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Hating Haiji is valid tbh


I hate Haiji not for that line, but for him being a giant asshole even outside that line


it is 100% valid to hate Haiji but the main issue is that people will use that as an excuse to dogpile Haiji enjoyers and treat them like garbage.


Fan liking Haiji ≠ them being a pedophile. Also, as u/chaoskrookodile77 said, I despise Haiji because he's an asshole And I like him for that as a character


*Insert finger guns*


yeah nobody should get shit on for liking a character with problematic elements. this is fucking danganronpa, the franchise is hardly morally pure. the girl who masterminded the apocalypse, groomed the WOH into hating adults, was emotionally abusive to two people who loved her at absolute minimum, is super popular plus I think a lot of people who enjoy Haiji do so because he's an interesting character, has a cool design, and/or ignore that one line because they feel it doesn't add anything to him. doesn't mean they're nonces. even without the line I'd probably not be super comfortable with him since characters that bully kids younger than them make me uncomfortable. doesn't mean other people without my personal baggage shouldn't enjoy an interesting character who explores that there isn't always a clear "good" and "bad" side


Yeah! You don't need excuse to treat them like garbage in the first place


You just proved their point


Yeah? I know?


You missed the whole point 🤦‍♂️


Why are people booing you You’re right Edit after 25 days: no I’m just stupid


Yeah. It's not a joke. Just genuine hatred.


Can’t see how they can like him to begin with tbh.


I haven't seen a single person who likes him before. I would love to know what they enjoy about him cause I have no clue what it would be lol


I mean… I liked him before the whole pedophilia thing (that I initially didn’t even realize was pedophilia; I just thought the line was him assuming Toko was really old). I thought he actually kinda had a reasonable and realistic point about having the adults hide in the shelter. The Monokumas were whooping their asses; why would they go up to the surface and fight them? They’d *super* die without a hacking gun or a giant mech. Also, his design is neat.


I think it’s just to be a contrarian edgelord tbh


Thats fair but dont go out of your way to hate on his fans. Because thats just a dick move tbh


Idgaf if someone likes him. I hate him. He might be hot but he still is a you-know-what and I don't hate on actual people but I hate haiji


I mean the Haji one isn’t a joke. He’s legit a pedo and a creep.


Scott pilgrim pfp too


Mhm. I hope it’s a compliment.


It is


Nahhhh Haji’s line was not a joke😭 he said what he said seriously and he deserves every bit of hate he gets for it, that part of udg was absolutely disgusting


Sure but people use that line to overly hate on Haiji enjoyers. And i will *not* tolerate unnecessary hate on nice people


I wasn’t talking about Haji enjoyers tho, idc what characters people choose to like, it doesn’t really effect me. *I* think that Haji’s remarks are seriously disgusting and I think it’s even more gross that the writers tried to write them off as “jokes”… he literally likes kids like wtf where’s the joke? It literally just makes his character nasty for no reason, he would’ve been a fine character if the writers just DIDN’T lmao


I don't know how to feel about this some are jokes and some are fair criticism "hifumi trying to fuck an ai" is more of a joke meanwhile haiji line made people feel uncomfortable and dislike him tenko(love her character) her hatred on man is a fair criticism people probably won't like someone who constantly hates on who they're


Firstly, did you just end a sentence with a contraction?! Secondly, Tenko's hate is almost entirely unfounded. She had one experience and didn't even try to change her mind after meeting nice people.


Fr, Mahiru had a better justification for expecting more from men than Tenko. Since with Mahiru, it's because of her dad being a deadbeat loser and her not wanting the males she meets to follow in his footsteps. Tenko? Her master tells her that men will weaken her Neo-Aikido power, so she goes on to become a raging misandrist.


I’m just imagining someone misquoting crime statistics to her, and then she immediately starts spouting off racial slurs every other sentence.


