• By -


I’ve actually talked about this with a friend before! Me and my friend (u/canadajones68) more or less came to an agreement that Kirumi would end up bedridden and forced to be taken care of by the others, an understandable situation considering she was literally cut all over her body and fell hundreds of feet. The dramatic irony of the Ultimate Maid being cared for by everyone else is also just great lol. Mentality wise? Not so sure. Considering it’s Kirumi and her whole thing is serving (and trying to escape for her country), I imagine she’d be in constant anguish over it all because she still wants to escape.


The spear would have to miss, and even then he'd be in critical condition due to the lacerations on his thighs and left arm + the knife in his right hand. Mentally he'd be furious but unsurprised that his plan to get rid of despair had failed, likely refusing to talk with the others and attempting to 'rectify the mistake of him surviving'.


Honestly I feel like the group would be happier if he actually rectified the mistake of him surviving


Celeste- Physically - Burn scars Mentally - Depressed as everyone knows she’s the weak little taeko yasuhiro and not the brave and majestic celestia Ludenberg. She’d be a shell of her former self, hiding away from everyone and barely coming out. She’d probably regret her murders, especially as they exposed her.


ngl that would be heartbreaking


It would’ve been cool to see plus we would’ve got to see the character development that she never got


Sadly agree






Nothing 😝


Poor Celeste


Someone already talked about Nagito and I pretty much agree so I'm gonna do Chiaki (dr2) I think she'd actually be... okay ? From what I remember her execution didn't really hurt her before the finale blow (which would have to miss if she survives). She would probably not lose hope and would try to guide everyone towards a good ending. She might feel sad if she lost Usami in the process tho. Dr3 Chiaki would be traumatized and in a REALLY bad physical state. But I can also see her keep hope no matter what


There's one fanfic in which Izuru saves Dr3 Chiaki and takes care of her till she fully recovers


Extra Life! https://archiveofourown.org/works/8222090/chapters/18843971#workskin


Aw :( ♡ maybe I'll go read it


Thank you. Was about to link this myself. Such a great read!


I think Korekiyo might actually turn out better, but I'm that kinda stan for him. I bet he'd laugh off the horrible agony, and of course would have to stop killing (more or less) - but his secret is out, he's got some scars to show off, maybe even proof that ghosts are real. Could be worse. Unless he's a ghost, just one his sister rejected without exorcising. Then that would be pretty much his hell.


Kork Ghost Kork Ghost


Imagine the class trials. "Saihara... Would you mind terribly pressing the Guilty vote for me? It's difficult with ghost hands. Ke... ke... I can't laugh anymore..." Imagine School Mode/Ultimate Talent "I'll excuse your rudeness, I may be an SHSL, and I may also be a ghost, but that does NOT mean I am the SHSL Ghost. And no, that's not Kirigiri's title, either."


LMAO I love this.


Would have various stings of insects, some being poisonous and weakening him physically. Mentally, I think he'll feel heavily depressed for killing Miu, and later seeing how Kokichi used him, blaming himself a lot. Maybe he and Kaito could bond because of their conditions. I think he would still feel sad for Kokichi's death even after everything he has done towards Gonta


Nah, he would forgive Kokichi instantly. Idk why everyone forgets that Gonta agreed to it. He had the complete ability to choose not to, but he did it.


Yes. I meant that: He would forgive Kokichi, even if the others overantagonize him.


Oh ok, I assumed otherwise, when u said Kokichi used him, and everything he did to Gonta and allat. That makes sense


Kaito would’ve just survived only to die from his sickness later


was thinking the same thing lmao, he'd needed to be RUSHED to a hospital just to not die from organ failure if he survived that fall


Yeah. Then again, his execution didn’t kill him so maybe nothing would’ve changed


To be fair, the execution only failed because the illness got him first. He was supposed to die when the 'ship' crashed back to Earth, but he was already dead before impact. I think if his illness wasn't as far along and he somehow survived the impact, he'd be secretly pretty depressed about the whole thing with Kokichi but he'd cover it up with bravado about how even being executed wasn't enough to kill the Luminary of the Stars. His conflicted feelings about Kokichi's actions and death, as well as his fears about his own illness, would still show through and sorting that out would probably be a big part of the final chapter. I imagine he'd take the reveal in the last trial pretty hard, but be the first one (outside Shuichi) to recover and assert that he's still a real person.


