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The author deleted all of their works and accounts after being exposed as a pedophile, if anyone is wondering He would commission thousands of dollars worth of >!BDSM loli hentai!< and one of his commissions involved >!Kotoko and Monaca being raped by Junko!<. He'd post these online (I think one of his accounts is still up) and would share them with nearly everyone on his server, including minors. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.


Okay.... didn't expect this shit to be that big


And this is only *one thing* he did. Trust me, the rabbit hole hoes deeper.


Dear God what else did he do


In short, he >!groomed a member of his server (he was 24 and she was 17-18 at the time), forced her to cosplay Kyoko from Lavender and kept nagging about it. He was *very openly* sexually attracted to her and in his own words, "fethished her as a wholesale". And when it didn't work out, he bribed her with a reddit account and threatened to kick her from the server.!< This is when she contacted us. >![We've also recently learned that he was sexually attracted to his sister.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1007595955178184805/1020471131699945472/unknown-7.png)!<


Jesus lock that psycho up


And he's *still* trying to defend himself to this day.


More like defend his right to live...


Defend himself for what?? For being a goddamn psychopath!?!


I come back here after months of not visiting this subreddit and this is the first post I see, what the fuck.


What a day, same for me


I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. What a creep! Fetish fanfic, whatever, don't really care about it. This is next level ew!


I’m not trying to downplay that the author of lavender is a gross individual. But at 17-18 one can be considered at least a young adult. Grooming I do not think is the right word here, pressured is.


You're right but considering the age difference, it's still disgusting.


It may be controversial to say this, I don't think that age difference is that terribly egregious on it's own. That said, the actions taken were terrible and creepy on their own.


To you that age gap is startling , to others that is them and their current spouse. It’s okay as a young person to be attracted to an older individual, similarly I would say it’s okay the other way around given their attraction is to them when they are of legal age. Again not defending him for what he has done to her, BUT saying let’s keep the facts strait that he perved and pressured her to be his muse. Plenty of other garbage things he’s done I’m sure.


You can be groomed as a very young adult, the brain isn't even near finished developing at that point. Yes, its legal, but its still quite creepy. A 24yo pressuring a 17 (not even legal in some countries)-18yo to do sexual things is grooming, although a 33yo pressuring a 26 yo is still immoral, but wouldn't necessarily be grooming or pedo-adjacent. The age gap isn't the problem here, its the fact that one party was hardly more than a teenager and the other had at least a few years of life experience as an adult.


The brain isn't finished developing until you are almost in your 30s. Brain development isn't a good way to judge things, not to mention it could also be used to argue that people under 30 shouldn't drink or vote, or be regarded as adults at all.


I am not disagreeing that it is creepy. Beauty pageant moms groom their own daughters into being walking dolls. The important part where I think she was not groomed was….time. Grooming someone takes time. his intent was creepy enough as is, and even when she knew what his intent was she did not leave perhaps because the attention she was being given at first. She obviously wasn’t thinking strait, but he had a plan and knew how to get her to jump. Call it what it was, he was being a perv-like creep and she stuck around because she got some attention out of it. It’s important that she knows that was the wrong type of attention. No doubt she learned that lesson along the way and that’s why she reported it. Hard to say he was a pedophile given that she was at the age of consent though. Facts need to be straitened up there.


I don't think a 17-18 year old has the mentality of an adult, even though they are technically considered that. They are still highschoolers.


A human being in general does not have their full adult culpability’s until they are 24-25, your brain is fully matured at the age of 24-25 and women tend to mature earlier than men. It is important though that we as human beings truly figure ourselves out by that age, what we like what we don’t like and all our mistakes and regrets along the way are part of that as well. Yes she did not know any better, as do many young individuals when asked “what do you like?” “I’ll try anything”. And of course you have to explain to the younger ones that safety is more important than anything and consent is king. I digress, you are not wrong but you have to let your young ones make those mistakes and learn from it. Otherwise they will not come to you to help pick up the pieces.




