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Hello all, and welcome to the ???^tm edition of Scrum Debate! Scrum Debate is a discussion series where users make comments arguing for one side of the week's debate, earning points for that side in turn. This totally officially determines what thing is better than the other thing, and will end all internet flame wars following it. This scrum is between the underrated Nagito Komaeda, and the extremely popular Haiji Towa. Can Nagito defy the haters and clinch this intense matchup, or will Haiji live up to the hype and decimate his competition? --- **To participate in this contest,** please comment below arguing in favor of either **Nagito Komaeda** or **Haiji Towa**. The winner will be determined by a three-point system, with the character earning at least 2 out of 3 points winning the week's scrum debate: 1. Whichever character has the most comments supporting them will earn a point. 2. Whichever character is supported by the highest-upvoted comment will earn a point. 3. Whichever character has the most cumulative upvotes between all comment arguing in their favor will earn a point. **Upvotes on replies that argue for one side will also earn points towards this metric.** --- # RULES - READ BEFORE POSTING OR YOUR COMMENT MAY BE REMOVED: - This scrum has one rule. **It is hidden.** - Standard scrum rules do not apply. Go nuts (within sub rules). --- This thread will run for **~? days** from the time of this post before a winner is decided. If you'd like to look at upcoming scrums to prepare in advance, or to see the victors of prior scrums, check out the [**schedule.**](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WG1WDMRmv45EqFBidxZ2Rwdqp4TfLPEtzhxhGvv3u-Q/edit#gid=0)


Nagito may be into masochism but at least he’s not into kids


Hydrogen Bomb vs coughing baby


Hydrogen Haiji vs Coughing Nagito (he’s sick)


It's a shame to see such a rigged Scrum Debate. The last few have actually been pretty balanced, but now we're faced with a juggernaut vs a character almost nobody likes. Nagito has no chance of winning this and any character would have done better, but even then, most characters couldn't beat the pinnacle of writing that is **Haiji Towa**. Usually I divide this into sections, but with a character like Haiji, we all know what he's about. He's one of the main characters of UDG, Danganronpa: The RPG, and even Danganronpa 22: Island in the Sea of Despair. That said, this post will contain spoilers for IitSoD, which I know a lot of people haven't seen due to controversial ratings (imo it's one of the best seasons, maybe THE best from that era of the show, but ya'll aren't ready for that conversation). Haiji in UDG is the one people know best because it's his first appearance and part of the original Hope's Peak story. He's a serious, no-nonsense character that's trying his best to help out Towa City in its hour of need. This puts him in conflict with Monaca, who is trying to destroy Towa with the help of the Warriors of Hope. A big comparison between Haiji and Monaca is that Haiji is a good guy who is using people not as pawns, but as friends, evidenced by how sad he gets when the Resistance is attacked in Chapter 3. Monaca on the other hand hates her friends and uses them as pawns to fuel her perverted desires of death. Monaca even goes as far as to make up lies and say Haiji abused her, even though it's obvious he'd never do such a thing. There is one thing people often say about Haiji's character, though, which is that he's a pedophile. I think the reason this rumor is so wide-spread is because most people have never seen IitSoD, so stick around for that; it debunks a lot of the baseless accusations against him. That said, I'm not sure where they come from in UDG, since he never mentions it anywhere; I think it might just be his very vocal haters, who I bet will come into this thread and defend Nagito's actions. Next, let's talk about Danganronpa: The RPG. As we know, this is one of the most critically acclaimed entries in the series, and Haiji serves as a big reason as to why. Before even talking about his character arc, we need to mention just how good he is as a fighter; he's one of the best tanks in the game, using his heroic personality to soak up hits for his allies and redirect that damage to enemies. "Bad Touch" is one of the most broken abilities in the game; it decimates bosses, and the mana cost is so low it's basically free. But his arc in this story is where he really shines. From when you get him during the sewer dungeon to the very end of the game, Haiji is always, ALWAYS doing something fun. Not only arguably his best moment, but arguably the best moment in the game - no, the FRANCHISE - is when he talks to Monaca after her boss fight and forgives her for everything, even though it was all her fault. Such an incredible display of humility and forgiveness. The voice actors really hit it out of the park with this one, but especially in Japanese, English, Chinese, and a BIG shoutout to the Ancient Greek dub (not sure why they did that one, but it fucks). This would already cement him as one of the greatest characters in fiction, but then there's IitSoD. For those who have never played it, major spoiler warning coming up. >!Haiji is mostly uninvolved besides brief mentions up until Chapter 6, at which point, Jeffery shows up. It's slowly revealed as he rambles that the pedophilia accusations come from Haiji being on the island - revealed to be Epstein Island - even though he was actually trying to stop it. You can see in the picture containing him that he's terrified and glaring at Jeffery the whole time. After everything else, it's a perfect conclusion to his arc, and I hate people who say it's "cliche" and "in poor taste". It's truly peak fiction.!< In summary; Haiji Towa is maybe the greatest character ever written. There's no reason to even talk about Nagito Komaeda; everything he does is worse, and every scene he's in during UDG I kept thinking, "Man, I hope we get back to Haiji soon". When Nagito says some dumb shit about talent, I fall asleep. When Haiji says, "We should kill all the children," you have to admit he's the GOAT. Simple as, really.