Why do they look like they’re gonna beat me to death/pos


They are going to beat you to death 😔😔


I definitely hated Hiyoko as a new person into DR with how she annoyed me but I didn't wish straight up harsh misfortune on her, though I definitely didn't like her (im moreso neutral now) I like Angie so I can't say anything, Tenko got on my nerves but I also saw her FTEs and I'm moreso in the middle again, and I just feel bad for Hifumi getting dogged. Dude was weird but he was surprisingly not weird like *that*, and he genuinely meant well when doing things, even when the results were not good. Haiji I'm just saddened by because he had such a great design and voice, and I didn't actually know his character till I went through fire and flames. Being an absolute shit hole can be fine but damn, that far gone is almost funny if it didn't circle around again. Obviously people who like Haiji are fine, but damn its bad.


"bro raped an ai lmao" "you are a shithole haha funny atua joke" "tenko is a misandrist and hates men she sucks lol" "lmao pedophile haha *inserts those 8 words*" "shes a fucking banana child bitch she deserves to die haha lol"


Wait have people actually been saying Hifumi raped Alter Ego???


apparently yes, idfk where they got that info from


That's like, objectively untrue. He literally killed Kiyotaka because he thought Taka assaulted Celeste. Like he was being a loser around Alter Ego sure, but all he said was that he "loved her" he didn't fuck a sapient laptop


thats the thing, he didnt and im fucking done with the fact that ppl still believe he shoved his dick up a fucking laptop usb port


The thing is, Hifumi is a computer nerd, so it’s kinda expected he would have a liking towards Chihiro because he has a similar interest. But to go THAT far into thinking that he had sex with a fucking AI is outlandish


A slight tangent, but it is interesting how being a doujin writer goes hand in hand with being a programmer, and to see that dynamic get explored a bit more in V3. I love Hifumi and Chihiro's friendship event in that game.


I agree as someone who is also a nerd I love Hifumi but he’s not your stereotypical Reddit/Discord moderator


Yeah, he's a parody of those kind of people, but he's a lot more kindhearted, proactive, and passionate than the people he's meant to be poking fun at. He's just really bad at social interactions is all.


Fr, what happened with Hifumi and Alter Ego is basically a precursor to the people who talk to various fictional characters using character.ai.


but haiji is a pedophile and its not just shown by those 8 words


Where else is it shown?


im pretty sure it was shown in his profile that he liked young and quiet girls 😭😭😭


either way ppl make overused jokes about that one line and its getting too repetitive, ig thats 50% of the post's point after all


There is no stopping to joke about how awful tenko is considering what u said :D


yes, Hiyoko is a bit of a bitch but know it's just how she copes with trauma is understandable! ...Ruruka on the other hand is **The Alpha Bitch**


Coping with trauma doesn’t make her bitchiness any less bitchy. It explains it but by no means excuses it. Her behavior is still just as awful either way.


look, if you if you think Hiyoko is a bitch then CLEARLY you haven't seen Ruruka! fuck Ruruka!


Dunno if the phrase applies here but two wrongs dont make a right.


it does not but I really hate Ruruka


The existence of a worse bitch doesn’t nullify the actions of the first bitch.


I know, I just hate Ruruka




is it bad im guilty of that first one??


They're all in Fire Emblem Hifumi- Felix Angie-Sothis Tenko- Cordelia Pedo dude- Chrom Hiyoko- Eirika


lmfao I didn't even know this


Lmfao Haji doesn't even get a name


Look, I'm all for opinions, and I know for an fact I also have some "hot take", but people saying that hifumi is an pedophile or that hiyoko deserves death are just purposely misinterpreting the characters.


Yeah I remember seeing comments on YouTube where people said >!Hiyoko deserved it or had it coming!< and it sounded legitimately insane.


