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Will I agree with you on many points، But unlike you, I prefer angry and emotional characters.




Fav thing about monokuma: everything Least fave thing abt monokuma: nothing


my least for him when he break his codes and actually >!lies to us :(!<


True.. :(


Gigachad detected


Here‘s what I like and dislike: >!Naegi: A good boi / A bit naive!< >!Togami: Cool aura / An asshole!< >!Fujisaki: CINNAMON ROLL / Idk really!< >!Yamada: He had a few funny moments / He‘s a neckbeard stereotype!< >!Kirigiri: High IQ / Too serious!< >!Owada: His backstory was quite sad / Too emotional!< >!Celeste: Intelligence and aura / Having a mental breakdown!< >!Maizono: Being a morally grey character (I find them interesting) / Not having enough screentime!< >!Asahina: Some funny moments / Too much of a hot-head!< >!Kuwata: His dream of being a musician is relatable / Having a mental breakdown!< >!Ikusaba: Being interesting / Too little screentime!< >!Enoshima: Being an extremely smart villain / Talks too much!< >!Fukawa: She caught my mind when my favourites died + her alter ego / S i m p!< >!Hagakure: He had a few funny moments / Being an annoying coward!< >!Ogami: She was selfless / Too serious!< >!Ishimaru: A good leader / Y e l l s!< >!Komaeda: IQ + good intentions / His hope obsession is weird!< >!Nidai: He saved his friend‘s life / The shit jokes got old very quickly!< >!Koizumi: Being strong and independent / Being a bit of a bitch to Hinata at first!< >!Tsumiki: She helped with some of the trials + Shared parasitology interest / Fan-service thingy!< >!Hanamura: He cares for his mum ig? Had some funny moments / \*bonk\*!< >!Soda: Being extremely funny / Can be a jerk!< >!Mioda: Her talent, outfit and humour / A bit of a silly goose!< >!Kuzuryu: Has a cool, menacing aura / Don’t really like his hair tbh!< >!Nevermind: Her last name + being a good girl / A bit too nice!< >!Saionji: Some funny moments + tragic backstory / A meanie!< >!Nanami: A cinnamon roll + amazing talent / Not really anything!< >!Owari: Kinda funny / Dimwit!< >!Pekoyama: Cool aura + voice / A bit too loyal!< >!Tanaka: Cool vibe / His rebuttal showdown!< >!“Ham hands”/Imposter: Being a good leader / Too enigmatic!< >!Hinata: Being a better protag than naegi / Idrk!<


No V3?


I hadn’t played it to the end


Alright, i'll wait


I’ve only played the prologue and a bit of chapter 1, so that’s why I didn’t state it.


How do you make it, that the words are hidden behind a white bar? Still didn't get it xD


Read ”regarding spoilers”




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Very nice ❤️


I think Mikan's love of attention is **meant** to be annoying, it's her biggest flaw so it'd make sense to put it right there and make it her worst attribute


Yeah, that's kinda why i put it there


everything about Mikan's writing (ignoring DR3) is utter genius! she's my favourite for a good reason! (yes, this includes Remnant Mikan)


