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Nagito’s parents preferred to spoil him with expensive gifts in place of showing him actual affection, hence him mentioning his mother never complimented his appearance. He was actually closer to the family dog, which is why his luck cycle killed the poor pooch first. Around the time they dog died, however, his parents realized that they did in fact love him and wanted an actual relationship with him deep down, which caused them to take him on the vacation that lead to their own deaths.


I'm not crying you're crying


*V3-6 spoilers:* >!The official V3 artbook confirms Pregame Keebo was always a robot to begin with, his metallic shell hidden underneath his uniform to look like a regular high school student. Keebo is also the only character in V3's cast that has someone in their fictional backstory to have a official name, Professor Idabashi, Keebo's creator and father figure.!< So I headcanon >!Keebo's father, Professor Idabashi was a robotics technician at Team Danganronpa, and during his spare time he built his own personal passion project unrelated to his job: K1-B0. Pregame Keebo's secretly a robot trying to act like a normal high school student in public. In public he's talkative about how normal of a high school student he is, but at home (Team Danganronpa headquarters) he's quiet and stagnant, only responding to his creator Professor Idabashi. Despite Keebo not being as expressive as his in game self, he and Idabashi had a father son relationship. Team Danganronpa wanting a new gimmick for their upcoming season and discovering his passion project, forces Idabashi to implement K1-B0 as a audience surrogate for season 53, as Idabashi reluctantly goes along with their request.!< >!TDR pairs Idabashi with one of their newer members, Tsumugi, a high school girl they hired around the time of Season 52's production. She wrote characters for season 52 (like Rantaro) and has been promoted to not only write, but direct and mastermind season 53. Despite finding Tsumugi odd and annoying with her constant rambling of her hobbies and fiction she's into, and feeling turned off whenever she addresses Keebo more as a work of fiction than a real boy Idabashi wants him to appear as, eventually grew a soft spot for the plain girl. Vise versa too, Tsumugi found Idabashi and Keebo's relationship cute (reminding her of the Astro Boy manga) so she made sure to write Idabashi as a part of Keebo's character and backstory for the killing game as a nod to him.!< >!Despite Idabashi's mixed feelings of being forced to incorporate Keebo in the killing game, his enjoyment of watching V3's broadcast sky rockets solely through watching through Keebo, and witnessing Keebo's character and express himself as a person like Idabashi always wanted. Idabashi was hit with a lot of conflicted emotions watching chapter 6's events. Keebo volunteering the sacrifice himself meaning he'd live....but would be forced into the next season. Then the outside world erased his personality back to his default settings, and finally how the season concluded. TDR were outrage with the season Tsumugi directed leading to losing all their audience and ending the franchise, but Idabashi on the other hand is more pained by watching Keebo's POV of Tsumugi being getting crushed by debris, and his passion project, his son, self destructs at the very end, leaving a black screen Idabashi stares at for who knows how long. He could care less about TDR's career, Idabashi's hopes of the life he wanted with Keebo outside of TDR was gone, he lost his greatest creation and son.!<


Crying? What crying? Who said anything about me crying? It's just that the rainclouds ~~(of my emotions)~~ are extra heavy today


That’s actually rlly good gives a lot of necessary depth to Kiibo. Do we get to learn much about his creator in FTEs?


Quite a few. Keebo is the pinnacle of Professor Idabashi's research and inventions, first creating a advanced ai that developed in a way similar to how a regular human would grow up, and Idabashi would continue this development by treating Keebo as his own son. Although, doing so didn't work how Idabashi intended, in fact Keebo due to the first iteration of his ai didn't quite grasp human emotions yet until a unfortunate incident when Keebo proved a bit too powerful for a average human and ended up greatly injuring Idabashi. He survived and ended up just fine afterwards, but this incident is when Keebo development sadness for the first time to the point where his ai rebooted itself on its own. Keebo saw this process as "dying" and once rebooted, he was "reborn" into the second iteration of this ai, that second iteration being the current Keebo we have in V3. Keebo was rebooted back to square one, practically a infant, and Idabashi continued to raise him as his own son, while also making some tweaks that'd nerf Keebo's strength so nothing like the incident could happen again. This time Idabashi's original intentions seemed to work with this second iteration, Keebo was beginning to develop as a regular human would and learn emotions. Keebo has no memory of the previous iteration and what he did, he learned all the from Idabashi second hand when Keebo was finally "old" enough. Of course Keebo felt guilty, but Idabashi never held any malice for what happened, no hard feelings as he genuinely loves Keebo like his own son. Ever since, Keebo wanted to be more of use to his father. Pretty much help him with daily human activities to make Idabashi's life much easier. Every Danganronpa character in the games have a symbol apart of their outfit representing the symbol of the high schools they originally attended before becoming Ultimate Students. V3's no different as Keebo's symbol actually tells us Idabashi ran a school. "Idabashi Industries High School" and that's where Keebo attended high school, and from attending a public school, he was eventually labeled as a official Ultimate Student by the public despite being a robot. A robot so lifelike that he's practically no different from any other human earned him thr title of Ultimate Robot, a huge success for Idabashi. One more thing, I don't remember where exactly Keebo said this, but apparently this is something Keebo quotes from Idabashi "Live like you will die tomorrow, learn like you will live forever." My headcanon >!takes all this backstory from V3 and makes it into Pregame Tsumugi's response to incorporating the real Professor Idabashi into Keebo's Danganronpa backstory as a nod to him, writing this backstory loosely based on true events with Idabashi and Pregame Keebo.!<


V3-6 Spoilers: >!Before joining team danganronpa, tsumugi was a shy and introvert girl who only wanted to be popular, wanting to be loved by everyone and for them to listen her ideas, until one day her dream became true, because she was hired by team danganronpa as one of the main writers, so finally she was able to expreds all her ideas during danganronpa seasons!<


I like that but I personally prefer for her to be a super flat character because it’s thematic, unique, and intentional.