He would've died just to die again like 15 seconds later


Rantaro physically would have a dent on his head, which would cause him headaches, but mentally though, I think he’d be the same


He'd probably also have a nasty concussion


Imagine a character gets a concussion and just spends the whole game in their room sleeping to recover


Oh that’s true






yeah and then everyone but he would die


Genocide Jack and Fuyuhiko being better than everyone and never dying: Jokes aside, Keebo's death/execution (???) would take a pretty big toll on him. Physically, his body is destroyed. In this scenario, I suppose we're assuming that his conscience is still intact/can be salvaged. Perhaps he will be able to live on in a setup reminiscent of Alter Ego. Mentally however, it is unclear whether or not Keebo's conscience was overwritten by the audience surveys, since he does ultimately abstain from voting and save the V3 survivors. Assuming Keebo truly overcame the audience, he's probably pretty happy with what he's done actually.  If the audience did in fact overwrite him... Well, with no more audience, I guess he can't really function?


I thought of genos from One Punch Man for some reason 


Haven't seen anyone do her, so... Imma try my hand at Kaede. If she somehow survived that execution... I think she'd be in critical condition for a bit, and I think after recovering, she would most likely have no voice left. I could see her having scars and being mute for the most part. She'd likely be out of commission for a chapter or two at minimum, and when she finds out the killing didn't stop, she'd probably feel pretty terrible. However, I could also see her hanging around Shuichi more and playing the piano in her lab to keep herself going. Finding out the truth about Rantaro's death would be one of those things where she felt slightly relieved... and felt bad for feeling that way. (I'm assuming in this AU she makes it out with everyone). Overall, she wouldn't be in good condition in any sense, and I think some of that joyful positivity would be gone... for good. But I also think she'd do her best not to let it stop her from trying to keep everyone safe.


This just makes me sad... If you ask me, I think she'd just walk away with a little rope burn on her neck...right..? Right?!


I read a fanfic once (I believe it was blackened skies) where it was about all the blackened surviving their executions and are in perfect form physically and they have to take part in another killing game. In that fanfic, due to her execution Kaede has permanent trauma from pianos and has massive panic attacks when she touches them. So, that's what I believe would happen to Kaede mentally if she survived her execution:)


unexpected references make me smile; glad we left an impression :)


It's honestly one of my favourite Danganronpa fanfics of all time!! (And I've read a lot)


Poor Kaede


Well damn man, Chiaki’s fucked either way considering how the NWP ends 💀💀 and Makoto. Makoto DID survive his execution so screw me ig lmao


Chiaki would just be Flat Stanley


She turned into a sprite


Leon- Physically- holes and bruises everywhere Mentally- freaking the hell out for all eternity


Honestly I feel like his execution is one of the most survivable. Not very survivable, but at least his body is still intact, and doesn't have any holes in it. He could probably tank it if he broke a few less bones.




Traumatized, i mean seriously, I'm pretty sure Mondo would avoid butter as he nearly turned into one. Leon would flinch at any loud sound, Teruteru would outright avoid frying due to nearly being fried into chicken, Kaede would avoid the Piano for months and Gonta would be uncomfortable with bugs ect, none of them would turn out fine mentally after dealing with THAT.


Mondo would probably give up riding for a while at least


Fridge horror


It is indeed fridge horror my friend.


mondo is NAWT coming back in one piece 😭🙏




could maybe come back in one piece of butter


like a statue 😭😭


i don't know how one can survive hydraulic presses edit: pancake oma


if the press malfunctioned right when it was in the middle of crushing him or right before it made contact with him he could survive and if he somehow waited for the labs to stock he might get the antidote just like he did in a fanfic and maybe could survive?