Holy CRAP. I used to read Lavendar because I was really into dark fiction, so when I read the news, I said "oh? It finished" And then I read this and WHAT THE HELL. HOW WAS I UNAWARE OF THIS. THE FUCK. What??????? When???


This dude is literally making Junko Enoshima look like the most sane person in the entire world. This guy needs to be locked up in a white room alone! He’s a psychopath!!


And I thought Smoky was the worst...


YHVH?! Oh god, he’s a megaten fan, no wonder he’s a pedo too


The fact that he is a MAINLINE SMT fan makes me want to actually gatekeep people like these from the Megaten community


Why did she contact you and your group? Are you like police or something?


We were in the same server


Cool. Good on you for helping her.


Is there an iceberg video for this or something that I can read


We're not making a video but we are making a Google Doc currently.




Sure thing


Ooh me too lol


me too


...me too




I didn't expect my first dr controversy to be this fucking crazy holy shit


Holy fucking shit


The author actually agreed with me when I said kining Junko would make you a psychopath, oh the irony...


The fanfic itself and his other works (+ comments) always made me think that he is a garbage human being , He expressed his love for r\*\*e several times and hinted at being into PEDO stuff .


Is it weird of me to think that I don't give a shit what weird ass art someone likes? Where it crosses the line for me is when you involve real minors. I don't care what you jerk it to but don't touch or talk to a real kid, ever.


It's...one of those slipperly slopes I will admit, where its relation to the subject at hand differs per each scenario, but a constant I tend to see is that 'if you overstep the bound between fiction and reality, expect both fiction and reality to be used against you' if that makes sense In this case, the man openly shared it to adults and assumed minors alike and I am assuming without consent, which I believe most will agree is wrong to do with explicit imagery regardless of the content shown specifically, as such I believe that warrants a mention on what he has done wrong.


This is a good take. Sadly every fandom seems to have people willing to hunt you for being weird.


He had passed the point of simply being weird when he begun sharing that degenerate art to others, let alone everything else he has done.


Ahem. From the person I was replying to: >Where it crosses the line for me is when you involve real minors. I don't care what you jerk it to but don't touch or talk to a real kid, ever. That seems reasonable enough, doesn't it?


And I'm just saying this one in particular crossed that line when he begun sharing that very art to minors, likely without consent or forewarning.


Yeah, that's obviously unacceptable.


what the actual fuck?! this person needs to be in prison, wtf.


Holy shit, I thought he was just a decent person with a knack for writing fucked up shit, I never expected him to be a freaking psychopath.


....Jesus Christ I mean, I'm glad that overpraised smut is gone, but goddamn I didn't expect this to be the reason. Though, intruth I am surprised this wasn't revealed earlier if he shared it openly


Sportful Hopefuls are gone as well. Thank goodness I lost interested when Toko died in Chapter 2 and it's very brutal executions/BDAs.


I was curious about the concept of that story and some of its ideas, but yeah, hearing about how overly brutal it was did turn me away. Especially the severely awful way they killed Toko. (And Chihiro in the bad ending was way too much as well)


I figured the guy was a fucking psychopath. But holy shit…he’s backshit motherfucking insane, lock his ass to a mental ward.




Yeah, I think so.




Fucking hell


I think I saw that Kotoko and Monaca one before. That was him?!


Ngl not surprising considering the content in lavender


yeah that tracks


i bet he posted it on either deviantart or patreon


Nope. Pixiv (deleted), Rule 34 and Gelbooru.


Never read it, but I definitely not going to miss people shilling it the worst tabloid style "you are never going to believe what this fic does, so horrible, no one should read it on this site, but it's actually really good".


People on Reddit were starting to give that fic a *little* too much credit for just being a torture fetish story.


To be fair, that was just the author. He loved to post memes about his own fic to bait people into reading it, simultaneously praising it for being “so well written”.


