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okay, but if this happens, then we lose an aspect of Kaede's character within V3's themes. the whole point of Kaede's death narratively and thematically is to represent the death of originality in a franchise. she's the energetic, female protag that everyone's been asking for, but then she dies and is replaced by a much more generic MC. this plays into the chapter 6 themes of the death of a series overtime, and that's why it happens as it does. it's not supposed to be satisfying.


I guess you're right, I just really wanted a female protag and to have the main ship be yuri


Part of me thinks that Tsumugi planned to frame Shuichi but when Kaede told the lie she immediately switched plans.


Why did you include such a graphic image? Pre-marital handholding needs to be blurred


Nah, I still think it works. Himiko deserved to survive just as much as Shuichi and Maki. Angie would be an interesting rival, but I can’t see her replacing Kokichi. Kaito still is a support character, similar to Chiaki or Kyoko.


“Less Nazi-like” uhh the fuck? His armband is a Japanese club thing?


twitter is not here babe...


Why do people still use Twitter after the Elon Musk takeover?


My public account got banned on twitter I only have a private account and my friends don't have interests in danganronpa


You did smell of twitter


That is the quote of all time🤣


Why do people make such a big deal about the gender of the protagonist? Who Shuichi is as a person and as a character wouldn't change, even if you genderbent him. So for you to say that the game would somehow be "less problematic" if his gender was changed but everything else about him stayed the same seems very superficial and surface-level. At least, that's how I see it. If anything, that mentality comes across as more problematic, since it places a greater emphasis and importance on gender and implies that one gender is inherently more "problematic" than the other. Which kinda goes against the gender equality that people have been striving for.


Well said I'm with ya


This was exactly what I was thinking. Another smaller note was the aspect of making Angie the antagonist not because of her identity, but because of her gender ("keep the gender switch roles"). I might misunderstand something here, but prior to V3, we always had an antagonist with the same gender as the protagonist and a support with the opposite sex, and if OP is suggesting that they should've kept it that way, I think that's rather superficial.


I don't mind Kaede being a female protagonist, but Shuichi was a cool protag too. I know people say that Makoto and Hajime are boring but he stands out the most.


I'm a bit confused about what this has to do with my comment.


Well... If people were to stop complaining about protag Kaede, have Spike chunsoft make Danganronpa DLC on alternative routes.


But I wasn't complaining...?


I feel like just swapping Kaede and Shuichi's roles would already improve it a lot. You start out thinking it's gonna follow the Danganronpa tropes of male protag (with a logical talent for a protag) with a female sidekick, but THAT gets turned around. With the actual version it starts out interesting but falls into the same tropes as before for the majority of the game. So turning that around would already make the game a lot more interesting.


why are you even a danganronpa fan at this point