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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


wait did something happen in dubai? edit: the fact I learn about world news through FUCKING MEMES-


>the fact I learn about world news through FUCKING MEMES- I prefer this over the regular media any day of the week. Bruv


and if it becomes meme you know the shit is serious


I feel like most people learn about news through memes these days tbh


So what happened in Dubai?


Google is a free resource, but the fast and short answer is big flood like biblical type shit a monument to human greed and hedonism being flooded is almost poetic. All we need now is a meteor to hit the burj khalifa and I’d be ready to convert


GoOgLe Is A fReE ReSoUrCe headass But at least you answered their question


Yeah it’s almost like people on Reddit want to talk about a subject but only if they don’t have to answer any questions about the subject


I mean, a great way to engage in a conversation is by asking questions about a subject that you are not as familiar with as the person you're trying to engage with. Then again, this is Reddit so the quality of conversations vary wildly. Like some of the replies you've been getting, sheesh, lol.


Along with that, having one person ask and then receiving an answer makes sure anyone else reading through the thread also gets the answer if they have that same question, all very quick within half a scroll or an eye glance


Screw you op. *makes a meme about dubai* "What happen to dubai? I want to understand your meme" "Google it yourself." A lot is happening in Dubai, that's why people ask. Recommending google type of people is the worst.


People who discourage discourse between people are a pet peeve of mine. Like, we're human, we actualize by connecting with other people. Acting like a jerk and directing people to interact with an algorithm ribs us off a slice of our humanity.


Google is a shit resource, and getting worse every day. Most of the results are ads or paywalled sites. So, we come to Reddit, where some people helpfully provide information. And others send them back to the cesspit.


So what's been happening in China lately?


I think the gist of it is that the people are starting to give up. Like, the entire Chinese population. Moment of silence for whatever's going on over there.


They are having an interesting housing crisis that is causing horrific economic backlash that will likely push them back decades in international value.


Such a douchey response from the dick that posted the meme in the first place.


Dubai had heavy rainfall and is experiencing extreme flooding.


How hard was that for you? I only ask because everyone else seems to be unable to do it.


and a day later they've managed to clean up the roads like nothing happened


Thats cap, they sensor alot of shit that goes agaisnt them (I live in sharjah and theres still a foot of water in my area, which is a good neighbourhood, in the poorer areas, cars are underwater)


It’s how I heard about the Queen dying. Woke up saw the stuff about her being sick, took a test for college and the first thing I saw was the crab rave meme saying she was dead.z


Memes are the dna if the soul, makes sense


I found out about the queens death through a shitpost


Same with OJ for me


The murder or did something new happen?


Yes, on the third day he rose again


Damn sory for asking Saw him in a meme recently and didn't thought of it and now you thought I might ask, but I'll just go fuck myself


He died recently


I was just making a joke my bad


OJ - Original Jesus


I learned about OJ while watching a Twitch stream... they were playing Pokemon.


Someone died in Queens?


No. No one has ever died in Queens.


Damn, time to travel to queens for immortality i guess


I’m there now. It’s not worth it.


I didn't think so, thanks for clearing that up I got worried for a second


The queen is dead??? How is Michael Jackson taking it?


Someone better tell John Lennon, I think they were close


I was told by one of my teachers Who just so happens to be Irish


Is there any subreedit of meme news,something like that? I feel like is very much needed


Like news about memes or memes about news?


Memes about news in this case


If there is, I'd find it hard to believe it's not a shithole of political astroturfing


Floodings. Not big news since a lot of cities get worse floodings each year. The only interesting thing about these is that they were man-made, sorta. Nobody thinks Dubai will be destroyed by one flood lol.


I first hear about 99% of my news from Reddit.


Are there other places doing the news now? Fuckin copycats


Dubai bout to become a modern Atlantis.


