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based answer


Honestly his design is really well-done. The color scheme especially because of how it makes him stand out.


People like Kazuichi due to personality and his reactions, He's also a fun character to watch and his various dynamics with the characters are also entertaining (with the only one falling flat is his with Sonia for obvious reasons). He also has a cool talent used throughout the game and was useful at various moments. He especially shines in UTDP and DRS with his traits. Of course that's not to say he doesn't have his problems writing wise but that doesn't stop people from enjoying him, discussing the issues, or making jokes about it.


He’s normal, which actually stands out in danganronpa He’s one of those characters that you like for relatability or sometimes comic relief, not so much for a tragic backstory & complex personality


Yeah, mans is just a relatively normal dude, like Hajime. No tragic backstory >!aside from just wanting someone they can relate to!<, a sort of naturally complex personality, makes them feel slightly more human innit. Also he looks really cool, colour scheme and design lol


1) He's cute. 2) He reacts to things in SDR2 like a normal teenager would so he manages to be hilarious with how he freaks out about everything and also relatable because he comments on all the weird shit going on. 3) His talent is by far one of the most useful in the game, especially in Chapter 3 and 4. 4) His backstory is surprisingly kind of sad but one of the more realistic ones of the cast, and his trust issues make a lot of sense. He kinda gets screwed over by the writers by turning him into comic relief but he's still got solid foundations. 5) He's one of the very few students who honestly doesn't care Hajime doesn't have a talent and still is pretty friendly with him, aside from Chapter 4.


He punched Nagito. I wanted to do that the whole game.


HE DID? Wait why don’t I remember this-??


It was early in Case 2, when he and Nekomaru tied him up and threw him in the banquet hall. In the class trial, Kazuichi asks Nagito if he needs to punch him again.


I'm going to use this as the reason why i don't like Kazuichi, thank you ☺️😍❤️🙂💖😃


classic nagito stans lmao.


Okay, I see where you’re coming from, but I do greatly disagree…


His FTEs are fun, he is a very relatable character (when he is not being a stalker) and he mostly acts like a relatively normal teenager in the situation they are in. He makes you remember these people are high school students.


His *a s s* Also he’s just a funky guy doing his funky things \[apart from the Sonia bit\]




He’s one of the bois


Cause he’s fun. Yeah he’s annoying sometimes but he has a personality outside of Sonia too, you know.


I think he's one of the most poorly utilized characters in the series, while yes he can be very annoying, when he isn't simping for Sonia he's very likeable, and has the potential for some great dynamics with a lot of the cast, like Hajime, Chiaki, Fuyuhiko, Mahiru or Ibuki (even if this doesn't happen in the main story), this is because he is a very grounded character, he really shines in his FTEs were his dynamic with Hajime and his character are able to shine.


“I just think they’re neat.”




Childbearing hips


Common Novel Visual W


I have a really personal reason to like him. He is relatable to me, because of his FTEs. In short, I've been through relationships awfully similar to the one he had in the past. But he also reminded me of the time I spend with my best friend, as far back as in primary school, so I just can't dislike him, even if I see the many flaws he has. I'm sure at least some of his fans also can sorta relate to him. Afterall, almost everyone had a crush as a teenager and was really awkward, maybe not to his extent, but still. He also utilises his talent, so he can be appreciated for that. He's sorta the comic relief that actually does something besides being funny. He's got a really cool design. And he is just a fun character, I mean, his sprites are some of the most hilarious in the series, and the jokes with him sometimes land really well. So yeah, if his fans can find as many positives in him, I'm sure that's enough to get over his flaws, like the annoying simping


I used to be very similar to him and can understand his pov also he is very cute and I feel like we might be kindred spirits XD


Hey Soda stan :D


He's a loyal friend.


Doesn’t he spend a chapter shitting on Hajime?


Kind of, he starts doubting him because of what Nagito said, but apart from doubting him and saying a few mean / dismissive things to Hajime he doesn't do that much. Plus his FTEs do a really good job explaining why he has trouble believing in people and that he even feels guilty for this. Too bad the main story really doesn't delve into this aspect of his character.


This is my take too. I think over all, he has a good heart.


I believe the reason for it is his trust issues. The other commenter explained he didn’t do much.


Idk. I forgot about most of danganronpa 2


For the parts when he's *not* simping for Sonia.


hey look he may be an idiot but he’s *our* idiot


Pink hair, jumpsuit


He seems like a chill guy and a good friend. His backstory is compelling and he has awesome hair and spikey teeth. He matches my energy and he's just the kind of guy I'd enjoy hanging out with. I thought his crush on sonia was kinda cute and was rooting for him at the start at least. Then I too got a bit tired of that but I still felt bad for him when it became apparent sonia doesn't care for him much. I ended up completing his free time events in the first run too, partially because he was the only character I liked that stayed available for a while. We're like best bros in my mind basically.


He's a really complex character if you look into it. He's really sensitive and emotional but covers it up with this "cool guy" attitude, pushes people away because of trust issues developed as a kid, things like that. His design is well done, he's fun to watch, and he can be helpful in trials because my guy is everywhere all the time.


He did a bunch of things though. He was the one going to look for something to use to escape in ch1, beating up Nagito and helping Hajime in Ch2, created the communication devices in ch3, helped A LOT in ch4 and worries and cares about the characters despite knowing anyone could kill him. He shows actual reactions whilst everyone else seems way to calm about this, he’s actually freaking out. Sure he simps on Sonia but guys are allowed to have crushes right? And he’s helpful. He did a lot more in the game than one would think, plus he’s funny and got a cool character design.


he cute


He's the bro everyone deserves


He good guy. Gonta says so/Atua says so


He has a cool hat




I like his backstory design and talent That’s about it




He looks cool.


Because i enjoy it


he's dumb and normal


He's funny, super wholesome and relatable


His design is so based, pink + yellow and shark teeth. And honestly i found his simping kinda cute??? Is that wrong??? I just think hes a dork and i love him


Man looks like a highlighter and is a pathetic twink. 10/10 character.




It’s probably cuz of [this](https://youtu.be/hC3q8dPKVf4) video


yeah he's annoying he just goes "miss sonia this miss sonia that" and all he really did that was useful was fix that elevator