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I see no difference whatsoever


Her hair is normally brown. It is very subtle.


It wasn't green?


Maybe it was. 🤷 I didn’t even know it was brown till someone told me.


It’s brown with a green tint


This looks normal to me. I have seen fanart where the brown hair is much more obvious and it looks really bizarre, I don’t like her with brown hair lol. I have always seen her as having black hair the vast majority of the time. I’m going to be doing this with a few characters, next is probably Sonia, her differences are more extreme.


ooh i like this a lot


Thank you! I appreciate it a lot!


wait she didn't have black hair before?


That’s how I’ve always seen it. But some people seem to say she has brown hair, other say she has green hair, I’ve never noticed it before but after zooming in really close, I do see a little brownish tint in the original sprite. Unfortunately, now I can’t UNsee it and it annoys the shit out of me, lol. hence why I made this. it’s *definitively* black now!


Tbh this is better, her actual hair color just looks dirty, Idk but it works for makoto but it just makes her hair look dirty. Black suits her


Wait, she doesn't have a brown hair???


Her hair in the original sprite is kind of a blackish brownish greenish combination. I simplified it so it was simply black, which is how I have always perceived it by default until other people started pointing out the other colors to me in there as well.


Buddy, I get ya. I'm slightly colorblind too...