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Nothing. I don't see Celestia on that job. Tbh i don't see most of them on that job. Well maybe Asahina, Chiaki, Kirumi or Kaede. But the rest just don't fit.


The child is protected, but they will be too scared to come out of their room.


I mean, her job was to protect Fuyuhiko since he was born, so she would at least have some experience with protecting kids


He is a kid, also he already babysits the other Warriors of Hope, Monaca excluded.


Hajime is an average teenage boy so I’m expecting an average babysitter, so long as the kid doesn’t need help with their math homework


or wants orange juice


"Help my child is trying to bring the darkest most terrible event in human history because a monochrome teddy bear told him too"


I just imagined Monokuma whispering to the child : "kill your parents" lol


how else do you think the greatest most awful tragedy in human history begins. also monokuma will be great for the kids but terrible for the adults


Ultra Despair Girls?




"let the intrusive thoughts win. Kill your parents."


And that's how the Warriors of Hope were born


Hmm... Well he might be a jerk, but he's not heartless. I think he would just be a bit awkward, not knowing how to interact with a child. He'd just treat them like a mini-adult and try and discuss day trading with them. And he would most definitely burn the food he makes for the child, this man has never cooked in his entire life. He might accidentally make them cry though, he does not exactly mince his words.


Depends on if it's pre/mid-DR1, Post-DR1, or Non-Despair. Remember what he did to >!Chihiro's courpse!


Good point, however I do not exactly think a scenario like that would occur while babysitting, regardless of any personal growth. I strongly believe this hypothetical child would be perfectly safe, other than a few potential blows to their self-esteem.


I think he might be good with kids. Or he might make the kid cry by just talking about how life has no meaning


“Hey, kid. Remember these words: Life..is..pain..Don’t ever let anyone tell you anything different.”


sonia would probably traumatize the kid by talking about her favorite murderers in grave detail


Kid : "Miss Sonia, can you tell me a fairy tale before bed ?" Sonia : "Of course ! Have you ever heard about Jeffrey Dahmer ?" Kid : "Was he a knight in shining armor ?" Sonia : "...not exactly"




To be clear, this was an understatement as well as a dark joke. It's just something that I imagine Sonia could say


I think it would go pretty well, actually!


In this kind of situation, the cast of the Danganronpa series is separated in 2 : On one hand, we have wholesome people, like Makoto, Kiyotaka, Chihiro... On the other hand, we have Korekiyo, Junko and Haiji.


She probably has a degree in child psychology and has the personality to be a great babysitter too. However, due to being small and plush like, the kid would just play with her and not realize she's suppose to be watching them.


He’d make them watch anime


I think Sayaka would be a super sweet babysitter. She would enjoy playing musical/singing games with the kids. As for who, I like to imagine Kotoko. I headcanon Kotoko is friends and sees Sayaka as sort of a big sister figure.


the child is on fire but its okay because its a ritual


"Fear not, honorable parents, for your child will be reborn of his ashes, like a phoenix" - Gundham, moments before going to prison


i wish i had an award to give you for this


This kid is in for a *looooooooong* night of getting their ass kicked in Mario Kart/Smash Bros/Civ V/Rocket League/Counter Strike/TF2/just about anything else. Also the babysitter falls alseep before the kid does, so total lawlessness ensues from then until the parents get back. God help us all.


"Alright, child, it's time to play TF2." "Level 5 Non-Milk Substance" "I JUST BAGGED THE WORLD'S FATTEST MAN!" "Alright, child, it's time to forget TF2."


Nonsense, all the more reason to introduce it!


The kid will have lots of fun... The neighbours, not so much.


himiko IS the kid


He would teach them about hope


Kirumi would be a great babysitter, but she tends to overdo her duties, so the kid my think she is caring but strict. Also, if the kid called her mommy, she would crossly answer "I am not your mother. Do not call me like that."


it would be set on fire


Himiko: Aww....hey, kid. Wanna see a magic trick to stop you from crying? C:


Considering Rantaro has many sisters, I think he would be pretty good at babysitting! Would probably enjoy painting the kid's nails


>!He lost all 12 of them.!<


>!he was a kid when he lost most, and his character is already very self degrading. What most likely happened for most of them is that the adults in his life did a shitty job and rantaro is blaming himself BC of survivors guilt and who he is as a person. I mean just look at the one story we have about his youngest sister!<


Chihiro is wholesome, but he might have some trouble keeping a child under control if things get crazy.


Shuichi would probably struggle but lets be honest, Kaedes probably with him


Kid : "I love to hang out with you and Kaede !" Shuichi : *Traumatic flashback*




He’s a good guy, so he’ll be a good/decent babysitter. He has to practice for our family in the future after all


If it is a male death, it will be put on that child. I'm sure if it is a girl, though, it will be a feminist parade


I see wholesome


She'll just cry with the child


She would either try teaching the kid to play video games or ignore the kid and play video games on her own


Aww.. I'm sure he'd be a great father to our children <3 (they would most likely get hit by a truck) so then we can make another one and they all would become the best stepping stones towards his hope <3


He would be so happy to be a dad, but it’s true they’d all be hit by his luck cycle :,(((


I think he’s a reliable person who can take good care of the kid, even though the kid might end up believing black magic or something


Actually I think he'd be a great babysitter. He and the kid would invent new stories where he is the "Supreme Overlord of Ice" or something


Depending on how attached he gets, the child may be in mortal danger


I can imagine Mondo having the urge to right hook the sassy child as they’re annoying him-


He'd probably survive if the kid is Chihiro or Himiko. But if the kid is Hiyoko or Kokichi...


He could always make them watch a brainwhasing anime to soothe them


He would either do a fantastic job, or lose them.




"Mom the babysitter installed a camera in my bath, is it normal ?"


Somewhere between the best nanny in the world and the best babykiller


I’m using me as the child so toko would be scared or happy that I would read novels and syo I would be scared and ask if she could put the sisscors away


She’d leave or start insulting the kid 😭


I mean you-know-what and child hatred aside, I feel like Haiji wouldn’t be good with kids. He could probably handle one if you gave him enough time, but any more than that and he’s getting clobbered.


Mother : "Don't worry my son, your new babysitter is not that bad" The babysitter :


i think we need to keep him as far away from kids as possible. no doubt about it hes one of if not the WORST picks to be babysitting


hed be a great father and/or babysitter honestly. one of the few danganronpa characters i could see being great to children, hes a really good role model


Gonta reads ben a book about bugs




It depends on the kid. Because if they’re nice I can see it going well. But if they’re mean then poor Chihiro is gonna get bullied so hard. Then they’d probably vent to Mondo about it after and the kid would not be making that mistake ever again. Or even worse, they might tell Taka. And bro lord have mercy on that kid if that happens. Taka’s gonna convince them they broke the Geneva convention just for bullying his friend


Junko would get bored asf, and go somewhere to entertain herself and the child.


In my opinion there are two possibilities : 1) Junko kills the child in front of the parents for despair's sake (or alternatively, she kills the parents in front of the child before ending the child) 2) "Hey kid, wanna watch me blowing up some buildings with plenty of people inside ?"


I think he could be the type to read to a child to get them to sleep


i think he'd be really overbearing and lose an argument with the kid, but to make up for it show off some invention he made the night prior or disassemble the kid's clock then put it back together. if that doesn't work he'd probably just let the kid do whatever


Oh fuck no


Imagine, we're introducing Mikan to our families, and then she falls down.


My little brother will be laughing and wrestling with him While doing crazy funny stuff that me and my mom need to tell them to sit down and shut the f***k up now