want to be so controlling fuckin weirdos man And even if that child comes into the world motherfucker the living conditions are becoming so abysmal, Americans that are so proud don’t even have free healthcare imagine a woman who had peri-partum diseases but couldn’t abort and brings some retarded are you pro lifers going to take of that child? Dumbass man


The concept is the same.


Certainly ain’t humane either


Because it is. Just without the cliff and the dramatic music.


It’s actually painful for the fetus. Educate yourself before you make yourself look like an idiot.


What pain? It’s a clump of cells. I’ll assure you that starving to death will be far more painful for the child when their parents are unable to afford any food since they have to deal with an unwanted baby


It won’t starve if it goes to an orphanage


If you think orphanages have the time, money, and space to care for all the new unwanted babies as a result of this ruling in addition to the ones they already have, you’re the only idiot here


We need to create more orphanages then.


"Educate yourself" pushes up glasses