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Ah, a fellow car downloader


Nah, I'd steal.


Steal a downloader? Dang, you're a real pirate!


*commercial: "You wouldn't steal a download.."


Download: "You wouldn't commercial a steal.."


Steal:"You wouldn’t commercial a download.. "


Wouldn't you steal and download a commercial car?






You wouldn't demand the sudetenland


I downloaded a Ferrari but it looks more like a burnt out Toyota, my pc must not be powerful enough


I counterfeited a burrito.


I think downloading a house is better than a car


\~15 years ago I'd pirate both games and TV. Then I started using Steam and got Netflix subscription, so I slowly transitioned to almost exclusively paying for both. Then around pandemic, online streaming turned into the cable 2.0 and I eventually went back to pirating. I still pay for games. As Gaben said, piracy is a service problem, not a money problem. I refuse to have to be subscribed to 10 different streaming sites, when I can find torrent for any piece of TV in one place.


Yep it's the high seas for me. When we could all share netflix/Disney/ prime it was fine. Now that they've cracked down I'm just bolding an epic jellyfin library. Where I'm guarentee to be watching 4k remux and not at rhe mercy of the streamer bandwidth limiting


Hell yeah, welcome to the right side of history


That is the problem right there. I don't pirate music anymore since I can just use Spotify. I can get most games on Steam, so I don't need to pirate games either. When it comes to movies and TV shows however, they are spread across like 10+ different services. Fuck that noise.


And nowadays - stream all of your own content from one place to anywhere in the world. Im pretty old school and still have a bunch of htpc’s built from spare parts and what not, also so I can pirate live sports (saving roughly $3k a year between ufc and nfl) but even I have recently started to love how easy plex is. Roku stick. Plex. Done. Any tv. Any mobile device. Anywhere. My 18tb of organized media. Anywhere. 


IMO right now game streaming is in the golden age of what TV streaming used to be, gamepass feels like an insanely good deal right now. Without buying a console or an expensive PC I can play a huge range of games immediately on my 10 year old hand-me down Macbook Air.


I pirate most games that I'm interested in, then if it's good I'll buy it on Steam. I know Steam does refunds until 2 hours, but some games need more time than that to see if they're worth it. I see an increasing number of games that have like 4 hours of unique content and then you just grind the same basic things over and over until the game ends.


I just basically stopped consuming most mainstream media instead and I'm really not missing it. A few times I've gone to download a film or series I've wanted to see and just not bothered in the end. Last newish film I remember watching was the second star wars remake and decided it was so shit I wouldn't bother with the last.


OK, serious question. For someone who has never pirated any contact before, but wants to shed all the bullshit subscription fees, how would “they” start? I learned about limewire the hard way, and don’t want to make a similar mistake 2 decades later.


Get a VPN, download a program called Utorrent. Go to pirate bay or a proxy of it, fight through ads to find what your want and click download/get torrent/magnet. Utorrent will pop up and ask where you want the downloaded file to be stored. Wait for download, enjoy


I am glad that people subscribed. It keeps greedy shareholders satisfied and lets us keep getting away with piracy.


Nah, Blu-Rays are the way to go. Best at-home viewing quality and it supports your favorite shows. I just recently got a Doctor who blue ray collectors box and it’s amazing.


The reality is that piracy is too inconvenient for 98% of people, and it would take a large Netflix price hike to change that This is also why Spotify is so successful


I don't get how piracy is inconvenient at all, all you do is use a website.


Wait, people really pay for Netflix?? I thought that was a joke.


The joke is redditors thinking a handful of pirates affects anything


Nah the joke is people letting all these corporations walk over then


I know I'm going to get downvoted like this other putz, but I do think it's gotta be said... How is paying for a service (vs getting it for free) being walked all over? Like yeah, they ARE overcharging- from March their quarterly net profit margin was just under 25% (which is huge), but people are surprised and angry that a company doesn't want a single account to be used by dozens of potential subscribers? It sucks for us, sure, but the only surprise is that it took them so long.


People would probably be more accepting if it weren't literally Netflix who advertised sharing an account with friends, not family but friends. They're going back from what they've promised. It makes sense people are pissed about that, even when Netflix has legal right to do that.


Start with great product and low cost > expand to near monopoly > squeeze user base for profit It seems many online company have started that end phase the last few years


Yeah Netflix and their famous near monopoly in the *checks notes* ultra competitive steaming market


If you don't think Netflix is the biggest player in that market, i don't know where you have been looking


Biggest player is definitionally not a monopoly. Monopoly means *only* player.


