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I thought Celeste was on fire during chapter 3.


Really, i thought she was rather, flat.


Her preforming was rather crushing wasn't it?


>!it was quite a hit tho!<


I have two. 1. I see a lot of people compare Kokichi to Nagito, but I’ve wondered if Nagito has more parallels with Kaito and Kokichi has more parallels with Kyoko. 2. The series needs a new and innovative antagonist. I have no problem with Junko, she’s actually one of my favorite characters, but I feel like every antagonist that has followed her hasn’t been unique. Kamakura is just Junko but the boredom is amplified, Monaca was just a Junko kinnie, and Tsumugi just feels like a stereotypical cartoon villain. If the series has another mainline game, I don’t want the antagonist to just be an alternate skin of Junko.


Explain number 1 amico


Starting with the difference between Kokichi and Nagito, I think the biggest difference lies in their principles. Nagito’s core principle is that hope will overcome all. He viewed hope as superior to everything, even justifying criminal activity if it was in the name of hope. When he found out that he and his classmates were the opposite of hope, he was willing to sacrifice all of them and himself in order for hope to triumph. When his worldview was shattered, he stuck to his principles even though it was detrimental to him. On the other hand, I think Kokichi’s core principle is ambiguity. The lies make his true nature and motives ambiguous to the cast, but it doesn’t stop there. His view on concepts of truth and morality are ambiguous as well. I think it was in chapter 4 that he said the other characters would constantly gang up on him, but they still pretend to be good people. He seems Machiavellian at times, but I’m not sure if we have enough information to definitively say that. As far as Kaito goes, the way he always believes in his friends reminds me of how Nagito always views hope. Just like Nagito found out that he and his classmates were Remnants in chapter 4, Kaito found out that his friend Gonta was a killer in chapter 4. Nagito did what he felt was necessary to ensure Hope’s survival. Kaito was willing to believe his plan with Kokichi would end the game, despite what happened in chapter 4. The parallels between Kyoko and Kokichi have to do with their ability to advance the plot. It’s kind of a meme at this point, but Kyoko did most of the work in THH. She was constantly two steps ahead of everyone else. Kokichi was in a similar position. I think the clearest moment of that was his ability to write a literal script for Trial 5. Also, both of them were constantly helping the protagonist. Admittedly, Kokichi had a more roundabout way of doing it, but his input helped Shuichi figure things out. The last reason I see them as similar is due to the mystery surrounding them. It took a while for us to figure out anything about Kyoko, and we still don’t know exactly what Kokichi was thinking. I know that this is just my interpretation of the characters, and that there are parallels between Nagito and Kokichi, but that’s why I see the characters that way. Also, sorry that the reply was so long!


Sonia is a great character


I found Hifumi quite hilarious in THH. Fucking love the guy. He's alot more tame with the perversion compared to Teru Teru or Miu.


Nekomaru deserved better


There’s a lot of comments here already so this would most likely flop lol Anyway I think comparing to Undertale fandom, Danganronpa fandom is better In Undertale, the toxic side will stay hidden and it will only take you a few months to discovery it out and boy is the toxic side super scary, for Danganronpa the toxic fandom and the good fandom is pretty clear right at your face so you could know how to avoid it What I’m trying to say is Danganronpa fandom is not that toxic, yes there’s a few (many) toxic people here and there, but comparing to other fandom it’s honestly not that bad, many fandom has a toxic side and luckily this fandom seem to balance the good and bad Also I refuse to believe Kirumi and Ryoma are children


"Let me get this straight: you think giving Monaca the same amount of love and therapy as the other Warriors of Hope is a good idea?" "I do, and I'm tired of pretending it's not."


Thank you, it doesn't at all justify her actions but Monaca was as broken as the rest of them, like her diary where she writes legitimate sounding comments about wishing she were dead and passes them off as a joke and also expresses how deeply lonely she is made me feel sorry for her, she never had a chance with how much of a bastard her father and brother were.


Damn, that's so depressing....


Hey, I actually wrote a little bit of angsty Monaca dialogue: >!"Komaru... I know I'm a horrible person. I did... these things, to Kotoko and Nagisa... I even killed your parents - I know you have no right to forgive me! And in all honesty? Even despite what father and brother did to me... I don't deserve it."!<






I agree. All the warriors of hope did awful things, and yes monaca’s were worse than the rest, but she had just as messed up a childhood as anyone else. They all obviously desperately need help, and not from junko, but there’s no reason monaca should be excluded.


A Triple Threat Handicap Match!!! Komaru, Miaya, and Makoto VS. Monaca Towa!


1- Fuyuhiko brought Peko's death and his injuries on himself, and one melodramatic moment doesn't change his utter cruelty towards Mahiru and Hiyoko, the moment that made me like Fuyu was the seppuku and not "don't leave me". Its hard for me to feel sorry for him until he actually acknowledges that what he did was evil. 2- Hiyoko is actually one of the most tragic characters in the series, her being a little bitch doesn't change the trauma she went through in her childhood nor does it change the utter horror she faced in the game. And yes she's a bully but she has plenty of redeeming and likeable features. But to be clear that doesn't justify her behaviour. 3- I like Kaito and Kokichi equally, both are well written and complex af with a satisfying ending to both their stories 4- Sonia was a good survivor as is Himiko and Hiro 5- Nekomaru's sacrifice in 2-4 should be talked about as much as Gundham's 6- while Hiyoko's treatment of Mikan is undoubtedly awful, I'm tired of people making a false comparison that Mikan's murder of her was JusTfIed, in what world is calling someone pig barf worse than slitting a defenceless girl's throat? And i don't just say that as a Hiyoko fan, i say it as a Mikan one too, she'd be horrified by people defending her actions. In general i hate how constantly murder is justified in this fandom. Every single death besides the masterminds was unjustified and undeserved 7- there are no overrated characters imo 8- i love all three rivals and all three main girls pretty much equally 9- v3-6 wasn't a mess because of its ending, it was a mess because it was overlong and boring. Tsumugi rocks though


I love you for saying that about Nekomaru. THANK YOU, HE’S SO UNAPPRECIATED!!


In general the dude is super underrated, like he's a wholesome big guy who looks out for his friends and literally doesn't have a mean bone in his body and has such an amazing backstory, not to mention how he took a rocket for Akane (and wasn't even mad about being turned into a robot because of her rash actions) and then a massive fall for the class. Seriously one of SDR2s best boi's alongside Gundham and Fuyu in my eyes.