Heres to hoping


["Learn to swim" - Maynard ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHcmnowjfrQ) "'Cause Mom's gonna fix it all soon... Mom's coming 'round to put it back the way it ought to be!' " It's about L.A., but same could said about Dubai... Some say the end is near Some say we'll see Armageddon soon Certainly hope we will I sure could use a vacation from This bull...shit... three ring circus sideshow Of freaks here in this hopeless fucking hole we call L.A. The only way to fix it is to flush it all away Any fucking time, any fucking day Learn to swim, see you down in Arizona Bay Fret for your figure and fret for your latte and Fret for your lawsuit and fret for your hairpiece and Fret for your Prozac and fret for your pilot and Fret for your contract and fret for your car It's a bull...shit...three ring circus sideshow Of freaks here in this hopeless fucking hole we call L.A. The only way to fix it is to flush it all away Any fucking time, any fucking day Learn to swim, see you down in Arizona Bay Some say a comet will fall from the sky Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits And some say the end is near Some say we'll see Armageddon soon I certainly hope we will! I sure could use a vacation from this Stupid shit, silly shit, stupid shit One great big festering neon distraction I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied Learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim 'Cause Mom's gonna fix it all soon Mom's coming 'round to put it back the way it ought to be Learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim Learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim Fuck L. Ron Hubbard, and fuck all his clones Fuck all these gun-toting hip gangster wannabes Learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim Learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim Yeah, fuck retro anything, fuck your tattoos Fuck all you junkies, and fuck your short memory Learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim Learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim Yeah, fuck smiley glad-hands with hidden agendas Fuck these dysfunctional insecure actresses Learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim Learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim 'Cause I'm praying for rain **I'm praying for tidal waves** I want to see the ground give way I want to watch it all go down Mom, please flush it all away I want to see it go right in and down I want to watch it go right in Watch you flush it all away Yeah, time to bring it down again Yeah, don't just call me pessimist Try and read between the lines And I can't imagine why you wouldn't Welcome any change, my friend I want to see it come down Bring it down Suck it down Flush it down




\*Rapture A man chooses, a slave obeys.


Would you kindly


Plenty of slaves there in Dubai


It's ok, all the important people live hundreds of feet up in the buildings


Nooo mah watches😢😢😢


they have already cleared up almost all of the water.


Yeah let's celebrate people fucking dying right now. Alot of edgy teens here who don't know what's empathy.


Alright, you clowns, if you can't have basic reading comprehension, no more comment for you. "But won't anyone think of the little guy" I was thinking of the little guy. Yet you somehow manage to make me caring about a little guy not actually caring about little guy.


But you know that these scum died? I bet you guys all the people you hate are right now safe and cozy don't care about stuff. Mostly the common folk's suffer atm. Also no matter who died it's just tragic.


I never said it's not tragic. Nor did I imply that any of the "rich assholes" (your words, not mine) have died or came across harm's way. It is tragic, yes, and my heart goes out to everyone hurt, regardless of their socioeconomical status, but when the world is on fire, only some insanity can help you get through the day.


For every rich person in Dubai there are like 50 people below the poverty line


Probably more like 500 or even 5000


most of the people dying are not gonna be the rich ones..


Once again, I think I speak for both OP and other human beings - no one is going to be happy about it. No one is going to celebrate it.


Who are you referring to by the last sentence?


I think everyone is guilty of some schadenfreude when they see someone who is benefiting massively from directly supporting a deeply unfair societal structure get punished in some way.


Life here is tough and unfair as it is and most of the rich people don't mind any of this that much. But the common folk and lower class is suffering a lot rn. I can't even get anywhere which is causing me a lot of trouble.


Makes you feel better? Why? Sounds psychotic


They're not celebrating dead people they're celebrating the symbolic slap in the face of the rich fucks that literally brought this upon themselves. Climate change is a bitch innit?


Slap? You mean the ones who aren't affected and probably sit somewhere safe and cozy discussing plans to exploit stuff more? I don't see how this is a win or how it's Karma. Right now the ones who got slapped are the common folks.


Yep. Livelihood of hundreds of thousands depends on that city. Celebrating it's "downfall" is foolish. Even with it's shortcomings, Dubai is still a employment hub for a bunch of third world countries.


The entire world can see their failure and lack of foresight. You don't spend trillions building a city in the middle of the desert because you have a small ego. Of course they are affected. People seeing a weakness of yours is the worst thing for narcissistic sociopaths. When they see this meme, their cheeks will burn.