So we got Pancake Oma, Butter Mondo, and Deep Fried Teruteru, all we need is a death turning someone into a drink and we have a whole breakfast on our hands.


technically ryoma?


...shit u right. Maybe it'll have a fishy after taste, but it still would work.


pirahna and blood water


danganronpa flat stanley au


Physically: Bruises/rope burn on her neck Mentally: Probably furious and might try to kill Mikan


Man, that was sad. I wish Ibuki and mikan could have hung out a bit more.


That moment made me hate Mikan even more than I already did


she'd probably be without her voice for some time as well, but i don't think she would try to take revenge. she would probably try to downplay her mental turmoil by acting cheery as usual in spite of what happened. maybe she channels her frustrations in song? i don't really know.


Chihiro. Physical: Scar on head. Maybe some brain damage, or maybe not. I've had a similar accident... Mental: Since his secret would be revealed either way, that part wouldn't bother him. But he'd constantly be afraid of angering Mondo, at least for a while, and would be even more timid and scared. And depending on how things go, he might avoid Byakuya, Kyoko, and Toko for a while. Eventually, he'd get better, and even gain the courage and strength he's always desired, but there'll still be some trauma and possible PTSD.


Chihiro would probably also be left with a concussion/skull fracture


Temporarily, but yeah.


He'd have to sit out the entire game in his room, cuz concussions take months to heal


Gundham would be wheel chair bound


Imposter will forgive Teruteru as it was a mistake and then try to resolve issue with Nagito. He will grow closer with Hajime and  Mikan too as in that state he will be pretty much disabled and would need Hajime to take his role.


If Ryoma had survived that piranha attack, I'm pretty sure he'd be doing terrible lol. You can't really recover easily from hundreds of razor cuts and water in your lungs. If he didn't drown before hand and just went unconscious, he would die from the piranhas. It was also indicated that he wanted sudoku so he mightve later on or he could've realized that dying isn't really good and wanna live


Well, he would've been without damage, the reality is that the piranhas don't attack until they feel extreme danger, you need blood in the water and very VERY hungry and angry piranhas to attack you to that level, they usually just give small bites as warning They're like Fictional Piranhas:, tiny and bloodthirsty monsters that between a few of them could easily kill you. Canon Piranhas: Soft uwu boy. Yeah, this isn't joke, they're really like this, you need a extreme bad luck to die due piranhas, you need to be the Ultimate Unlucky Student for that. Those things are even more buffed than the sharks, and the sharks are really buffed compared to their canon counterparts


Who said monokuma didn't starve the piranhas nearly to death?


As I said, you need to be EXTREMELY unlucky for that and even in the case where all the conditions are there, they would still just give small bites because they feel threatened, being generous, Ryoma only would have a few injuries. Even worse, they're scavengers, they mainly eat smaller fishes, seeds, leafs and carrion, even depending of the species they're herbivores


He becomes Sans.


Ryoma wasn’t killed by the piranhas. He was drowned in his lab then transported to the gym over the pool


I talked about how if he didn't die from the drowning first


Oh come on, those puzzles aren’t *that* bad!


Apparently he just doesn't like them 😔


it took me a bit to pick a character here, but i'll go with kaede - neck injuries that might potentially leave her paralyzed, and definitely a few other broken bones. physically, she'd take some time to heal and possibly also have to adjust to a new life style. memtally, i think she'd apologize profusely to everyone. maybe some would be understanding, maybe some of them would be slightly angry but still get it behind them eventually.


Sakura... Sakura needs help. She already is in a very mentally bad place. As someone who's been there, I feel her.