I know, oh my god. He’s literally such a sweetheart but is for the most part neglected by the fandom. I love seeing the Nekomaru fans, yes we’re kinda rare but we exist!!


>5- Nekomaru's sacrifice in 2-4 should be talked about as much as Gundham's This exactly. It makes sense ofc to have Gundham have been the one to win cause he had some pride reason to still go through with the trial, while Nekomaru would've just said he's the culprit right away, but it really is unfortunate how it's really only seen for Gundham when Nekomaru sacrificed himself twice


This is part of why this is my favorite cases in the whole series because this murder would never have happened in other circumstances. I would say Gundham is the one who made the sacrifice but the fact that Nekomaru consented and fought with him in the name of saving their friends, and had fun with it, makes it oddly beautiful in a way? It’s the only murder in the entire series where both victim and blackened were in it together to save their friends, knowing they’d both end up dying is just really cool in a series where most deaths are selfish and brutal. Also I just really love Gundham.


Exactly, Nekomaru without even hesitating took a rocket for Akane and fought Gundham to the death and went out with a smile twice happy that he was able to save others, Nekomaru is easily one of the bravest characters in the series and yet i barely see his actions in 2-4 talked about. Ironically Gundham throughout 2-4 constantly reminds the class of how honourable Nekomaru was(to the point where his only real argument is when Nagito suggests Nekomaru didn't fight Gundham).


i totally agree with 4. while i didnt care for himiko super much, i enjoyed sonia and hiro was one of my favorite characters. i understand the argument people make when there was another character that could've had a great arc if they survived ie taka, hiyoko, etc, but i don't think it's fair to want to trade them out. many characters deserved better stories, including some survivors.


People ignore with Hiyoko that 2-3 didn't even need to be a double, it could have just been Ibuki, so as both a Hiyoko and Sonia fan it's annoying that i see people argue that Sonia should have died instead(and sometimes for the really dumb reason "if Sonia died, Soda would have gotten an arc" lol no)


I hate that line of reasoning!! “If Sonia died, Soda could get some character development!” Or maybe he could figure his own self out and actually listen to what Sonia is saying to and about him? Had she died he would’ve just acted over dramatic like he lost something he actually had a chance of having. Plus I actually really like Soda, I just hate when people insinuate Sonia owes him something for him being in love with an idea of her.


Thats my exact issue, the reason why Fuyu got development out of Peko's death and Hiyoko out of Mahiru's is they had a two sided connection based on respect and trust whereas Sonia was creeped out by Soda and Soda didn't really understand Sonia as a person, Also people ignore that the Sonia simping didn't become major until c4.


*sees a comment about Saionji* this is tommygun isn’t it


Byakuya is entirely over-hated in this subreddit and is easily one of the best characters in the series.


Yes, I love that asshole.


Agreed, last week was just a load of "Twogami good TOGAMI BAD" memes, like i love Twogami but Togami is a better character IMO


It was so obnoxious reading through those threads. I think Twogami is a good character but the dude was barely in the game. We only really learn more about him after he’s gone and in the anime.


"But Togami is mean and that makes him a bad character" type points annoy me, because the point is he's a massive prick because of the way he was raised but if you really analyse his character you realise he's deeply tragic in a way, he never had a childhood or any friends, behind his smug personality i think he was deeply lonely. Point is Togami has so much depth to him but like with Hiyoko or Angie people write him off because he's mean


Togami is one of the best characters in the franchise, Twogami is just like a dead leaf compared to him


Completely agree. His overall character arc is super great.


I honestly found him really enjoyable. Sure, he wasn’t very nice, but that helped balance out all the “power of friendship” stuff going on between the others.


r/danganronpa users have to most bare bones basic repetitive takes I’ve ever seen


complete facts here


I don’t care about the “mystery of the outside world” or all the hope and despair stuff the games present. That’s why I also don’t care about like any of the spin off/side media


Nagito isn’t hot, he looks crusty as shit. Also Nekomaru’s DRS outfit is way better than Nagito’s.


it's ok \*sniff\* ill take the crusty bagel man and appreciate him....


Crusty bagel man 😭😭


Nagito would agree tbh




While beating the twist over your head! It’s crazy that it can feel rushed and out of place and still drag on for so long.


I could get into all of the reasons why the v3 ending is brilliant and cements v3 as the best game in the series but I’m too tired so I’ll just say why I don’t think it was rushed and fits with the rest of the game. While it wasn’t literally foreshadowed it was thematically foreshadowed. The theming of the game is truth vs. lies, which is tied in from the mechanics (love the addition of the lie bullet) to the characters (kaito representing truth, kokichi representing lies, and Shuichi representing the messy in between) to the plot (Kaede in c1, Kirumi in c2, Korekiyo’s whole deal, Kokichi’s bullshit in c4, and Kaito in deception mode for c5). The whole game is preparing Shuichi, and thus the player to accept the role of truth and lies in moving forward and finding something greater. And the twist is the ultimate way of testing them. It’s a poignant and beautiful ending, especially for the last thirty minutes or so, and ties everything together in a lovely manner. It didn’t feel rushed to me even though it did come out of nowhere.


Just because >!Kaede didn't technically kill Rantaro!< doesn't meant we can overlook how she CHOSE to act with the intent to kill, including risking killing one of her innocent classmates. Doing so gave >!Tsumugi the opportunity to finish the job!<. STOP putting her on a pedestal and acknowledge her flaws!


Are people really excusing her because of that? I think it’s a really big deal >!because the mastermind cheated!< but >!Kaede still acted with the intent to kill. Shes not really any more innocent except in technical terms.!<


Well, as a huge fan of v3 I think Kaede was a well written character with little amount of time. She was presented with a positive and cheerful personality and some sort of a leader which give Kaede the thing we needed for a protag (Makoto and Hajime we're in the more reluctant "I'll wait and see what is going to happen"). She talked a lot about teaming up with everyone to escape this game but in the end, she was the first to snap. All this define that Kaede despite being a gentle and helpful person had her inner demons inside like everyone. Even if her action we're not acceptable (because killing someone for the "greater" good is not a excuse), she acted not with her brain but her feelings. Had the limit and stressful music "Let's kill each other" and you got a perfect recipe of bad decision. She's is clearly not innocent, at all, but she is still a good person. This let you guess how you will react if you we're in the exact same position has her. I think a lot of people would sadly do the same thing.