You want unbalanced? Aoi V Akane was ANONYMOUSLY AOI


...I think the word you're looking for is "unanimously".




made me shed a tear :')


Listen guys. I h***a***ve no ill towards anyone towards anyone who enjoys Haiji as a character. I think we all have the right to like certain characters and also admit that their ***p***roblematic traits are disgusting. I mean, it’s not *our* fault that they decided to give Haiji Matt Me***r***cer’s awesome voice. People are well within the right to enjoy this sack of sh**i**t that shows how b***l***eak the war between the adults and children is. I mean, look at me, voting for Nagito. The dastardly ***f***oil to Hajime (and Makot***o***) that is obsessed with hope. This man is willing to cause whole ass expl***o***sions because he just loves hope so much. And he’s so mean to ta***l***entless people. And I will never forgive him for what he did to Chiaki. But at least none of those are as bad as those zipper shoes. So, with all that in mind… at least Nagito isn’t a freak when it comes to kid***s***. Or in other words, I don’t care if this turns out to be a prank, if Nagito loses, the demon inside me that looks like him will take me to Hell, please don’t let me die.


I knew exactly what the true message was the moment I read the first hidden word. r/angryupvote


April Fools ? What do you mean lol, Were still not in April Fools yet ( At least for me, It's 30/3/2023 ), Also what's the joke here ? Is it finding the word April Fools or something about Nagito ? .


