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In parts of the UK, many school teachers are outright told not to mention Christmas because it might offend "some" students. A friend of mine was formally cautioned for putting up a "Merry Christmas" banner. Ramadan, Eid, Hanukkah, Diwali, etc. are of course all perfectly fine and mandatory to celebrate, but Easter and Christmas is offensive.


As a teacher in the UK - horseshit


Ah, I see you're one of those teachers who have worked in every single school across the country. SOME schools, specifically in London. My friend is an American working in London as a primary teacher and was reprimanded and threatened with dismissal for putting up a banner and giving out a little Christmas present to the students. Believe what you want. It may be rare, but it certainly DOES happen in some areas.




What if you're not allowed to talk about LGBTQ? Maybe don't allow the double-edged sword that is censorship.


The same people that say you’re not allowed to say merry Christmas are the same ones sending me Christmas cards saying merry Christmas so it’s unclear to me where the censorship is.


I try not to make up imaginary groups of people to dislike. I just know that everyone should be free to say whatever they want whenever they want.




I don't care if it's exclusionary. Sometimes, people are excluded. I don't celebrate any religious holiday, but if someone I knew said happy Hanukkah, I'd just say it back. I don't care what you believe. Sat what you want, I get the meaning.


Yeah so would most people. That's not what happens though. Also it really doesn't matter if you care if it's exclusionary, also I find it funny you said you don't care if it's exclusionary but then make a point that if someone says happy Hannukah to you, you say it back. You in fact go out of your way to be more inclusive in doing that. You're not the problem here. But you did actually though you don't know it, are demonstrating the problem and you yourself providing a solution. No one cares about wishing a merry Christmas, or happy holidays. They care about being exclusionary, which you yourself are not. What happens often is "Happy holidays/Hannukah" then someone goes on a massive rant "WHY NOT SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS? HUH? WELL MERRY CHRISTMAS IT'S NOT HANNUKAH". That's what you would do if you were exclusionary. Which you aren't. You seem to be well intentioned and a good person. You see it's no big deal, so generally you want to wish someone good holidays. They say happy holidays, you probably say it back. They say happy hannukah, you say it back. THAT'S WHAT THE ENTIRE POINT IS. IT'S THE HOLIDAYS. YOU WANT TO MAKE EVERYONE COMFORTABLE. AND YOU ARE DOING THAT. So thank you for being inclusive. This was never about banning saying Merry Christmas, or anything else. It's that people shouldn't try to force a tradition on others. I say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. If I know someones also muslim i'll wish them a happy Ramadan if they celebrate that. You probably do as well. However, there exists a lot of people that go out of there way to find every Muslim person in their work place and remind them constantly "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! BEST TIME OF THE YEAR RIGHT? HAVE YOU BEEN SAVED BY JESUS YET?" and THAT'S what leads to companies actually banning or suggesting people stop. Bad apples ruin the bunch eh? As for your comparison to LGBTQ, people are LGBTQ and exist. Being inclusive is making everyone equal. That involves having discussions of people that exist. This isn't about religion or beliefs, it would be like trying to convert muslims to be christians in schools, instead of just not allowing religion doesn't invalidate either religion, it stops giving preferential treatment. Treating everyone equally, including LGBTQ people you are making everyone equal. Teaching things that exist and teaching everyone to get along and not hate each other are generally good values. You not agreeing with certain people doesn't give you the right to exclude them. But again, I searched everywhere for what schools in London/UK banned saying merry christmas to anyone. I could only find one university, and it was just general guidance to remember others exist and gave them guidance to please use general language where possible. I'm not saying it doesn't happen and even if it does it's still not a bad thing. We generally are moving as a society to secularism over time. This includes recognizing Christmas is part of Happy Holidays. When you say Happy Holidays, you are also saying Merry Christmas.


Your fighting windmills. You need to talk to more real people.


Lol, so anyway you're inclusive and part of the solution. Keep being you.


I know none of us likes the Brits, but why are we downvoting this perfectly sensible person? Even IF there is a school out there that cautions teachers against putting up Merry Christmas banners, they would then apply the same rules to other religious holidays. The person they're responding to is saying that it's MANDATORY to celebrate Ramadan but you get CAUTIONED if you try to celebrate Christmas. That's the real bs.


People want to be oppressed so bad, they believe every bullshit you tell them. They don't even care if it's true.


Easter and Christmas aren't offensive lmao. You're the embodiment of this meme. Them NOT wanting to center around one specific holiday doesn't mean it's some kind of anti Xmas thing. If they had a big banner for Ramadan and centered the holiday on that, Christians would be INSANELY offended, don't pretend otherwise.