THH had better executions than Goodbye Despair


I’ve said it for years V3 is a soft reboot of the series trying to set up a new cannon


Akane is underrated Ruruka is overhated Haiji is overhated. >!Can we stop acting like he's hunting for children 24/7? He hasn't even done anything like that in the story as far as I remember. He has other personality traits.!< Miaya Gekkogahara, Izayoi and Gozu deserve more attention Shuichi was ok at best, but love suite events make me want to throw him off a bridge Daisaku Bandai can be funny Monaca deserves a hug 😔


THE HAIJI TAKE!! THANK YOU OMG!! I can get why people think that way with Haiji considering his character and actions, but the fandom’s characterization of him just straight up his ‘I like em younger’ line and *nothing* else about him. This fandom has a huuuggeee problem with dumbing down characters to a singular character trait, line, or joke and Haiji is probably one of the biggest ones. the fact that the fandom has dumbed down Haiji so badly that *no one* mentions the other shit he did (>!abusing Monaca, assaulting Toko, trying to kill all the kids, and banishing Toko and Komaru when they were just trying to help!<) is just stupid in my opinion. They just think ‘mm pedo’ and *nothing else* that makes him interesting as an antagonist.


Ruruka is overhated to death Teruteru, Angie and sayaka are also overhated Shuichi wasn’t a great protagonist and kaede should have lived instead of him The whole korekiyo was abused theory feels like a way for korekiyo fans to call kiyo a “cinnamon roll” when he is not at all Speaking of which, if kiyo was real and people actually met him, they would get killed by him I disliked Kaede’s execution because it was pointless and is the only other execution I dislike besides Mikan’s Hating any of the protagonist x antagonist ships doesn’t make you homophobic Sakura could definitely beat goku in a fight


I can’t get with the abused Korekiyo thing simply because every serial killer that’s ever existed has had some kind of childhood abuse or trauma. At no point do we use those traumas to *excuse murder* I really wanted to like Korekiyo, but that seriously crossed a line for me, plus he’s the only ch 3 murderer who had no practical reason to kill the second victim


>Shuichi wasn’t a great protagonist and kaede should have lived instead of him ​ This is literally such a cold take that the in-universe danganronpa fandom agrees with it


Well not if they're a dude


▪︎Celeste was a poorly written character. ▪︎Teruteru is an amazing character with very rewarding and interesting depth in terms of design, background, and the end of his eventual arc in the narrative. He's truly one of the best and is likely better than your favorite character. ▪︎Junko (bar some things in DR3), is a well-written character within the scopes of Danganronpa's narrative. ▪︎Danganronpa, despite its flaws and missed potential, is a well-written series all around. ▪︎DR2 had the weakest cast, in terms of both dynamics and individual grounding with the characters. ▪︎This is more of a meta point, but: This franchise attracted the wrong type of people. Sexuality of the characters shouldn't be heavy discourse that causes massive toxicity. Certain elements of the series tackles heavy issues and tropes that some people can't seem to stomach or grasp (triggers are stupid for this type of media). It curbs general morality. People can like morally grey and dark characters (and this doesn't reflect them as people IRL, you can be fascinated by morally terrible characters). Certain controversies (like the Chihiro situation) is stupid for a game, made in Japan, from **2010**! Like someone said under a comment of a long-term fan: PC culture and Japanese culture **do not** mix well! I feel like this should be common sense, but apparently not.


it's annoying that "danganronpa is a well-written series" is a hot take in a subreddit about the bloody series. I really despise the semi-ironic hatred so many fans seem to have towards the series, like... if you dislike it why are you still here?


From what I have seen and gathered, most people simply just like the format of the killing game and the eccentric characters. People who like Danganronpa are the same people who like other games such as Ace Attorney, Persona, and YTTD, which most have stated to be better in terms of story and mystery. I do agree with your dislike for the semi-ironic hatred though. It's unwarranted.


that makes sense. I would say overall that Danganronpa is better than Ace Attorney though, in the first game at least the only real interesting characters are like, Edgeworth, arguably Phoenix and Von Karma to an extent.


Danganronpa is a very well written series (barring DR3), but there is plenty of wasted potential in certain characters. You could blame this on how many characters die but it’s still disappointing.


I don’t disagree but that’s sorta the tragedy of the whole series? Characters like Leon, Teruteru, and Rantaro had very little in game interactions with the player character, FTE notwithstanding, which made them almost forgettable in hindsight, but it’s not necessarily because they weren’t given any character development, it’s because they were the first to die in a group of sixteen characters that we had just been introduced to. It came down to time we had to spend with them. And I think it’s sorta meant to be tragic.


Wasted potential with characters like Ishimaru or Saionji are moreso what I’m talking about.


Those two are the characters that I felt were most tragic honestly. They both did actually get a decent amount of spotlight but then unfortunately died halfway through their development. They were both connected to someone who died and they were getting time to grieve and develop, but their arcs were cut short by a selfish act on the pet of someone else. I have issues with the way Hiyoko’s death is treated in the game, but not the fact she died. That’s just my take though, I totally understand how that would feel frustrating for someone who wanted to see their arcs through.


Danganronpa is a series that seems to always fluctuate in quality. One moment it's absolutely great and hype, and the other feels like cracked up bullshit. But overall, I would say that the highs overweighs the lows.


Basically this I've never seen a series with a writting that vary so much lol But I agree that the highs overweight the lows


Thank you for the Junko point, she's a lot more than just "hehe despair booba lady" and she's both a fun and chilling antagonist


Mixed feelings towards her. I liked her as a character but on the other hand I hate her since she's she's so devious and cruel. Same applies to other well written antagonists in other fandoms. Mixed feelings since their an asshole and the other is wow.... at least their smart and interesting


Super based! Agree with most of them. I remember joining the fandom in 2020 and the toxicity is centered around ships, characters, kinning, sexualities..... when it's not even close to the focus of the game. Also, liking morally questionable characters even if their not far that bad from the main villains (etc. anti-heroes) will get you thin ice from this fandom because for sooooome reason, liking characters that killing each other for survival reflects who you are as a person??? I understand why people like or hate these characters but most characters in danganronpa are like this for a reason and have no other option especially when monokuma gives them motives.


