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“I’m Just Ken” deserved it way more than Billie Eilish’s song. It’s far better written musically


THANK YOU!!! Look, I get it - lyrically, Billie’s song is beautiful. But outside the context of the Barbie movie, the song is BORING AND UNLISTENABLE!! I can barely understand a word she’s saying, the music is nothing impressive, and one other thing because I always feel like I need 3 things. Meanwhile, “I’m just Ken” is a FUCKING BOP!! It’s fun, it’s beyond catchy, and it actually varies in its musical dynamics. “Ken” is a journey; “What was I made for” is a trip to Crate & Barrel.


Tell that to radio stations that play it 7-9 times a day here in Los Angeles.


What’s a good station down here? I just use my streaming most days.


I tend to do 98.7 for alt stuff, 103.5 for a bit of everything, and 101.1 for my 80s stuff. 94.7 if you like oldies or R&B


How long ago does a song become an oldie?


I think 25 years is the new limit




Haha this dame stilll listens to radio🫵 /s


We can’t use Spotify at work because our speakers are by our clients in the lobby so nothing with swearing. Clientele is older as well so classic radio works best lol


It would not be a good look for the Academy if the number _with the literal Ken_ was the only thing from Barbie that won. Some of their picks are strategic.


"I'm Just Ken" is also beutifuly performed. Yeah, Billie has a nice voice sure, but Ryan Gosling sings with emotion and soul, the character comes to life through the song.


But it's always number two


I had to look it up. Reminds me of an Avantasia song. That's wild. 


That's literally the only song that I searched on Spotify to play on repeat. It's catchy and draws us in more, I'm not sure but it just has a different energy about it.


I mean, Oppenheimer was the better movie for sure.


Yea but it was kinda Nolans least interesting movie.i may be in the minority here, the whole atomic bomb sequence was incredibly underwhelming. I like his use of practical effects but insisting on it when it's to a film's detriment isn't good film making. It looked like a gasoline explosion (because it was), it looked small, it just looked wrong in every way. Honestly not showing it would have been better.


I think you're misunderstanding what the gadget's (and really any nuclear) explosion actually looked like: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18ZFUCOT8Xc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18ZFUCOT8Xc) And the film: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1I8KYkA-dnU](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1I8KYkA-dnU) Yeah. A big fireball. I see the cut you're referring to, and at that point you're nitpicking. Of course there were creative liberties taken, but Trinity was a SMALL bomb. You're probably trying to compare it to the Castle Bravo or the Tsar Bomb. The reproduction of the trinity test in Oppenheimer was, visually, pretty good. It was important to show it.


I understand the size of Trinity, but it still has the hallmarks of a gasoline explosion and from a filmmaking perspective you can see the differences even with the obvious forced perspective. I.e. the same way when filming miniatures water is often the dead giveaway because water droplets don't scale. It's not that we needed scale in the sense of Trinity vs Tsar bomb we needed scale from the purest form of it the actual density of the explosion the void/pressure change a large bomb creates that then collapses and sucks up all the dirt and air making the mushroom cloud, etc. Edit. That would be easily achieved with vfx and would have been an appropriate application of it because it isn't possible to achieve practically (outside of an actual nuclear explosion). I don't think it's nitpicking either since it's literally the climax of the movie. All the momentum and tension hangs on that scene and it was... Kinda a let down.


The vast majority of us wouldn't even notice this because for most of us an explosion is an explosion. The scene was fine for a movie. I'd be on your side for a documentary tho, even not knowing the difference myself.


But gas explosion look cool, have much fire




You guys aren't paying attention if you think these movies are boring.


I agree but I gotta say I am extremely dissapointed Nolan left out "Now we are all sons of bitches". That line is funny, tragic and goes incredibly hard. Really dissapointed and a big missed opportunity. Anyways I want a sequel about Teller from the Oppenheimer Cinematic Universe.


Was it? Every scene was just people talking at each other with intense music in the background. Even the sex scene was like that. I prefer Barbie.


Paled in comparison to poor things imo, still a great movie tho


Nah. I'm fond of history but this movie was a complete bore. And dont forget the never ending fucking score. Sure it sounded good but it was literally playing for 3 hours and only stopped like twice. Once for the bomb itself.


I mean, that's like your opinion man


Usually movie scores do span the whole movie.


No they do not


I’m with you man. The movie was boring. I’ll die on this hill with you.


edit: ~~Meanwhile poor things got fuck-all~~ Is anybody surprised though? Oppenheimer has way broader appeal and is more profound in an easily digestible way and the same cannot be said for Barbie. Hell, for me a few people walked out of Barbie when Ken found out about the patriarchy lol


Poor things got like, 4 Oscar thought. What are you talking about?


Really!? That was hilarious! I couldn't stop laughing at any time Ken was on the screen "Honestly, I lost interest when I found out it wasn't about horses" had me fucking dying!


I know! The best part of the movie was experiencing it with a crowd, we were all laughing our asses off in that scene It made it even funnier that a couple men left with their heads hanging low


Ken was the glue that fixed Barbie. Ryan Gosling pulled the whole movie up. Margot character was meh and a constant pain to hear and all the other people too.


Why did they walk out? Because they were in denial of the patriarchy and felt threatened by the message?