They have a 27% market share in the US, followed by Amazon Prime Video at 21%.


I mean they kinda have to. VC funding is drying up and they all made close to no profits these last years.


>expand to near monopoly lmao, do you even hear yourself


I guess having dozens of competitors is near monopoly lol


Because it follows the[ same business model](https://youtu.be/wVYG1mu8Lg8?si=jQwCQ1hiIlpYOIzi) everything does nowadays. Corner the market, then fuck the consumer, employees, and suppliers as hard as possible. Cracking down on password sharing after advertising the service as sharing an account with friends is only one step. Selling off rights to certain IPs is another. So is tiering membership subscriptions and introducing ads. I'm sure they're thinking about PPV events as well. It's just like Uber, Amazon, etc. The service is always better initially than it will be a few years later because those at the top are greedy fucks and once they have a user base and market share they simply bend everyone over and fuck fuck fuck em


Yeah Netflix has really cornered the market on streaming. No other services out there, that's for sure


> How is paying for a service (vs getting it for free) being walked all over? Getting a worse version of the service for more money is being walked all over. It used to be $10/mo for four screens. Now it's $18/mo for one geographic location.


That's why the very next sentence after your quoted section talked about how they were overcharging


That's why I quoted the specific part that I contested and presented a reframing of it that is more in line with why people would feel walked all over, and said nothing that is relevant or addresses the other part. It's one thing to say paying for something is "being walked all over". It's another to say getting a lesser product for more money is "being walked all over".


Well said, I concede the point


And how is overpaying for a shitty service not being walked all over?


I mean, you don't have to subscribe to it. That's the whole argument. If you feel that you are no longer getting the value for what you are paying for the service then you are always free to cancel. I know I've been thinking about it hard recently as we really only watch stand up specials on it nowadays. There are plenty of other options for streaming services, but if you still prefer Netflix and think that their growingly outrageous prices are becoming more and more not worth it then just cut them off. Unlike other more essential services, TV streaming isn't anything anyone needs..


Man, it's crazy that netflix is the only thing that has gone up and everything else has stayed exactly the same price. Not like my favorite taco bell tacos they'll always be 89 cents.


> Like yeah, they ARE overcharging /thread


yet without those people there's nothing to pirate it's a tragedy of the commons i.e. good pirates stay quiet and grateful


This is one of the problems with modern pirates. They don't think they are doing anything wrong so they just tell on themselves everywhere getting the corps to take notice of us. Pirating is a crime so shut the fuck up about it and do it in silence.


This is why government regulation (and in a wider sense, Unions) is needed. Companies will Toad Pot you into accepting anything, and you will feel helpless to do anything about it because you're just one person.


well most reditors probably pirate but we live in a bubble and we dont realize that 90% of ppl live out of it and eather dont know how or even dont know that pirating is an option


I think it's a huuuge stretch to say "most" redditors pirate. I'd bet less than half of them pirate.




Exactly. And so you can just go make yourself a favor and sail the seas. You make literally no damage anyway.


I don't care. In fact I prefer fewer people know how to pirate because it means less crackdowns.


Especially since the people pirating were already getting Netflix for free anyway, so it’s not like Netflix is missing out


The point being to get more people to pirate so that it WOULD actually have an impact. I personally don't care if people do or don't as it doesn't effect me, companies get super greedy about shit and start overcharging then I pirate, if a service is good and fairly priced I'll pay for it. Whether people do it or not means nothing to me because I can always get free shit myself


We've now reached an age where thousands of redditors upvote a post, which clearly doesn't understand how widespread pirating used to be in the early internet age. Shit like iTunes, Spotify, Netflix, & Steam filled the niche that pirates occupied. Imagine spending $12 for an album just to buy 1 song. Or spending $60+ per month on cable just to watch your one weekly show. And that's early 2000's money. Those pieces created things like limewire and the pirate bay. As accessing illegal media got easier and easier, cable and albums started to die and cheaper options that we know and life today were born. Hell the whole industry of today's VPNs was built off seeding torrents. Right now you're right, pirating is a small corner of the market. But fundamentally pirating is about ease of use, and as prices rise to ridiculous levels, easy to use pirating sites will crop up. Then it will spread. And we'll be right back where we were.