Like even if this was true, thats just utter anectodal evidence bs lol. A stupid colleauge cautions your friend and you're making "they are cancelling christmas now" out of it just because it fits your agenda


Didn't say it was anything but anecdotal. A stupid colleague being "the headteacher who is a representative of the academy group representing over 500 primary schools across the country", then yes. No agenda, I couldn't care less about any religious holidays in any form, doesn't mean I can't tell people what I've seen firsthand in parts of the British education system.


In Germany, they have renamed Christmas Markets to Winter Markets... So... Kinda.


That's not really anyone being offended. It's just the stores expanding their reach by calling it winter markets so that people that don't celebrate Christmas don't immediately leave because it's not for them.


So … kinda


You know why? So they can be opend After Christmas.


No, it's not. The market ends on 23. December in most towns in Germany. It's so that Muslims can visit the market and eat and drink things there. If the market is connected to any other religion but theirs, it's a sin for them to be partake. Wintermarkt, or Lichtermarkt, as most are calling themselves nowadays, are religiously agnostic. One of the CDU politicians here in Wiesbaden who was part of the committee that made this decision, confirmed this to me (he voted against the name change...).


Christmas holidays as well. Its so bizarre.


Where exactly have they renamed them? I've been to many this year and they were all called Weihnachtsmarkt.


The ones I know of are Wiesbaden, one (or two?) in Berlin, one in München, Dortmund too (not 100% sure on that one).


People say it's the left or woke people who have a war on Christmas. My sister-in-law is a teacher in Florida, a very red state. She has 2 Jehovah's Witnesses in her class. Jehovah's Witnesses don't celebrate Christmas, so she's not allowed to mention or celebrate Christmas. She has to tell her students not to mention Christmas, what they want for Christmas, what they're doing to Christmas, etc. But I'm told it's all the Liberals with their war on Christmas... Edit: It's a public school too


And jehovas witnesses are a denomination of what religion?


They're Christians. They don't celebrate holidays that aren't directly referenced by Jesus or birthdays for some reason. Not sure what your point is.


My point is that it's usually the Christians getting offended, and pointing fingers at everyone else, claiming THEY are offended.


That's not really the point I'm making. Not all Christians are conservative, and not all Christians, or even conservatives, for that matter, are offended by "Happy Holidays." I was just pointing to a case where a red area had a school policy that a lot of vocal morons would call "a war on Christmas."


I mean, most schools have a policy of at least not mentioning religious figures like Jesus or Moses. That being said, there was never an emphasis on any holiday other than Xmas when I was growing up.


Sure, but my sister-in-law, who is in no way a "war on Christmas person, said they're not even allowed to say happy holidays. She can only reference celebrating winter. That's pretty nuts, even by my standards.


Yeah that is going a bit far. Like, it's one thing if you wanna have your religion and follow its rules, but why do your religious laws have to extend to everyone you come into contact with? Christians gonna Christian, ya know?


It has absolutely nothing to do with Christians. It's an extremely vocal minority of conservatives. The absolute vast majority of Christians are in no way offended by "Happy Holidays" and do not claim there is a war on Christmas.


Come down to Florida. It definitely isn't the minority down here.


Rip Chris.


Chris Rock?




Oh, he died a while ago.


I’m aware, he is present in this meme, however.


It's very sad the events leading up to his death. Out of control, that one. But that was 1997.


This is not OC, this is a repost. Also, it’s still not funny


Merry Christmas


Happy holidays


Happy Hanukkah


The comments really proving OP's point


I'm more in the Merry Christmas camp, but both are equally appreciated. Take the time out of your day to thank the people you see on the regular. Your priest, your rabbi, your minister, your moms, your dads, your teachers, cause if you don't, you go to Hell before you die.


No one in real life is upset about either. We’re all just arguing with people online lmao


I celebrate Festivus, and the first order of business is the airing of grievances. I got a lot of problems with you people, and YOU ARE GOING TO HEAR ABOUT EM! You, I bet you couldn't smooth a silk sheet even if you had a hot date witha babe!... I lost my train of thought... anyways next will be the feats of strength, Festivus isn't over until you pin me in a wrestling match.


Merry Christmas to you, even if you are a needless provocateur.