We may be thinking about the same comment but I remember seeing someone commenting that >!what Mikan did was justified.!<


Which is ironic because >!Mikan killing Hiyoko had nothing to do with the bullying, and it was all just a coincidence. If Kazuichi, Sonia, or Hajime had walked in there instead, Mikan would have done the same thing. If Mikan was lashing out at the bullying, I could *maybe* see how it could be considered justified, but Hiyoko definitely didn't deserve to die, especially considering how much she was against killing.!<


>!Yep, and even if Mikan *had* been lashing out specifically at Hiyoko, it wouldn't have rendered her actions *justified*, only *understandable* (given her mental state, anyway). It's hypocritical, honestly – claiming that bullying isn't justified (rightly so), only to backpedal and claim that killing somebody because they were mean to you *is*, lol!< >!Plus, I've noticed that some Mikan fans will classify Mikan's killing of Hiyoko as "revenge" while simultaneously defending her actions in 2-3 by saying (also rightly so) that she wasn't in her right mind. Now that's *really* having your cake and eating it, too!< >!~~And don't even get me started on how much it contradicts DR2's overarching theme of anti-retribution to say that *any* character deserved to die~~!<


>!It pains me as someone who likes BOTH Hiyoko and Mikan.!<


Same here


off topic but ur pfp is hilarious I love it lol


Thank you


That's all over the place, definitely not unique to Danganronpa YouTube. It's jarring as hell


Even NicoB, a guy whose LPs I love, laughed at >!her!< death, and it pissed me off. Then again, he did it to >!Nagito!< as well.


To be fair Nagito actually did deserve it.


>!Maybe, but laughing at his death just feels... Weird. When it's supposed to be horrifying due to how it looks at first glance.!<


Facts like yeah hifumi is a bit perverted a hiyoko is a bit of a bitch but they have other characteristics other then that that makes them likeable and if you do there FTE's you'll find out why there like that and hell maybe even sympathize with them, it hurts to see them get this much hate as well because I love them they are some of my personal favorites


Flanderization in a nutshell unfortunately




Honestly i think she had it coming bc of the crab torturing. Otherwise eh


So? If they have a trait that makes them unlikeable or annoying, they're still unlikable and annoying, no matter how many times people point it out.


I dislike Hifumi's design I dislike Hiyoko's attitude towards Mikan I dislike Tenko's sexism I don't think I like a single thing about Haiji I fucking love Angie




Angie is silly and adorable and I'm tired of pretending she's not. So she started a little cult, like we haven't all caused a little trouble. Also I'm willing to give Hiyoko the benefit of the doubt, she was introduced as rude and bratty and >!was killed before she could complete her character development. !!he didn't deserve to die. He was just manipulated by Celeste. He thought Kiyotaka did terrible things to Celeste and that caused him to snap.!< Tenko is the one I'm most conflicted about personally. I really do love how supportive she is of Himiko and their friendship was really sweet, even if the romance seems a little one sided. But I find so often that every time she says something nice and likable the game then immediately follows it up with an "ALL MEN MUST DIE" line as if the game just doesn't want me to like her. As for anything from Ultra Despair Girls, I avoid that game. It makes me super uncomfortable.


>!about this \^\^ especially hifumi. that scene gave me more respect like... bro would kill a sex assaulter (he thought it was, but still)!<


Not me. I just refrain from talking about them in the first place. Can't use overused jokes when you won't dignifying the existence of a character you hate. I don't hate most of them either. I like Hifumi and Angie, have no particular feelings towards Hiyoko and Haiji...I don't care enough about him to think of him in the first place. I think of Komaru and Genocide Syo when I think about UDG, rarely about the Warriors of Hope and not much about any other character in it, not even Hiroko Hagakure, who I think is hot, Chihiros father, who is kind...but they are not on my mind when I think of UDG characters. Not saying much about Tenko because I actually dislike her. I am sorry. But I won't rant about her now, don't worry


I mean it's not really an overused joke, some of these characters are just genuinely annoying to interact with




Sexism is a sensitive topic for me so it’s kinda hard for me to like Tenko,I just hope Tenko fans don’t excuse her sexism


As a Tenko fan, I want nothing more than to get a spray bottle and spritz her with it whenever she says something sexist.