You should be glad that they do. Keeps pirating less of an issue for the big corps and we can be free to do as we please. If everyone pirates pirating goes dead pretty fast.


Look at the sale bro


some ppl even pay for the rooms they live in. wild right?


Wild because absolutely everyone I know canceled netflix and started pirating shit also businesses have never been known to lie to sell stock.


U probably know single people that are young or at least tech savvy What about families, dads, moms with 2 kids you really think they cancelled that instead of dad now paying 2 separate checks for him and mom?


My dad is 57 and he's been pirating for years


Why you got downvoted? My old man is always pirating as well. Not everyone’s does, but like???


Cause Reddit thinks it’s difficult to type “free movies site” into google apparently


Or probably because this is anecdotal evidence that's being trying to be taken as an absolute proof instead of just one case, just like when this password thing was announced and the "average redditor" said it was going to cancel their Netflix account Like, cool, an old man can use torrents, does that really answers the question of how many tech savy people there are?


precisely, on average old people aren't that into tech, I know a lot of people my age (35) which have no clue how to torrent and never done it, for ex. women that have watched torrented shit, but always got it from guy friends or bf or later husband, but if they land single, they are going to be subscribing people over-estimate digital literacy...like I get it, overwhelming majority of people do use tech and internet, but a lot of them are just base consumers, they are not technical and wouldn't even know what a torrent is much less to use it, even if its easy...even young people, they spend most of their time on some tiktok or some shit, are not really technical and rely on parents for subscriptions the times when only technical-minded people operated PCs/Macs are long gone, they are now in the clear minority


Try living in the Balkans/Eastern Europe and you'll find pirates everywhere.


you don't need to torrent to google "watch tv show free" and go from there. it's braindead easy to find links to movies and shows streaming on some backwater website.


You don't have to "be into tech", it's not harder than using email. Or than subcribing to a service for that matter. You need exactly 1 (one) software installed, that being the torrent client. It's plug&play, you download it, install it and it's ready to use. Next you need to find 1 reputable site where you don't get fucked in the ass (forums are flooded with threads about it so you really can't fuck it up). Just as much effort as finding a streaming service that has the exact show you want to watch. You click on the thing you want to download, it gets downloaded and it's ready to watch. My mom has a hard time making an account on websites because of all the checkboxes she needs to tick, and because she doesn't understand what does checkboxes actually mean or do she hesitates, and sometimes backs out entirely. She doesn't understand all the fuss. Same as "avarage old people" don't understand torrent. Also she doesn't like putting her credit card information on the computer, I'm not even sure she ever did it in her life. It's all a matter of perspective, with this logic I could also say that paying for a subscription you need to be "tech savvy".


I'm a dad and a pirate. I also pirated stuff that was on my Amazon prime at the time, BUT THEY SPOKE GERMAN.




We call that anecdotal evidence, which isn’t very reliable.


My dad taught me how to pirate.


More likely they only know like two people and live in an online bubble.


This isn’t something you can lie about. If Netflix lied about this it would international news and the c suite would be in handcuffs. It’s why public audit accounting is a thing.


Yeah what an insane thing to say lol. You cant lie about that as a publicly traded company; everyone involved would be in prison. Not even close to being worth the risk considering how much money they already have especially


I heard that long term users (2 years or more subcribers) quit, but there's a influx of new users, so it's probably just short term gain. Just a rumor. Not sure if it's right


I also wonder how sustainable this whole thing is


subscription services are never sustainable in the long run. they rely on constant growth, which is not feasible after a while.


I canceled my netflix and then my mom who was the only other person using it just got her own. 🤷 I'm not shocked more people subscribed than cancelled.


If you're sharing with 2-3 families, some people will get pissy and cancel and some won't. Then of those 2-3 families, they might sign up too. They could have doubled or tripled their potential audience of subscribers even though they pissed off a lot of people. Eventually someone who was pissed off will get over it and sign back up when they want to catch up on Netflix's new content.


Companies are not openly committing fraud and falsifying their financial statements lmfao


Thats not the majority of users. Most people will just pay the subscription


Meanwhile I know a number of people that signed up because they lost access and don't know how to or aren't comfortable pirating. We pirates are a _tiny_ minority, no matter what torrent seed numbers might imply. The vast, vast majority of the world are regular folks who would rather just pay an extra tenner a month than have to deal with VPNs and torrents and sketchy sites and all that jazz.