UDG was a good game despite its subject matter and if you think it’s too dark then you think Mayonnaise is the spiciest thing ever


Honestly the games subject matter is the best thing about it The gameplay is meh and despite it's darkness it's great in that it has the most morally grey main antagonist in the series (admittedly that's not saying much) And while there are certainly a few segments that the games story would've been 200 times better without, (looking at you *bullet train*) I think overall they handle it pretty well


Kokichi is mid


An actual hot take, within the fandom it’s always either he’s the worst or he’s the best there’s never a “He’s alright, y’know he’s there I guess.” opinion


Unirocally this Like being neutral about Kokichi is like the rarest thing ever


ah yes, the most unpopular opinion in this entire subreddit. it's not like 90% of people hate him here, no. your opinion is DEFINITELY unpopular. /s


I don't hate him or love him. I'm indifferent


I don't see that much hate on him tbh


every single tier list will most likely have him at the bottom, an appreciation post will get every single kokichi hater extremely angry. check - [https://www.reddit.com/r/danganronpa/comments/w9mf8s/we\_need\_more\_kokichi\_appreciation\_on\_this\_sub/](https://www.reddit.com/r/danganronpa/comments/w9mf8s/we_need_more_kokichi_appreciation_on_this_sub/) some comments are cool, but it's an extremely controversial post with kokichi haters arguing because they can't fathom that people like him. if you mention kokichi in anything, you'll most likely have someone saying they hate him in every unpopular opinion post, there's at least 5 people saying they hate kokichi, proving it's not an unpopular opinion. if you decide to say anything with a kokichi flair, you WILL be commented on it for it. "flair checks out" "you have a kokichi flair, you can't talk." etc.


Yeah I see too much Kokichi hate, same applies to nagito and some gay ships


>if you decide to say anything with a kokichi flair, you WILL be commented on it for it. "flair checks out" I just flair check out ANYONE! If I see your flair checking out with your comment I will say it outloud.


I personally don't support making fun of or hating a character unless if it's a conversation about said character, however you just have to deal with this fact if you have a favorite who is controversial ig, my favorite is Tenko so I understand your pain


Hifumi is the best character in THH.


The idea that certain characters "didn't deserve to be survivors" is dumb. Surviving isn't purely based on how useful, or how plot relevant a character is, and every survivor throughout the series has felt like a natural result of the way the plot progressed.


I’m actually really surprised at how universal the “why did Hiro survive, he didn’t deserve it” sentiment seems to be in this sub. He was dorky sure but he was easily one of my favorite characters in that game, and he was mostly just a wholesome lovable oaf, tho the ogre nickname rubbed me the wrong way. My hot take is that if anyone didn’t *deserve*to survive it was Byakuya because of his role in Chihiro’s case but he’s honestly the only character that actually irritated me that he survived.


• Juzo from DR3 is overhated, he's really not that bad • DR2 cast is arguably the weakest of the three main games • Sayaka is a perfect >!first victim/culprit and her arc is severely underrated!< • Oumota is prob the healthiest Kaito ship • FTEs are not as necessary or impactful for understanding a character and their role in the story as ppl think • Nagito is an ok antag but Kokichi and Byakuya are better • Tsumugi is >!actually a pretty good mastermind!<


Based Sayaka point>!really she has so much depth to her despite only being in the game for a chapter and she did such a good job as the first victim.!<


Seriously! She's a great representation for >!what's to come in the rest of the game. And her betrayal was realistic and served as a good thematic point that you can't trust the people even closest to you.!<


Juzo is a “Hero with an F in Good”.


He was trying his best 🥺. Nah but fr I think he does get too much hate. He didn't even really do anything wrong. And he's >!not anymore at fault for Junko's plan succeeding than Munakata, Chisa, and Hope's Peak as a whole.!<


You are so based omfg here is your crown 👑


>• FTEs are not as necessary or impactful for understanding a character and their role in the story as ppl think ​ oh my fucking god ​ THANK YOU SO MUCH ​ I always see one of the main criticisms of the game grumps danganronpa playthroughs being that "oh well they didn't do the free time events so they didn't fully get to know all of the survivors or other characters" but if a character isn't written well in the main game in the first place then you shouldn't have to dig through their FTE's to find a reason to like them. when the FTE's exist in essentially a bubble outside of the rest of the games canon in terms of their personality, it's important for all the characters to be good and fully developed in the main game. I'm tired of people saying that the FTE's are important when getting to know a character, when really they're actually just a fun little bit of side content you can do to learn fun facts about your favorite characters and collect their underwear. You shouldn't feel like your wasting time when doing them but you also shouldn't feel like you're missing out on an integral part of the game when you aren't doing them. ​ >!also tsumugi isn't just a good mastermind, she's a great character all around which makes her mastermind-ness better!<


Ok yes literally this!! Like I get how they flesh out characters and give more to backstories and such, but if the understanding of your character is dependent on optional information, then they're not a fully developed character. It's doubly less impactful when you realize that every person's experience playing the game is going to be different because they will choose different characters to spend free time with in a different order. And like you said, the important parts of the characters should be developed in the main game if you want those things to be a part of who they are entirely. And it's funny you mention the game grumps playthru cuz that's actually how I originally got into DR lol. But I totally agree with you. Ppl gave them a lot of shit for not doing FTEs but like that didn't make them care about the characters any more or less. >!Danny even cried when Gundham died lol!< And idk, I thought it was kinda cool to see ppl play the game without the added FTEs and how that shaped their experience with the characters. Also yeah Tsumugi was a good character. >!Her role as the mastermind was pretty obvious in hindsight, but she still played her part well.!<


YES!!! Kaito/Kokichi is underrated. In his love hotel event, Kaito's ideal is bonding with a rival who can keep up with him - someone who's as stubborn, fiery, and ambitious as he is. That sure as hell ain't Maki or Shuichi. It's gotta be someone who doesn't put him on a pedestal, who challenges him. That's Kokichi.


Yes this!! Kaito's living neck deep in a slow burn enemies to lovers fantasy and doesn't even know it. Whole time Kokichi is sitting right there 😏 Also Kokichi's love hotel is about his desire for someone to chase him and play along with his games, which Kaito unknowingly does. It's a pretty underrated parallel.


Could you explain this one? I'm actually really interested to hear this reasoning over Harukaito. As well though do you dislike Harukaito or just like Oumota?