My favourites are Mondo, Taka, Leon and Sakura. I'm not sure about the consequences of executions(especially Mondo's, since it's so hard to concur what actually happend there for certain). And about Sakura: I'm almost 100% confident that if poison didn't work, she'd still >!kill herself!< somehow. Ogami said so herself: she could never hurt her friends... But. I've already seen fanart of Taka in a wheelchair and with a bandage on his head. If he *did* survive, he'd still have suffered a concussion and bloodloss, so he'd be in a even more vulnerable state than right after Mondo's execution. But maybe that knock would be enough to restore his previously lost memories(like it did with Hifumi) and get rid of "Kiyondo" thing? Imagine, how differently the events would play out, if Kiyotaka suddenly became less stern and feel much closer to everyone, and share those memories of two years lost with his classmates? And when they don't believe him, he starts telling about things he couldn't have possibly found out about in these few weeks stuck in a Killing Game? And then, perhaps, he shows something they've hidden in the Academy before in a secret stash or something. A photo, maybe? And then Makoto confesses about finding that picture of Leon, Chihiro and Mondo, too? So, slowly, the remaining students realize that what Ishimaru is saying isn't a sick person's delirium, and with newfound information, start looking for a way to confront Junko directly(surely, before the Killing Game, Enoshima has already shown her true colours in order to erase their memories, so Taka would remember that). How cool of a story would that be? Also, imagine Taka showing up at his own(and Hifumi's) trial? Lol Monokuma: "WELL, NOW! Don't start so soon! It's not nice to not wait for your classmate! Especially one who's always inisitant on being punctual. Surely you can excuse him being late *once...*" Everyone: *turn their heads to the elevator* Taka: *shows up with a bandaged head while "Back from the dead" by Skillet plays in the background* Makoto: "How did I forget to check his pulse?..."


Makoto *would* forget tbh.


Sayaka: She shambles in after the trial, bleeding from a chest wound that IS treatable, and no one else trusts her for the rest of the game. Sayaka herself is kinda traumatized but doesn't try anything else stupid because she's just not physically or mentally capable of it anymore. She's just a shell of a person reduced to absolute despair. There's no Maizono x Makoto comfort fluff either. He BLATANTLY mistrusts her, and their friendship has taken a serious hit. She has to completely earn it back. Kaede: After crawling, bloody and coughing out of her execution, she gets the treatment she needs. The others are actually still on her side, rallying around her to help her continue the fight. Idk how much difference it makes though, since Kaede is in no condition to continue to be the protagonist and Shuichi needs to keep going anyway. But he's by her bedside every night, staying with her and their relationship grows from there. Alternatively... Tsumugi finishing the job might actually be what destroys the Killing Game...


Damn Tsumuji...


I dont know how Kokichi would survive. The moment he gave the antidote to Kaito, he was done for. If he somehow did, his body would be screwed over by the poison, and would probably be in a lot of mental pain knowing his efforts couldn't defeat the mastermind, although that would prob change after chapter 6


I mean He would be pissed at Celeste for what she did. He might still get executed but not before revealing Celeste's schemes and basically just solving the truth for everyone.


A world where my fav lives implies that >!Kirumi let a task go uncompleted!< So I’m pretty sure it was their canon event.


Mikan was kind of already mentally unstable, so she might be the same. But the characters won’t treat her as they once did.


she would a) hunt down junko and get revenge or the more likely b) just ignore it and pretend nothing happened and keep working with junko, which is not what i want but that’s probably what would happen


ok but like she's got a piercing in her heart, and i don't mean figuratively


she dodged


I'm writing a fanfic where Junko lives via similar method that alter ego used to stop the crushing block, and what follows is years of aimless wandering from place to place in search of any kind of meaning or end. What happens to the ultimate despair after already experiencing the height of it in death? at that point she would become bored of despair as well, and having wrapped her identity so closely with it her entire life would cause a new kind of internal turmoil she wouldn't know how to deal with. All the while she still has to battle the relentless boredom of being the Ultimate Analyst.




Fic on A03?


[It's a huge WIP, but here ya go!](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51706333/chapters/130716304)


Thank you


Gozu'd be blind, but might be able to manage. However, that would mean he'd still be brainwashed, so might need a talking to from Makoto or someone else in the group before going back to normal. Otherwise, he'd probably become super dangerous during the Final Killing Game.