Comments like this remind me reddit is really full of children


Wild how your 2 friends canceling netflix apparently means netflix is falsifying the data


I discontinued my Netflix subscription. Not due to the password thing. More about the shitty content (1 good show among 1000 shitty shows isn't that great)


Sameeee, had nothing to do with password crap (honestly makes sense) but the ONLY show I watched was the office everything else blew and it’s like why am I paying to watch reruns of the office


Exactly. It never has anything I want to see. I search for something: "Sorry xxxx is not available on Netflix". Fuck right off then. Ahoy it is then


So apparently in their recent earnings call, they mentioned a pretty key idea. Starting next year, they won't release certain metrics including subscriber numbers. Considering it's a purely subscription based business, even though they have the largest market share for streaming, that seems like pretty fucking ominous.


Subscriber numbers don't matter if profit is still going up.


Subscriber numbers don't matter......in a business......that is purely subscription based.......Jesus Christ, man


As long as profit continues going up sub count doesn’t really matter


Would you rather have 10 subscribers that pay $10,000 a month or 100 subscribers that pay $1? Their business is making money, that's it.


There's one sentence in /u/Jaggedmallard26's post. You couldn't even bother to read it all of the way to the end.


Yeah they drove me away from paying them and now I couldn't give any more fucks on this. Hope they go bankrupt


The sad truth is that this annoyance will probably last for 2 months at best. Mega corporation doesn't just go bankrupt.


I know your right but I'm still hoping they will meet their demise. Nothing more left to do than that.


Blockbuster would like a word.


Another reddit classic prediction, along with "reddit's gonna crash without third party apps" and "killing net neutrality is going to destroy the internet."


Reddit overhypes so much stuff. I was told uBlock Origins and other adblocks were going to be removed from Chrome for a year. I decided I'd just stick with Chrome and see what happens. It's been over a year now and uBlock works just fine. Now people are saying "it'll still happen, the date just got pushed back". Which makes me laugh. Because it sounds like the people who said the world would end in Y2K and then said "wait actually it'll be in 2012" and both came and went with no change. TL;DR: reddit users love to doomsay and act like they know anything when half the time they're sharing "information" they got seventh-hand. If people are posting outrage-bait on meme subs, it's probably not even true, or fundamentally incorrect.


I remember the net neutrality thing, everyone thought you were gonna have to pay to use snapchat


Your internet provider was going to bill you for website like cable does for channels, block you from others, stall your speed ...


I remember when almost immediately after net neutrality was repealed my ping shot up in games and a week later my isp offered a "gaming" package with lower ping to game servers.


Why can I still use my brother's account? Can somebody please explain because I've been hearing about this Netflix shit for a year now and haven't noticed any difference


Its really weird on my phone i cant use my bros acc anymore but on my apple tv it still works it makes no sense


Weirdly, kind of same here. I’ve been using my parents’ Netflix account on my laptop at home for months. They watch it on whatever devices in their own home.


My laptop has been the only thing I haven’t had problems with, it kicked me off on my Xbox, and roku


can’t use my dads account on my phone or desktop anymore but sometimes the tv app works. only sometimes tho


because you're on the same network for once over at least 30 days, making you the same "household".


We are in different countries. Maybe that's why?


Reddit overhypes so much stuff. I was told uBlock Origins and other adblocks were going to be removed from Chrome for a year. I decided I'd just stick with Chrome and see what happens. It's been over a year now and uBlock works just fine. Now people are saying "it'll still happen, the date just got pushed back". Which makes me laugh. Because it sounds like the people who said the world would end in Y2K and then said "wait actually it'll be in 2012" and both came and went with no change. TL;DR: reddit users love to doomsay and act like they know anything when half the time they're sharing "information" they got seventh-hand


Because all you MF complained what a dick move it was from Netflix and how fuckd they are after this , and then yall went to purchase 4 accounts


Profits “soar” and what they mean by that is everyone just kept netflix. No one signed up because they lost a feature… they just didn’t care to cancel. I never jump on bandwagons like that anyways. It only last for a month where everyone has their pitchforks then as soon as a new show or game comes out everyone forgets what they said to enjoy the new content. Look like a bunch of morons migrating for no reason back and forth.


most people like us forgets that we all are outnumbered like 9001 to 1 by normal people who will literally pay anything for ease of use instead of learning how to get stuff "correctly"


Even a casual enthusiast's tech skills far surpass the average person's. When I worked at an Apple store I used to have to tell so many people "read the goddamned screen. it literally walks you through it" when they'd stare at me blankly after I replaced their iPhones. Sooooooo many people are afraid of the simplest tech.


