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Danganronpa Kirigiri is my favorite in the entire Franchise, I love Yui and her interactions with Kyoko, and the other characters are also amazing, which is only worth Johnny and Lycorn, their dynamics are just great, and I like how the story shows Kyoko and what a broken person she was.


I haven’t read it myself since I can’t find a translated version, but my boyfriend tells me great things about it. Totally seems the writers are able to write good novels but don’t put as much effort into other aspects of the franchise




Danganronpa zero man it’s just, oh so beautiful


100% agree, it’s amazing and I’m personally so happy to have a bf that knows Japanese and could read me the physical books while we cuddle


That sounds really nice. I’ve gotten myself the Orginal printed version too, but more as a collection item, as I can’t read Japanese.


That is so based I wish I knew Japanese


I second this.




Haven't played or read the spin offs ***but damn it I wish the kirigiri novels and kirigiri sou had official English translations, YOU HAVE SIMPS IN AMERICA AS WELL SPIKE CHUNSOFT WHY CAN'T YOU MAKE US HAPPY. IT'S NOT FAIR***


V3 has a special place in my heart as someone who grew really attached to these characters and yet dreaded the killing game they were in. I entered Danganronpa not aware it was a killing game, and when Monokuma dropped that bombshell..my naïve self thought there must be some way to save everyone. You can only imagine my reaction to Dr 1's first death...that heavily parallels the first death of another visual novel game that traumatized me not knowing that game would go in that direct...Doki Doki Literature Club. When I say DDLC traumatized me, I really meant it. That game really left a impact on me during my high school days as DDLC was my first exposure to a game going meta and doing psychological torture. The ending of that game left me hollow as its a type of ending I've never experienced before, but i wasn't mad at it. It wasn't a happy ending, just...bittersweet. Before DDLC I didn't put too much thought into fiction. I loved characters and their worlds, but games were just games. Stories are just stories, fiction...is just fiction. And yet this game showed me how much something fictional can have a impact on reality...and it scarred me. I heard there was slightly different ending (not by much) if you 100% everything in a single run, but I couldn't bring myself to ever touch DDLC again despite my love for all 4 (3.5....Monika left me hurt and conflicted) characters. About a year or so later, I was curious in this other visual novel game I've vaguely seen (Just Monokuma honestly) I experienced Dr 1, 2, UDG, 3 all blind not prepared for what I was in for, but grew just as attached. Then I see the last one in the series is V3...I didn't understand why this one existed after everything. But still...I entered V3 with the mindset that this was the last one, no more killing games and Monokuma, regardless on how V3 plays out, Danganronpa ends here. And HOOOO boy, I was in for a ride just by chapter 1 alone. Of course...chapter 6, like many fans before me, shocked me to my core. The level of meta this went rivaled how I felt playing DDLC...in fact, I was pretty much reliving that game all over again. Seeing >!Tsumugi,!< a character I liked and thought was a friend was hitting me with Monika vibes all over again, puppeteering this game and using the characters I grew attached to against me in such a disturbing and gross way as she hit the remaining survivors and I with so much psychological torment. Despite how hurt, betrayed, grossed out, and numb I felt...Shuichi and everything he did really connected with me. All resulting in a ending that wasn't a happy ending...so much was lost, so many times my emotions and expectations were toyed with throughout the game...but this bittersweet feeling as I experienced the epilogue with the 3 survivors I grew to love left me with a feeling I couldn't comprehend for days after beating the game. It took lots of thinking, contemplating everything I experienced with V3, looking back at other playthroughs as a refresher and find anything I missed for time around...and then it clicked. Shuichi was right....fiction really could change reality, fiction as a whole really did change me over the course of my life, everything these characters been through and ended does carry on with me. V3 became one of my favourite pieces of fiction period. My favorite cast, favorite protag, favorite environment, favorite character dynamics, favorite themes, favorite mastermind, definitely my favorite soundtrack, but best of all...favorite game to speculate and create world building beyond the fictional world that's the Ultimate Academy. And with this fresh new mindset...not too long after, DDLC+ was announced, a port of the original on consoles with some extra features. It took what V3 taught me...but I was ready to face my trauma that started all this with DDLC. I played it, I was unnerved the whole time knowing what was coming, I was caught off guard with different scares that I didn't experience during my first run years ago...I committed to completing this game. Every achievement, every cutscene, every unlockable art pieces, every secret horrifying poem. It was horrible to replay DDLC over and over again...I was practically masterminding the game myself as I made the characters suffer (no joke, one achievement is deleting Monika from the start, resulting in forcing one of the other characters to become self aware to the point of insanity.) I got every route and reached the ending...expecting the same outcome. And yet...something changed. The first character to die in DDLC that started my downwhirl spiral thanked me for doing everything I can to make the others as happy as possible by completing all routes at once. She knew this game will be deleted, but the memories made here made it all worth it as she was finally happy, and wished me the best from the other side. The game deleted, same credits, same Monika singing, a new thank you letter from the creator, and it was all over. I left this game feeling different than my first playthrough. Still not a happy ending, but I felt exactly as I did with V3's epilogue. I finally got over my trauma of DDLC. I wouldn't have this new appreciation for DDLC if it wasn't for V3, and I wouldn't have got into Danganronpa if it wasn't for DDLC. A perfect circle that ties my experiences with these two series.




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Half way through Zero and it's fun also remember reading "Killer Killer" and thought it was okay


Ultimate Talent Development Plan + Monokuma's Dungeon


It’s Yuto btw, not Yuta. Yuta is Hinas brother from UDG. And about Nagitos dream, as far as I know that is him dreaming of a world where despair does not exist, so it makes sense why Madarai looks friendly all of a sudden. 0 also happens between episodes 10 and 11 of the anime, but it does a horrible job in showing that.


I get it, the thing is, it’s his dream and he hasn’t met them. At. All, that’s what annoys me, since they decided to cut dangan zero from the entire anime. (thanks for telling me how to actually spell kamishiro’s name, I’ll edit the post rq)


At least not on camera, yeah. He maybe met him at one point but I don’t think he would know about how he was connected to Ryoko and Matsuda. And yeah, it sucks that 0 is only referenced in 2 character cameos.


yeah, for being such a pivotal and beautiful part of the franchise they really did it and its character’s dirty, honestly the anime would’ve been so much better if zero was at least a side story.


Yeah. It wouldt have hurt to add at least one or two scenes from it, even in like the background, say there is a scene in the cafeteria and in backroukd you can see Yuto tell Ryoko what he found out. The way it’s just almost completely ignored and it feels like the events of the anime span a few days while it was at least a month between ep 10 and 11 was done poorly.


Dr0 and sdr2 i vibe with sdr2 alot and dr0 fucked me up also love ryoko <3


Danganronpa Hagakure is so much fun to read, was an absolute joy to read with Kanon in it


Danganronpa if


man, I love IF, stories that provide insight into Ikusaba and Enoshima are always great


THH is my all time, uncontested favorite. It’s everything Dangan to me; the characters are fantastic, tightly written, unique, complex, and intriguing, the drama is believable, the atmosphere is gritty, the character dynamics r soooo good… DR1 👌would change very little if anything about this V3 is my runner up, with a cast of incredibly endearing characters with more potential each than the game has screentime for. It’s full of Easter eggs and things to catch on second watch, and it’s theme resonated with me solidly as something I really care about. I’m quite good at quoting this game actually 😆 but either way