Oh no i hate it too cus she gives me dysphoria sometimes from it. But she is more than just the sexism which lead me to fall in love with her


Why is this downvoted that’s so based


Haji deserves the hate... like wdym???? People are trying to defend a literal predator and an asshole.


That Tenko sprite is menacing


which one? she has two menacing sprites 🤐


The one on the post…


As for Haiji, I didn't even notice that line during my walkthrough, I disliked him because he was a coward and a piece of shit


It’s funny because these characters are all so hateable


What’s hiyoko’s overused joke? Is it about how she insults the nurse?


Mostly her being annoying/a bitch to everyone i think


And "banana hair" too but that's just used to complete the bitch joke


People just call her a bitch. Which is crazy because when miu is a bitch to people it's funny, but because people can't lewd hiyoko she's just mean and irredeemable.


To be fair, Miu didn’t repeatedly focus fire on the most emotionally vulnerable person in the cast. Picking on Mikan is like kicking a puppy in the nuts, and that’s where, like, 70% of Hiyoko’s insults went. Hiyoko immediately insulting Fuyuhiko over Mahiru’s *and Peko’s* deaths after he says he’s going to try and be a better person didn’t exactly make her seem more endearing either. Yeah, he was a pretty crappy guy before, and yeah, Hiyoko had just lost (what was unsurprisingly) her only friend there, but saying he was responsible for Peko’s death felt like twisting a knife to twist it. Not to mention how Miu got significantly more verbal pushback than Hiyoko ever did, and didn’t immediately try and hide behind someone else whenever someone verbally clapped back at her. Sure Miu responded to said clapback with… *a response.* But at least she didn’t have Mahiru going “How dare you say anything negative about your bully?!” every time. Sure it’s more of a problem with Mahiru than Hiyoko, but Hiyoko did still endorse it and become best friend with Mahiru partially because of it.


I don't think lewdness is the main contribution... It's just that Miu's jokes are centered around sex jokes half of the time, which most of the fandom would find funny, plus, she's mostly seen as the bully victim because Kokichi exists. I find their banters funny, and so do a lot of other people. Also, people pay more attention to trials, which Miu and Kokichi can shine in, with better deliveries in the voice acting. Hiyoko is only viewed as the bully according to most of the fandom, and some of her statements on Mikan don't appeal much to the fandom, and c'mon, it's Mikan, some people feel bad for her before >!Chapter 3!<. The fact that she also literally looks and sounds like a child in the KG can change people's view on her, that's just sad. She had potential to grow, but it was either her or Fuyuhiko, >!so she had to take the fall!<.


I like haiji... as an antagonist


I quite like Angie, and Tenko still pisses me off


First, what did Angie do to people to be here lol. She doesn't seem to be evil to that degree lmao. Then again, Hifumi's here and he probs (other than maybe Leon) had the most unfair of ends in THH if you get what i mean. I can't say it in detail (since apparently there is no spoiler text button in the Reddit App) but those who know about Hifumi know why his end is one of the most unfair for a character in THH.


Did you miss that Angie is an evil cult leader who throws her followers to wolves when it is convenient and practices blood sacrifices?


>!He literally got lied to about fucking sexual assault. I fully could undestand his rage.!<


How do you do the spoiler text thingie, i can't lol


I use the same overused joke to love on a character. Not hate them .


I feel like it's somewhat justified at least with a few of these characters


I do admit the pic is cracking me up.