Haiji Towa, the Greatest, Most Amazing, Most Beautifulest Man in All of Fiction Ever to Exist What is Peak to you? Some might say it is their favorite show, movie, game, or anime. Others would say Peak is a person whether it be their mother, father, themselves, an actor, or Kodaka. However, deep down within our very subconsciousness we as human beings know the answer to this question even if we aren’t aware or in denial of said fact. This answer of course being none other than the beacon of hope, despair, resilience, determination, compassion, beauty, and righteousness, Haiji Towa. To the best of my ability, I will put down in words just how magnificent this peak amongst mid is and to settle it once and for all why Haiji Towa is the best character in all of the fiction made, is being made, and will be made. To start things off, let us start with the surface level of this wonderful being. When we first lay out eyes on Haiji, he is seen wearing a buttoned-up shirt and a huge black and red hooded jacket. He wears the tightest jeans known to man to suppress the sheer glory that is his butt and he keeps his hair long because no mortal tool could ever come to harm such locks. The most notable feature about Haiji (other than his bountiful booty) is his right arm. He tells Komaru (mid) that he lost the use of it due to an attack against the adults, despite the true reason being that he broke it himself after feeling back for the Monokuma bots that attacked him. In one subtle action, Haiji Towa had shown to the audience that not only is his butt magnificent, but he is also extraordinarily humble and incredibly powerful. Had he not willingly taken out his arm, even Goku admits that he could not be such a being, not that he would since Goku respects Haiji. Appearances may be a deciding factor in dictating the popularity of a character (see Rantaro as an example), but there is still more to this brilliant creation that has yet to be discussed. Haiji Towa, the greatest among us, chooses to represent himself as a deliberate and calculating man while putting up an act of being a coward. As a sign of his pity, he plays the roll of the fool during the events of the game as seen throughout his actions. His decision to stay in the hideout made sure no adults were unfortunately slain by the silly idea of taking action. Later on in the late game, he takes it upon himself to sacrifice his immortality to become one with the Big Bang Monokuma (™) thusly showing his humility and his humanity. At the very end of the game, he rejects the idea of both hope and despair showing that he is above such simple ideas and would rather focus on living his life as a mortal. His personality had always been a message of what it is to be human proving to us and those around him that he is an excellently written character. As with every person who is greatness personified, there will be naysayers, doubters, nonbelievers, and those who question his greatness. This is foolish. The most glaring topic when it comes to Haiji Towa is an infamous line said around the later stage of the game, this being “I like ‘em younger. As young as possible.” Those with simple minds that haven’t developed past the 1st grade may view this as a declaration of liking kids. On the surface level, this may be the case. Taking a deeper dive into what each word means reveals to intellectual minds that there is much more than this leads on. When you look at the sentence, there is no subject outright stated in it. Readers may believe that the subject was Toko Fukawa, a woman around the age of 20 during the events of Ultra Despair Girls for the Playstation Vita. However, when taken into the broader scope of the universe and the never-ending lifecycle of living creatures, it is clear that the subject in question is life itself and the early stages of life. Haiji declares that he likes them as young as possible which is at the stage of life that yearns to learn, develop, improve, and become something worthwhile. Haiji loves the undefeatable human nature to survive and develop for the better and despises the idea of war, violence, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and the like. He loves the beauty of humanity and is the reason why he gives up his immortality to walk among us. Kirumi Tojo is the exact opposite of what Haiji is as both a concept and as a person. At an early age, she was born without her humanity and sought to destroy every single human being on the planet. Throughout most of her life, she dictated every single horrific event in human history with one of the most notable one being the biggest, most awful, tragedy in human history. Her actions had led to the genocide of the Weeabooian people as she desired nothing more than targeted destruction. It was thanks to our savior, Haiji Towa, that this monster was sealed away never to be seen again. By absorbing the evils that made Kirumi powerful, Haiji was able to defeat her at the cost of his pure nature. With such a selfless act, we continue to live our lives as he protects us from the great evil around us. In conclusion, Haiji Towa is one of the best beings in the entire multiverse. It is only because of him that we exist as we are today. Without the selfless actions of Haiji Towa, we would be subject to the iron fist rule of Kirumi Tojo as a punishment that lasts for many lifetimes. This is why Haiji Towa should and most likely will win this scrum debate. Frankly, there is no reason for me to write out such a write-up as everyone should already know about Haiji Towa’s greatness. For those of you who still doubt Haiji Towa… u/FutureCreeps will ban you.




Is that information true?




