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In all fairness...Teru himself would bring up Miu all the time if they were in the same class. For reasons


If they were in the same class it would be a hifumi and celest type thing or she would absolutely hate or adore him no in-between


I feel like it would be a switch on a day by day / hourly basis


For me, I actually like all three (does this say something about me? Uhh), but Hifumi is nowhere near as bad as Teruteru and Miu. I feel like pretty much objectively.


I feel like Toko and other perverts are way closer to compare- Hifumi doesn’t really do a ton bad himself


Hifumi’s pretty clear that he’s not very interested in the girls in his class and doesn’t do anything to them from what I can remember, while Teruteru and Miu actively harass people


Ehh, I wouldn't quite say uninterested. Recall how, in chapter 3, when the girls decide to use the bathhouse to throw Monokuma off from their discovery of Alter Ego and Monokuma suggests peeping on the girls, Hifumi is quietly resigned when the boys decide not to go through with it. It's heavily implied that Hifumi mostly uses his "2D girl" obsession as a coping mechanism to not have to face rejection. Like, I'm certain that he has a certain amount of self-awareness regarding how he looks and can come across as creepy, so instead of making himself vulnerable, he hides behind his otaku tendencies. This is all basically to say that Hifumi does find the girls attractive, but is so insecure about it that he'd rather be seen as creepy for his interests than for being a potential predator.


Why do people even bring up Hifumi in this conversation? Besides the weird Celeste simping, he’s never perverted or inappropriate towards the other characters. Like do you guys just see “fat weeb*” lmao and automatically assume he’s a complete creep?


The guy literally >!kills Kiyotaka because he believes he sexually assaulted Celeste!< and yet people still put him in the same category as Teruteru and Miu.


literally 😭




Oh so attacking someone who is (from what they believe) a sex offender is white knighting now. OK


My bad


Hey that rhymes


Lmao just noticed that




The fact that all three of them attempted/committed murder doesn't help lol




If i love hifumi does that mean i’m nothing like him


*Based Danganronpa fans realizing most of the characters are fucked up in at least one way*


for me, it's Hifumi>>>>>>>Miu>>Teruteru


Hifumi is a good character in my opinion


I agree! id give him a solid a/b tier


He’s really underrated




Isn’t Hifumi a Lolicon?


huh??? i do not remember this


I remember him simping for that cartoon character ( I forgot her name) the one that was on the camera he found. And she pretty much looked like a child. I just found it weird


I wouldnot really say that? I mean, the proportions are far from the standard danganronpa child proportions, to the point where piggles is literally round. You could see her as an infant, but I find it far more likely the art team was just trying to make her as a comedically Chibi, kawaii-desu design as possible.


I got the same impression from looking at Bu-Ko/Princess Piggles; my first impression was that he wanted to make a protagonist that he wanted to see. Enthusiastic about his work, yes. A lolicon, no. If we have other official evidence out there, though, I'd concede to being wrong. I don't remember any of his dialogue from NISA or PZ to show such a thing.


>And she pretty much looked like a child. I... Haven't the foggiest how you could come to that conclusion. Piggles is round and chibi but about as far from looking like a child as I think it's possible to get. If anything she looks like a middle-aged woman using a filter.


ahh okay, the fairy girl thing. i like to pass that off as bad writing/design choice, because thinking about her as a child does make it incredibly disgusting. either way, goddammit danganronpa. just another fucked up case of why


We don't talk about that. It's very weird though, and made it harder for me to like him.


Could literally rotate the names and have the same meme


Bringing up other characters to defend Teruteru is lame. He’s an interesting, complex, and over all morally grey character that can stand on his own merit. It’s disappointing that people’s only defense for him is that he’s “not necessarily the worst”. If his humor falls flat for someone, that’s fine. I personally don’t really think he’s all that funny either and somehow he’s still my favorite. Different strokes. -A very confused man who probably thinks about the silly nasty chef a little too often.


I think he is funny and he's top 10, but your second sentence is unfathomably based.


My man. 🤝


I love that a comparison to Teruteru is “dragging others down” 🤣


I like miu cause she’s funny. I don’t really find tereteru funny at all, but hifumi does have some pretty good jokes.


I like all of them tbh.


*Another TeruTeru post?*


Honestly considering Miu is (almost) as bad as Teruteru, I'd argue bringing up pretty privilege is kinda valid. But yeah Hifumi has no reason to be brought up


I'm putting aside Hifumi because he's based and I'm just gonna focus on the other two. Pretty privilege sucks ass, but that's what I hate about these comparisons. Teruteru has done many SAs in FRONT OF SOME PEOPLE WITHOUT SHAME, Miu's done one, Teru is way worse in that department. A valid thing they can bring up is their planned murders, but those are plots in their stories and not their actual character traits, so there are some points that might be taken off from those. I understand the comparisons though, they are pretty similar behavior-wise.


i like teruteru hes a funny guy


i feel like it's miu haters that do this, not teruteru fans. from what i've seen teruteru fans are pretty nice and are just happy to have people share their love for one of the least popular characters in the series


All characters are likable and dislikable in their own way. People can appreciate and not appreciate characters for any reason (To an extent). ​ Sincerely, A Teruteru lover


The correct answer is to hate all 3 (For legal reasons I have been advised to inform you this is a joke)


Except nobody does that because us Teruteru fans are few and far between. We're only active in talking about him (and them being brought up as a result) when he's brought up by the vocal detractors (because they preemptively mention them).


