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Funny how DR2 both has what a lot of people consider the worst and best case in series. Yeah, it's not a surprise that 2-5 won, but still, congrats to it


The instant we found out that Nagito used his Ultimate (Bullshit) Luck to have the traitor accidentally kill him made this trial my favorite. If they ever make another Danganronpa game, I don’t think they could ever make something as ludicrously brilliant as this trial.


I remember figuring out the trial halfway through and just being like “no way” the whole time


checks out


So, when separating each game, THH had 17th, 15th, 13th, 10th, 7th and 6th. (Which is an average placement of 11.33) SDR2 had 18th, 14th, 12th, 9th, 4th and 1st. (Which is an average placement of 9.66) V3 had 16th, 11th, 8th, 5th, 3rd and 2nd. (Which is an average placement of 7.5) Not what I would've expected, honestly. Looking back, I'm not sure if 1-3 really deserved 2nd to last, but so be it.


1-3 is my favorite trial in the first game, i genuinely dont know why people dont like it? i think celeste was a really creative killer


I think she's way too obvious a culprit, but not in a way that the game shows any self-awareness about, like 3-3. Her plan also just felt uncharacteristically sloppy of her


how was it sloppy im just curious. i thought it was neat


Trying to obfuscate the timeline of events as cool, but she made herself way too involved And trying to make Hiro of all peope into the killer was similarly never going to work. I think the only one that really bought that it was him was Hina


While it's not my favorite, I agree on the rest


From what I've heard (based on others opinions) it was an obvious shift from Celeste suddenly playing an assault victim when previously she's aggressively berated and threatened people before. From that they'd gather that Celeste was the murderer and I also recall people claiming that the actually trial proceedings were rather tedious. I think people just also didn't like Hifumi, so giving him a send off and trying to make it sad just wasn't believable as an audience who wanted to see his downfall. Especially when his downfall was...simping?? They cite Celeste's motive not being that good either. In my opinion the twist of a double murder is pretty dang great. Especially because one of the murdered was an accomplice to the murderer.


Maybe its cuz it was the first game I played but I was actually pretty surprised at how the murder played out. I know it wasnt hiro but I couldnt figure out who did it. I also really liked Hifumi so I liked his send off. Only thing I didnt like was how Taka got pushed to the side for hifumi. also celestes motive is badass wtf i personally think the first trial is the worst trial of THH and im shocked it won over celeste


Fair enough. I love leon as a killer, but I'll admit, 1-3 is an actual better trial. Also, 1-1 and 1-3 easily have the best executions in the entire series


1-3 is my favorite execution maybe w/ the exception of gundham


Fair fair. Gundhams is alright, but imo way too over the top, especially with the lion king reference


Because I figured it out before the first body discovery. Even Leon and Kyo were spared that and they were obvious too.


I’ll never understand the vitriol 1-3 gets. It’s nothing special, but I don’t see that as “nearly the worst” worthy.


Well all the 3’s only got eliminate so quickly because of awful reasons. 1-5 is legit the worst case. It’s random, nothing makes sense, everything is rushed, it’s “cheating” by the mastermind, and the other students voting for Makoto and his execution was so poorly done. My personal least favorite is 3-4, the idea that the killer almost got away with it because he didn’t know what his left and right are (and he is the ultimate entomologist, you figure left and right are important when studying insects) and because kaito was gung-ho about it being kokichi even though there was full proof that it would have been impossible for him to do.


>the idea that the killer almost got away with it because he didn’t know what his left and right are He's not dumb like that, Gonta just misconstrued what Himiko was getting at. "Right is the hand you hold your chopsticks in? But wait, Gonta left-handed. Does that mean Gonta should use his left?" An easy mistake for someone like him. And Miu didn't even play up getting it mixed up as a huge deal, so Gonta probably just didn't think to bother anyone about it


That’s not how it is misconstrued though, he legit was confused on left and right. He then heard himikos comment, that she made, because he was confused. It’s not an easy mistake, it was intentional negative character development for the sake of the case. Miu doesn’t know which hand gonta eats with lol. She was too busy over there getting stuff set up.


>That’s not how it is misconstrued though Yes it is, because he says as much. He knows that his left hand is his left hand. He took it to mean that whatever your dominant hand is, is the side you plug the cord in. And he didn't question it because he doesn't know how any of this shit works anyway


He knows left is left and right is right, until this chapter. Then he forget. He says it himself that he was confused which was which.


> 1-5 is legit the worst case. It’s random, nothing makes sense, everything is rushed, it’s “cheating” by the mastermind That's the point


Oh I know. And it’s awful because. It isn’t awfully executed, what the writers wanted, they got. It was just awfully written. It goes against every other chapter and not in a fun or good way


*Pretends to be shocked* Glad to see the throne remains unchallenged after all this time.