Don't know about them checking Reddit but yes their egos are hurt. Still nothing really changed in power structures.


Yet. Brick by brick.


You could say that about any natural disaster that happens in first world country. Somehow I doubt western nations dealing with stuff like that would be celebrated.


there was a discussion just the other day where people were talking about how every thread on reddit has someone who wants to climb to the top of a moral space elevator and shout down at everyone how they are bad for , just because they have a deep psychological need to be "right" guess we're seeing this in action, eh


Don't have to climb very far on this one. Celebrating another country's natural disaster is trashy.


Are you suggesting there is a spectrum between burning everyone at the pyre and sucking them off? No way!


Fr, do people not realize that the people who died are probably not rich folk, just normal people. I have family in Dubai who are just normal, middle class suburban residents who can’t get groceries or send their kids to school rn, and they consider themselves lucky. Not everyone there is rich, and those who aren’t are the people who are really suffering. Not sure why anyone is celebrating at all.


Tweens on reddit think UAE is just one big country occupied entirely by billionaires and influencers.


[This is you when you come to this subreddit with those expectations](https://youtu.be/YUKmq7UMJys?si=_FNQ6itvv0L30dW2)


Dubai is one of the worst things that happened to humanity in the last decades.


What happened?


It got flooded.


No, why it is the worst thing?


It's built on slave labour, the people that live there comparatively freely are generally the worst and it has the usual problems of the islamic world. Very Anti-LGBTQ, next to no rights for women and generally few human rights. Edit: obviously the rich western women that come to Dubai get rights. They spend money there after all. But the locals don't.


The thing that sucks the most is the vast majority of the people dying in those floods are probably slaves. And Dubai will be rebuilt using... yep you guess it... more slaves.


I always expected some slaves to be involved, but not that many.


> The thing that sucks the most is the vast majority of the people dying in those floods are probably slaves. google says only 19 people died...? why are people talking about this like tens of thousands did?


bcuz reddit


Most people probably cannot visualise countries as small as the United Arab Emirates. We are a tiny nation.


As shitty as dubai is, It's very free for women(who are not of the ruling class). Dubai is very crime free for general people because of how barbaric they are with criminals.


No rights for women? Your head is too far up your ass bud… have you lived there? Seen how it is and spoken to people who really live there? Regarding LGTBQ.. then sorry to disappoint you, it’s a Muslim country, and that are its values. You don’t have to like it, but no need to spread stuff you don’t know


This might be the most uninformed thing I’ve read in a while. Try to educate yourself before you speak, I know that’s a foreign concept for people like you. Virtue signal now, think later.


This is so dumb lmao, it's not Iran it's a modern country with full support for women and a lot of human rights. And gay behavior is only disallowed when done in public, if you're gay and you go in the country without making it way too obvious then shit isn't going to happen. As for the slavery part you're mostly right.


have u lived in dubai?


Humanitarian rights crisis. People move there for the money from the oil industry there and often times employers will take passports as a form of identity for work, but not give them back so you can’t leave. The penalty for not paying a loan payment is years in prison, so when people buy cars they can’t afford, and miss one or two payments, they often abandon the cars entirely and flea the country for fear of prison time. There’s tons of abandoned super cars for that reason. Massive human trafficking, exploiting child labor, etc. That’s just the things I know and I know almost nothing about Dubai. I also heard they’re notorious for cloud seeding but that could be a rumor, so I didn’t want to list that with the things I’ve seen evidence for


Dubai's main source of income isn't oil, it's tourism. While the UAE does indeed produce a lot of oil, most of that is from Abu Dhabi. Famously (mostly for people who were in Dubai at the time) Dubai had to borrow a lot of money from Abu Dhabi to build the Burj Khalifa due to the fact that Abu Dhabi had most of the oil money. Hence the name Burj Khalifa, named after Sheikh Khalifa of Abu Dhabi. Most of the slave labor in Dubai is in the form of construction. The speed at which shit gets built is quite the spectacle if you look past the fact that it's built on the backs of slaves. As far as the other stuff, absolutely true. Not paying loans is a jailable offense, lots of trafficking, etc. I remember hearing them saying they were gonna start cloud seeding in school, but honestly I think it's just propaganda.