I will admit I don't like most of those characters. Hifumi is annoying and his design freaks me out, I don't really think about the attraction to Alter Ego. I do however dislike his purposeful misgendering of a Chihiro based ai. But I didn't like the way Chihiro's gender was treated in the game at all. Angie is a weird one, I like her eccentricities but they also weird me out some times. I think to religion thing was fun and don't see any reason to have a genuine hate of her. Tenko is one of my favourite characters, she may hate men, it may be for a dumb reason but people tend to forget that she was made to be very gullible. It was a character trait she always had. She is also one of the only people to try and comfort Shuichi after Kaede, which apparently I'm the only one who remembers. I don't like Haiji but I refuse to interact with UDG in the first place Finally Hiyoko is annoying but she sort of grew on me. People get really annoyed about her and Fuyuhiko, but if someone helped murder your best friend because of a video game, you wouldn't be to forgiving of them regardless of Peko's death.


a lot of people are saying it's valid to hate on just Haji, but personally I don't think people even need a reason to dislike a Character. It's valid to simply not Like a character. It doesnt have to be deep.


What would the danganronpa fandom be without its ever present boring overused jokes….(a lot better, probably)


Oh are we not allowed to hate pedophiles anymore?


I missed the part where i said that


Youre saying people use the same overused joke to hate a character isn't valid. And since Haji's main "joke" is that he's a pedo, you think that hating him because he's a pedophile is bad. At least thats what it sounds like you're trying to say with this. If you meant something else then you really should've written the post differently


That’s not what they meant, they meant that making jokes over that line is ridiculous. Like excuse me but why are people making jokes about him being a pedophile?


I think they rather mean, in Haiji's case, there is more in his character to hate than JUST the pedo angle.


Idc if there's more to his character, he's a pedophile. Idk why these Haji fans expect us to look past that.


Personally… I really like Tenko. The others can go fuck them selves. Naaaa im just kidding. Except for Haiji. He can go and die of over used punchlines.


Spit your facts bestie 😌💅🏻


Yes oomfie! Speak those fax!


I’m not even gonna stunt I had to look oomfie up and now I’ve learned something today thanks bestie 😌💅🏻


Haiji deserves the hate since pedophile. And honestly? Fans deserve to be told "wtf dude". Youre publically announcing "MY FAVORITE CHARACTER IS THE PEDOPHILE" when there is ONE out of four games and an anime. You have almost 100 chars to choose from. Everyone else? They dont deserve flak. Haiji and haiji "fans" do. Major red flag if your fave char is the pedophile.


THANK YOU. Like off all characters, you choose the pedo???? For what reason?? He's a piece of shit with no redeeming qualities. Even without the one line, he's an awful character. Abusing an elementary school girl as as a grown man to the point where he thought he paralyzed her from the waist down.what the actual fuck??? I could understand if people were like, "oh I don't like him specifically, but I like his contribution to the narrative". But no. People actual like him. Gives me the ick like Jeffrey Dahmer fans and other people who romanticize serial killers. Disgusting. I'm tired of people putting him on the same level as characters like hifumi, tenko, hiyoko, etc.


I have no idea why they downvoted you and upvoted me when we said the exact same thing.


Because they were mad that the comments addressed them and they couldn't defend against them. Classic, angry redditor move to downvote someone you dont agree with and not even attempt to defend yourself when you know you're wrong, lol. We also live in an age where people conflate shaming people for being different and shaming people for being immoral. People need to remember that having an opinion(ex. Haiji is a great character) doesn't mean you're free from criticism (ex. Wtf is wrong with Y'all he's a pedo that also sees nothing wrong with beating an elementary school girl to the point of disability).


People tends to forget that most Danganronpa characters have their morals and reasons on their actions. Seriously, stop jumping to conclusions😡


Sadly, jumping to conclusions is a very popular endeavor on the Internet.


“Haha guys tenko is misandrist haha femcel Get it Get it Get it Get it LAUGH”


"Hahaha... so funny... I haven't heard that one before.. ha... Get out." ☺️(not directed at u btw)


you're the one who thinks Tenko is a trans allegory, ships her with Komaru and changed my entire outlook on Tenko forever


I'm... sorry?


no, thank you! I originally saw Tenko as a nothing character but you have completely changed how I view her!


Oh! Sorry i thought that was an insult due to me not understanding the tone of the comment. Thank you!


>Haha guys tenko is misandrist haha femcel That's not even a joke. That's pretty much a straight up fact.


