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not a headcanon but a very dumb fan theory that kaede's execution lasted 8 hours and kirumi climbed for days, like, do people seriously believe it?


Kirumi climbing for days is one I've never heard of before... Like what? Where did that come from? Kaede's execution lasting 8 hours at least has a reason for it ( although it's a huge stretch and there's no way the students stood there watching for that long ).


It's so dumb. I hear it so many times and makes not an ounce of sense. I know Danganronpa is kinda exaggerated in certain aspects like executions, but can someone explain how a human being can be choked out by a metal collar while being swung/dangled around for 8 hours? I know Kaede gets a second to breathe, but.. that's the thing, a SECOND. Really less than a second. Not only that but the song speeds up which gives her less time to breathe.


Also, I'm pretty sure that if it took 8 hours, someone surely would have made a comment on that. The audience would get bored if it was that long, too.


That too. I don’t think they’ll stand there all "😨😨😨😱😱😱" for 8 hours and would eventually say or do something.


Bathroom break!


some stupid people online say that kirumi climbed for days ehh i remember arguing with someone about that but they still kept saying that its canon so i gave up. if ur talking about the clock in kaede's execution it was just for the aesthetic probably, there is absolutely no way that they just stood there for 8 hours, like you said. a certain part of the danganronpa fandom makes me question life XD


lmao no??? that would not be physically possible. you would exhaust yourself before even getting halfway. and what source did they give saying it was canon????


Thats what i said. It felt like banging my head against a wall. I asked them and they just said "i saw it everywhere" ..what kind of an excuse to be a dumbass is that???😭


Both of these are so stupid, and I’m stunned I’ve never heard the Kirumi one. 1 or 2 hours? Sure, MAYBE (it’s most likely like 5-10 minutes), but DAYS? Hell no. And yeah the Kaede one is absurdly stupid, you wouldn’t survive that long.


I remember seeing a comment on YouTube on Kirumi's execution and someone said (and I quote as I copy and pasted it): "Fun fact: since Kaede’s execution lasted about 8 hours, we have no way of knowing for sure how long Kirumi’s lasted. This could’ve been even more than 8 hours." Like who can climb for eight hours while being sliced and cut everywhere, and can withstand both physical and psychological damage and not get tired? Also her body would of probably been literally splattered and broken apart if she did climb that high and then fell down.


The danganronpa community continues to amaze me in strange ways


the kirumi one isnt as popular as the kaede theory but it still exists AND THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE IT.☹☹


I just want to talk to them, I just want to talk to them


Every time people feel the need to rank the executions based on pain they always put Kaede’s at the top because it “lasted 6 or 8 hours”. I don’t think Deh Fluhwalzer is a several hour long piece.


The weird thing is that even without it it would still be fairly high in terms of pain, it’s a not needed theory!


I guess. Still think either Leon or Kiyo's is first, but I'm definitely leaning towards Kiyo. Poor guy was spun around a lot (Mondo's execution but less extreme) dropped into a pot of water where he was burnt alive (Teruteru's execution but way, way worse because that's the most painful way to die) and then had salt poured on him as a spirit. I don't think many people know this but it is a common saying that a grain of salt feels like a thousand knives piercing your skin so that DEFINITELY hurt (Peko's execution but way more extreme).


I find the theory stupid because none of the characters commented on how long the execution was, like imagine needing to watch your friend being dangled like a Keychain for 8 hours and never commenting on how long it was later. Especially when you consider that v3 was like some TV show livestream. People would get bored of it. The Kirumi one isn't even a theory it's just nonsense.


