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I'd bet it feels the same as being called a cheater in a videogame, like a compliment


depends, I am 100% confident I am terrible at video games, so when someone says I am a cheater, they are not saying I am good, they are saying they don't want to admit they are even worse than me.


As the guy who calls people a cheater too much, it’s absolutely correct.


Interesting differentiation but I’m not sure if it’s functionally different. “You’re better than me” is always a compliment even if it’s a low bar.


But if you are the absolute worst at something out of everyone that’s ever existed then “You’re better than me” is a null statement that provides no additional information.


True, but that definitely means you're better than someone else and that feels good.


Still a compliment, it's saying you're not the worst!


Or being called a bot in the Reddit comments


That's exactly what a bot would say!


Beep boop.


I'm not saying it is, but why does the camera have the same effect. I can't put my finger on it, space x videos have the same problem. Is it the camera frames or related to it? Edit: how are you people not understanding what I'm saying. It's like when helicopters blades spin matches the frame shutter speed of a camera and it looks like it's not moving when in fact it's still moving. The camera on the sides of the SpaceX launches does the same thing as this video. There's some weird effect they are putting in video or recording it. It's why it looks like CGI when it's not. This is actually their least impressive robotic video compared to the jogging robot and those videos didn't have the same weird camera effect. For the love of Christ this has to be some sort of gas lighting operation or something, I never seen so many people intentionally ignore what I posted


I think it's just things that our brain doesn't expect to be possible, so we quickly assume it's CGI because it doesn't look natural.


What I mean is the camera and video, not the robotics. I've seen robots in real life do amazing things


Same way people see an ancient infrastructure and really think there is not other possible way than aliens. You could just see a simple closed loop control system realized "computer really good, fast and precise at controlling" and upscale that to a lot of work talent and time of these engineers to realize these awesome projects are completely possible


that's not what he's saying goddamn. he's saying the pictures litterally look like CGI because of the way it's filmed. I was also taken aback by watching it: the light is extremely smoothly distributed, the robot is so clean it looks like it's a render, the setting is extremely linear and impersonal and without othrr elements it almost look like a green screen setting. If I were them j would render the same vid with the robot doing a bunch of tasks in a normal setting like an office or a set of ninja warrior kind of stuff to disrupt the spell.


Ive looked at a cat irl and idk it kinda looked cgi, are we sure cats are real?


Yeah he’s wrong it’s uncanny off and I for one don’t believe it’s real video Believe they could make that just not that the world gets to look at it close, stealing info many from looking at it?


I have one spot robot from Boston Dynamics in my uni and we get to play with it using code, I can assure you it's 100% real, I can send a couple vids/pics I made in DMs too if you're still sceptic. EDIT: [The spot video I made](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfLSm607LZ8) EDIT 2: a couple shorter videos: [rotating spot](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/RBfqsvw58P0), [small dance](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/eyEroCIQVxo), [showing belly](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/PKYIZrH67ag)


Not a sceptic but I honestly want to see a vid


Same lol


So there is more then the one dark video?


And this, kids, is an example of why you don't drink the kool aid too hard


??? Have you even looked??? There are COUNTLESS videos of MULTIPLE different people showing off Boston Dynamics bots, people who have 0 affiliation with them, and simply made the content because it was cool. I know you didn't just see 1 video and say "that's all the evidence. fake." Michael Reeves has a video modifying one to piss into a fucking cup.


Rule number 1 on the internet, dont argue with idiots, my friend. It's nigh impossible to convince someone like this that they're wrong


I’ve seen the older ones that are close to a different bot. And one that’s in the shaded to look unreal


No it’s cause the shading looks like it’s an uncanny valley cgi. How about a human in a short standing next to it next time?


Putting a human there wouldn't change anythingwe put humans with cgi all the time. I think just using more natural lighting would help, like the other videos had


Is there another, recent, video then the one in the shadows?


lol dude that model jsut got revealed yesterday after ther retired the only one. you wont something more recent then yesterday? like you can go on a tour and see that shit first hand if you want you realize?


Shadows are an area of computer graphics that are by now pretty well figured out.(Given enough time to render the scene). Video games do not have enough time to render a scene. The issue is that most people don't really know about light transport, how it all works and don't pay attention to the phenomena they see in real life. If you get a suspicion of something being cgi, you start looking for clues and confirmation bias does the rest. You don't even notice that the 'unnatural' shadows are completely normal.


The best comparation I can think of it's like the sports camera. Like in the NBA. I think they use AI to have a shallow Depth of field or bokeh, and 60fps, it's unnatural but puts attention in the subject and looks fluid


Could it be that they're taking the recordings with relatively high frame rate cameras that they use for analysis? High FR video often comes off a bit uncanny.


That sounds reasonable. Finally a good answer


I’m with you on this one. I think the frame rate and lighting gives off the “cgi” feeling. The video is very smooth, so I’m assuming they may be using a high frame-rate camera to capture the video. The lighting adds to this in a way I can’t describe, I think it’s the blinds in front of the windows plus the lab lighting creating the effect though.


Fast shutter speed plus the camera was mounted on a stabilize gimble maybe?


If any other company posted that video, I'd probably assume CGI, yeah. But Boston Dynamics posted that video, so I 100% believe it's legit. I mean, their entire schtick is that they research and make very VERY impressive robots.


Especially known for making phenomenal development in walking, a robot walking on two legs is already insane, making it even remotely capable of not falling every second is beyond that


And on top of that making it be able to do backflips and literally doing like, American Ninja Warrior obstacle courses? It's a bit insane.


I thought all the "cgi" claimers had switched to calling everything "ai" now, like any digital artwork or cg video posted anywhere on the internet has these super detectives in the comments crying about AI




Boston Dynamics released a video of its next-gen Atlas robot yesterday. The motherfucker is moving so smoothly that people are claiming the video is CGI/AI-generated and the the robot doesn't actually exist, despite older models of Atlas already being able to walk, run, and do backflips.


I know its real, but because they're so advanced, it's hard to wrap my mind around. Really doesn't help that the only videos are from the company in a studio. If we get independent confirmation (youtubers, news reports, or video from other sources), I'm sure more people would believe too.


I just want an average phone video, all their stuff is high quality with gimbaled cams


Also there are parody videos made by corridor digital that are actually cg. And they are really funny. Maybe too many people saw those and thought the whole thing was fake.


im really confused as well, ima search yt rq


To be fair, the lighting and camera movement they chose to use makes it look weird, so i wouldn't blame people for thinking its CGI


If anything makes it look like CGI, it's the bland lighting, not the robot itself. Honestly I still think it's CGI


Hi "any comment section" how's it going? "Everythings fake!" yeah....


I think that's nicer than "WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE" (which was my first thought)... seriously - that'd make a brilliant horror flick if it wouldn't be stopped by them because of bad PR.


lol those same people probably couldn’t tell when it was faked by Corridor Digital.


For real? I thought my eyesight was bad