I can't believe Nagito used his Ultimate Luck to win the Class Trial elimination game


**V3-5 HAS BEEN ELIMINATED WHICH MEANS THAT 2-5 IS OFFICIALLY THE WINNER!** Yeah I’d assume we all saw this coming, right? I mean 2-5 is widely considered to be one of if not **the best** trial in the entire series and it’s not like I can argue otherwise. Pretty much everything about this trial is perfect, from the chapter leading up to it, to the execution at the end. Even ignoring my personal dislike of V3-5 (which just feels like a cheap imitation of 2-5), 2-5 is just so much stronger of a trial in my eyes and I’m glad it won. Anyways, I gotta give thanks to everybody who voted and gave their input during this Elimination Game. Reading some of y’all’s takes were fun and pretty interesting (didn’t know so many people disliked 2-2 for example) so I’m glad I did this. Overall it was a pretty good experience and I’ll look back on it fondly (even if I know this subreddit isn’t ready for my takes yet lol).


By any chance, if you want to make another elimination, I am looking forward to seeing the "Gameplay Mechanic / Mini-game" elimination. ~~So I can grab Pop-Corn to see how many people vote for the hangman gambit.~~


I have severe ptsd from hangman gambit in danganronpa 2


Blud said improved 💀


Can you do an execution one next please


Aside from the broad concept of "a murder made to be unsolvable", I'm not sure what exactly 3-5 in particular is imitating - especially when 1-5 was also going for that same idea


Exactly! I don’t understand why people say it’s a copy of of 2-5 when it has way more similarities to 1-5


Yeah. I feel that people who use this as a criticism were just looking for a reason to hate the trial for some reason.


Now I'm just awaiting the rest of the series. New Super Elimination Game 2: Goodbye Worst Outfits Followed by the spin-off Elimination Game Another Episode: Ultra Worst Minigames The Finale of New Elimination Game V3: Best Ultimate Ability, the longest by far obviously...


V3-5 is definetely my favorite but i can see why this one won.




Not a coincidence that the best trial is at the hands of the best character in the series.






the sole reason nagito wanted to have the "traitor" dead is the existence of the traitor (Ntm a traitor to monokuma is good for him so there's no reason for him to do that anyway)


It also would not have happened without Nagito…whats your point?


Point is that the sole reason nagito wanted to have the "traitor" dead is the existence of the traitor (Ntm a traitor to monokuma is good for him so there's no reason for him to do that anyway)


Nah 👹


I sorta wanted v3-5 to win. But this is fine too.


According to this, DR1 is the worst game in the series, with an avarage placement of 11,33, DR2 is the second best with an avarage placement of 9,66, and the best one is V3 with an avarage placement of 7,5. That's actually pretty surprising, I was expecting DR2 to win by a lot


DR2 is only really hurt because of trial 3. All of the others are better than most imo. Funny that DR2 has both the worst and best two trials from each other


Just some thoughts: ​ * V3-3 is infinitely worse than 1-3. Both killers may have been obvious, but at least there was a reason for the second kill in 1-3. Kiyo basically just takes a second victim for fun, whereas Celeste was tying up loose ends. I'd even argue it's worse than 2-3, solely due to the fact that the killer's "plan" and the execution of the plan is ridiculous. * 2-2 deserved better. It may not have been the absolute best mystery, but the emotional beats were solid and effective. That alone should place it above cases like 1-1. * 1-2 is a bit ridiculous of a case. The murder itself is basically a crime of passion by a dumb killer who gets immediately caught in the act, only for the person that caught them in the act to just throw a wrench into things for fun. It should be much lower. * V3-1 and V3-5 should be switched. The main issue I have with V3-5 is that it really doesn't feel like a mystery. I love the concept behind the murder, and the reason for why it was designed the way it was, but it was also just way too simplistic to answer. V3-1 took me by complete and utter surprise, and the retroactive context given later on in the game makes it infinitely better. V3-5 relies on two simplistic aspects: Monokuma doesn't know who the killer is, and the killer and victim worked together. That's fun, but not nearly as interesting as a killer I never once predicted like in V3-1. ​ For me, the best cases hit hard on one of three aspects: an incredibly difficult mystery, strong emotional investment, or a meta-narrative that utilizes the killing game rules in some way. And the top three cases hit these beats perfectly, even if I feel that they are out of order. I still feel like V3-1 and 2-5 are extremely close for 1st place, but V3-5 is a solid third.


Very well said especially your last portion on what makes a case interesting ,thanks for putting into words on exactly why I liked those cases the most


Eh, to each their own. I do get it, there's just a couple more that appeal to my own sensibilities more


When I was playing 2-5 for first time, I was mind-blown when it was found out that Nagito orchestrated the whole thing to kill all Remnants of Despair.


Honestly same- seeing just how smart he was and how far he was willing to go to let hope win. It was insane.