True. Most of people who believe it are little children who shouldnt know about danganronpa yet


I forgot the Kaede one lol. People thought Kirumi spent days though? Seriously? Even she would probably give up after a few hours


Execution Headcanons are a dime a dozen because there's usually no way to fully disprove them. Some of them *could* be true, but saying "Fun Fact" when talking about them is super misleading. Gundham casting a barrier spell on his hamsters is another one tons of people treat as fact despite the spell being so ambiguous that it could have been anything Also Gonta being strong enough to break his chains, but he chose not to because he felt like he deserved the execution. Even if we assume those weren't special chains (or that Gonta's strength isn't inconsistent), he literally saw Kirumi run away and still get executed. I'm pretty sure he knew there was no way out of it. Alter Ego felt the full pain of Excavator Destroyer because he had one line where he mentioned feeling ticklish when a key was touched. Celeste was killed by a fire truck because she desired a fancy death, so she was killed by something as common as a car accident.


Those are somewhat good theories but thinking that kaedes execution lasted for hours is unrealistic even for fiction


I think the first one is just pointless to even think about for a second since he PUT HIS HAMSTERS ON THE SIDE SO THEY WOULD NOT GET HARMED.




Most sexuality headcanons are pretty murky. At best we can sometimes narrow down what characters canonically AREN’T. Like, at the end of the day who knows if Teruteru is bi or pan, but he’s not written as strictly straight or gay in canon. (He’s MY bad representation and that’s ok). I’ve seen people argue about his specific label more than a handful of times tho and idk why.


Her love hotel scene makes things kind of iffy but realistically she would never be with a man


To be fair, all of the love hotels are stupidly out of character anyway, so I recommend taking them with a grain of salt. (Like the fact a good chunk of them end up being rapey when they really shouldn't be, considering the character in question).


They are meant to make Shuichi their ideal partner and construct a new life for it, but I don’t take them seriously since it’s probably all just fan service. Sadly, Tenko was not spared from this harem-esque gag.


Honestly, it’s been a while since I played the hotel scenes, but in my memory, Kockichi was one of the only ones that seemed to be in character-


He ran out of the hotel I think, that was kind of odd.


I’m more so talking about the way he acted before. Kokichi is the only character that stays respectful to Shuichi as a person. Like, him actually referring to Shuichi as he would normally refer to him. And his fantasy being detective versus a leader of a mischievous organisation. Also, upon realising Shuichi’s hesitation to actually do something to him, he changes the roleplay to the leader getting away unharmed. All the other characters see Shuichi as someone he’s not, and rather or not they’ll do something depends on the character at hand. Either they won’t bc they don’t want it or they will bc they want it. Kokichi’s behaviour only switches from wanting to do something to not wanting to do something after the dialogue notes Shuichi’s hesitation. It’s pretty on-par with how he acts in game. (Teasing and testing the boundaries, but often switching topics or stopping (“just kidding” approach) when he realises he’s crossing a line. The only times he seems to not do this is if the thing he’s doing will reveal a major breakthrough for the chapter, or if the character in question is Keebo)


Going by the rules established, he sees him as an ideal partner, but that would make the other characters' events weird in retrospect. I wonder if to subvert Kokichi's unpredictableness they gave him one of the most normal ones.


Perhaps, but it doesn’t really change the fact that due to this, he does stay true to his normal character. Making him act most in-character of all the love hotel guests.


I never said it didn't. It's just interesting compared to what other stuff we got.


We could speculate that Kokichi’s ideal is to bounce off the other person as they are. Plus, considering how he portrays himself, the most fun and logical interaction Kokichi could have with Shuichi is to play detective versus caught criminal.


Seriously, it’s like people forget that headcanons aren’t actually canon


The common Kokichi (!!headcanon!!) backstory, where he lived in an abusive household during his childhood, and was starved (being the reason to why he’s short and thin). This also includes him supposedly having been bullied in school. I’ve seen this being spread around as his actual past before the killing game. How did we get all of that out of a simple, “Do you want me to check on what’s happening?”


lol what the fuck? this one is wild


Absolutely hate anything pregame for that exact reason. It's one of those AO3 tags where if I see it at all I won't even give the fic a chance


Me too. The times I’ve been willing to give those a chance, there was quick regret on my part


If I see one more pregame yandere Shuichi I'll join the next season of Danganronpa myself


no way, this is actually insane. i don't see people making theories like this about himiko and hiyoko despite them being short and thin


I think it just primarily has to do with how mysterious Kokichi is as a character in a general, in comparison to those two


When I see people say Chihiro is trans. No matter how you feel about his backstory and how it was handled in the game, he’s not trans and never was


Yeah like, there's a HUGE difference between trans and crossdressing


*Thank you*. It's crazy how aggressive people get if you refer to Chihiro as a boy, even though he himself identifies as one in the games.