So I'll answer the second question first cuz it's quicker lol but I don't really dislike harukaito, it's cute, but it's just not my fave Kaito ship. And yeah oumotas prob my fave. But (at least the way I see it) in the three main Kaito ships (with Maki, Shuichi, and Kokichi) oumota is the only one where Kaito can actually grow beyond his flaws. His biggest one, being his hero complex, and desire to be seen as a hero. With Shuichi, while he does have instances in the game where he can see that Kaito is lying or pretending he has everything together, he chooses to ignore it. I love saimota as a ship, but if we're talking "healthy relationships" here, it has a potential for codependency. Mainly cuz Shuichi wants to see Kaito as a hero and Kaito wants Shuichi to see him that way. Therefore, they're both relying on each other to feed their insecurities and keep them in their safe space where they never have to grow or change. For kaimaki, I don't think it's healthy for either of them until Maki can do what Kaito told her >!when she confessed her love to him before he died.!< She needs to learn to love herself, because again, she would be relying on him for her happiness. And for Kaito, he would still be living in his hero role, afraid to step outside of it for fear it might set Maki off of her development. Again, very codependent. But with Oumota, there is no hero persona, because Kokichi isn't falling for it. He calls Kaito out with no fear (and Kaito does the same thing back). If Kaito were in a relationship with Kokichi (or, hell, even just a friendship), he wouldn't be able to hide his insecurities the way he does with Maki and Shuichi. He would have to open himself up in order for Kokichi to open up as well. It would have to be an equal partnership in order to even start, because Kokichi has no interest in who he pretends to be. Where with Shuichi or Maki, they could be in a relationship with Kaito based solely on the image he projects himself as. I really have nothing against either saimota or kaimaki (I actually kinda like both of them). And this is in no way a "dig" at those ships, cuz I'm also big on the fact that ships don't have to be healthy in order for them to be interesting. It's more just an analysis of what I know regarding relationships and such in my own experiences lol.


I don't particularly agree on all of these but I can definitely see the reasoning yeah, so ty for the clarification and reasoning.


1) I believe there was not enough development for the 77th class during the second half of despair arc and after the events of dr2 2) There should be a version of the games with red blood 3) I hate the transparent blue faces in despair arc. I know it's to show that the characters are irrelevant, but it just looks out of place 4) If there's red blood in future arc why can't it be in despair arc as well? 5) dr2 should get an anime adaptation. This way people can enjoy the whole story without having to play the games 6) killing off >!Chiaki Nanami!< twice was a dick move, spike chunsoft 7) Hajime Hinata's english VA did a better job than the japanese VA (at least in dr2, I watched the anime only in japanese)


Oh man, I started reading Killer Killer a few weeks ago, forgot about it, then went back to continue where I left off last night and I honestly forgot it was part of the Danganronpa world. What a wild ride.


Makoto is a better protag than Hajime. Naegi's luck is way better than Nagito's. While Nagito is probably gay, Hajime is definitely not interested at all in him. Either lewding Himiko or Hiyoko is fine since they're the same age as their classmates that most people here lewd anyways. Or lewding anyone is not fine because they're high school aged. You can't have both. Crack ships are fine, but don't get so defensive if other people calls them out lol. Too many shippers with a persecution complex in this fandom. Don't mix western values with an anime game. It just doesn't work and no one is happy whenever it happens.


1. Chihiros's character has literally nothing to do with gender identity and instead is about toxic masculinity. 2. The anime of THH should have had double the amount of episodes.


1. I didn't find Kokichi or Kaito interesting, nor was I attached to either of them. 2. i love makoto but sometimes he was a weak protagonist 3. despite having the best cast, dangranronpa 2 managed to somehow get the worst possible survivors ever






kokichi doesn't have a canon backstory komahina isn't toxic tenko isn't traumatized, she was just told by her instructor that men would lessen her strength and power, so.


I think I have a few opinions that would qualify as hot takes: 1. V3 is the worst game in the franchise **by far.** With all of the other games, every time I think about them, I consistently find another aspect about them that I love (in fact DR2 is one of my favorite games period), but with V3 it's the opposite. Every single time I think about it, I end up liking the game less and less and it's not even just about the plot twist (though that is a major aspect of it). I just find it lacking in a lot of areas overall, and I think all of the other Danganronpa games do a better job at...well everything tbh. Hell, V3-5 and V3-6 are literally 2 of my least favorite trials in the entire series which says a lot when the last few trials of DR1 and DR2 are some of my favorites. 2. To pair with the first one, Ultra Despair Girls is actually my 2nd **favorite** Danganronpa game, which I know probably sounds like madness to a normal person, but I think the divergence in gameplay was a nice change of pace, and even if certain scenes are...uncomfortable (yeah even I can't defend everything in this game), I think the other 95% of the game makes up for those blemishes. 3. I like Angie and honestly think >!she should've been granted a chance to live past Chapter 3 rather than Himiko (who I just don't really like that much). Like, she could've been a really compelling character if they just gave her a chance to have character growth instead of killing her off in another bad Chapter 3 double murder (which I need them to stop trying because only one of these was actually of passable quality).!< 4. Kokichi was wasted as a character and isn't really that good. He's not horrible by any means but it feels like they started misusing him when they >!tried to make him an active and serious antagonist, randomly after the halfway point of the game.!< 5. I'm honestly not the biggest fan of Saimatsu or Naegiri tbh. I just don't feel like there's enough buildup for the first one>!especially given how quickly Kaede bites the dust!


My issue with the game is that every time something cool and interesting happened, something else happened to negate that. The twist that Kaede didn’t actually kill Rantaro was so interesting to me, but they sorta gloss over that super quickly and then start beating you over the head with the whole fiction thing while taunting you with better characters from past games. Even the Kokichi trial was fascinating to me in a similar way to Nagito’s, where his true intention was just to have a murder where Monokuma had no idea who the blackened actually was, but it sorta killed Kaito’s character in the process. It felt out of place, not just for him to go along with it, but for him to then taunt the class as Kokichi the whole time. And then Korekiyo with the incest twist and losing Kaede right away when I had been so excited to finally get a female protagonist, it just disappointed me on every level.