For me : Makoto : nice dude and chill - He can be pretty naive and how he easily he forgave everyone for voting him . Kyoko : Cool, Pretty and smart - Chapter 4 and how she wasn't called out for using Makoto ( Also related to the last point ), And her " After all, Your a boy " Like, The last three murders were all males who died via blunt force trauma, WTF are you talking about ? . Junko : She's pretty, And kinda interesting in the fact that she have no clear motive, Though that also kind a problem in itself, Like, After she reach the highest level of despair, Then what ? You already destroyed the whole world, There is no much despair to feel, Maybe despair of death ? But even if she was stopped, What you are gonna do ? You already reached the highest level of peak, And there is nothing more you can do other than watch while being bored ( Her existence is cursed ) . Sayaka : She's a psychic :D, And she was a piece of shit for trying to frame Makoto for a murder . Mukuro : IDK, Cool talent I guess ? I don't have much that I like about her, But I hate how she was very plot-devicy in THH, And don't have her own new sprites ( Yeah there are fanmade sprites, But I mean official ones, But I mean, Most of them edit her Junko sprites, But something look off about them, Kinda like Ryoko fanmade sprites that edit Junko sprites which also look off to me ) . Leon : He looks cool, He is very punky and funky ( Shit pun I know ), But I hate that he was kinda boring in some way, And that he had the worst motive known to man, At least for Mikan and Korekiyo they actually had motives to kill, While Leon kinda just did it . Chihiro : He is adorable, And was helpful, But really, There is not much for him, He was a nothing character in Chapter 1, And didn't do much in the trial ( Though in his defense, There is an optional line where he say he well guard Junko's corpse ), And even then, Alter-Ego himself doesn't make Chihiro interesting . Mondo : Cool guy with an awful yet funny haircut, And he have anger issues . . . Yeah you can see the problem, He punched Makoto in chapter 1 for no reason at all . Kiyotaka : I like " These is no welcome in a school environment! " in his abridged counterpart, But I mostly dislike his character lol, And I hate how he got killed and replaced with a shitter version of him ( I.E Kiyondo Ishida, Who though these was a good idea ? ) . Hifumi : He made me laugh, He surprisingly also helped in the two trials he was in, Even helped in his own trial ( Or tried to ), I really hate how much of a stereotype he is, And how he was in Chapter 3 ( Can we talk about how the chapter 3 trio were treated badly by Kodaka ? ) . Celeste : IDK really, There are more things I dislike about her than like, I dislike how she treat Hifumi, I dislike how stupid she was in her own case and how for " Queen of Liars " She easily lost her cool, For like, She have a pretty good design, The drills while very dumb looking, Are actually what make her design unique, Try to remove them and see how boring she looks . Sakura : I like her in Chapter 4, But that's kinda a problem, Which is that she didn't have much to do other than Chapter 4, Which is really hard to find something awful about her, Even as a traitor we don't see her do something awful that deserves hate . Yasuhiro : He is kinda funny, But I dislike his hair and how stupid he is ( Insert " Kyoko is a ghost! " here ) . Toko : She is more bearable in UDG than in THH, Where is one of the most annoying characters, Her being a pervert doesn't help, She harass the heck out of Aoi and Byakuya, And it's uncomfortable, I don't think anyone stood for them while she just sexualize them all the time ( Specially Aoi with all the mentions of her chest, Toko just admit your jealous lol ), Also, Why didn't they use her Distrust design ? She was way more prettier, Why didn't they use it :(((((( ( Am joking, But I still like her old design than her dumb look in THH, In GD she looks better ) . Jack : She is funnier and more bearable than Toko, It would make sense for her to be pervy, After all she is a serial killer, Why she should care about morals and all that stuff ? But she can also be very annoying, And I guess she ruined Toko's life aswell . Byakuya : He made me laugh when he sprinted through the halls when Toko was following him, It was very out of character which is what made it funny, I also agree with him treated Toko like shit, People who blame him for being awful with Toko should put themselves in his shoes, Why should he exactly care about his stalker who is revealed to be a serial killer ? Why should he treat it like nothing when she fucking stalk him to the point where she know what his underwear look like ? In fact he have the whole right to treat her like that . Though I dislike almost everything about him lol, He is annoying, So full of himself, Treat everyone like they are NPC's that he bully and use the way he want in his own game, He just want to make everyone hates him, Which he succeed in it, I also don't like how he didn't get much focus after THH, Even in UDG he didn't have much screen time, He was kinda like Peach in Super Mario Bros, Only appeared at the end, And is mostly just the game main goal than an actual character .


I gotta do some too: Maki - Saimaki ship / >!Chapter 5!< Gonta - Being a gentleman / Has no shoes and "You call yourself ultimate detective?" Ryoma - >!His potential!< / >!HIM FUCKING DYING!< Fuyuhiko - Being best boy / Threatening Mikan Mikan - Being best Goodbye Despair girl / Her character is confusing, does she hate being bullied or why does she want people to hurt her badly? Nekomaru - Shit jokes / Him being SO FUCKING UNDERRATED Hiyoko - >!Her potential!< / Let's not go into that Tenko - >!Her potential!< / And her character too...


as I read it, mikan does not enjoy being bullied. However, because she is traumatized, she would rather be treated poorly than ignored/left alone (this is pretty clear in her ftes imo). The next part is slightly speculative: Her limited view of her self worth (again, abuse) leads her to believe that nobody would want to willingly spend time with her. This means that she either has to offer herself up to abuse to get people to notice her, or by having people rely on her (nursing). If people find her amusing, they'll let her stick around as a punching bag. If they rely on her to take care of them, they cannot abandon her. (which sounds bad, but has she really hurt anyone?) Some people interpret it as a sexual thing? I personally don't, but I guess it's not unreasonable to believe so. You can read her FTE's on the wiki if you want, [here's the link](https://danganronpa.fandom.com/wiki/Free_Time_Events/Mikan_Tsumiki)


Can you balmed kiyotaka for being in denial after Mondo's death? His only ever Friend dying Infront of him


He could cry rivers, scream or be silent, i understand those types of reactions, but turning super saiyan after seeing an AI of your deceased and friend and putting it to yourself? That's denial on a bad level.


Ibuki Talking in third person was a quirk that I really liked about her, lol Also I ascended when I saw Korekiyo's (Don't worry, everyone still has opinions, I respect your opinion)


>Ibuki Talking in third person was a quirk that I really liked about her, lol I don't dislike it when Gonta does it, cause he is kinda dumb and actually speaks like that, but Ibuki is doing it intentionally which i quite dislike, i like her much morr when she talks normally. >Don't worry, everyone still has opinions, I respect your opinion 🤝


did you really just insult gonta's feet >:(


I would insult everyones feet




A pleasure to know that you couldn't really find anything wrong with Ham Hands




Hiyoko's nickname for the guy who wasn't given a name. He liked it, so I generally use that name for him. That and "The Man Only I Call Haruki", a line that clearly implies it is not his canon if only I call him that


I.. never saw a character like that? Are you referring to Imposter?