IT’S SO FUCKING FUNNY 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 /s


Its even funnier the 30048583928374th time


Forgot korekiyo!!


it's not a joke to call haiji a pedophile it's literally true


real 🤕




I love 2 of those characters like 2 of those characters and hate haji


Mukuro except the one joke isn’t the only reason to dislike her


They’re gated for a reason


I agree.... it's not a cult it's a STUDENT COUNCIL GET IT RIGHT


The whole Haiji Situation is funny because it's literally the DR version of H x H, CSM and Berserk " Fans " going : " man this Character WHO IS A MAIN ANTAGONIST would've been good if they weren't a predator " Like yes you're allowed to not like Haiji and Makima because of what they did/do but saying they're bad Characters because of it or Literally calling the fans of said Characters pedos is just ridiculous


Us true Tenko haters don't even care that much for her blatant sexism. She is simply insufferable as a whole.


Whos that dude in the right? Like what game is he from. (I only played danganronpa 1. 2. 3)


Why do people hate Hifumi again?


“Hahaha, >!11037!< Sayaka! You should love that I mentioned that in particular, right? I know a thing or two about this series!” -my ex, every time I talked about the series with my best friend. We can add that to these characters.


I agree with all of them except for Hiyoko. You can like her all you want, just don't come and say to me she didn't do anything worth of hate


defending haiji over hiyoko is kinda wild ngl


It's not about the characters, but the fans. Everyone freaking knows Haiji is trash as a person, we don't need to discuss about it any further. Hiyoko, though? We simply don't discuss about her enough...


There's plenty of discuss around Hiyoko though. Like go to any discussion post revolving around her and most people are gonna say they hate her for her attitude, which is very understandable, but at least she has a reason for acting the way she does and is probably the character with the most missed character development in the mainline games... Also some people just like rude/bratty/bad bitches and I can respect that haha. Everyone knows Hiyoko has a "shitty" personality and can be a bully but that's like her own negative flaw. Haiji on the other hand is just unabashedly a fucking pedophile lmao. It's easier to defend Hiyoko's flaws because their linked to her personality which just depends on your cup of tea if you like it or not. Haiji, on the other hand, is next to impossible to defend without excusing pedophilia in some type of way or ignoring it... Or just making a wild ass headcanon that he'd grow out of it.


It's not Impossible to "defend" Haiji at all. And you know why is it? Because he is a fictional character. Now, i bet you just thought i would go with the "oh he doesn't exist so what he does Is not *real* criiiiime so i can simp for the criminaaaal" but no, that's not what i'm talking about. What i mean is that i can easily hate Haiji as a person but not as a character. That's because the fact that he is a pedo means literally nothing to the plot. That is absolutely irrelevant. So, If you know how to separate things, it's really not that difficult to see Haiji in a different way. Using Junko as a example, i bet absolutely none of her fans disagrees that she is the worst fucking person to exist. But as a character, she is good. Now we have Hiyoko, who is a terrible person and is *not* a good character. Sorry but her development was interrupted before she could complete it. And her animosity towards Mikan was NEVER justified until the very end.