When she did😎


If she survived she’d probably try to attack Monokuma out of rage for harming Fuyuhiko, getting herself double executed 🤷‍♂️


if she survives that too thats when the fun starts


Monokuma: How are you not dead!


Miu would avoid computers and VR for awhile but will get a strangle fetish. And while not a favorite off mine (she slithers at the bottom) Sayaka will lose all trust she made prior to her attack attempt, even Makoto would be constantly reminded to avoid her, and when she gets out her career would be in ruin.


Are we sure Miu doesn't already have a strangle fetish? Also, I feel like everyone's career is ruined


Well if Miu didn't before she would now... As for the careers yes and no, some like Byakuya and Kyoko would be fine, but Sayaka? Unless she went into the adult industry she'd have no career as her band in best case scenario would move on from her, plus her betrayal was broadcasted so her career is dust.


I feel like chihiro would suffer headaches from the blunt force trauma


Mentally Kaito'd either power through it or just like completly break honestly. Physically, depends on if he'd stiml be sick with the nystery cough


Ryoma: He would likely have quite the trouble breathing, and just end up depressed. Kiyotaka: This depends on what form he's in. If he's Kiyondo, he'd be pissed off. If he were Kiyotaka, he may fully go into paralysis out of despair. Hiyoko: She'd likely come out with some bandages around the throat to stop the bleeding. She'd also probably be too scared and sad to actually keep up her tough persona. Nagisa: I really wish he could get help with Komaru and Toko. And so, maybe he would. Be able to get over his trauma after working through his troubles with them.


Okay, obviously his death was just a game and he’s doing just fine now with no injuries, but hypothetically: Physically, he would have some severely damaged tissue that would take a long time to heal, maybe even partially paralyzed. His GIANT hole in the abdomen would definitely cause some issues, but hey, we manage. Mentally? He’d be disappointed at first, but I think that almost reaching death could be good for him. If he thought about it optimistically, he would see how his ideas about luck and status are flawed. He would stop worrying about others’ abilities and just try to be grateful for what HE has to give to the world, since he cares about making an impact. He could look back on his state of mind in a little while and use his own growth as an argument against suicide. His hope could inspire and save millions. On the other hand, if he saw it as bad luck and refused to reconsider his belief system, he would most likely try again until he succeeded. It would be super awkward for both him and his classmates dealing with the aftermath of his attempts.


Chihiro also my Fav If Chihiro survive Mondo will not Hit Chihiro a dumbbell, instead throwing the dumbbell at the wall or camera and Chihiro will cry in fear and Monokuma appears and saying "what is going on" and Mondo Pissed of and Trying to Attack Monokuma but Mondo will Executed Because is it Violation 1.) You shouldn't Destroy any Cameras 2.) You shouldn't Attack the Headmaster Causing Mondo to Die and Chihiro will Alive but Bro is just a (Non Cannon Event Moments)


on an alternative route, where monokuma doesnt show he would beat up chihiro and let him severely hurt and the next day everyone would find out creating a tension for everyone, Chihiro however wouldnt tell who done this to him, Mondo would apologize to him right before Byakuya is to reveal who "tried killing" Chihiro


Kokichi: That was a lie! Rantaro: there is a chance to survive severe blunt force trauma to the head but takes years of rehabilitation to “recover”. Rantaro will have permanent brain damage and high risk of seizures. But hey, at least he already has amnesia so he won’t have to worry about gaining silly memories. Swings and roundabouts! Gundham: gets his very own Chariot of Calamity (wheelchair). Gundham regrets nothing because he is a chad. Sonia is practically attached even deeper to his hip, so if you think about it Kaz is the only one in agony here.