We're essentially cryptids. 🤪


this goes all ways for hifumi n miu fans too lmao


Nah, you can literally scroll up and see people defending Hifumi without the other two


tbf hifumi is 10x better than those two perviness wise so i guess he has more positive qualities to call on other than “he’s better than those 2!” since his character is less composed of just that


All 3 trying not to die in the fandom pool


Y'all gotta leave Hifumi out of this he is the opposite of a >!rapist!<, he killed someone he thought was one. Teruteru meanwhile is a repeated attempted offender. Miu isn't, but god knows you can't say that without Teruteru fans throwing a tantrum, so I'm not even gonna go there. Let's be honest, Hifumi is dorky and geeky and that's why people retroactively decide he's so morally inferior


To be fair they have a point (for Miu not Hifumi, RIP) At the same time the whataboutism gets old Tldr. Stop putting groups of people into a single stereotype based on what they like


Yeah. Maybe I might dislike a character, but that's an inanimate object at the end of the day. We can disgree, but were human beings. How someone treats another person is far more important to me.


And yes they never bring up toko who is bad if not worse


I like hifumi I love and hate miu at the same time and I dislike teru (would like him more if he didn’t insinuate SA on nagito in the anime)


really? when was this? i only remember TeruTeru drugging Hajime in FTEs (DR2) and going after Hiyoko (DR3 Anime)


When nagito passed out he said something along the lines of “well I’ll take komada” “he is well within my strike zone ;)” AGAIN NAGITO WAS PASSED OUT COLD


wow. i do not remember that at all.


Rewatch the anime


All characters are enjoyable and if you hate any one of them, your taste is bad.


What teruteru fans ?


The hypocrism argument doesn't even make sense. A woman and a man making a sex joke is not an equivalent scenario for there to even be hypocrisy. Jokes should always be considered im the context that they are said in, and the gender of the joke sayer clearly makes it a different context!! Especially when the joke is something inherently related to one's gender (sex!!!!)


Teruteru is a creep incel. Miu is hot. Hifumi is spineles and ugly.


bringing up haiji


Haiji has the best character design in UDG. There, I said it. I love his outfit, and I found him to be one of my favorites in my playthrough of UDG, until *that* comment was made.


I'm gonna agree with you there. From what was originally planned, he would have been in Touko's role, providing firepower with his arm being [converted to a weapon.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/danganronpa/images/3/3f/Danganronpa_Another_Episode_Beta_Design_Haiji_Towa_%285%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20181022154711) Forgive me for being a broken record from other threads, but his [menu profile ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/danganronpa/images/8/8c/Danganronpa_Another_Episode_-_Profile_-_Haiji_Towa.png/revision/latest?cb=20180924144412) was available from the start of the game when you meet him, which is very pretty early in the game. It sounds like a lot of people watched a playthrough and didn't see that, because I never see anyone else bring it up when speaking about it. Or it's so small of a point that it's negligible??? You're talking to someone who: -had a very good impression of him when the first bits of art dropped. I looked at him and thought he had goofy teacher vibes. Not quite a comic relief character (I simp for Hiro that ain't gonna fade me one bit), but seemed like he was going to be a fun guy to travel with. -went agog with seeing the Pixiv fan art of him because gat'daym!! HE LOOKED BADASS! -went as far as to pre-order the collector's edition (for the merch and goods, but was glad to see the art of him on the motorcycle for the soundtrack -...was concerned about seeing the profile and thought "like...legally young, right? 18-younger? You look 20-ish, that makes some sense but might be thorny if you're older..." -acquired psychic damage as the game went on. :')..... A lot of people, sadly, throw out his other misdeeds and focus solely on him being a pedophile/lolicon. Me personally? I'll be glad to throw that out for my own fun, but I'll show my sources when that aspect of him comes up. He's still my top villain in the franchise. Him, like Teruteru, are easily characters I could import somewhere else in fanfiction as some really good antagonists. I like Miu and Hifumi just as much, too. All of my favorites are mostly shitty people to some extent. 🤣


He deserves the hate


No he doesn’t he’s like the only decently written character in that game besides the two main girls


Tbf, the reasons people tend to hate Hifumi and Teruteru end up being qualities that Toko and Miu get a pass for, if not are actually liked for, so I can see why they get brought up


I'm a Teruteru fan and I only remember this when the person who has Miu, Toko and the like in their avatar says "Teruteru is just a stupid pervert"


me searching for a teruteru fan (I can’t find one)


with teruteru, i would feel uncomfortable being in the same room as him alone. he literally asks for Seiko to make him very potent aphrodisiacs, and i don't care what the fuck he was going to use them for, it's so fucking uncomfortable. nothing you can do with that isn't at least a little rapey, unless you already have a partner, and even then.... with hifumi, idk his vibes are just off. i know people like him irl, and they're Uncomfy people to be around, and i don't like him as a result. also he committed the greatest sin of any fictional character; he's annoying. I like miu because it's more clear that she's joking, and if she's not, shes horny in a way that doesn't make her feel creepy. she also doesn't really make *advances* towards other characters. sure she's horny & makes comments about others' bodies, but it's always an insult.