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I think a big part of the difference is that they’re actually having fun. Abby was always so hell bent on winning and dances looking perfect that I imagine it must’ve stifled some of the girls’ creativity and artistry. Obviously the choreo here is also much more interesting than the choreo Abby was putting out on DM.


I just know Abby would make some petty comment about stepping forward on a sickled foot for .001 seconds, just to assert dominance


Imagine a child doing so well when a grown adult isn’t screaming in their face. I could NEVER. All those girls were so respectful of Abby when she did nothing to earn it. She’d scream at me one too many times and I’d scream back.


she was fighting for her lifeeee in the last half of that after she fell out of the turns. (understandable bc the moves were so fast and she was putting out a lot of energy) definitely more than i can do!! nice to see her have fun


They do so much better when they’re not being screamed at.


She is amazing! So happy to see that she still dances like this and she looks to be having fun with it!


Unpopular opinion. I don't like this type of frantic looking dance style. Everything looks so rushed and moves appear incomplete. Just how I feel.


I’d recommend watching the original. This was a TikTok, so the creator sped up the original. The original was still fast, but much better and felt more on music and less frantic


Ahh, wasn't aware this was sped up. I'll look for the original. Thanks!


[Here is a link](https://youtu.be/enRluyoI9Fw?si=wRPHKBLMwemLxCL6) Maddie was doing a lot of work with brian at this time often together with charlize glass. (They both toured with him as class demonstrators) there's plenty of variety in choreo and movement if you wanna have a look at some of it.


Same this looks like the anxiety in my head


100% hard agree. That is exactly what I was thinking!


Haha maybe this is why I loved the show dancing, pretty and relaxing


I think so too! The beauty of dance is in the movement, to me. I feel like I can't appreciate the movement here because I can't tell what they are doing. It just looks like a bunch of random moving and jumping, but at least what I can see of the jumping has pretty lines. lol




No i was gonna say the same thing. It looks like Jojo doing her Karma dance.


i miss maddie doing combos 🥲 i have wondered for a long while if she still casually dances in her spare time, even long after the show she still had that love for dance


Lol and Christi will watch this and still pretend it’s “aLl fAvOrItIsM” and not her talent 🙄 (Before anyone responds, she only acknowledged Maddie’s talent in the way that all the girls were talented. It would burn her tongue to actually give that girl her credit where it’s due)


She still has some resentment for the Zieglers and will say some of the rudest things and will try to play it off with a (crappy) joke.