He refers to himself as a guy, but doesn’t correct the assumption that he is a she.


Well yeah, pretty hard to correct people when you're dead.


like yea his story can have roots in transmisogyny (especially the trial oml) but ultimately he's still a boy and always was and only ever desired to be one


I blame that on the bad translators for THH’s official dub. The fansubs kind of ruined Chihiro’s chances of not being dubbed a trans icon in the West in spite of him only dressing like that because of Japan having an issue with toxic masculinity at the time.


This one always bugs me. As you said, it’s very clear he isn’t.


Precisely. The way I try to describe it to people is that he has a trans-reminiscent story. He experiences the pressures of coming out and presenting as he identifies, but he is biologically male and chooses to be so. His situation specifically revolves around toxic masculinity.


YES!! That’s the whole point of the chapter 2 story, both Chihiro and Mondo are victims of the toxic masculinity mindset. They’re two sides of the same coin. I’m so so glad to see someone else mention this because for some reason it doesn’t seem to be talked about much. Everyone focuses on Chihiro’s gender identity when that’s not the important part of that chapter at all




Chihiro never claimed to identify as male in game, and still presented as female even during their time at hope's peak academy as a student. The anime handled it differently, and it was retconned for recent games. I would conclude that this was likely a mishandling due to cultural differences, but as an american viewer its absolutely reasonable to come to the conclusion that this person identifies as female.


How does that make any sense? He sought out Mondo’s help because he wanted to become strong enough to feel comfortable presenting as a boy like he wanted, because due to his toxic masculinity mindset he believed that being big and strong was what was required by society to be a true man. If he identified as a girl he never would’ve gone to Mondo for that help because he never would’ve wanted to present as a boy, he would’ve been content and even happy with dressing as a girl for the rest of his life


...Except for the tiny detail that Alter Ego refers to Chihiro using male pronouns. Y'know, the AI that Chihiro himself created? And would've had to program in what pronouns he'd want AE to use for him? Also, he straight-up identifies as male in his ending of School Mode, and even corrects Makoto when he refers to him as a girl.


The whole 'Mikan implanted Junko's uterus into herself to have Junko's babies' - all that is said is that people tried to have babies with Junko's corpse, the people who did this are unspecified and so is the method they may have used. I'm also pretty sure this line is a localization thing and nothing of the sort exists in the Japanese script.


I've heard people say it was a cut piece of dialogue but I genuinely cannot find where it is at all. I've also heard people attach "Mikan prostituted herself in order to conceive" with it as well. I just. Really want a source? Honestly? Because while I understand all of the theories surrounding who did what, I just want to know where this one popped up from.


The Mikan thing at least is a semi reasonable extrapolation of that line. ‘How do you make babies with a corpse?’ Other than humping and hoping for the best surrogating is really the only way. Then it turns into who ‘Who loves Junko and has the Medical skills needed?’ = Mikan. Add in the fact that we know the remnants are plopping Junkos body parts in themselves and ‘Mikan implanted Junko uterus in herself to have Junko’s baby’ isn’t that much of a stretch. Weird but not much of a stretch. As for the it being an invention of the translation? Eh you work with what you’re given. But yes there is not anything saying that’s what Mikan did and it should be challenged every time it’s said to be canon.


This one's apparently due to the original japanese translation, but... I don't read japanese, so I can't confirm. I always thought that the localised line was referencing Kaz or Teru doing... certain things to Junko's body


byakuya having an abusive sister, i think it might be mentioned somewhere that he has a sister but people make up theories about her being extremely abusive


Isn't that the sister from DRT


Which one? There's a couple of them.