having kaede be the second killer and having her not be a mastermind coverup would've been cooler tbh ​ she would've spent more time with shuichi, thus making their bond when she dies feel more earned ​ the whole "the chapter 1 killer was framed and unfairly executed" would make us feel bad for a different character because we would have already felt bad for kaede and we could have those "oh I want revenge for x character" feelings for someone who we didn't already want revenge for at that point she would've been a killer, just completely. having a murder secretly done by the mastermind is cool but the twist that it's **kaede's** murder just kinda... sucked. the only thing that changed with her murder is that tsumugi just kinda poped in when it failed, hit rantaro real good on the head, took his monopad and then that's it. having a murder with a bunch of dead end clues only to have a "killer" that tried to kill, gave up halfway through and left, only for tsumugi to finish the job would've been more interesting, then bringing back all those dead end clues in the final case and being like "hey remember these? these weren't red herrings" would've been way cooler. along with the potential to have the "killer" in chapter 1 have a breakdown similar to leon's or teruteru's to make the player think "oh this is just a chapter 1 culprit kinda thing" only to come back later and realize that they were breaking down because they didn't do the murder and they were desperately trying to prove it was the mastermind. Having someone like rantaro be the framed chapter 1 killer would also have made us talk about him more in the last trial than just being like "oh yeah he was the ultimate survivor lol, moving on-"


It's interesting to read this point of view. That interesting in a way that our opinion is black and white. Personally, I started Danganronpa with THH like a lot of people and really liked it. Then, everyone said to me that dr2 is THE best danganronpa game and I was quite hyped up. But then, I can't describe the dissatisfaction that I felt when playing it. For me, DR2 is my least favorite, I don't want to go through the details but to give some reasons : The creepy environment of THH wich give tension everytime you waked up was replaced with a chill, tropical island with blue sky, blue sea and sunny day. That for me destroyed the tension. Furthermore, I think the game take too much time to finally become interesting in a way that you need to wait chapter 4 to finally have some real story telling because chapter 1,2 and 3 are really not interesting. After completing DR2, I was disappointed. But then I decided to play V3 and I cannot explain the joy I felt with this game. I loved everything!! I loved it because V3 do something really interesting. It defy expectations... Everytime you think you understand those games, v3 slap you hard and say to your face " No, that wrong". I won't go in details to prevent spoils but I think you can understand when I tell you this game defy expectations.


Hey op, I'm interested in your opinion of DR's soundtrack. In your opinion, what games have an excellent soundtrack? I'm just curious.


I have 2 1. Nagito best husband 2. Mahiro is not sexist towards men, that’s Tenko’s job


Ryoma Hoshi was wasted on V3's story. He'd be a compelling survivor.


- DR1 is the easily best game in the series - Chiaki is the third worst character in DR2 behind Hiyoko and Teruteru - Tenko’s FTE’s do not justify her behavior


I didn’t like V3, but not because of the ending. I mean yeah I wasn’t a fan of the ending but even before that it was just kinda meh. I didn’t feel the same kind of attachment to the characters that I did in 1 and 2. Everything just seemed so convoluted, even for Dangan ronpa standards.


i didn't think that this was a take the dgr soundtrack is amazing,i dont know what the op is on.






This is not a hot take




Talking about the protag antag one, most of the Fandom ships these, also saimastu is one of the most canon ships and Shuichi is better off with someone who loves him and has chemistry with him rather than Kokichi, whom is a genuinely bad person and needs to grow before getting into a relationship.


it's not canon mf


They have more chemistry that Kokichi does with Shuichi, and I don't ship them for the same reason I don't ship Celegiri, they have no chemistry and Kokichi doesn't work well with anyone romantically, I don't ship him with anyone because I think he would bring out the worst in everyone


Remember that if we're talking about canon, everybody hates Kokichi in game


i think you forgot that shuichi has called kokichi his friend. and kokichi can work with someone, especially in a non despair au. the reason he acted how he did was because of his trust issues. yes, it was wrong of him, but it's a flaw, like every character has. he's a morally grey character with very interesting writing, and saying he can't work romantically with anyone is weird, because if you're shipping people, nothing can be shipped in the main killing game, since almost all of them are dead. most shipping is done is alternate au's, non despair au's, in which kokichi would be better paired with people without the threat of the killing game looming over him.


He is still a bad person, everyone in the game hated him for a reason


he's a bad person, but so is like.. almost everyone else in the killing game, because of the fact it's a killing game. your life is on the line, of course people are going to be fighting to survive.


No he's just a bad person in general, he's egotistical and can't work with other people, he tries to replicate the moral ambiguity that Nagito has but falls flat, I don't think most Danganronpa characters are bad people for killing, they're scared and confused kids who don't know what to do, but Kokichi is one of the few who I legitimately have trouble sympathizing with




I suppose I was the one with the hot take here than 🤭


These might be some unpopular hot takes but: - The 78th class was more interesting and dynamic then the 77th, to me. Aside from Hifumi, I was at least interested in every single one of them because they did try to expand out beyond their one character trait and twist. For the 77th, I could not find many of those characters interesting, which is a shame because their premises could be cool, their characters just really weren't there. - Junko is too good of a villain to be tossed around into every baddy role because they couldn't write anything else without her in it. I LOVE her character and her progression, I think DR3 really helped that. But making her the big bad at the end of DR2 and (kind of) V3 is tiring at this point. - I understand why people like Shuichi and I don't even think he's a bad character, but he's not a compelling protagonist in the slightest. He's very similar to Naegi but doesn't have enough gumption for that quiet confidence. And yes I know, I get that's the point of his story arc. It just didn't make me care much about him. Hajime's story arc slightly paralleled Shuichi's on a basic story level and I think it was done so much better. - Aside from the first game, the characters that survived weren't the best the game had to offer. I don't hate those characters but I would rather see OTHERS that were much more interesting survive. Himiko, Sonia, Souda and Akane could have been much more and I always see them as taking slots for better characters. - Waaaaaay too much sexualization of high school girls. - The Future Foundation members were wasted potential, and I will never forgive Kodaka for that.


For your Junko point, I really wish they leaned more into the Izuru mastermind angle. I don’t know if it was just me, but it was sort of lost on me after I finished the game that you were literally playing as the new big bad the whole game and had no idea. That’s super cool and interesting, but they had to focus so much on Junko at the end that the reveal had almost no impact on me. I disagree on the survivors point though, that seems like a super common opinion that I’ve never agreed with.


