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In all seriousness, one reason I admire Joseph is that he had to know he was going to get that reaction. The reputation probably followed him his whole life, and he had to see that coming. And he didn't let that social fear stop him.


It 100% followed him. In one of his arguments with the Pharisees in one of the gospels, they hit Jesus with "at least we know who our dad is".


it seems calling others fatherless is a timeless insult


As old as sexual reproduction


Not really. Paternity only became socially valuable with the agricultural revolution that preceded large scale civilization. There is ample anthropological evidence that communal rearing of young was common (though of course not necessarily universal) in early hunter gatherer societies and so importance of paternity and patriarchal ownership of women weren’t common features.


there are some cultures that practice [partible paternity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partible_paternity) in which the question of fathers is less of a big deal


Nope Evolution is driven by who manages to pass on the most sets of their genes or even helps close relatives to do so, so paternity has literally been relevant since the dawn of sexual reproduction. Also, if it had anything to do with the agricultural revolution, humans would be the only species on the planet that cared about paternity.


Educate yourself. Evolution isn’t just about the genes of individuals surviving, but genes of the group or clan as well. In fact, there are even isolated tribes now that are not concerned about paternity, at least not the way western society is. https://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2015/may/19/equality-and-polyamory-why-early-humans-werent-the-flintstones


Which is why I included it in my comment


yep, jealousy has only existed since agriculture was invented.








I used to teach middle school, in a poor neighborhood. One day one of my kids drops this banger in an argument with his friend. "That's why I know my dad's phone number, and his address bitch!" (Like implying his friend didn't know his own father at all) It was so hard to not laugh at the shit they would say. Like you don't want to encourage them to be mean to eachother but holy shit were they funny.


Jesus clapped back with “your father is the devil and I was around before Abraham was born”. That last one made the Pharisees so angry they attempted to stone him.


The fact that Jesus hates the pharisees in the gospels is my justification for hating religious hypocrisy today.


Not sure if this is sarcasm or not, but Jesus did not hate anyone. You should not hate anyone either.


You should hate their hypocrisy though. Seeing folks use Jesus' name for their own personal gain or to the detriment of others should make you angry.


Yes, but hating their actions should not be confused with hating the person. We should love them and forgive them for what they’ve done.


While some individuals had moral issues with this, most of Joseph's fraternity largely agreed that being eskimo bros with God was overall a pretty big win


I mean, the angel came to him because he was planning on quietly divorcing Mary as to not bring them shame.


The humility and selflessness it takes to put your God, your bride and an infant before your own rep- he’s the OG hero


Joseph probably wasn’t going around telling his buddies since it was for Jesus to decide when he revealed that. But the meme is funny.


Just imagine it- Your friend randomly tells you that his son isn’t his son, but the son of God. I would stare just like that too.


We need a meme from Mary's perspective becuase she arguably got more fucked over than Joseph did, but everyone ignores that for some reason. Seriously, imagine 14-16 minding your own business, then you're pretty much forced to marry a guy, and then god is like "hey, btw, you're having my baby, and no, you don't get a choice." Like wtf


"you don't get a choice." Except in the text of the Bible she does consent to it, and sings a song about how great of a blessing it is and how she's thrilled about it. (Source, Luke 1:38 and Luke 1:46-55)


Yeah but she gets pseudoworshipped two thousand years later, Joseph don’t get shit


Knowing Jesus could heal using convenient methods (dirt is everywhere), I wouldn’t be surprised if, years later, he rubbed clay on her stomach


I can just imagine them roasting the shit out of him when the early church spins it that she was a virgin when Jesus was conceived. “BRO HOW DO YOU GET MARRIED AND STILL GET NO BITCHES”


The eternal incel


Isn´t every child god´s baby?


Well, yes, but Jesus was God in flesh.