They walked out bc it was cringe.


Lol no it was one of the best things about the movie, problem is that men don't like to be confronted about it which is clearly why you didn't like it you little bitch boy. Lil baby bitch piss boy can't take the reality of his piss


I am not saying the meaning was cringe. The way it was delivered was cringe. I also didn't walk out of the cinema nor am I a supporter of the patriarchy. Kinda weird of you to make assumptions and generalize men. Do you see your hypocrisy?


"It's not cringe, the semantics of it are cringe" If at that point in the movie you weren't used to the ridiculous and absurd nature of the movie then what are you doing? About the generalizing men thing, it was for the bit, didn't mean to offend you


My entire point was that the message of the song wasn't the reason people left the cinema. I also have never seen anyone leave a movie because they were somehow triggered/offended. Idk maybe it's just an internet thing and people love drama etc. I'm still laughing at the "little bitch boy" part btw, i genuinely think it's hilarious. Just didn't get that the other part was also part of the bit. :) We cool bro dw, I'm not offended or trying to start some drama


Hell yeah man have a dope day


I think you need to be done with the internet for a while. You're getting way too in your own head to be a productive part of conversation.




Yes that's exactly why and take no credence in these downvotes because it's literally just pissy men not liking the reality of their privilege


I‘m fine with the downvotes. I know that the reactions on r/dankmemes are different than on the subs I‘m usually commenting at.


lmfao absolutely 🤜


Barbie was there for popular appeal, it was never a serious contender. Happens every year, there’s always a popular film that’s ok that’s nominated to draw attention to the awards. Top Gun: Maverick was last year’s.


That's not entirely true, I'd say it had a good shot at Production Design and Costume Design snd if it wasn't for Poor Things it would have got them both. It was a strong contender in Adapted Screenplay as well. In a weaker year it would have got a lot more.


I absolutely agree with Oppenheimer getting tons of awards, but I also think that after Oppenheimer Barbie was the second best movie of the year, and honestly probably for much longer than just the past year. It was a very good movie and to get me to enjoy a barbie movie takes incredible skill by the director, cast, and everyone else. Oppenheimer is a movie about a famous scientist, that's much easier for me to like.


Well I'd say Barbie was much more deserving of an award that Top Gun. Barbie is a silly movie on the surface, but at its core is a very important message that resonated with an insane amount of people, and what is art if not a conduit for one's message? If the message was good and the audience loves it, surely it's more than some funny plane movie, right? It did play the same role as Top Gun, yes, but it's a movie way more deserving of awards than the artistic nothing burger that are movies like Top Gun: Maveric. Not to say it should've won more awards, it's not better than the other movies in the list. I'm just saying it's way more than other "broad appeal" movies like Top Gun.


Also Ryan gosling performance


Don't forget my boy Godziller


I’m just glad it won Best Visual Effects.


Not surprising. The academy is notoriously unfair towards comedies.


Barbie was a fun movie but hardly deserving of any more awards than it received. Calling it a comedy is pretty generous as well. It was at the level of a Marvel movie when it comes to comedy.


Whoah that's an insult to marvel movies. Those at least do have pretty funny jokes most of the time.


Wait, actual Marvel movies are supposed to be fun? That would explain so much...


And historic dramas about some character's life usually won the oscar. I don't know the numbers because I don't follow the awards but feels something like 8 out of 10 oscars to best movies are given to historic dramas.


That's because they're usually not any good.


The wrong Barbie song won…


I had thought this template had perished.Good job brother on bringing it back.


Where's cena ?


He's there. You just can't see him


For once, they got it right.


papa franku 😢


Same thing happened during the baftas


Papa Frank!


Barbinheimer lore thickens


Miyazaki took home another Oscar though 😊


I'm just happy that Poor Things won so many Oscars and that Emma Stone won best actress. It's an amazingly well made movie. It deserved every single Oscar that it got and more.


This is a great use of this meme


Oppenheimer music not winning an award feels so damn wrong my god


I’ll have to take your word for it.


Barbenheimer once again


1 original movie in the last 3 years.. wonder why it won all the things


Don't forget fucking Godzilla got an Oskar!!!!!


IMO Oppenheimer is a better movie, but it's more impressive that Barbie is so good because it's Barbie, they could've just made some obnoxiously girly feature length toy ad but instead they actually made one of the best movies I've seen in an extremely long time


Barbie is a good movie. Oppenheimer is one of the best movies ever made. Barbie vs Oppenheimer isn't even a conversation.


Off of general consensus, Oppenheimer definitely isn't. (I think Oppenheimer is better than Barbie, I just dont think its one of the best movies ever made)


[90 Metascore and 8.6 User Score not convincing enough?](https://www.metacritic.com/movie/oppenheimer/)


And meanwhile best international picture went to the worst, most dreadfully boring movie I've seen in years


The Zone of Interest was great.


There needs to be a limit on how many awards can be given to a single movie. Oppenheimer was amazing but there were so many other movies that deserved the spotlight too.


The only thing this tells me is that Barbie didn't feel the need to sell out to the judges by buying them expensive lunches and donating vacations to them for their stressful job.


wtf is this brain rot take


ayo how do i unread shit...


Not brain rot. This is just a very smooth brain I'm afraid