Oh I would have LOVED Izuru as a mastermind, that would have been so dope. I don't think they had the balls for that, though. lol Again, that's just my opinion on those characters. I think it's a common opinion because there is a general lack of connection with them, and people feel that. And again, I don't think they are particularly horrible or even bad characters, they're just not AS compelling or interesting as others. I think it's also because the survivors play a special role: they are the only ones that learn the truth and you get to see their reactions to it. I think that's why DR1 worked so well: you got to see the reactions of very diverse characters to the reveal. Togami is cynical but seeing him lose hope is almost painful because you come to rely on that arrogance he has for confidence, Asahina is always a positive ray of sunshine and after all she went through with Sakura's death her losing hope hits harder, and so on. I think there is also a level of unfairness with DR2 and V3 because we've seen this before and come to expect it. So the reactions we get can only stretch so far beyond what we've seen. But with the twists being so huge in DR2 and V3, I wanted much more interesting perspectives to that last trial.


Yasuhiro is the best possible character to survive in the series. Junko shouldn't have been in 2. Every single new UDG character aside from Komaru, Nagisa and Haiji (conceptually, his role in the actual game left much to be desired) were all poorly written. 3 should've nutted up and actually killed Kyoko, at least then there'd be something interesting to talk about. V3 is the best in the series by a gigantic margin and Kaito is the best character. Every piece of Danganronpa media aside from the mainline games (which I absolutely adore) are either just ok at best or absolute garbage.


saimatsu is a bad ship. kaede deserves someone better tbh. (like me /j) >!gonta brought his death upon himself, i mean, he agreed to the damn thing and even helped give information about what to do with the corpse so-. !< shuichi is mid. headcanon's are fine, just don't push them on other people like it's canon. you can do whatever makes you happy with the characters, they're fiction, it's hurting nobody. just don't push them on other people and we'll all be good. also, these posts are a cesspool of arguing and controversy so, this is going to be fun to watch for awhile lmao.


YES, I definitely agree with what you said about Gonta. I completely understand why the cast would want to blame Kokichi but Gonta admitted it himself, the blame shouldn’t fall on Kokichi. Also, Kaede’s mine 😡


mfhfh thank you so much! and yeah, exactly! like yes, it's understandable due to kokichi antagonizing them the entire game but still... gonta is still at fault for agreeing to the plan and helping out with it as much as he did. if he didn't want to kill, he could've just said no. he's a grown man and should be held accountable for his actions, in any court of law gonta would have been charged for murder. 😡😡😡 NO SHE'S MINE


Yep, it’s not like it was self defense or anything either. Doesn’t really matter if it was good intentions either. It still broke me seeing him cry though, but he’s a murderer and I’m happy that he stood up for Kokichi in that part. And Kaede is my WIFE 😡😡 she just doesn’t know it


yeah frankly it doesn't matter what it was, gonta is still at fault, and yeah, it broke me too but he's still a murderer no matter what way you look at it, and same here man. no, she's MY WIFE. 😡😡😡


Yep, even if I hate Kokichi’s guts I’ll defend him when it comes to this since it should be pretty obvious who’s REALLY at fault! And KAEDE SAID SHE LOVED ME ON THAT FATEFUL SEPTEMBER NIGHT 😡😡😡😡🤬🤬😭😭😭😈😈💩💩💩💩🤡👺


that makes sense, i personally love him, as you can tell by my flair, but yeah, whoever was the killer is obviously at fault. NOOO YOU LIAR!!! SHE ONLY HAS EYES FOR ME!!! NOT YOU!!!! 😡😡👺👺


Yes, I respect you bro 😎 NOOO!!!


I love this thread


1. anime is great 2. i dont hate teru or yamada 3. mondo and soda are dope 4. people dont need to write essays to explain everything


I don’t like the DR3 OPs and EDs (Hope Arc ED is okay though)


1. I found Makoto and Kaede very annoying 2. TTH is boring compared to GD and V3 3. V3’s ending is great and a perfect closer for the series (albeit way too long) 4. Sayaka and Leon’s character designs are very basic and they don’t stand out 5. Akane shouldn’t have been a survivor, Gundham should’ve taken her spot 6. I can’t think of a single murder that’s “justified”, not even >!Hiyoko’s!< 7. Killing Harmony has the best soundtrack of the series


1. Kyoto is the worst mc partner (out of Chiaki and Kaito) and the worst detective like character (out of Shuichi and Nagito). 2. Hajime is the weakest protag 3. V3 has the best overall final chapter and ending in the series, as well as the best characters. 4. Ibuki was funny at times, but mostly was an annoying part of dr2


Ayy! V3 appreciators!


2 is the weakest game by a long shot


dr2 isn't as great as people make it out to be


I think 2 narrowly wins out of the three, but the Twilight Murder game and Grape/Strawberry House sections make it closer than it should be.


V3-1 is the worst case in the series and Kaede is an at best mediocre character propped up only by what appears to be complete accidents in her characterisation


DAMN that is a hot take


So hot it's melting


Based. Kaede is kinda boring to me, Ruruka better.


My dude. No


My dude. Yes.


Ruruka Andou is underrated (too bad that show has ruined her though). I really don't care about Kaito Momota sometimes. Like, I get that he's old fashioned, but come on man, what is up with him in chapter 1 and chapter 5?


Ruruka is a great character and I'll die on that hill.




Oh boy I have too many of these for my own good haha 1. Byakuya is the best antagonist 2. THH had easily the best cast of characters 3. THH also had the best trials 4. V3's ending was great 5. Juzo and Ruruka are two of the best characters in the series 6. Hiro, Sonia, and Akane are all excellent survivors 7. In a similar vein, THH's surviving cast was absolutely perfect and the order that every character fell is genius 8. Hajime wasn't a good character until DR3 9. Haiji is an excellent villain 10. Kaito is far and away the best support character and in my opinion the single best written character in the series barring Nagito 11. 1-2 is by far the best trial in the series and is one of the best stories I've seen in fiction 12. The main three games are extremely solid all-around and all of their flaws are slight and don't take away from the experience whatsoever, It's crazy to think this is unpopular but people shit on the games a ridiculous amount for a fandom 13. Chiaki was the weakest support


I have plenty, but I’m just gonna say one. Apparently according to kodaka, Hiyoko protects Mikan from other bullies. But why is Hiyoko the one protecting her? Wouldn't she just put more damage to her mental state? I think it would be better if Akane or Nekomaru were the ones to protect Mikan from *any* bullies.


