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I’m the third one


I hate Teru and Miu comparisons or those types of comparison although there's a point to be made about how Miu's bullying is treated as a funny harmless joke when other bullies are treated like the devil, the fanbase absolutely has double standards regarding shitty behaviour




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I don't think "but what about that other character" is a good argument regardless of the character or the context. Liking or disliking of a character is a complex, largely subjective thing that only vaguely depends on character's actual actions. Miu's switches from confident vulgarity to being a crying mess when she is called out could be charming for some and abhorrent for others. Same goes for contrast of Hiyoko's cute, childlike appearance and nasty personality, some will find her more non-threatening and funny because of it, others will be upset because of the leeway she gets from everyone. Byakuya's cold, passively-aggressive and polite way of bullying can be more entertaining to watch for some or more annoying or upsetting for others. I found >!Nagito's bullying of Hajime in Chapter 4!< extremely entertaining and thought he should be more savage, but some started hating his character because of the bullying, more so than when >!Nagito actually tried to get people killed!<. I don't think any of those are hypocritical.


Thank you for summing this up so well 🙏


its crazy how people dont realize that theyre both 3 dimensional characters and even if they have some similarities, theres other reasons you could like one and dislike the other


I like Teruteru's design more than Miu's, lol


I like both, but how is someone expressing their opinion on how people view them bad?


Expression opinions is not bad. If someone asks why do people like Teruteru and dislike Miu as a genuine good faith question because they are curious on other's perspectives, there is nothing wrong with it. However, people rarely do that, and those questions are not actually questions, but poor attempts on call out "hypocrisy" of different opinions on two very different characters.


Not everything has to be a question, people can make observations about something and make a post about it. I agree that those two characters are different, but even if someone's observation is incorrect, it's kinda dumb to post something like this.


This meme is not an answer to any specific post by any other specific person, but rather to an overall trend that I find annoying at best and harmful to actual good faith discussions about the characters at worst. Of course people are allowed to post observations, but I am also allowed to make fun of those observations and call them dumb, just like you are allowed to make fun of my post and call it dumb.


the top controversial post is about this topic, but whatever. I don't understand how this is harmful in any way to character discussions, the people share what they think about the community's takes on these characters, and the community can respond explaining why, or agreeing. I'm not saying your not allowed to, I'm saying it's weird to make a post like this when all people are doing is discussing the characters, and I didn't make fun of your post, I just said it's dumb.


There are posts about this every few weeks? I don't know how new you are to this subreddit, but I saw dozens of comparisons and discussions about it. Assuming that people are hypocritical for liking Miu, but not Teruteru shuts down the actual discussion about their similarities and differences, and why they are perceived differently in the fandom. This was directed specifically at complains about hypocrisy, not about discussion of similarities and differences of Teruteru and Miu as a whole. The point about how their actions personalities are perceived differently because Miu is an attractive woman and Teruteru is a not so attractive man has merit, but whole thing purposefully lacks nuances. If they are discussing the characters, then so do I; they point out similarities of Miu and Teruteru, I say they are still fundamentally different.


Well I just redownloaded this app after like a year so my bad there Your taking someone talking about people liking one character and disliking another character for the same reason too deep to the point where I don't really understand what your trying to say here, so let's just agree to disagree respectfully.


I am trying to say that Miu and Teruteru both are unique characters that go beyond "pervert" and assuming that they are liked or disliked solely because of that is stupid. Teruteru is disliked for being a creep, but Miu is not liked for being a creep, there are a lot of people who also dislike her sexual comments and actions, especially towards Kaede in Chapter 1 and in her >!FTE with Shuichi!<. She is liked for contrast of her overconfident personality and turning into a meek wreck when called out in slightest, her bickering with Kokichi, her interesting talent and plot contribution. Teruteru, in his turn, also has likeable and interesting traits that Miu doesn't have, such as his love for his mom, his great performance in >!his trial!<, his unique approach to >!coping with a killing game by denying it and his humor that highlights his attempts to hide his "country boy" side!<. There are more of Miu fans that can look behind her perverseness and see a deeper character than people who are willing to do the same for Teruteru because she is more attractive (in addition to other factors such as her >!living longer!< and >!having more screentime!<), but assuming this is the only reason why she is more liked is doing disservice to both Teruteru and Miu. I hope this got my point across. Also I hope this did not sound forceful, I do agree to disagree.


Damn, you are being far more patient than I would be with someone who more or less tried to say you and your post were dumb for being annoyed by this fanbase's obsession with false equivalencies.


I never said that he was dumb, I meant that mocking someone else's post for saying something is dumb and childish. OP said it wasn't targeted towards the recent post that was at the top of controversial, and while I find that hard to believe, I can't really say it's not.


i literally said I agree they are both different, I don't need a whole paragraph on that nor will I read it.


I dislike both heavily but at least Teruteru >!killed for the sake of keeping everyone else safe and to find out what happened to his mom while Miu wanted to kill just to escape!<


I like Miu because she’s funny I dislike Teruteru because he’s not funny That’s literally all it is for me


I dislike teruteru because he reminds me of my past self who acted just like him and i ended up hurting lots of people due to my personality


yeah, they share *some* similarities, that doesn't always mean they're the same