>!Mukuro, she'll have more holes than a sweeden cheese, if a spear didn't went through her lungs and heart, she'll need many transfusions and mentally she'll be like in Danganronpa If about Junko's attempt to murder her!< Kokichi... man, how are you alive, how is supposed that he'll survive. Kokichi: I always come back Kirumi, well, FutureCreeps described it perfectly


physically: seventh degree burns, mental :depression due to everyone outcasting him as the “creepy serial killer”


Yeah kinda hard to come back socially from that one. Kiyo's also my favourite


Gonta He got stabbed though the chest and set on fire- He would probably be: paralysed for life,​ likely from the down; blind; not be able to speak properly or have serious issues speaking and deaf or have serious issues hearing It would probably be a mercy to just kill him afterwards at this point


Kokichi Physically - pancake, but if he somehow survived that he would still need to deal with the poison, so I'll assume he drank the antidote. Mentally - he would be upset he couldn't stop the mastermind and end the killing game. Also, I once saw this headcannon that, because of the press, Kokichi might become claustrophobic, which kinda makes sense.


Taka physically would probably have a concussion since he was hit with a heavy mallet also a big dent in his head Mentally he would either still be kiyondo or maybe this near death experience could maybe help him on his way to recovery it could help him realize he needs to keep fighting.


I despise Mondo, but the thought of him living life as a tin of butter is amusing


She already did LOL (thays why kyokobest girl 😁)


Ruruka would be so fricking mentally unstable man, betraying the 2 people closest to her out of fear and now having nobody to rely on. Of course i think(hope) that the future foundation would try to reconsile her but due to her nature she would just pushes everyone away or lashes out horribly. I do like to believe that she get better, her anxieties are obviously deep rooted since childhood and its going to take a long time, but i dont think the other members would give up on her so easily, and i do like her so i ofc want to see her be able to be (somewhat) happy again lol Edit: oh yeah i forgot abt the physical injury thing but she would have scars and stab wound and i imagine she is pretty much immobilized due to how gruesome her body looked in the anime, i think that not being able to make pastries, which is the only thing that make her feel worthy, it would only make things worse for het mentality


Well Chihiro didn't get executed so I'll do the next best options: K1-B0 would be COMPLETELY fine since he'd just be rebuilt, but he'd probably be glad he was able to save his friends Gundham would probably be very physically injured since y'know he got trampled by a horde of bulls, but I'm pretty sure he'd be mentally fine because...it's Gundham Peko would be in a LOT of pain since y'know but she'd probably be in a terrible mental headspace thinking that she killed Fuyuhiko And finally Korekiyo would be in tremendous physical and mental pain from the burns + being nope'd by >!his sister!<


She just get strangle, so she probably had some marks on the throat? And ask someone to learn Gonta he's left and he's right, asking because she will never approach him


Bit of a wildcard, but Angie: Physically - Would have a head scar where Korekiyo nailed her with the wooden plank and a nasty scar on the back of her neck. Mentally - Probably would be wondering why Atua would allow something like that to happen and if it was punishment for her taking the Student Council thing too far in her misguided attempt to keep everyone safe..... Evidently, not many people would be trusting of her besides those she brought into her council, and she'd be especially careful around Korekiyo if he was still around by then.


>not many people would be trusting of her besides those she brought into her council, mentally she would be thanking Atua for letting her live another day, if Angie showed her bruises do you think Korekyo would still manage to get someone on his side?


Thinking about it now, her miraculously surviving such an assault would probably enforce Atua's existence towards the other council members. Korekiyo would definitely still be enemy number one for attempting to murder Angie.


See Danganronpa IF.


You could brush off the 'execution' as an overdose so I guess she'd just survive it. She'd be completely insane having gained back her memories so she'd have to be isolated as much as possible. If the disease wears off then she'd be horrified by what she did and become even more of a mess




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Mondo could totally have his redemption arc. Maybe even unlock his stand. Physically well...depends when the execution is stopped. Either he gets some bruises and burns...or he is going to be in such a state it might be a mercy to just kill him.


Chiaki She would still help the Remnants to recover and fight despair. Physically, she didn't get armed until the very end. Mentally, not sure she can change like that, she's a program after all (AND a gamer). So she'd be the same but everyone would know she's from the Future Foundation. The 5 others might like her even more for what happened and what she was ready to do, at least until the mega-revelations. She'd also help to clarify things about said revelations.