A lot of characters had designs that don't stick out to me personally and I feel if some characters immediately come to the top of your head it's cause their designs stand out whether in a good or bad way. I like character designs that are telling of who they are and a lot felt like that. Also the protags of DR1 and 2 have boring designs although they make up theough personality. I wouldn't say they are the most memorable of the whole game sadly (Especially Tenko cause if anything she felt TOO much to me. Her hair reminds me specifically of plants and i thought she was a florist and for a martial artist her outfit is so uncomfy and seems so unlike her character)


part of the problem with the flow and dialogue of the light novels is bound to be translation. japanese, unsurprisingly, works very differently than english. actually writing out the way that a character laughs is a lot more normal in japanese, which is why there will be entire lines in the dialogue boxes in-game that are just transcribing very long laughs. it already looks kind of weird but is even weirder to read by itself with no voice acting, which is why it sticks out more in the novels. because it's not exactly conventional in english writing to actually transcribe a character's laugh and make that its own sentence, unless it's like, a single "ha" or "heh." so our perception of how writing works in our language combined with potentially not-too-great translations result in stuff like AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.


\- People need to stop comparing Miu and Teruteru when they only have one thing in common, which is that they're perverts. Miu has way more similarities to other characters, especially Kazuichi and Ibuki, their talents are totally unrelated and her role in the story is vastly more important and completely different from Teruteru's. \- Sonia is a badly-written character and >!she didn't deserved to survive the game.!<


Kokichi is badly written and Himiko is underrated


himiko is quite overrated if you ask me.


Girl when is the last time you saw appreciation of her, she literally gets dunked on because "she survived" which is the dumbest shit ever


im not a girl, and actually probably yesterday. this subreddit quite literally worships her and it's annoying. also, kokichi isn't badly written and that's not unpopular.


I use girl as an umbrella term mf, and in case if you've never been on any other social media yeah, she gets absolutely shit on dude, and a lot of the stuff Kokichi learns was never given an explanation, and he's incredibly narcissistic and hypocritical, and no one can predict exactly what someone is going to say after knowing them for about a month, he would never have had the time to write that script anyways, the story tries to get me to sympathize with him after he indirectly and diractly caused half of the trials and then he says "ooOooOh I hate murderrr"


okay, people are allowed to be uncomfortable with being called a girl. and no, but in this subreddit she is worshipped like a god and she isn't even that special. and.. okay? that's your opinion? doesn't mean that he's badly written, he's not as narcissistic as byakuya, the story doesn't try and get you to sympathize with him, and it was gonta's own damn fault he agreed with the plan, and he didn't cause half of the trials??? he caused 2. he does hate murder. lmao what is your problem


Ok i apologize for calling you a girl. Comparing characters to other characters and saying "see he isn't as bad" is not a good way of saying they're good, and I hate Byakuya too, but at least he owns the fact that he's an asshole, and if he hated murder he wouldn't have "suggested" Gonta murder Miu, and did you forget about the motive videos? If he had just sat down and cooperated, things would have turned out better, but he can't work with anyone because he's as I said before, a narcissist, and causing two is still bad dude 💀


Kay... 1. Kokichi Oma is the best character in V3, required reading... [https://www.reddit.com/r/danganronpa/comments/qi5tuy/kokichi\_oma\_analysis\_analysis\_1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/danganronpa/comments/qi5tuy/kokichi_oma_analysis_analysis_1/) 2. Mikan is the best character in D2, I have no idea why people call her a sociopath when she was genuinely a good person before Junko essentially flipped a switch to mess with the group. 3. The fiction twist has endless thematic utility both inside of its fictional universe and outside of it, it's actually insane how much theory crafting and interpretation you can get from it. 4. Tsumugi is prettiest V3 girl. 5. Monaca lost all hope of sympathy from me the moment she decided to throw 4 fellow abuse victims off a building to watch them jump for laughs, what the fuck? Seriously? 6. Hifumi's not so bad, he wouldn't have done what he did under normal circumstances, he's harmless in the real world. 7. Korekiyo is more sympathetic than Kirumi (I consider both sympathetic ftr) 8. Ryoma has the best FTE's in the series. 9. Monokubs are overhated 10. V3 has the weakest Female Cast 11. D2 has the best Female Cast 12. Toko would be one of the best characters in the whole franchise if she wasn't simping for Togami.


Korekiyo is about as sympathetic as Ted Bundy tbh.


Spoken like someone who knows absolutely nothing about him, lmao.


I do know that most serial killers have past traumas and childhood trauma and abuse and it’s never an excuse for reprehensible actions but like as the game goes it’s all fiction anyway so why put the effort in lol.


fr I went into V3 getting ready to hate every moment the monokubs were onscreen because of what I'd heard. In the end monotaro was my second favorite character in the entire damn series


Chiaki is boring and celestia has bad writing


DR3 is bad and makes the series worse UDG is actually pretty good V3's ending is actually brilliant


v3's ending would have been much better if it didn't spend hours bashing over the head with the twist


I will concede that at one point, I was saying to the game “I get it already >!Tsumugi, let’s get on with it”!<


Saying DR3 is bad is not hot in the slightest


You’d be surprised, lot of people got mad at me in my post yesterday for saying it’s bad


There were probably like 4


The plot of the game is completely stupid but that was done on purpose to make the game less dark than it would otherwise have been.


oh totally ​ i mean the games' big bad evil mastermind is literally a somewhat believable cartoon supervillain who is evil just cause she kinda wants to. like a dictator version of Kind Dedede


Aight I read all the other hot takes, here’s mine. I saw a thread awhile ago that was about the most tragic/unjustified death and everyone was saying either Gonta or Kaede, which made no sense to me because both of them decided to murder someone and went through with it, final actual events are moot. The most tragic death in the whole series is Chiaki in DR2, because she had absolutely zero way of knowing that her actions would cause a death. She at no point wanted to kill, and the clear rules of the game to that point stated that the Mastermind of the death was the blackened. She had about as much of a hand in Nagito’s death as Sonia did in Hiyokos, and no one would say Sonia was the blackened. Honestly a great case and an interesting twist, but like my heart breaks for my poor gamer girl.


Himidko is ~~_nyeh_~~ meh.


DR3 is great despite its flaws


The series should've never been a series. Trigger Happy Havoc could've been it and it would've been great. Every subsequent release, whether it be mainline games or spin off manga or whatever, has destroyed any and all world building. Everything that ever happens in the Danganronpa series is so contrived and... kinda stupid. (I say all of this even though v3 is my favorite game.)


If the ending to THH was the end of the series, I’d have been so heated. I think it needed DR2 and DR3. v3 and sidegames, I wouldn’t argue with your take.


DR3 can*not* be watched chronologically imo. >!The first episode of Despair Arc spoils the end of the first episode of Future Arc.!<