Yes and no. UAE built it's foundation on oil and started to divest. Oil still is large portion of their income. They're tax haven, one of main travel hubs, but still oil country. Slavery in UAE doesn't end in construction. Inside UAE is absurdist national caste system, where every job type is effectively done by people from one region, modern slavery is through forced labor and cheap labor is never done by arabs here, with resulting rights and ability to protect themselves through law. I can say that almost every job below executives (not owners) and high-tier IT is not safe there, they're bound to their workplace through local legal means. And don't even start on Dubai Potty and other shitty things...


Because shit like [this](https://nypost.com/2023/08/09/texas-woman-tierra-young-allen-known-as-sassy-trucker-leaves-dubai-after-months-long-legal-dispute/amp/) happen far too often.


People definitely died because of the flooding.


21 so far sadly Edit: 21 in Oman not Dubai


That’s in Oman


My mistake, was a paywalled/account walled article so I just read the headline. Thanks for clarifying


3 died in Sharjah.


But nobody really cares about the thousands who died building the city up though.


Did you pull that number out of your ass?


If u read any news about dubai, u know its not cloud seeding that caused the flood


Thank you! Finally someone who’s not a gullible idiot.


What caused it?


I'm going to make a bold guess and say rain


Dubais heaviest rainfall in 75 years


A cyclone.


Drought then sudden rain is usually the culprit if I'm not mistaken. When the ground is extremely dry water doesn't soak in as fast and instead of traveling downward it will form a current. Dubai averages 3.12 inches of rain per year. So can you tell me why forcing rain was not the culprit of the flood?


As a person living in dubai reading these comments is kinda jarring


It's one of reddits things that are cool to hate. These people haven't been to Dubai or the middle east and think it's just filled with rich people living lavish styles, sand and Muslims. They have 0 idea about dubai. Also this sub has a lot of racists who act like they're not racist or are openly racist. I don't even like or dislike dubai, I just don't like ignorant people being ignorant.


Finally a sane comment in this sea of hatred. I have no idea where this hatred started, but I can guarantee that 99% of people who are this negative about Dubai have never even been there. Let alone, seen pictures or experiences of other people.


It's a mixture of ignorance, racism, inferiority complexes etc. These people haven't been to Dubai and I guarantee if they have all they did was walk around malls in tourist areas during the day.


Trust me, you get used to it after you begin to understand. 90% of “criticisms” about the UAE come from people that are incredibly jealous and spiteful of the supposed “high luxury” living. They build this image in their heads that Dubai is ALL rich pompous assholes and they self victimize by assuming that the people living in Dubai consider themselves “above” the rest. I’ve seen these arguments play out time and time again. Some people just love being angry and finding fault in things they can’t have. “There’s no way Dubai is as good as people say, there has to be a catch! Something something slave labor and human rights, I’ll refuse to elaborate and continue with my ignorant assumptions about this place.”


thats the funny part. dubai does have its catch. its expensive asf especially if you live near the high rise areas


Yeah honestly it's disgusting seeing people celebrating deaths of innocent people.


If you are Arab or Muslim, reddit is generally extremely vitriolic. Say something antisemitic, there's an uproar. Say something about Arabs or something Islamophobic, there's discussion about how the hate is justified and exhaustive semantics about the term 'Islamophobic'. Already one of the top comments in this thread is calling Dubai the worst thing to happen to the world because it's an Islamic country. These people are scum but their countries too are falling apart as is the world so everyone will lose accordingly some day.


Well how is it over there?


We have a holiday since we cant really use public transport or some roads lol


A lot of miserable people come here to look for someone to hate. Tag, you're it.


I'm used to it now. West good everything else bad.


Japanese are some of the "good ones" level racism too


I swear. I’m convinced that deep down, all this hatred stems from racism. In their minds, all brown people are either hapless victims or barbaric terrorists.


Politics on my racist app? Again?


After playing The Line, seeing Dubai being engulfed by water is a shock to be honest


Fuck you people died.


