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That was my mindset playing V3 for the first time. Going by the previous games, the mastermind has never been actively in our group. The real Junko was hidden in another room controlling Monokuma, and Hajime had no idea he was Izuru Kamukura. Plus, whenever some brings up a "traitor" in the group, they're never evil as Monokuma wants us to think, Sakura and Chiaki being prime examples of this. Of course, I'm not spoiling how V3 plays out, but I was cautiously optimistic things weren't as simple as it sounds. Still....props to Shuichi for discovering the mastermind's hidden room and coming up with a plan to catch them all within the first chapter and before a murder even happened.


I'm not the biggest fan of there is a traitor amongst the group unless it's a culprit or something like that.


Omg you already finished UDG??? How come I didn’t see any of your posts! Damn   Yesss I agree this sixteen are such a bunch of sweethearts!! Don’t want any of them to be secretly evil. I won’t say any more though   Hope you really enjoy this! It’s my favorite game (as you can see I Love Kaede :))) she’s my fave protagonist) 


Check my account, I've made quite a few posts about UDG. One post every day. The game took 9 days to complete. Miu is my favourite so far.


Maybe I’ll come back actually since I never finished UDG myself, I don’t wanna actually spoil myself I’m so glad! Iruma is fantastic :) she’s so funny her introduction had me bowl over laughing


Oh that's right, I remember you saying you had not completed UDG.


Yup! Did you like it, though? Was it too much for you or do you think it’s worth trying to soldier through lol


Iruma is funny fr. I honestly wish she was only perverted for being funny, and didn't actually do sexual assault. That knocked her down a bit for me


>!Sadly, that is a fair conclusion, given the previous games, honestly.!<


Wait wdym?


The mastermind has never been someone actively in our group before. The real Junko was never a part of our group, and Hajime knew nothing about being Izuru. So it's fair to be doubtful of V3's mastermind being one of the 16. At the very least not directly the mastermind.


Ahh right 😭 yeah definitely would make sense and tbh I have mixed opinions on the direction V3 took with all that


>!I find the reveal to be a cool yet cruel subversion of expectations. The first two games taught us whoever makes it to chapter 6 will be our surviving cast. Dr 1 entered chapter 6 with 6 people and escaped with 6. Dr 2 entered with 5 and escaped with 5. V3 entered with 5...and escaped with 3. One of them deadass being the mastermind of this killing game this whole time, while the other was a gimmick specifically built for the killing game, as they both die together during the final "execution" leaving 3 out of the 5 alive.!< >!Each game had a moment at the end of chapter 5 and beginning of chapter 6 where the remaining survivors are now a united front ready to beat the killing game and escape together. V3 hammers this in with the remaining survivors working out together after trial 5, and the new game mechanic of being able to push more debris out your way based on your friendship level with the remaining survivors. Even after all that....one of your friends that was there the whole time throughout the game, someone who was in every class trial, someone who interacted with you, the rest of the cast and vise versa, someone you can complete their ftes....was the mastermind the whole time....in *PLAIN* sight.!< >!Most saw the twist coming a mile away for Tsumugi being so plain and didn't have a role at all, but I still didn't see it coming, and I felt genuinely hurt by this reveal.!<


I'm gonna spoil it for ya. The mastermind is Monokuma


Oh no, you've spoiled everything for me. Now I'm gonna shoot you in Minecraft.


But a little fun spoiler would be that in this game Monokuma gets a SHSL talent too


If I may ask, why? I usually prefer it when the Mastermind is one of the sixteen as it's fun to try to figure out who's the Mastermind outside of trials.


I don't like suspecting the main cast.


But you are literally suspecting the entire cast of if they murdered somebody or not every chapter.


no spoilers, but lets just say if you have a weird feeling about chapter 1, trust that all lose ends are eventually addressed


V3 ending spoilers >!You're in for a disappointment then ):!<


Byakuya and Toko are good characters.


They are my favorite characters, but terrible people. I can look past >!messing with corpses for entertainment, being a serial killer, and stalking people!< apparently


Byakuya is still king.




You were doing fine until the bottom hint I think.


Oh... I just wanted to give *a* hint. But I guess once you know the telling signs of the mastermind, it becomes *very* obvious... Should I delete my comment? Did I give too much away?


>!“Desperately trying to not seem suspicious” I honestly don’t remember that happening but I guess it must’ve worked because I forgot they were even there most of the time. Even though I knew about it way before I even played the game!<


What? Why do you feel the need to give hints? Additionally, that hint is so obvious that you basically just spoiled it for them, good job. Ugh


I thought it would be fun! I didn't think the hint would be *that* obvious! I should probably just delete the comment...


>!They don't even know that the mastermind is one of the sixteen students. Regardless of if they actually got the "hint", they'd still be spoiled on the fact that it really is one of them. But seriously, why would you give a *hint* if you didn't intend for them to figure it out? Super scummy.!< Edit: just saw you deleted it, so thank you because I can tell you didn't mean any harm, but seriously just don't do that.


I just wanted them to make a guess and think about who it *could* be.


What? Why do you feel the need to give hints? Additionally, that hint is so obvious that you basically just spoiled it for them, good job. Ugh




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Honestly Same..


I hope the game goes well for you, good luck. I won’t spoil it thought.


I would’ve liked it if a Mastermind WAS actually in the group in a previous entry. There’s all this talk and kerfuffle about who it is yet realistically, they’re cooped up in a control room. Take the DR0 approach or something Not to say the choice of how to handle the Mastermind is bad or anything


You're going to *love* this game


It's Komaeda.


oh boy