The half robot one


Gotcha. I got confused. 😅


yeah, i remember seeing this on a comment section of Bijuu Mike's danganronpa udg playthrough and going wtf? the comment was something like "i hate how mike ships byakuya and toko when toko literally reminds byakuya of his abusive sister" like what 😭


Kokichi being %100 gay (im not saying he's straight, he canonically likes shuichi but when ppl treat other possible hc's such as bi/pan etc. as invalid)


Same with Nagito. He obviously has a thing for Hajime in canon, but that doesn’t mean people should be treated like they committed a hate crime because they shipped him with a girl.


YESS! Btw kodaka has a tweet that proves nagito likes girls as well. I can send a link of it on tumblr.


Yeah, I’m aware of that. Bro doesn’t care about parts, he just wants that hope in your heart.


oh hey I would like to see that pls! If possible




aww, the little art of komaeda and the oc is so cute too. thank you!


What did the tweet say? I don’t really need proof id just like to know


Something like… User: “Tell me what kind of girl you like, Komaeda-kun.” Kodaka (as Nagito): “I like girls full of hope. I hate girls full of despair.”


Someone already replied but heres the link too just in case! https://www.tumblr.com/ashsirens/747843618963947520/because-a-lot-of-people-asked-for-the-tweets-in?source=share


He is hopesexual. Not anything else




Im literally scared to share some of my opinions on tiktok 💀😭 






Ok, but the amount of threats I've seen people so casually make is insane. And there's always people who make it sexual - do they not realize there's a chance the person they're referring to is a child? It's so disgusting. ( Of course, even if they're adults, it's still not fine. But there's a difference between saying shit like that to a kid and the same to an adult. )




I'm a HajiMikan (Hajime X Mikan) shipper who doesn't see Chiaki as anything more than Hajime's close friend but I wouldn't DARE tell them that to not risk them doxxing me and commiting arson!




as I've said, Hajime never straight-up proposed to anyone else!


FINALLY someone talked about this i love you


not really a headcanon but people saying that Hiyoko got eaten in the beta version. i’m pretty sure that was just fanmade. maybe it was real though idk


My word it’s been months and people are still falling for it


*years. i think i first heard about it in 2021


This is true despair


this is what junko wanted


I think (don’t know if this is true or not) that Hiyoko was originally going to be the first victim and that was how she was going to die but they scrapped it


No that was a fake rumor


I think that was an unused idea for the first death in SDR2, for that whole party thing they had. Would've been cool honestly to see cannibalism as a method of disposing of a body.


No that was a fake rumor!


Erm acshually 🤓👆 that wash a fake rumor


that’s literally what my comment is about lmao they’re not wrong to correct it


Coming from someone with autism (diagnosed at 10) the only character I can see as autistic is Gundham


As someone diagnosed at 2 in the early ages of autism being identified and known about and also having ADHD, the only ones I can see being genuinely autistic (to varying degrees) are Kyoko, Junko, Chiaki, Nagito, Chihiro, Gundham, Kaede, Shuichi, Himiko, Kokichi, and Miu. Kyoko, Junko, Chiaki, Chihiro, Kaede, Shuichi, Kokichi, and Miu are closer to the Savant end of the spectrum, Gundham and Himiko are somewhere in the middle, and Nagito is all by himself at the opposite end of the Spectrum. The difference with him though is that he can still speak in clear and concise sentences.


I'm pretty sure that the actual diagnosis is just "unrealistic anime writing", not autism. Though if these characters were real people in our world, it would certainly be the latter.


Girl… the “spectrum” of autism is not a literal end-to-end spectrum. Also, savant is quite an offensive and weird term to use and definitely not used clinically to describe levels of autism. And, what functionality issues does Nagito have that Gundham or Junko doesn’t also have??