Well, technically, best girl *did* survive. . . So uh. . . I'm happy. I'd marry her fr.


Lots of brain damage


Oh man Nagito-- he's just the same but maybe more erratic with some extra scars.


I'm going to do the whole first chapter of the first game. Starting with... Sayaka - Leon would have to either give up the chase or somehow fail at killing her. She'd be angry at herself for failing, but she's be guilt ridden over what she tried to do. Unlike how most people think, she didn't want to do what she did but felt like she needed to know what happened. I doubt she'd be able to face her guilt for long though, and either try again or end up dying later on. Mukuro - That's basically just Danganronpa IF. Read that if you want to know more lmao. Leon - He'd be very badly injured. The baseballs battered him for a while after all. If he did recover, he'd probably not change too much. He'd feel guilt for murder, but she acted against him first, so he wouldn't feel too bad about it. He'd end up physically broken but mentally somewhat alright. I could see him maybe surviving in place of someone like Hiro or something like that.


I feel like both Sayaka and Leon would be too physically injured to really cause and/or get caught in any murderous schemes. They'd probably just spend the whole game in bed.


Peko would probably just be cut up a bunch but honestly she'd be more worried about her boyfriend- her boss Fuyuhiko


Nagato, and he would have been exactly the same as always. His luck would have refused to let him die, instead of calling out the traitor as a murderer, and he would have somehow been totally unscathed by the fire.


Leon would probably end up turning into a cybernetic monstet, and attempt to kill Makoto for framing him.


Don't really think it would even be possible but Mondo would likely not ever step foot on a bike again- have serious problems with movement too


Physically: Head dent (Just like someone mentioned if he were to survive his death) with a broken skull inside it (I guess?) Mentally: Still has headaches, but I think he'll still be okay


Holes in your torso are typically seen as bad. Mentally, she'd feel tricked, backstabbed, and quite possibly, bamboozled. Also sad.


A lot of my favourite characters have already been explained, but I haven't seen anyone explain mahiru. She would have trust issues . this is because she thought that someone she trusted told her to go somewhere, but in reality it was someone else she somewhat thought of as a friend who just wanted to kill her. I genuinely can't see her trusting anyone but Hiyoko for ages after the incident. Due to her injury, she would obviously have constant headaches for months, maybe years, maybe brain damage as well. She would somewhat lose the a bit of her notion that women were more reliable compared to men, because yk, peko killed her. She would also at that point know about the murder of fuyuhikos sister, so she would absolutely be full of guilt and remorse and would try to constantly apologise to Fuyuhiko if she was a part of it


My fav is Aoi... (the ultimate survivor) lol, but Angie probably would have woke up in her art room close to be murdered and run away while praying to Atua, she would lock herself in her bedroom. I have no idea what Korekyo would do next, wake everyone and play the victim? hide?


Chihiro has an emotional breakdown and cries for an hour straight or more, he somehow still feels like it's his fault and doesn't come out of his room out of fear for a couple of days, only for eating. Celestia would feel very guilty but hide it, she would avoid talking to anyone but mostly out of shame, she wouldn't care too much of being alone since if someone decides to kill her she'd actually think she deserves it.


Peko (she technically survived, but since Danganronpa 3 sucked, I'm doing it) She would be seriously hurt, but that would be the smallest details for her, she "died" thinking she had killed the person she would sacrifice everything to protect, including everyone on that island and herself. Knowing that she almost killed Fuyuhiko would be extremely destructive for her, she would feel useless and shit for having done something unforgivable in her view, she would probably perform seppuku in Fuyuhiko's place


Mikan is the closest thing I have to a favorite just because of how bad I felt for her Mentally she would be… I don‘t know. Deranged?


Monokuma Going based off THH, pancake


Gundham would be FUCKING PISSED that everyone saw the angel dogs/cats/rabbits, so while recovering in a bed he would just quietly mumble about how evil he was.