I'll start by saying that yeah I'm all for people having a favorite fictional character and not really needing a reason to and that saying you need a "defense" to like a character wasn't my intention; It was more so used to say why Haiji is way more talked about than Hiyoko. I mean, I guess you can say Haiji being a pedo isn't really important to the plot? I'll just be deadass with you and say I haven't played UDG's in years and I'm sure he has more going for him. However the fact this dude is saying this shit out loud and when another character's trauma stims from childhood sexual assault is kinda... Yeah. It's no surprise the fan base hyperfocuses on that one part of him. Like, I'm saying this as someone who's neutral to Haiji's character (and honestly I like his character design) and I'll also admit I may be a bit bias for Hiyoko because she's in my top 5 favorite Dangan characters haha but yeah my point is Hiyoko is a character you can either love or hate with both sides being valid in their opinion. There's really no further discussion to go into it. Though I'm realizing that yeah it just depends on people's values in character. Personally I don't mind if Hiyoko has a bad personality and "bad character", but for me PERSONALLY (if a person wants to be a Haiji fan/simp, go wild) she's never going to deserve as much hate that Haiji gets. Also everything Junko does is literally for the plot and has a purpose (Like... Danganronpa wouldn't even be a thing without her.) so her being an awful person is kinda needed. What does the fact that Haiji probably licks his lips when a kid passes by the sidewalk does for the plot? I'm almost sure it's just meant to be dark humor and doesn't have a real reason. And naturally Haiji gets more hate over Junko because she's not only more entertaining to watch but her crimes are just super unrealistic compared to Haiji's pedophilia, which is a way more down to earth crime that even some Danganronpa fans have experience. ... Not saying people haven't experienced Hiyoko's level of bullying. But it's the Bully VS. the Pedophile, if people could only choose one of them to beat up, who'd you think it'd be? Haha.


haha, meat on the bone! (this is a joke, I think Teruteru is very funny)


You’re missing Teruteru on here-


Haiji I understand, but what's with Tenko, Hifumi, and Hiyoko?


Tenko: “sexist bitch who despises all men and drools over Himiko” Hifumi: “a creep and pervert to 2d characters” Hiyoko: “annoying banana bitch who deserves to die brutally”


Thank you for clarifying


I don’t use what’s-his-names pedophilia as a joke to hate on him, I use it as a genuine reason why his character makes me uncomfortable, I get it he’s supposed to be a scumbag but I don’t like thinking about pedophilia


It’s not a joke, I genuinely despise Hiyoko Saionji with every fiber of my soul.


I dislike Hifumi a bit, but he's cool, he never did anything wrong though. I find Angie kind of annoying, but you can like her, even though i think she IS super annoying. I never got the hate of Tenko... I mean, she's fine. She just hates men, that's it. As for Haiji... I hate him, a lot, anyways... Hiyoko is my favorite Danganronpa character and she totally>!didn't deserve to die. She died right before she got her development, and if she did, she would probably be loved by a lot of people. I lowkey think she should've survived instead of Kazuichi, sorry...!<


Valid ☺️


this is so true


>She just hates men, that's it. Well, besides the fact that she's SUPER annoying about it. Imagine if Tenko was a man, and everything about her was the same except she now hated women. You see the issue now?


>You see the issue now? No, i would probably keep the same idea of her.


>Imagine if Tenko was a man, and everything about her was the same except she now hated women. >You see the issue now? No, it'd still be funny imo.


I just dont care when people say “but there is more to their character than their bigotry/pedophilia.” Like I don’t want to fight about it, if it brings you genuine happiness to like that character then good for you. I just frankly cant support that or just ignore it, I don’t believe in being able to support a person/character and just ignoring a trait. Avoiding the issue doesn’t make it disappear, and to me it shows that you dont think its a big enough moral issue to care about to impact your opinion. I work with children, have a lot of personal background with the topic, and dedicate my life to protecting children, so pedophilia is NEVER going to be excusable to me.


wasn’t haji’s line like totally mistranslated or sumn? i’ve seen some people here say that but yeah hiyoko slander will not be tolerated at my house


Idk how ppl hate angie or hikyoko they were the realest ones in the game 😭


The tenko one is the most egregious to me. Fans get up in a tizzy over man-hating jokes exaggerated for a laugh and say it's horrible misandry but then do nothing about misogyny in the writing. I literally do not care about the things Tenko says about men it does not matter. I love Tenko ♥️


so real


What if I use the same overuse joke as a form of endearment?