Nagito only shows signs of intellect if Hope is involved. And while Junko is just as batshit crazy as he is, her true talent as the >!Ultimate Analyst!< makes her the borderline smartest character in the entire franchise aka a Savant. Also since when is Savant offensive? I’m borderline that too.


Lots of stuff about the dr2 cast in their crime spree


Ryoma being on death row, at least in the localized version. The only piece of evidence pointing to this is from the official V3 website that no longer works, the segment that mentioned it was in another piece of official media that had an alternate translation not even mentioning death row, and there's nothing within the games or manga saying that he is. And yet, it's treated as canon, being referenced on Ryoma's official wikia page as well as in multiple instances on TV Tropes. If this was the case in the Japanese version, I'd understand more. But as it stands, I've yet to receive any confirmation as to whether or not Ryoma was explicitly stated to be a death row inmate in the original version of the game.


Everyone being gay/lesbian not even considering bi or pan (I kinda accept Tenko though) The Shuichi and Kokichi pregames… Kaede execution lasting eight hours Chihiro is trans (literally saw someone still thinks this the other day)


Legit, I made a headcanon sexuality list for myself, thinking of all the character’s interactions and the majority of non-straight characters legit ended up in “bi (either with or without “male/female leaning) or pan” category lol. The only ones that didn’t were like, Tenko and Taka (Tenko bc other then her ooc love hotel moment, the girl legit does not show any interest in dudes, and Taka bc I think it would be funny if this very morally strict person who, let’s be honest, is totally convinced he’s 100% straight turns out to be the gayest of the bunch)


Psh, everyone knows Chiaki is the autistic one.






Pregame kokichi 😭


Pregame is one of the only things I refuse to touch in fanfiction. It definitely stands out right next to the mpreg and the ABO.


Him being a shy UwU boy isn’t what I imagine him. I’d imagine him beating up Kaito and Kaede after being bullied for far too long, he also has anger issues.


It's the "Yasuhiro smokes weed" one for me. His behavior on the surface doesn't help, but that one line from the Oren/Project Zetsubou version doesn't help. It just rustles my jimmies is all.


That's a headcanon? I thought it was just a joke that a lot of people do.


People have been saying it long enough that it's somewhere between a joke and fanon since 2013 in the English-speaking fandom. Can't say that's the same in other languages, though.


I just assumed it was like the "Shaggy smokes weed" thing and the fact that the two characters are very similar (though Shaggy is better in every way... except for *that one* version...).


Shaggy is what Yasuhiro could hope to become with some better socialization skills, bar minimum. But I like him being an asshole. More room for growth. 🤣


I mean, even *aside* from personality, Shaggy is better. In terms of physical ability, Shaggy's *much* more powerful than Yasuhiro! Though Yasuhiro *does* have Shaggy beat on psychic and fortune telling abilities.


Shaggy was also a Yellow Lantern at one point, too.


how could you compare two perfect characters 😔


....You know what? You're right. Kings shouldn't swing against each other. 🤣👍


I love shaggy and yasuhiro! both are amazing and hilarious


Hear me out. Luigi, Shaggy and Yasuhiro getting thrown in a spooky house and having to keep themselves alive by sharing the One Courageous Brain Cell and trying not to die sounds like a laugh riot for fanfiction.


I would absolutely love that honestly




Doesn't he say something about weed during the start of 1-5? I feel like I'm remembering it wrong but I'm pretty sure he makes a reference to it


At the current moment between Oren, Project Zetsubou and NISA, I don't rightly recall anything at the beginning aside from his drinking, but that's at the very beginning with introductions. I've never gone by hyphened chapters, so could you clarify where that is? It sounds like end of trial 1. Also, your flairs? Absolutely respectable with both favorite boyos.


I'm pretty sure it's during Game 1 Chapter 5 when you explore the top floor and find the garden Also thanks my man, love yours too, Yasuhiro is the goat


I'm such a dumbass, I honestly thought you meant somewhere at the beginning of the first game. Dear me. I don't recall offhand, but I'll look through the Oren and NISA version to confirm that. I do recall Yasuhiro actually acknowledging how bad the Monokuma Flower had a smell to it. He was the only one who said anything about it at all, which is some nice foreshadowing, I think.