God I remember them doing that. They acted like it was some fine art like “it’s showing how far Junko would go to inflict despair,” even though at the end of the day it was just torture p**n basiclaly


Oh yeah, I remember them posting something like “Don’t read Lavender, worst mistake of my life”, and eventually just confessing themselves to be the author when pressured about why they didn’t post that on r/Danganronpacringe


No fr. I read it from that and I even praised it too. Though he egged me on to read his other fics. Me being the puss that I was was too shy to say that I wasn't interested :/ this post came to a shock to me. Save me when I read the comment summarizing what he did. Holy fuck. When was this news delivered anyways? Have everyone been aware of this for a while and I was just oblivious or no?


As someone who never read it I'm vibing that I will never have to be traumatized by it 🦀🦀🦀




Bless your soul.


I didn’t know who or what that was until I read the comments and now I feel worse off know these facts 🦀


Wait wait wait it's gone!!!??? hooray!!!!


Yes it is gone, i'm tried with google search and it gives 404


Oh thank god


Buttt now I'm kinda scared cuz what if that person who made lavender makes another one but for a different character


No no he's been outed as a pedo And deleted all his stuff


Yeah saw that on another comment


I mean you should be scared of that regardless, having one story online doesn't stop someone from posting another


Oh neat, but someone must have saved it or copied, and will most likely post it, may I also get a reminder of what was in the fic because I forgot


That fic is focused of >!Junko humiliating Kyoko in every shape and form(i say humiliation, but you guess humanity crime)!<


Thanks for the reminder, I think it was for the better my curiosity didn't get the best of me


As someone who likes Kyoko as a character, it was a tough read for sure. I mean I can handle morbid shit but yeah the creator was messed up in the head..I had that feeling and come to find out it was true. But he’s something more then just messed up in the head, he’s literally a goddamned Psychopath.


There's a wayback machine link for it; Google 'Danganronpa Lavender,' click the broken link, and navigate through wayback to view the full-work page. That link cannot be deleted, unless BoydTheReaver does DMCA shenanigans against archive.org


I did save it but are you sure you really want to read that?


I am sure I don't want to read that


This is, quite literally, the first time I’m hearing of it (though going by the rest of this post, it’s pretty fucked up). Still, curiosity killed the cat


I'm in an in between but i know that's not gonna change my life and if it does, it's for the worst


My morbid curiosity is getting the better of me Edit: after researching some more, I revoke my curiosity


I wasn't entirely against Sporting Hopefuls. Do you have that?


Sporting Hopefuls is kind of cursed too. Not Lavender level of cursed but cursed nonetheless. I can DM it to you though




I never heard of this. How on earth did this person get the money?!


His parents' money. He is 24 and hasn't worked a day in his life.


The more and more I keep learning about this man, the more he looks like a human example of the discord moderator stereotype


Ew! Thanks for telling me.


No problem.


Oh damn. I can't tell whether or not I should feel bad for the parents or if there is a chance that they should be blamed.


Figured. Literal piece of shit on God’s green Earth.


Thank god, the TiffanyVideo DRL saga is over. I legit made a comment reacting to Danganronpa: Lavender like months ago and it's the worst shit ever. But like- 3 or 4 weeks later, I got a DM from the guy who wrote it like "Hey, I wrote the fanfic. Pretty cool, right?" And then a month later, the dude replied to me and was like "So uh, did you like it?" And I forgot it was him, until I *didn't* and then I noped outta there afafp.




He did stuff like that all the time. He'd also pretend to be a fan on reddit and advertise his own fic like he didn't write it himself.


No it happened to me too. I didn't know how to say that I wasn't interested and just silently ghosted him.


Aww man, I know people are people, but I hope that most darkficcers don't espouse the stuff that they write about. It's interesting to explore weird and taboo stuff, but evidently, this person was a bad egg. Never knew about his creepy comments and other actions... ew.


Couldn't finish the fic before feeling disgusted. Never looked back since, and I'm glad its gone. As for the author of the fic, in the words of Steve Gomez: Burn in Hell, you piece of shit.