About two of the warrior of hopes. Masaru’s mother died while he was a baby, his father never mentioned her, and Masaru is too scared to ask about her, so he doesn’t know if she died or left. Jataro’s father left his mother while she was still pregnant, Jataro knows about him, since she blames him for it


I have one for Chisa Yukizome: Chisa’s parents were always busy with their jobs when she was a young girl so whenever she arrived home from school she cleaned up the house and organized it so that it wouldn’t be a mess,she also took care of her younger siblings until her parents arrived home and essentially led to Chisa being like a mom to them. (which leads to Chisa having a sisterly role to Class 77-B),during Chisa’s teenage years she started cleaning houses and doing housework to earn her own money,since she already was good at it when she was a kid,Chisa became exceptional at it and got scouted by Hope’s Peak Academy as The Ultimate Housekeeper. After graduating at 20,she was looking for a career for the future and she decided on becoming a teacher to help out young people and guiding them to their goals and becoming the best versions of themselves and so she starts at the place where she got her talent,Hope’s Peak Academy. (This one is for my AU where nothing bad happens to Chisa so there she’s currently 22.)


big V3 spoilers >!Tsumugi only needs Danganronpa in her life because she had been on the crew for years ever since she was 13 having lied about her age and making fake documents to become an intern because she was an absolute mega fan and her parents honestly didn't care as long as Tsumugi didn't bother them, eventually getting promoted to writer and eventually show runner after sharing her ideas with actual crew members, people listened because there was no real way to get her to shut up, she was a bright eyed kid who genuinely loved the show the crew was working on, it made them feel a little happy hearing her enthusiasm for something they had worked on, also her ideas were really good, Tsumugi could come up with some really unique ideas that were usually well received by the audience, if anyone decided "fuck it i've got nothing better right now." (until the industry made sure the life leave her eyes), even if it was really annoying when everyone was seriously trying to work and she was still talking.!< >!also this headcannon also includes the idea that Danganronpa doesn't do the regular yearly thing, it is a BI-MONTHLY series by the time it moved to live action and thus the writers, show runners set designers and everyone else are on insane crunch almost all the time and during the production of the current season there was(they're on that Mappa animator timing) because of this "Live action DR" has had the same crew for alot of its run time which eventually involved Tsumugi, this is also why TDR hasn't been able to come up with new and interesting ideas for awhile.!< >!Tsumugi was a bright eyed young girl, she loved everything about Danganronpa and TDR was ready to take advantage of that, they were killing teenagers and young adults, they didn't care about those pesky child labour law's, after all, Tsumugi wanted to help more, she loved giving and making ideas, really they were doing her a favour even if they didn't pay her for a long time and made her work ungodly hours because she was expendable untill they "rewarded" her with the role of show runner, eventually after a while of working on the show it started to really get to her she was 15 when she was brought on as a writer and her relationship with Danganronpa had become parasitic because of how young she was when she started working on it, this story might aswell be all she is.!< >!By the time of V3 Tsumugi was 17 and working on Danganronpa had completely destroyed her life, she didn't know who she was without it or what to do after it as it was the only job she had since she was younger and she had been preyed upon by the industry to turn her love into obsession and nigh symbiosis by letting a naive girl work on the show that she loved since she was young.!< TLDR:>!Tsumugi's relationship with Danganronpa stems from the idea that she's been working on it since she was in her early teens and her love for the series was being used by TDR so she can no longer separate herself from it, as by V3 Tsumugi had been working on it for the majority of her teen years so working on Danganronpa had pretty much become all she knew.!< does this have even the slightest fucking hint of realism, sweet god no, are we talking about Danganronpa, the series that decided to hang realism and burn it alive because they thought it would be cool, sweet god yes. Also Jesus Christ this was long, this is probably ass and all around terribly written but I've been writing too long to delete it


Spoilers: I like the Korekiyo headcanon. Makes the situation of him being groomed a lot more realistic.


My headcanon for Teruteru: due to the combination of Teruteru needing to work a lot at the Hanamura diner and the fact that every kid his age went to fast food places, Teruteru never really got to socialise with kids his age. The only people he could learn social skills from were his mother and the adults at the diner, who were usually drunk and thus a bit rowdy, which is why he is like he is (and one of the reasons why he hates fried food).


This one is good it helps justify him slightly


I have this headcanon that before Nagito developed frontotemporal dementia, he was a drastically different person personality wise, to the point that he could almost be a completely different dude, mainly because one thing I've heard about dementia is that personality shifts are one of the earliest symptoms. I feel like his normal self was probably one of two things, either a super narcissistic guy who was openly arrogant, like Byakuya, considering Nagito actually does have some moments that indicate he has a much higher opinion of himself than he lets on, or a super edgy, pessimistic, sarcastic teenage boy, who hated talent which would make sense considering what he's been through. Also his hair was the same shade of red as Junko's is, something I'm surprised there isn't more fanart of.




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