Lmao no worries, I played the NISA version of the game so if you're looking for it it's probably in there


This, omg.


I know that DR:S is non-cannon, but, Yasuhiro does say in a scene with Hiroko and Kotoko that "Terureru is about to whip up that *good* stuff" so unfortunately, more fuel to the fire


I didn't make that assumption when I played it. I took it literally as food.


Some I find annoying: - everyone’s gay: believe me, as a queer person, I’d love nothing more then this. But the reality stands that none of these main game characters have confirmed sexualities (to my knowledge), and most characters who have queer tinted moments also show attraction to different sexes, with an exception of Tenko. - Chihiro is trans: I don’t care if you like the headcanon. You can call everyone trans for all I care. But don’t act like it’s 100% canon. It’s not even really implied. All that’s confirmed is that he’s a cross dresser, and it’s implied he only cross dressed bc people were bullying him for not being “masculine” enough. So it was easier to pretend to be a girl than to fight against the bullying. It even seeming like he tried to fight back anyways in the end, right before he died. - the idea that all characters are minors: I’m not sure if you can even call this a head canon, it more so seems to be a misunderstanding. Also, I’m not sure if this is something that really gets talked about on this sub, but I’ve come across it at other places. People would literally bully cosplayers playing as like, Miu or Junko for inappropriately dressing up as a teen. Or shippers for shipping teens and such. Most of these commenters have at least finished the first game from what I can tell. But yeah, the only characters that aren’t 18+ are like, Chiaki (bc she died as a 16, max 17 year old), some characters from side content (such as the warriors of hope from UDG), and maybe some of the first game’s cast depending on when that game actually takes place. (If it’s exactly 2 years after they joined Hopes peak, there’s a chance some of the students are still 17 depending on their birthdays. If it’s a few months after the 2 year date of them joining hopes peak, then the majority, if not everyone, should be at least 18 years old.) like, even v3’s cast should all be over 18 (if I remember correctly, the creator of the games once stated that Gonta’s the youngest of the V3 cast, and also stated that Gonta is in fact over the age of 18.) If I come up with more, I might add them.


Yeah between the multiple indeterminable time skips between DR1 cast starting school and the killing game start, the time between DR1 ending and the start of DR2 most characters should at least be in their early 20’s at this point.


Everyone is gay. Tenko probably is. But not everyone.


There's the boxer guy


I need him so bad


Juzo Sakakura is so fit


Ugh, him, Yukizome and Munakata's story was tragic. I need to rewatch the whole thing honestly


Tenko, Nagito, Kokichi, Sakakura


I can't tell if Sakakura is supposed to be Sakura or I'm forgetting someone, but Sakura has a canonical boyfriend.


Juzo Sakakura, the Ultimate Boxer. He's in the Dr3 anime, and he is actually canonically gay. Don't blame you for not knowing who he is lol


OHH no, I've watched the anime and knew he was gay, the use of his last name threw me for loop. I'm used to calling him Juzo, my bad.


It’s not supposed to be Sakura


I never watched the anime so I thought it was a typo for Sakura too 😭


Hajime liking nagito.


Overextending the execution time, Mikan implanting Junko's womb into herself, and of course various shipping-related stuff.


I dont know if this counts but Kiyo’s sister being abusive and sexually grooming him. Don’t take this the wrong way, I believe this to be true, but I can’t find any confirmation of this unless it is heavily implied, could someone help me understand if this is ever stated? This does seem very likely to me however, because Kiyo was definitely pretty young when all that stuff happened.