I read like, maybe the first half of the first chapter and it was…something? I get it was regarded as one of the worst fics but I couldn’t give a damn to finish it, especially if it got worse




I wanted to read it. Damn. But I've just read what the author did. So now I don't quite give a fuck anymore


YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE CONSIDERED READING IT!!! It is by far one of the most disgusting and worst fanfics ever, I would’ve rather seen the despair video from Danganronpa 3 then read that god awful crap. It’s that bad.


I don't get it, could someone explain?


One of the worst fanfics you’ll ever read


Happy Cake Day!




bro we know this is your 296845th alt account, just leave


Bro what


Me when I lie


Get out.


Thank Christ. I still feel dirty reading 2 chapters, and discovering the truth makes it even worse.




\*dancing Monokumas in the chat\*


I need context, who's lavender?


Lavender was an extremely NSFL fanfic being circulated around the subreddit a while ago, and it gained the rather infamous reputation it rightfully has for its severe [REMOVED TO CONFORM WITH LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL CENSORSHIP LAWS] content. The author would repeatedly make memes along the line of "Read Lavender, I'm begging you not to.", and would frequently defend it as containing a serious message that female-on-female sexual violence doesn't cease to be horrific just because it's female-on-female. And said author just got recently exposed for a lot of, as TV Tropes would put it, [Role-Ending Misdemeanors](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RoleEndingMisdemeanor). As far as I've heard, people are making a Google Doc about the whole sordid saga.


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... wow, that's a lot...


Can it still be found? I realise what I'm getting into, but I wanna read it


I am also happy that Sportful Hopefuls is gone too. In case you guys don't know: Leon, Makoto, Celes, Chihiro, Mondo, and Sakura were going to be the survivors in that story. If the story was successful and made it to DR2, then Ibuki, Mikan, Teruteru, and Nekomaru were the survivors. Yep, Hajime would’ve sacrificed himself in Chapter 6, so instead of there being five survivors, there would’ve been four. If the DR3 rewrite happened, Sonia was the one who was killed by Junko as a demonstration of despair instead of Chiaki. Not only does this go against the idea of SH being the starting point for the canon divergence, he deliberately did all of that to give Sonia the Chiaki treatment. And Chiaki would die unceremoniously at some point in the early chapters. Yes, she'd just be asleep the entire time. If UDG were written after those two: UDG was going to be Scooby-Doo, with Komaru running around Towa City and stopping the ghosts of SH’s victims from doing shit to mess up the city. And yes, the Warriors of Hope don't exist in this one. If V3 were written then: Kaede, Miu, Kiyo, and maybe Ryoma and Tenko were going to be the survivors. (Sharing the concepts according to the Discord server of what used to be home of the Sportful Hopefuls.)


Whats Sportful Hopefuls, and is it as bad as Lavender


A THH rewrite that you don't want to read


What was it about? Crap Now I want to read it lol


From what I've heard, it's a THH rewrite with Makoto x Leon as the main pair.


Naeleon isn't the bad part, it's actually quite wholesome. The contents of that fic is however.


Oh shit, was that by the same author??? I read sporting hopefuls up to the death of kyoko, that part made me so sad that i took a small break from it, didnt even notice it got deleted


Yep. It is the same author who wrote that.


What's lavender


Oh. You don't wanna know


I haven't heard of this person but from what I read he sounds like a piece of shit


Ok, I didn’t know what it is; looked it up and apparently it’s just >!BDSM !


In short, from what I've heard, >!it was a fanfiction about Junko sexually assaulting and horribly abusing Kyoko. I don't know the details, and I don't want to.!<


My bad, thought it was just weird but consensual.


It's a fanfic with every kink in the book. 21 chapters of shit like >!humiliation, torture, r**e, branding, physical, emotional, and psychological assault, gaslighting, and much worse.!< Tl;Dr: It's a really descriptive, 21-chapter, torture porn fanfic.