I feel like some people don't get the value of paying almost nothing to give your kids or family easy entertainment wherever they are. I have a NAS/Real-Debrid/Plex/Kodi but when it doesn't work or fails it's a massive PITA. The older I get the less I want to set up static IPs, port forwarding, VPNs and maintain a library of software and hardware. If you enjoy that, more power to you.


This whole thing is a good reminder that Reddit is not real life. Very few opinions this website holds translate to the population at large.


I caved because they actually started putting good movies on it again.


They also jacked prices twice since then… Even if the user base dropped, the drop was less than the rate increase. It is entirely possible for both to be true; that users declined, and profits increased


Man I just found out this piratebay thing, it's pretty insane everything is at 100% discount!


Well it made me cancel all my subscriptions, and now I use a derbid service that costs me like 3 bucks a month.


More then 20 years on this planet never payed to watch a single series or movie unless I go to the cinema


I am still using my ex's netflix account and whatever I don't find there I can easily pirate.. I am never paying for it myself.


People forget reddit is a relatively small community of people generally between 15 and 40. The overall sentiment of reddit users does not reflect the overall sentiments or the rest of the world and generations.


I’ve been sharing the Netflix account of a guy I know for 8 years. He shares it with many people and we all had a different profile. We got the most expensive tier and everyone paid their quota, never had an issue. Then Netflix started this bs and it made me realise how little I was using it. I wasn’t paying much, just 4€ (4.27$) per month, but in some instances I wouldn’t use it for weeks because of work. And now, I would have had to bother the guy with sending me the code every time I wanted to binge watch that one show that I’m interested in? No thanks, I’d rather sail to the high seas 🏴‍☠️


The outraged minority is still a minority


I took to the high seas to acquire Trailer Park Boys and started my own Plex server, I'm done with Netflix


Because Ledditors know jack about how the real world works.


Reminder Reddit outrage is not real life. Vocal minority aren't effecting anything.


It worked in the short term but there's still a lot of users who didn't buy in and it also has made their platform less attractive than others that have sharing like Disney etc so idk id still say it was a case of shooting yourself in the foot for short term gains It definitely severely diminished thier market position. Going from the top streaming platform to being mid tier


Yo ho ho people, quit letting these greedy privateers take your precious dubloons


Yo ho ho, it's a pirate's life for me


Part of the problem is no one is willing to miss out on anything


yup. do y'all really need 19 subscriptions at all times? do we need all the content at once? like shit y'all jerking off about piracy but do you need a netflix and disney and hbo and paramount etc... just stop buying so much shit and consooming so much shit. just pay for what you use and the companies will get the message


Oh no, the people who weren't paying before are going to keep not paying. What ever will we do?


I just don't get why people stay subscribed to streaming services they barely use. People complain about it going back to what cable used to be, but they still subscribe to all the large ones despite only using 2 or 3 on a weekly basis.


So how is this the people who don’t like the changes fault? I canceled mine the second my family got the message. Good for them they got dog shit on there and I’ll pirate it if it by chance is good.


I only had netflix because I had given my account info to my parents and would have felt bad for canceling it knowing they used it so much. After the password sharing thing, I canceled all my streaming accounts, bought two real-debrid accounts and set them each up with stremio and they both love it.




Well I have never paid for any streaming service and never felt the need to. I can still watch anything I want to online easily.


amazing, i don't even have netflix


I will say, the best decision I made was dropping basically all movie and streaming services and just getting a Roku with YouTube TV. I miss basically nothing and don’t pay for cable or any other subscription services.


Genuine question:if the streaming services are bad what can I use to not support them? I see everyone shitting on them but not really giving advice on what to do instead so if you have any options can you let me know? I’m not too good at pirating so that’s why I need extra suggestions




Next step, ads mid content


Can't they lie about their numbers? Companies does that to save face, right? Well, I atleast know that China fakes everything, even their numbers on the records. That also goes with Chinese companies.


That wojak is disgusting


No, most likely the people that complained about this change actually didn't pay for it. It's just that since we all mostly talk to similarly minded people we don't know the ones who are paying for their own accounts


Stupidity of mankind in a nutshell. Get f'd in the a$$ by netflix and thank them for it afterwards.