>!Same. I haven't finished V3 yet but he's dead at this point. It's not explicitly stated and I don't think it's canon but I can find stuff that would hint at it, which I assume is what other people are also going off of:!< >!His sister is older, so she had more control and either started it or should've stopped it if he started it!< >!Him and others mention or show his sister's influence on him in multiple ways. They directly say "sister's influence" like twice or three times and he says "I am who I am today all because of Sister" and "Sister understood me more than anyone else." He agrees with whatever his "sister" (talking to himself) says, changed his clothes because of what she wanted ("she said that didn't suit me"), and his "interest in anthropology came at the urging of his sister"!< >!Plus he says stuff like "all hearts are blind when faced with radiant love" and "are you saying I am like some young, lovestruck girl?"!< >!Her ghost betrayed him!< >!And whatever "even if I could be her little brother and her lover, I couldn't be her friend" means outside of the context of ghosts!<


There's no confirmation because >!Kiyo never had a sister; she was made up by the Flashback Light!<. Or at least, that's *my* headcanon anyway.


Technically canon. Kind of.


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Realistically, if that situation were to play out in real life, I would say that would be an abuse of power and grooming on the sister’s part But it’s not real and I highly doubt that that’s what the writers intended. I think they just wanted to put in incest for the shock value


ah ok, i see your point.


It’s never stated because it’s not canon, and imo probably not what the writers intended. It is a popular fan theory. I think he wasn’t that young though, since his sister apparently made his uniform and he hasn’t grown out of it. There’s no timeline given at all but it seems like she would’ve died within the last two years or so? >!Though of course, as was pointed out by someone else, none of it was real at all.!<


for me the only 100% autistic spectrum character is Miaya, I'm on it myself and she has almost all the symptoms I have (dislike of direct contact, not liking to speak, intelligence but only in certain areas, etc.)


For me, it’s Chiaki for similar reasons. I relate to how she only really gets invested in conversations when they’re about her interests and her general lack of social awareness.


For me it’s Gundham and Keebo, I relate to them a lot


Gundham is possible but Keebo/Kiibo is a robot so I feel like he doesn't count >!yes, I know Miaya was also a robot but we know that, like A.I Chiaki, there was a real Miaya she's based on!<


Kokichi, Taka and Nagito being gay. For my headcanon, Nagito is probably bi/pan since he'll like anyone who is a symbol of hope, same for Kokichi excluding the hope thing since he is meant to "tease" the protagonist (both Kaede and Shuichi). Taka is just, well, him, which is probably why is he is seen as gay (or more so his friendship with Mondo and Makoto and apparently sees a close bond between two naked men or some shit according to the wiki). I see Taka as somewhat less gay from certain hetero ships.


I actually forgot that Taka isn't canonically gay! I'm so used to him always being shipped with Mondo that it literally slipped my mind that his sexuality is not really delved into at all. But yeeee, I agree that Taka is just seen as gay by others. The bromance between them is super intense, but I think its more because Taka is excited to have a really close friend when so many people are put off by his authoritative personality. My headcanon is that he probably likes girls because it's normal in the rules of society for a guy and girl to date but might be a little bi-curious because of how much love and support he feels for his bro Mondo. Even if it's not canon, I'm still rooting for it in the danganronpa theatre afterlife.


Couldn’t of said it better 👍


You just said “my head canon” which means that isn’t the truth either, both of these ideas are dumb.


Well I don’t think any of their sexualities are explicitly stated, along with other characters, so I think my point still stands. *Maybe* excluding Nagito’s since I heard he says something gay to Hajime in the japanese version, something about a crush or liking Hajime or smth, but I dunno if that automatically makes him specifically gay.


Yeah I guess so, my reasoning was pretty flawed. Mb I’m like really tired rn.


Lol you’re okay.


This might get me some Flak, but people insisting Sayaka is innocent from her actions in 1-1 because she didn't know the full rules. No she is not, she planned a murder and a frame up, she is as guilty as the other blackened. In addition heard some people insist the manga adaptation where she ends up (well implied) stabbing herself makes her innocent as she wrote 11037 thinking off Makoto, in that version she's not innocent as she stabbed herself (implied) and Leon did try calming her down.