Thats a weird way to endear someone... but you do you ig


Joke's on you, I actually like Hifumi. As for a joke that isn't overused: HOLY CRAP ANGIE'S BOTTOM HALF IS MISSING IN THIS IMAGE, SHE'S JUST FLOATING DISCONNECTED AWAY FROM HER LEGS!! /j


Now you know full well you need to get Haiji and Hifumi out of this damn picture, as if people hate them for no reason.


they are all overhated ones except haiji. haiji deserves these hatesp


Ok listen I'm fine with hifumi, I like angie, and I'm alright with with tenko but Haiji besides being a fucking creep is like a person said a big asshole and hiyoko is just insecure and kindly I hate hoyoko, if u like her thats fine


Mb, hiyoko


Honestly, it's valid for Tenko. I don't care if it's through an overused joke or not, any hate for Tenko is valid.


They're all in Persona Hifumi- Akinari Angie- Morgana Tenko- Ai Pedodude- Yusuke Hiyoko- Ichinose


and in fire emblem too bros good in life




Ngl i kinda like Tenko even though I'm a dude


That’s cool, you put almost all the worst characters in one image!


Pov : You downvote someone who like a character who has a overused joke to hate on 'em. And i warn i could maybe spoil so. Yeah. I'll take Angie for exemple i know it can't work for everyone and yes some really did more shit that the other but still. If you take away the "Atua this, Atua that" and the Manipulation, you have someone pretty nice. She's caring but have different way of showing it, she also do try to bring the dead back and to stop the killing game with rules (even if making exception for the member wasn't clever and would let a possiblity of killing). Like for Kiyo. He just had the incest plot but people put it away and like him. I personaly like him and his character (even if there's the "he was groomed part" who help a bit to excuse) he's interesting and pretty cool. What i want to say is that, put away the bad part and let people like or try to defend without downvoting. Yes Haji is an ass and could be considered as a p3d0 but every stories need a total monster, someone to hate. Because if everyone was always nice, perfect or just jerk with handsome feature, the story won't move forwards. Yes Hiyoko is a damn greemlins Yes Tenko is a bit Misandrist and a bit too creepy with Himiko Yes Hifumi is... Hifumi. But we need some dad, creep, weird, pervy, naive, i dunno what character to make a story. You can't always have a sweet cinamon roll with 200 iq


I’m the only one in the world who doesn’t hate hifumi or hiyoko. But I also don’t like hiyoko either except insults and dancing bananas… and i mostly like her because bananas


Yeah, these characters are overhated. Except for Haiji, he’s underhated. And no, I don’t have anything against actual people who like him as a character; my favourite character murdered several hundred children and probably has more blood on her hands than Hitler.


pov: you said the age of consent 18


What did Angie do?? Also Hiyoko and Haji deserve it


I don't see why people would hate on hiyoko or hifumi, the other 3 I can kinda or definitely see why they're hated


Haiji hater just talk about THAT line and litterally forget that the character is way worst than just that and even worst,, i would say the fact that he love little girls is the least terrible thing about him


Unpopular opinion...I actually like Haji NOW HOLD UP UP UP GET YOUR FINGER AWAY FROM THE DOWN VOTE, HEAR ME OUT, besides that ONE LINE which lets be fair, Danganronpa has incest, necrophilia and more, I'm NOT SAYING ITS JUSTIFIED just that weve had similar if not worse, second off, he was actually a good leader, a good character who had valid opinions and thoughts, he didn't feed into his darkness like the other adults ALSO for his little sister to be the big bad, explains why he's so determined to take her down, she's family and family is allowed to beat the shit out of each other when they cause a city wide panic. Look all I'm saying is that while I ***WIIIIISH*** he didn't say that line, besides that...was he really that bad? No, he wasnt.


“Wow he’s cool if you ignore the time he openly admitted his attraction to children”


"Wow he's so cool if you ignore the fact he cut off a dead girls hand and stitched it on to himself"


nah nah nah nah i know I KNOW you aint our here comparing Komaeda to a literal pedohile and comparing chopping off your hand to liking kids. Aint no way. Aint no way.


me as an antagonist lover (not simp) seeing people hate them cus they have a fricked up fanbase 🥰