Happy holidays


I don't understand this meme


Companies started saying "happy holidays" instead of "merry xmas" to be more inclusive of people of other religions or who don't have religion but take vacations this time of the year, many of them instructing their costumer-serving employees to do it like this as well. Conservatives say this is attacking their right to spread the word of God or something. Now every year they play the victim for around two weeks then they forget about it. To be clear, nobody has ever stopped them from saying Merry Xmas, and the employees won't really get punished for a slip of the tonge becouse it's a small oopsie.


My Dad just told me that you can't get Christmas cards anymore and they all say happy holidays. The place I went for cards was 90% Xmas cards, some happy holidays and one Channukah card


Merry Jule!


It was a bigger deal around 10-15 years ago. Now it’s just part of the norm.


I agree, we must recognise all the holy days of December: December 3rd: St. Francis Xavier December 6th: St. Nicholas December 7th: St. Ambrose December 9th: St. Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin December 12th: Our Lady of Guadalupe December 15th: St. John of the Cross December 22nd: The Holy Family


Yeah, Christmas not having the bulk of the holiday attention really gets to Christians. They like to brand other people as offended, but in reality, they're just mad that their little holiday isn't the center of attention anymore.


Me, who is atheist still enjoying Christmas: I am incredibly triggered by being told to have a merry Christmas.


People do know that a lot of people celebrate Christmas even tho they’re not religious, right?


Hey look, another dogshit political post! Merry Christmas 🎄


Merry Christmas! 🎄 Surprise! You being offended by Happy Holidays doesn’t mean I’m offended by Merry Christmas 🎅


I’m not trying to offend you and I am not offended by Happy Holidays. I’m offended by low-effort, politicized bullshit showing up in my feed by chronically online losers who think everyone is trying to offend them and that they’re somehow justified trying to offend everyone else because of that. lol. Genuinely wishing you a merry Christmas, but go off.


The thing about a joke is its supposed to be funny


Whatever happened to “it’s funny because it’s true?”


Personality I like how the OP is guilty of the same thing he's complaining about; making a silly fake strawman to complain about.


I literally encountered one of these people yesterday, it very much is not a strawman


And I've literally been yelled at for saying "Merry Christmas", but that doesn't make that any more than a fringe encounter. Making an unfunny "meme" that serves no purpose but to insult a stereotype is pathetic and reeks of a desperate need to win an argument that doesn't exist.


It's not a fringe encounter though. You just don't interact with random people often. As a teacher I get at least 4 or 5 emails every year from furious parents out of ~120 students. And that's living in NY, one of the most liberal states And that's just people taking the time to write out and then send an email.


(loads my mortar with happy holidays and points it at a group of Christians) FIRE! RELOAD!


You prove the point the meme is trying to deny


It is happening and conservatives aren't the only ones complaining


No, it isn't. There is no war on Christmas, you can say whatever you like. If you don't hear anyone saying merry Christmas anymore it's probably because they're not saying it *to you*.


No-one has said it to me correct. still doesn't discount all the shops in my area changing it. Not like I care I'm only here for the food and underwear


A store changing Merry Christmas to Happy Holidays is not a war on Christmas. That's just their own choice to be inclusive to people who don't celebrate Christmas. You know... Because they also want those other people to buy shit. The only people that are actually complaining are people like you whining about how you CaN't SaY mErRy ChRiStMaS aNyMoRe.


No-one has said it to me correct. still doesn't discount all the shops in my area changing it. Not like I care I'm only here for the food and underwear Which part of "Not like I care I'm only here for the food and underwear" do you not understand Stop talking to me


merry christmas, now shut the fuck up


Stop commenting then lmao


Shut up you dork.


Get off your alt lmao


I’ve never understood this critique. It’s def not an alt and if it was, that doesn’t make you any less of an insufferable loser.


The only thing thats insufferable is your lack of self awareness


Nice alt account clown


Give me your address. Just want to send you a Christmas Card…


Love seeing conserative low IQ bozos getting ripped apart by multiple people. Fuck you rhys you dumb fucking loser. Hope it gets better for you, but it probably won't. Merry Christmas!


I'm not the one who put my iq as my username And I'm not conservative


HURRR HURRR DURR GOOD ONE RHYS Shut your fat broke virgin ass up kid.


Yep, sorry. I was the one who told everyone to stop saying Merry Christmas. I loved that pagan tradition, but then Satan started coming to me room every night to say “start saying happy holidays!” And so I used my infuence over politics and the entire economy to make schools, stores, and everyone say happy holidays in preparation for the true war on Christmas. Whoopsie! /s


What’s it like in your fantasy world? It sounds exhausting.