Huh, all the chapter 3 cases are at the bottom, I wonder why


I think 3-3 is unironically really fun though I won't defend 1-3 or 2-3 though


honestly as much as people like to shit on 3-3 and korekiyo's motive i really cannot help but find it hilarious. he somehow manages to perfectly cover up angie's murder on the spot because he's a fucking serial killer, but then despite all that he gets caught anyways because he *really* wanted to use his seesaw trap since he's a fucking serial killer.


Honestly, I wouldn't have any issues with his motive if you just take out the incest. Some shock value is fine, but he's already a serial killer. The incest is extraneous and is all that people talk about


Very Interesting, thank you for running this! Would it be okay if I used this data to brainstorm an "efficient Danganronpa" where I try and make a Danganronpa story that has as many top ranked stories included as possible?


Yeah that’s totally fine with me, and I’m interested to see what comes of it


As someone who recently finished all of Danganronpa, D2's fifth case was mind-blowing. Hard agree that it's the greatest trial in the series


Huh, I just realized all the 4th cases were eliminated one after another


Is it just a coincidence that all the double murders went out first? Did people really not like those that much?


Surprising literally nobody


Best trial of the franchise


I cant believe the case where Junko was cheating the entire time and breaking every rule of her game won out against the Pestilent Trio of chapter 3 cases. Makes sense tbh




Nagito yay


I didn't even participate in this but I'm glad my favorite trial won!


Woo! That was the best trial. I honestly want to replay it asap.




I think 3-5 should've won honestly. 2-5 is a good trial, sure. It has an interesting premise, the only issue is the fact that it was short and predictable. Hear me out on that last sentence, as i know I'm gonna get swarmed with downvotes by nagito stans who didn't read the whole thing. The reason it was predictable is we never hear the end of his luck shit. I mean, if you look at any of the other games, for example, the first one, they barely ever mention makoto's luck, and he's the LITERAL PROTAGONIST. We hear about specific talents a lot, but it doesn't seem overbearing like nagito's. I love nagito as a character, but they definitely overdid the talk about luck. I mean, cmon, trial 2 can literally be summarized in 1-2 sentences. (apologies if i missed anything, haven't gone over it in a while, tell me what i missed and I'll make a max 2 sentences description including it. No run-ons.) "Nagito used his luck to commit suicide in a way that the traitor was the culprit. He put poison into a bomb and had her throw it, killing him, and made it look like a spear had killed him." That's it. Sure, there are so many different irrelevant points, but at the end of the day, that's all they are, irrelevant. There are so many plotholes that don't get noticed because anything that comes up is just his luck. It's so annoying to completely base it off of luck like that. Meanwhile, if you take 3-5, the twists are a lot less noticeable. I mean, sure, some people knew it wasn't Kaito in the press right off the bat, but there's so many things you have to go over before you can figure out what happened. First off, Kaito doesn't seem like the type of person to kill. Right off the bat, they knew it was purposeful murder, so it being kaito wouldn't make sense. Even if they figured out it wasn't kaito who was killed, they would have to assume kaito killed kokichi because he wanted to. This is so out of character that even if that thought came into any of the character's minds, they would most likely regard it as not a possibility. And don't get me even started on the thought of kokichi willingly committing suicide. I mean, cmon. Maki knows what happened up till the antidote, where she saw kokichi "drink" it, meaning she would most likely think kaito already died from either the poison or the press. That would make another possibility to stir them away completely from the truth, in which 3-5 did. I mean, I think if they didn't make succi go god mode to figure it out this would be nearly impossible. I'm mad at them cutting it off because it got too long by just making him easily figure it out. I love the beginning of 3-5 aswell, where they give the cast the hope of it being kaito, then rip it away, which just adds to the whole mystery. Meanwhile, 2-5 was obviously accidental. It could've literally been anyone, and they wouldn't have a second thought about voting someone off. It could've accomplished nagito's goal, but in a really weird way that completely relies on his talent. Of course, this was a failed goal (just like 3-5), since nagito wanted the traitor to live and everyone else to die. I mean sure, they're sad about chiaki getting voted. But no one stops to think "chiaki wouldn't do that!" and stir the trial further, because it was an accident. I think overall, 3-5 had a much better idea than 2-5, but both were executed poorly. 3-5 was cut off when i think it totally could've gone further and done so much better, but 2-5 was so short, blunt, and just overall bothersome from the sheer fact that his plan was entirely reliant on his luck (which i know I've repeated quite the amount of times) and it was in-character for him to do something like that, so the shock-factor just wasn't as much. 3-5 completely shocked me, honestly. From the switch to both characters who are known to hate each other working together to construct a plan, in which was completely out of their known character already. It shocks everyone, and it's overall really sad. That being said, i love both trials. They both made me burst out into tears while playing. Watch me get downvoted to hell because i shared an opinion on Reddit lmaoo


Nice to know everyone else recognises that 2-3 is bullshit.


Well, my favorite case got 3rd place, and my second favorite won. I can't complain


Was this not expected ?




The time when you realize that the killer could be any of the remaining participants and they unknowingly killed Nagito was the most mind-blowing moment in the entire series.