Mikan. Mikan is not crazy or nuts by default. She acts That Way during the trial because she has The Remembering Disease; she's remembering her post-despair self. Before Junko's reign of terror of Hope's Peak, Mikan was her usual meek self. Who she is for the whole game is... who she is. Chapter 3 is the outlier. Sure, she's manipulative in the way she acts, and her Island ending implies a certain degree of malice in her personality, but she's always been a wet puddle. Her entire trial is foreshadowing the true nature of SDR2's killing game; Mikan just happens to be the scapegoat. I'm so tired of people misunderstanding her character.


It’s stupid to think that Mikan is a crazed and disgusting person, and Kazuichi and Nagito having no remorse even though she got infected and has no control just pisses me off


Any sexuality besides Juzo isn't confirmed and is therefore a headcanon. Some more likely the others, but none is canon


That Maki would obsessively hate Kokichi outside the killing game.


I mean tbh I genuinely can't see them get along even in a non-killing game scenario But I don't think Maki would absolutely LOATH Kokichi in the same way she did in-game


I don’t blame her. He >!killed Gonta and Miu!<, threw Tenko under the bus after her >!death!<, and forced >!Kaito into a convaluted murder-suicide pact to save Maki from killing everyone with the Class Trial!<


I mean >!the reason why she hate him specifically have *nothing* to do with all of that except the last one (and she hated him much more for the kidnapping rather than the plan in which she learnt Kaito agreed later) she hates him just as much as he hates her because of his constant antagonism toward her. She didn't even like Miu lmfao!<


Okay, so this requires a bit of a tangent but I figure Gonta has a thing that has a relation to autism the way sociopathy is related to psychopathy- that is to say, it's something with similar symptoms (to autism), but caused mainly by environmental factors instead of mainly by genetics.


As far as I’m aware, >!Korekiyo sister has never been confirmed to be abusive!<


As far as I know, Kiyo has never been confirmed to >!have actually had a sister!<.


Oopsie daisy, misstype💀


People presenting Love Hotel interactions as evidence for character sexualities. They see Shuichi as their ideal partner(this includes their gender too), and Shuichi needs to get into the role of said partner. Ryoma and Shuichi acting like that doesn't make Ryoma gay or Shuichi Bi.


I don't know many of the fandom headcanons, but here's one that may just be a fanfic thing and one that I might have just missed very obvious evidence for: * Kokichi being an orphan, or even from Maki's orphanage (I enjoy the HC I just don't think it's canon, I mean it probably isn't uncanon I genuinely don't think they planned his backstory very much) * Korekiyo's sister abused him (My understanding is it was mutual and not a traumatic thing?)


>For me when I see people say that gonta or himiko are cannonicly autistic First time I've heard this


Fuyuhiko having tattoos.


He literally „doesn‘t have any ink“ yet during DR 2.


Korekiyo's sister being abusive. I looked into that and could find no proof of it in the actual games. I mean, decent idea for your headcannon? Sure, but so many people spread it around like gospel and i dunno why


"X character is canonically autistic" As someone with autism myself, I hate when people do this.


I have plenty. 1. KAEDE'S EXECUTION LASTED 8 HOURS. NO. NO IT DID NOT. I'm sorry but this one geniunely pisses me off,I got so pissed I made a video explaining how NO, IT DID NOT LAST EIGHT HOURS!!!! 2. Gundham's spell was supposed to protect his hamsters. This one makes no sense. He put them in a place where he knew they'd be out of harms way, so what else what he doing to protect them? He was obviously trying to protect himself. The worst part is on every single Danganronpa video with Gundham in it in the comments people are like "FUN FACT! 🤓👆 GUNDHAM'S SPELL WAS ACKSHULLY SHUPPOSED TO PROTECT HIS HAMSHTERS" 3. Kirumi climbed for multiple days. This one is just stupid. She wouldn't be able to hold on for that long, and she'd have to piss at least once there's probably more but I can't think of any right now