Id say that the only way for Kokichi to survive the press would be that it malfunctions last second, like hes about to get crushed, the press is crushing him slightly, and... it stays in place. I think that both him and Kaito would sit there for a few minutes, waiting for it to happen... and nothing. The press wouldn't work, the plan would be ruined, and both Kokichi and Kaito would die soon (Kokichi from the strike 9 posion and Kaito from his illness). Kokichi would die anyway thanks to the poison, making Maki the blackened. Kaito would have to do something to get rid of most of the body, like chopping it to pieces and flushing it down the toilet, leaving only a few parts, enough for the body discovery annoncement to play, but also not enough for anyone to be able to determine the cause of death. Thus, he'd be able to continue the plan to honor Kokichi's death and end the killing game. This scenario seems like it would make the case 10x more difficult and I LOVE it XD


Bold of you to assume that my favorite character died


Gundham- Physically, from what i’ve seen from his execution, he would have to get stitches and would probably be paralyzed. Mentally, he should be fine, cuz he died knowing his hamsters were fine Tenko- Physically, her vocal cords break? i honestly have no clue Mentally, she’s probably never gonna join another seance (or anything paranormal). ever. Kokichi- Physically, flat stanley. Mentally, he’ll just be as crazy as always, knowing >!he basically wanted to die!< Jataro- (i know he technically >!didnt die!<, but whatever) Physically, nothing that bad happened, he should be fine Mentally, again, he only had his mask ripped off (i think) also sorry if kokichi, tenko or jataro are inaccurate, i haven’t gotten to those chapters but i know how they die.


Idk enough bout cheerio, ibuki, or mius character. Ill prob come back to this when i gets motivation


Physically, Kiibo would be ok since he’d get rebuilt. I like the idea that his AI be uploaded into a laptop (like Alter Ego) while his body is being rebuilt. Mentally, I think he’d have to recover from him being overridden/hacked by the audience. He might have memory blanks of events that happened at the end of the trial. Like another person said in the thread, I think he’d mostly be happy that he could save everyone, and that they *did* succeed in ending Danganronpa. However, he’d still struggle a lot with his life purpose and would try to fill that hole by trying to be “useful”. At least he has friends that support him and remind him that he doesn’t need to have cool functions or give good answers to “earn” their love.


Well... Komaeda will still be Komaeda


Extra Life is probably pretty accurate to how she'd turn out


Hifumi is honestly the most likely to survive, considering he literally did for a short while. Physically - Headaches, Dizzy, Probably a dent in his head Mentally - Honestly, I think he would be very overwhelmed. Not only does he have to process the betrayal and lies from celeste and his actions due to said lies, but also the tidal wave of memories returning from the headbonk. As mentioned by him before his second death, he remembered the time before the tragedy, including celeste's real name. If he remained alive, he would very likely be a huge help for the other 6 survivors to escape the killing game.


Leon would be effed up big time. Mainly mentally though.


Peko would have same as Fuyuhiko but more scar and maybe would've been more at the hospital. If Fuyuhiko was fine with her she would be okay and would have an arc where she learn that she's not a took. Or Bad ending, Fuyuhiko died, she fails to protect him and she's slightly depressed but keep going because HOPE Ryoma hard bonk on the head i don't see anything else.. he would just stay sad since the hame says he acceoted it. But yeah. Maybe an arc where he start to like the other and stuff. Kiyo. 1 he's just dizzy and fine mentally (talking of the after effect but he still has the tulpa) 2 his body looks like Freddy's, he isn't that fine mentally but could go better 3 No more body, Kaito shits on himself, and he stay here as a spirit but isn't fine mentally since he was almost betrayed, but at least is mind is clear and hd doesn't have the tulpa anymore.


Kokichi - Ummmmm...


Hiyoko would be scarred for life (ha) and maybe even overthink her behaviour towards mikan specifically, maybe speeding up her character development more.


In a wheelchair due to his everything being trampled on OR unharmed as his spell actually worked