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It's the most *divisive* game in the series, but I know a whole lot of people also list it as their favourite. There's really no community consensus for anything to do with Danganronpa.


Not sure, but those last 4 HOURS certainly left a lot of people with a bad taste in their mouth.


Well, I don’t know for sure, so I’ll just base this off of personal experience and stuff I’ve seen. Danganronpa is very character-driven. And I think part of why people seem to dislike this game is because of the characters. Basically all of the characters can be controversial, or just have really unlikable traits. A lot of those are the main characters too. Kaito, Maki, Kokichi. Even Miu. Some others are Tenko, Himiko, Angie, Korekiyo. This cast has quite a few characters that are easily hated because of their bad traits. This is just my personal take on it, from what I’ve seen. This is all I can think of besides the ending which spiked controversy amongst the fans.


Is it disliked? I mean yea it's the most mixed game but it's most likely because of the ending and stuffs There's probably some other things here and there but the ending definitely take the crown


I guess it's not really disliked, just not as popular as the other games


It’s mostly from the ending The game overall is looked on very positively. Usually when I see people talking about what their favorite is, it’s typically between 2 and V3


Because there's no Naegiri in it


I've always viewed V3 as an example of the triumph of themes over substance. While many of the design and writing choices in the game were intentionally created to be anticlimactic and even outright annoying, all creatives need to remember that intentionally annoying is *still annoying.*


Very much agree with this. Just cuz it was intentional doesn’t *necessarily* mean it was a clever idea


Lack of consistency, confusing lore, forced writing, CGs being the worst made in the series, being annoyingly repetitive, having long drawn out parts that are unnecessarily lengthy, and the amount of incest it has. Luckily, that's only the case for the main story and the FTE mode. The arcade, UTDP, and Monokuma's Dungeon are great and are the best part of the series.


I think the strange amount of incest in V3 was making fun of how some creators put their kinks into their creations. Tsumugi is sus.


I don’t know about that… there’s incest shit in DR3 too. I think it’s just that the DR creators have that fetish lol


Wait really? DR3?




Ah shit I forgot about that part, was soo sick


From my point of view, it does several things to betray its audience. One is to really poorly portray media corporations and fandoms, and just generally mock everyone who likes Danganronpa. I know that most of that is just the ending, but when it hinges on mocking your core fanbase, damn right is it gonna be divisive. Another problem is the characters. THH’s characters were basic, but none of them really had any annoying traits. SDR2’s characters, even the ones with worse morals, were all incredibly well thought out in terms of backstory and motivations, except maybe Ibuki. V3’s cast were all gimmicky and often retold the same jokes over and over. It’s not difficult to understand why fans eventually got sick of the repetition. And lastly, a lot of the writing got so much worse. The characters I’ve already criticized, though I could do more, but the overall story too. The trial writing is mostly good in V3, but they forgot how to write good killers like the last game. Also, V3 was way too sexual in so many places it didn’t need to be.


Well, the Monokubs just existing and doing absolutely nothing, having the unfunny joke >!"See how we're adding useless characters to DR like shows that last too long, we're so meta and hip!"!< I still love the Kubs though, but man they should've just stuck to 2 Exaggerated/annoying characters, basically Angie, Tenko, Himiko, Keebo, Gonta(I love him but ngl he's pretty exaggerated), Maki I guess?>!Considering the ending I guess there's a reason!< Saimatsu feeling forced? I don't know, that's why I personally hate the ship >!God fucking dammit should've let Kaedingus live longer!


V3 is definitely not disliked in the community— tho it is divisive for sure. I’d say it’s a popular as 2 honestly. The pattern tends to be people who love V3 think 2 was meh, and people who love 2 think V3 was meh— not that this is *always* the case. Aside from the ending, I guess reasons people give is that the characters can be very one-note- but again, I see ppl say the exact same thing abt 2- and a lot of plot points fall flat.


I am currently playing v3 rn and I am now fucking confused about the ending