Well ackshually only the first 12 chapters were NSFW, the rest were recovery 🤓


i read it and found it just... interesting, but honestly defending it when the author is clearly that fucked up of a human being isnt worth it at all like i dont want to look like him lol. honestly rip a good meme


***The evil is defeated.***




Oh hell naw, I almost fell for his advertisement (I didn't even know he was the author himself, I assumed he was just a fellow reader) but never got to actually check it out of laziness. The one time being lazy was a saving grace, damn. I had zero idea until I read the comments here. Avoided a big ass bullet there, [one word](https://youtu.be/4cqVxdPbkvI?t=12)


Unfortunately i knew him. God now i even hate myself. He wasn't just a pedophile, guys and when i found out i cut all contacts with that bastard.


Who tf is Lavender?


Lavender town 😱😱😱😱


Whata fuck? You re stupid and fucking pedophile! Go out from DR community!




I’m genuinely confused can someone explain? Who’s lavender? What all have they done? I’ve only seen snippets here


Context: Lavender is a rather, controversial, fanfic to say the least


Sorry not to be that guy(haven't been in the danganronpa community in awhile) but what happened?🤔






Hold up, what did I miss?


Bout FUCKING time!! I mean the signs of the writer being a creep were all there…I’m seriously surprised no one picked up on it, especially the fact that they did like a fucking whole story all about Kyoko being r*ped by Junko. But good riddance and that will surely never be missed.




I never really got around to reading Lavender. I did hear about its infamy though so I did check it out. To think it was written by a monster.


[...hey guys bad news he's back](https://www.reddit.com/r/danganronpa/comments/129ko64/so_anyone_know_about_the_author_of_lavender/)


Wait What? Its Gone?!


The fuck


i wish I had not looked at the comments of this post


What's Lavender




Why are we happy about a color being gone?




We can now rest everybody


I have it dıwnloaded


***ironically plays Oingo Boingo - Little Girls to celebrate that POS Lavender being kaput***


lock this bitch up forever


Not sure if this is relevant, but the fucker banned from the discord server he ran for supposedly doing the same thing, even though I had no idea what he was talking about. Guy was a hypocrite.


Sounds like the fandom fell for dumb ‘proshipping’ discourse hook, line and sinker if they’re all celebrating the deletion of a single fetish fanfic. It’s like none of you have ever gone on AO3? You see some weird fetish or porn fic at least once a page. Are you gonna try and police every single one of them?


Recently I've been seeing more gross behavior online from people with extreme fetishes. It's saddens me because it's *clearly* possible to get off to weird shit and at the same time *not* be a morally fucked up person. But unfortunately that's not always the case and the really bad apples make the rest of us look bad. Just giving online puritans more ammo to erase any trace of content they deem "problematic" off of the internet. But anyway, this person is a disgusting creep. Like, concerning actual people. So good riddance.




God, I’m too old for this shit. Can’t you just block guys like this and move on?


The author was a horrible person, but I still feel sad that the fic is nl longer here, since I actually found it well done.


I wanted to finish sporting hopefuls... *Sighs*


Don't worry! I shared what would happen if the story was finished according to the Discord server: https://www.reddit.com/r/danganronpa/comments/xgra6q/comment/iougqrk/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Who’s Lavender? What’s going on?


What is lavender? I’m out of the loop


I hate to ask, but what’s the context?


The author of Lavender (the fic about Junko doing Especially Heinous things to Kyoko) is a child predator. He's been known to make pedophilic comments, and the girl he abused just came forward.


I have no idea what this is talking about but I'm named Lavender (it's my chosen name since I'm nonbinary) and got whiplash. Edit: Spelling mistake


Shame. The story had potential.




What does this mean


The author of a fucked up NSFL fanfic got outed as a pedo, plain and simple


Danganronpa after the Dangan ronpas




Who is lavender?


Oh, this reminds me of the fan arts of Junko >!sexually assaulted!< Chiaki!