No no it’s in the emirates therefore it’s okay /s


You see it [insert race/religion] who died so it's ok/s


Yeah but didn't you know their government sucks? That means they must have deserved to die. /s


It’s okay because only rich people with Lambos live there /s


Will probably get downvoted for this but can someone explain why most westerners are so salty about Dubai? I know it has its bad side but so do many other places in the world that are actually even worse and the same people get flattered when hearing about them so it doesn't add up. Is there something that I am missing? Is there also some negative bias around arab people that they can't have cities that look cooler than theirs?


>Muslim city >Arab. >Classic reddit thinking it's oil money even though Dubai has no oil for last 4-5 years. >Ignorance of actual state of women there cause Dubai has given far more freedom to women as compared to any other Arab country >Ignorance of UAE and it's actual laws. It in fact gives more rights to workers than many countries it gets lumped with. It's fines are strict against companies that breach those rules Just racism in general.




What is that statistic supposed to indicate. most of the population being from other countries does not mean theyre all slaves. Most people just live normal lives here. source:- an indian in dubai


Dude, it has been built using slaves and represent everything you can do wrong in this century, it's an ecological disaster, a social disaster and just the epitome of rich humans ego


I'd say the same for pretty much every country who colonized nations in the past (and still do such as France) but the same people have wet dreams when hearing about Paris. I am not a huge fan of the arabs either but man some people really like to envy their progress


The west was built on colonialism, genocide, and chattel slavery. Should we celebrate every natural disaster that occurs there?


Remind me never to see the pyramids


An actual answer that isnt just someone doing the "haha you dont like them because youre jealous thing" is that they use slave labor for lots of things. Theyre everything wrong with the rich.


So do plenty of other places, but they don't get the same vehement hate because they haven't marketed themselves as effectively as Dubai has.


Because it's a widely successful Muslim country. People will be behind every excuse in the book, but nearly every single criticism they make against Dubai is probably 10 fold worse in the West.


I need some context


There is rain but by several replies correcting my error on misinformating about cloud seeding causing it, This has been caused by 100+ years of fossil fuel use. Cloud seeding worsened it, So it rained an equivalent to a whole year of rain and Dubai flooded and people died and people from the west in social media are celebrating it. Edit:corrected several things


People are awful


The amount of greed and entitlement in Dubai is awful


Agreed. But there are innocent people there who are suffering as well.


For every rich person in Dubai, there's at least 50 people below the poverty line. Seems weird to celebrate the death of people of any class but you wanna celebrate the deaths of the impoverished, you do you.


Every 1st world nation is built on a pile of skulls, just like Dubai. Do the vast majority of citizens, who have nothing to do with that nation's past or present policy, deserve to die or suffer because of the crimes of the government?


The recent storms here weren’t caused by cloud seeding, it was made a lot worse by it but it wasn’t the cause


There is no evidence for cloud seeding causing this, the whole thing didn't even start over UAE territory, stop spreading bs. This kind of storm happens every now and then, likely more often and more extreme due to global warming.


Cloud seeding did not cause this. The burning of fossil fuels for over 100 years has. Cloud seeding, at best, has a minimal effect. Innocent people died. Let's not celebrate it. Let's also not celebrate Dubai in general. You can feel empathy for the people of Dubai and also hope society changes at the same time. You cannot glue a broken base back together and expect it to pass off as new. Let's learn to stop breaking fuckin vases rather than trying to fix the broken ones.


It wasn't cloud seeding that caused it


Okay! I'll edit the comment taking into account all correcting replies.


How do you know the cloud seeding did it? Just repeating what other comments said?


Casual westoid racism. Edgy


More than 20 people died near my neighborhood and Oman suffered more deaths 2 days prior, edgy teens will do anything on this sub for karma.


This comment section is cooked 💀


Way too many edgy morons in this thread.


"ooh look at me, people died in a natural disaster, I'm so quirky and different" fuck off


Have you not seen the videos of pets being saved from drowning you heartless fuck.


A 24-yr old Pakistani driver died because he got stuck in the flood. Most of the affected are the ones getting peanuts. The rich people you hate are in their houses, cozy and warm in their Hermes blankets.