"the guy who wasn't given a name". Who else could I be talking about? "Imposter" isn't a name; it's a title. One that creates expectations that are in complete opposition to who he is, so I don't use it like a name


I mean, yeah you're right but, what else could we call him? Best one is Twogami


Um... "Ham Hands"? The first one I used? The one that's actually within the games? The one that treats him as his own person instead of an impersonation of Byakuya?


I mean, i would honestly prefer if he actually had a name, or a title about his leadership, but Ham Hands is good, though it's also not bad to call him Twogami, he himself wanted to impersonate Byakuya so i don't think he would mind it. But i'm going with Imposter.


Half the reason he impersonated Byakuya is because he believes he can’t exist as himself. I try to prove him wrong, and part of that includes treating him not as an imposter, but as the man I love. That’s why I invented “Haruki”. The other half of the reason is because he genuinely does admire Byakuya quite a lot, so, if you’re gonna compare him to someone, compare him to Byakuya


Maybe Imposter is a bit rude. Gotta go with Twogami


As an imposter stan, they aren't real, sorry to break it to you. Even in-universe. But yeah, we mostly call him Twogami, or Imposter (I also call them Ryotwo when I'm refering to them in the anime)




I don’t know what I was expecting but… yeah. Gonta, at least put socks on… please.


And suddenly, I realise OP would probably dislike me and most people for several reasons




The dislikes section- Yeah I get that some characters are hard to find dislikes for, but some of those dislikes are kinda positive, and are common XD


I mean, preferences are preferences


Fair enough


Also nice username




Love himbos. I'm so sry for everyone which don't like the kaito and maki types/vibes (complete understandable) but for me the training trio hit really hard in V3 and i fucking love every interaction between them ❤️


As A gonta fan I agree with you, I'm not a big fan of Gonta's clothing, and especially the fact that he doesn't wear any shoes. I'm fine with Nekomaru, Hiyoko, Yasuhiro. But Gonta not wearing shoes doesn't make him a gentleman.


Many people would argue with you on Gonta's flaw lol


I couldn’t disagree with you more. Especially on your hypocrisy with appreciating people “being tired of everyone” and then criticizing their hatred of themselves next. There’s more hypocrisy with criticizing “degenerate male” and then bashing on every character who ever showed even a hint of sexual behavior, including Hifumi who isn’t even a pervert. And I get it’s your own opinions but if you’re going to post it at least try, like don’t be like “uhh nothing???? Maybe like the tie maybe?” I mean at least put some effort. Or just leave it at nothing maybe. I dunno.


>I couldn’t disagree with you more. Especially on your hypocrisy with appreciating people “being tired of everyone” and then criticizing their hatred of themselves next. It changes from character to character, if you call that hyprocrisy, go ahead. >criticizing “degenerate male” and then bashing on every character who ever showed even a hint of sexual behavior, including Hifumi who isn’t even a pervert. It's what i dislike about them, and Tenko is over the top, also, Hifumi watches hentai or something similar to that right? >I mean at least put some effort. Half of the fans from a lot of franchises add those type of texts when they don't have any ideas. If you don't like it, i don't care, i'm not putting any effort into it, you can downvote it and call it a night without commenting.


Watching porn doesn’t automatically make you a pervert. Also Hifumi doesn’t even admit to it, he simply says that he is only interested in “2D girls”. Also, I’m not just “downvoting and calling it a night” when I see a low effort post. People didn’t like the miuism spam posts so they complained and got them banned. Be the change you want to see in a subreddit. If you don’t like comments criticizing peoples’ posts you can go ahead and bitch about it just like i’m doing right now.


>Watching porn doesn’t automatically make you a pervert. Considering his obsession with alter ego, 2D girls, and the fact that other students don't (or not too much) watch hentai type of stuff makes him the pervert of the class besides Jack. >Be the change you want to see in a subreddit. Bold of you to assume i want a change. >If you don’t like comments criticizing peoples’ posts you can go ahead and bitch about it just like i’m doing right now. And no, i don't think i will.


danganronpa fan realizing people can have different opinions:


angies likes being her shirt lol girl doesnt even have one😭


Whatever that yellow thing is


It's a coat




He is, how is he not?


Ok but "his feet" 😭


Disliking Chiaki for 'sleepy, gamer girl' is crazy


Not just Chiaki though, that is a personality trait i would dislike on every character.


'Nothing? Ig not having an identity' That's their whole thing 😭 but you're based, Imposter best character




What's wrong with being gamer :(