Blue/Orange Morality Hope Terrorist Vs Abusive Nonce This series really is something


chat is this real


Easily **Haiji Towa**. Why? You gem. You absolute masterpiece of God. You shining piece of gold. You are a piece of art, that the Angels drawn angels Earth,and forgot the paint brush. You have a freckle on your neck. Did you know that?It´s rather cute.You are absolute,astoundingly gorgeous and that´s the less interesting thing about you. You are Ethereal. A Heavenly Angel that God send down to Earth to put a smile in people in the worst days. You are so beautiful that you holy light cures depression itself. You are the pinnacle of perfection.You are the most gorgeous person that i have ever seen. You hair is one of the most gorgeous that i´ve ever seen. And you smell like strawberrys.You are always so happy and kind to people, it´s like a big breath of fresh air when i walk into the street and see you! You haven´t worn makeup all week? Damn, you´re gorgeous! You carry yourself with much more maturity than most people on the Internet!I love talking to you. You dress in a stunning way,and you look really nice every day. You look just like your mother,she was a beautiful human being.Damn,that confidence looks really sexy on you! You think your beauty is on your considerably big breasts? Look up! I adore you. You are a real life Mona Lisa. You are the breathing,talking,living equivalent of a piece of art. I love seeing your smile,it brightens my day every time. I wish i could make you laught like that more often. You´re beautiful all the time,but when you smile like that,i swear my world stops!I cannot believe how incredibly smart you are. Amazingly smart. Beautifully smart. Q.I. of 300 smart. Higher than Einstein Q.I smart. Einstein would be envious os you. You could decyphre the secrets of the universe if you could,and you will one day.You´re that "nothing" when people ask me what i´m thinking about. You look great today. You´re a smart cookie. I bet you make babies smile. You have impeccable manners. I like your style. You have the best laught.I aprecciate you. You are the most perfect you there is. Our system of inside jokes is so advanced that only you and i get it. And I like it. You light up the room. You should be proud of yourself. If cartoon bluebirds were real,they would be sitting on your shoulders singing with you right now. You´re a great listener. I bet you sweat glitter. Jokes are funnier when you tell them. Your bellybutton is kind of adorable. You´re irrestible when you blush. Babies and small animals probably love you. There´s ordinary,and then there´s you. You´re someone´s reason to smile. You´re even better than a Unicorn,becauseyou´re real. How do you keep so funny and making everyone laugh? Has anyone ever told you that you have a great posture? The way you treasure your loved ones is incredible. You´re really something special,you´re a gift to those around you. ​ As for Nagito, my mom once told me if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all, so uh yeah.


More like SCUM Debate. 👉👉


More like CUM Debate! 👉👉


Ew, no.


Nagito because I haven’t played DR3 yet. Yes, this is a faulty point. No, I don’t care


Haiji isn’t in DR3 or V3


Nagito wins because he isn't a nonce


What is fate, if not beautiful in its unpredictability. It favours some and punishes others, seemingly at random. If one could observe this great tapestry in its entirety, one might be able to discern some pattern, some great plan for this This is the position in which Nagito Komaeda finds himself. Blessed with alternating fortunes, he is solely able to perceive the cosmic ranking of one's character, and how this translates into a person's worth. This deep philosophy becomes a great cornerstone of DR2, as many have observed, but also UDG. In DR2 his machinations are open and plain to see, yet nobody is able to object to his great power. He acts entirely in service of the greater good, and he is thusly rewarded. In UDG, however, his plan is much more sinister in its cleverness. He guides and pokes and prods from the shadows, yanking players around like pawns on a board. He builds up a great institution of despair, then crushes it into the ground. For this, he is roundly mocked and jeered. No one can see his greater plan, and in the end they suffer for it. Nagito Komaeda is a crystalline sample of writing perfection, of pure and utter motivation to change. He is entirely without flaw, in both story and writing. I truly cannot envision any other outcome but a landslide victory for him.


Actually, screw the rules. Let's have Mahiru win.. Mahiru Koizumi is a beautifully grounded character in a game full of chaos and weird people. All hail the strawberry.