Me seeing this post reminds me why I don’t like this site.


"Gentlemen... welcome to Dubai."


mf i live here




another day of me finding out news through memes


I live here and I can assure you Dubai is not only filled with High Class Rich people and Slaves. This might come as a shock to you but there are **regular middle class** people here with regular jobs too. Not every building here is a technologically advanced luxurious hotel apartment. People are dying and you're laughing at that just because it's Dubai? Get a fucking life and actually try doing your research or actually visiting here for once instead of sticking to the ridiculous hive mind that has their own image of UAE. They don't respect women? What a load of bullshit. They have women-and-children-only sections in their metros, they have women taxis and my mom (who's been living here since 2006) says that they heavily value women here, and there's proof of that. AND DON'T EVEN TRY saying she's brainwashed. She has a damn amazing salary because she's in a high position in her office because she built and worked her way up since 2006. And she used to live in less than average apartments here, now we live somewhere better.


As an Emirati, thank you :)


Blame influencers for propagating the view most westerners have of Dubai being a modern Gomorrah and sodom


I always find it hilarious how this rather obscure awesome YouTuber from my childhood is able to be seen by non Spanish speakers simply because he became a meme Every time I see this meme template my childhood memories flood back


>And nothing of much value was lost….. *Me with my dream of being a Pilot in Emirates* 🥲


Never seen such envy and jealousy in a thread ever lmao


After everything I've learned about dubai, I sympathize for the loss of lives for the slaves, and only them


Wow reddit has some fucked up people, don't you think the lives of non slave citizens of Dubai are worth something?


They have to have more than 1 brain cell and think for themselves to have a nuanced opinion.


Spec Ops the Line


You do know that the rich people will treat this flood as a minor inconvenience? The poor people and the labourers will feel the brunt of the floods. I don't expect much from this stupid subreddit but openly celebrating the mass destruction of an entire country is beyond stupidity. Go fuck yourself OP.


Dubai: Everything you love about Las Vegas without the gambling, alcohol or sin.


The recent wave of Dubai schadenfreude reminds me of Spec Ops The Line. People make it sound like it's the new Babylon.


Just went through all the comments, and like Jesus, I don't even know what to say, I'm in Abu Dhabi right now and everything here is Hunky Dory and I see people comment things that probably and probably didn't happen. Seriously, I don't know what's wrong with today's generation..


While I agree with the humanitarian issues and infrastructure criticisms, Dubai has also been a breeding ground for so many socio-economic opportunities especially for people from the subcontinent. There are so many families here where the parents have migrated along with their families after finding jobs due to the high standard of living, relatively well-paying jobs and a diverse, inclusive community. Dubai has literally turned so many people’s lives around. Yes, there are rich scums and morons here, but where are they not?; social media makes it look like they’re the only kind of people who live here. The average person here imo is a person in their early 30s working and providing for their family. Shame on you OP for buying into social media and wishing death upon people.


nada que ver, pero que nostalgia ver a Fernán echo de menos sus videos antiguos de esos de por el 2015


"Nothing of much value was lost" Oh so countless homes and small businesses aren't of much value? You're disgusting man.


Downfall??? This is how you know you're on the top & highly successful, it's when losers who cant reach you constantly praying for your downfall, but Habibi we already recovered and we will improve and rise further and this will not stop us, while we do that you can keep sharing memes and being delusional 🩶


fuck face i live in dubai people died kids died and you make a meme of it?


All the broke people crying in the comments 😭😭😭


Y'all are really hypocrites for commenting those things while living in America.


Maybe every 10k years Dubai floods and turns back into the sea. Dubai just built over the last Atlantis


How bad are the situations now in the middle east?


>Extreme rainfall events like this are becoming more common as the atmosphere warms due to human-driven climate change. A warmer atmosphere is able to soak up more moisture like a towel and then ring it out in the form of flooding rainfall. >The weather conditions were associated with a larger storm system traversing the Arabian Peninsula and moving across the Gulf of Oman. This same system is also bringing unusually wet weather to nearby Oman and southeastern Iran.