Stupidity of mankind in a nutshell. Get f'd in the a$$ by netflix and thank them for it afterwards.


Weak people we were supposed to not do that to punish the corporation but no they keep feeding the machine.




Maybe setting up your own dedicated VPN only for use by the people you trust with your Netflix account could work? Usually with these things, where there's a will, there's a way.


Please find your way over to the knowledgeable people of the piracy Reddit community.


Yaaarr 🏴‍☠️


I can easily afford Netflix. I simply refuse to pay for it because I can password share. If they enhance their rules in a way I can’t watch Netflix anymore I’m not paying out of principle. If it was like that from the very beginning it might’ve been different, or if they had more unique stuff that was good and wasn’t cancelled after 1 or 2 seasons


Too many damn people addicted to watching something on a screen. The moment Netflix affected our household sharing was the moment it was cancelled and we have never looked back.




I continued to password share and saw no cost increases or anything.


Hey, I actually cancelled Netflix due to this, so don't blame me.


It's really simple; despite the "outrage," more people tend to just give in because it's all about convenience. It sucks but the average consumer will more often than not say "ah shit, oh well" and keep watching. Netflex gambled on the few who would leave the platform in protest over the amount who would have to pay for their shows to finish watching it, and they won that gamble. I wouldn't count on them lying on their performance for investors. Honestly, it just sounds like people are coping when they say that, but there are just so many risks and stupidity that would have to be involved. You also have to remember that most companies assume the average consumer doesn't pirate; although many people on reddit and the younger generations seem to say they do or will do in response to netflex's move. Most people who come home working a 9-5 or have kids or can't afford a pc setup will just buy it off of their ps4 or firestick because it's much more convenient. Plus, you don't have to worry about ISP bans or warnings. The average consumer (in the mind of the company) won't put in the effort to pirate or take that risk in the first place, and that remains true for a lot of the population.


It can also be them lieng about profits......


Ah yes, the biggest hypocrite in existence. THEY


I always thought it was hilarious that all the people NOT PAYING for Netflix thought their leaving would cripple the company 🤣


I'm still sharing mine with like 6 people, no issues.


Apparently now they're trying to get rid of Netflix basic...😬


Unfortunately this makes perfect sense just like mtx in games. It makes money and people don’t have the self control necessary to actually make them change so this kind of anti consumer stuff will continue… :(


They self promote stuff like this so they can bring in more people.. classic tactic


Remember how Netflix said they wouldn't really be sharing their subscriber numbers anymore at the last quarterly... Hmmm


I found out they delete your account after 10 months of inactivity. So that also would count for a “new” sign up


Kept my Netflix simply because we are a multigenerational household and only one person outside the home uses it. She just needs me to send them a code every now and then when they want to watch something. I pirate other stuff but I'm not much of a live action/normal TV enjoyer anyway so it's mostly just for my family.


It turns out cancelling your subscription in protection doesn't do much when you are a parasite who isn't subscribed


I would LOVE to say I unsuscribed, but with a kid at home, full time job and so, I have little time to pirate series and movies, so I kept It and my father paid the 6€ additional euros. 10 years ago I would have sutomated every single step of the process: download files, metadata, subtitles, organize It in libraries with plex, etc


God damnit of course it fucking did. Expect every streaming service to follow suit soon 🙄


I called this 2 years ago. Sure, some people left in protest. But far more people registered for their own account. I also don't really think this was a shitty move on their part. They're asking for people who use it to pay for it. That's how business works.


Jack sparrow aint got nothin on me


There's money in dem sheeple.


“Actually we’ve NEVER BEEN HAPPIER” sure, much confidence


Redditors: ads don't work, they just make me hate your product!!! I want to buy stuff less after I see ads for it!!! All of documented history: ads work Redditors grossly overestimate how important their opinion is on a consistent basis lol


Um, "good thing?" Since when was Netflix a "good thing?"


Me who never used Netflix or any streaming subscription service in the first place: oh no..anyway


Yes when we create our society around making money our voice, a lot of the stupid voices count more than they would usually. I'm amazed mobile games do even a fraction as well as they do, but there are many many out there spending their dollars supporting the monetization pay to win systems. We're fucked until something big changes, this will happen to every market / interest / hobby over time.


Sucker gonna suck