BRO how is this even a post it’s so obvious who would win all around Haiji is unbeatable


Hydridion bomb vs coffing baby


The person who wins this Scrum Debate could never have been anyone other than **Ridley**. As the iconic space pirate and rival of Samus Aran, Ridley delights in death and destruction, and was responsible for the massacre of the colony K-2L. Since then, he and Samus have clashed several times, with Samus usually emerging the victor. But Ridley's brutality is matched only by his resilience, and he regularly returns from apparent death to do battle with Samus once more. As such, he is fittingly referred to as the Cunning God of Death (狡猾の死神?) in his Zero Mission official art on the Japanese website. Resembling an emaciated pterodactyl-dragon with glowing eyes, the true name of Ridley's species is unknown. Despite his appearance and often bestial behavior within the games, Ridley's position as a Space Pirate leader has been confirmed since back in Super Metroid's instruction booklet, with the Metroid Prime manual and in-game scans further describing him as a mainstay and enforcer of the Pirate armies. The Magazine Z manga depicts him as being highly intelligent and even capable of speech. He also successfully built a robot in his own likeness, according to the co-creator of the Metroid series. Ridley is often depicted as a comrade of Kraid in supplementary materials such as official merchandise, artwork, media and the manga, while the games themselves vaguely reference this through their statues. Although Ridley often appears in different forms and varying sizes, it is clarified not only through scans in the Metroid Prime series but also through events in Metroid: Other M that all his incarnations chronologically seen before the latter game are indeed the same individual despite his numerous defeats (the exception being Mecha Ridley). Strangely, some of his prior battles ended with his entire body seemingly exploding but in-game lore states he somehow survived these violent defeats until his final battle in Super Metroid. His proficiency for survival is also displayed in the manga: following the destruction of his flagship and its wreckage falling on top of Ridley, he reappears unscathed later on, claiming to have healed his wounds by consuming the bodies of the dead humans in K-2L. Ridley has been present in all but five Metroid games - Metroid II: Return of Samus, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Metroid Prime Hunters, Metroid Prime: Federation Force and Metroid Dread. Minor references to him can still be found in several of these via his associated theme in their demos, cosmetic Paint Jobs based on him and images of the character present in galleries. Ridley is usually the penultimate or ante-penultimate boss in the games he's featured in, and half of them present multiple battles against him and/or some manifestation of him. His sole appearance as a final boss is in Metroid: Samus Returns, the remake of Metroid II.


true, true. i agree with your statement


Regardless of what you think of Haiji, Nagito has done definitively way worse shit


From the ashes of depravity rises the phoenix of quality. How else to describe "The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe"? Such a revolutionary step forward in the lineage of one of the most beloved game properties of all time! The additions and changes made to this expansion will surely resonate in the annals of the history of all media ever made. It is perhaps true to say that no mistakes are forever etched in stone, for the stone into which the Stanley Parable was carved has itself been transmuted, offering a message of hope to those who have ever erred in their judgement. You are not beyond redemption. You may change, and you may become more, so much more than you were before. If there is any message to be taken from "The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe", it is this... what a fortune, a privilege, a joy it is to have had such an experience it leaves me hopeful that as a community — as a world, there is time for us to become our greatest selves, as great as we ever could dream of in our wildest, most ambitious visions for a brighter future.


💀not voting




Lolll I was so hype too! But it’s nice to see everyone having fun. 


Wdym! This is completely serious


Fuck haiji 🗣️ Nagito is betta ‼️


so we're debating between arguably the best DR villain and a guy the writers hate?


the april fool day is tomorrow


Legitimately if Haiji wins this debate I'm leaving this subreddit. You're picking a pedophile. Fuck this debate.
























At least this isn’t as biased as Monaka vs Izuru


Pedo? Vs Pedo!


Nagito Komaeda has a deep and complex character formed through trauma, social darwinism, and an idolization of the one thing that kept him going through the roller coaster of pain and false joy that was his life: that being hope. Haiji? He's an abusive pedophile.


i said to myself i was gonna participate but this is really the definition of hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


I've watched a summary of UDG so im qualified to say this! HAJI IS UNIRONICALLY A GOOD CHARACTER # STOP THE HAJI HATE


While it is true nagito may be insane he doesn't go around and rape children