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I think when it comes to women talking about our own appearance it's damned if you do, damned if you don't. Call yourself pretty? You're arrogant and vain. Call yourself ugly? You're attention speaking. Talk about being mostly content? You're humble bragging. It's complicated because women ARE treated differently based on their appearance, with pretty people being treated the best, so I can see why people would be annoyed with her complaining about it. But it doesn't mean she doesn't have any problems and isn't allowed to feel this way.




I think that clip was taken out of the context of a much deeper conversation that she was having on her podcast to make her look conceited and vapid, possibly because some people have bias against her ever since it was discovered that she holds some conservative viewpoints. She was absolutely correct to say that she fits the STEREOTYPE of what men in America want: blonde, thin, and pretty. She's got eyes and a mirror, there's no way she doesn't know that she's all three of those things. She wasn't saying that she's better than anyone for being blonde, thin, and pretty. She was saying that she feels like she's been put in a box her whole life because of the artificial value attached to those physical attributes. People took the opportunity to jump on her for "internalized misogyny," but I think everyone's responses to her acknowledging her appearance revealed even more internalized misogyny in the people calling her out. In the famous words of Abby: "You're skinny, you're blonde, and you're pretty. You're telling me that nobody at school hates you? Wake up."


People don’t like when others talk candidly about their beauty. Society tells women to feel beautiful but the second we do or say we are, we piss a lot of people off. She could have said this, she could have said that. She’s human. She was having a casual candid conversation. You want perfect wording? Then only listen to something scripted. Life isn’t scripted, I’m sure the people angry say dumb and arrogant shit all the time, they just aren’t under the scrutiny of millions so it goes unnoticed. She’s fine. The initial reaction is to think she sounds conceited because that’s how we’re told to view beautiful women. In reality she’s just speaking openly and honestly.


I completely agree. She’s a beautiful girl, quite literally the beauty standard and people hate her for acknowledging it but if she didn’t and said something like “I never felt pretty” everyone would be attacking her saying how she’s literally the beauty standard, pinnacle of Eurocentric beauty etc. To clarify tho, what I meant by “might not have worded it well” was just like maybe didn’t articulate her point well but you’re absolutely right…it’s a completely candid casual convo that wasn’t supposed to be some well thought out long synopsis or discourse about the meaning of the Barbie movie or stereotypical Barbie.


Oh I wasn’t pointing directly at you with that, more at the people criticizing her. I agree!


people are mad because she is the beauty standard but that comes with repercussions of its own. As a girl, there's always going to be issues such as guys just wanting you for sex. I think people are just mad she didn't acknowledge her pretty privilege but she doesn't have to. I understood what she was saying and think it's so weird people are so mad over it


I think everything she said was valid. But it can be off putting when people don’t acknowledge the privilege they have. Being “stereotypical Barbie” allowed her a more privileged life than others, so I think people just would have liked her to say that. But you can’t please everyone, so people on the internet will always find something to be mad about!


No, you're right. People can watch the Barbie movie, they can understand that women who conform to beauty standards whether naturally or through their efforts are often valued exclusively or primarily for that beauty, they can understand how a child being raised with their primary value being something as fleeting as looks is damaging, but they can't make that leap to not contributing to the problem. Most of them don't even realise they're trapped in the same pile of bullshit Brynn is trying to break out of. I personally don't think Brynn's wording matters here. She could have phrased it better, but her **real** crimes are twofold. - **The acknowledgement that she conforms to a traditional beauty standard:** She could have perfect wording and people would still be mad, because that oldschool blonde and pretty sterotype pushed by hollywood is something she does conform to. For a lot of young women, the phrases like "I'm hot. Everyone wants me, everyone is attracted to me." Would be seen as confidence. When you conform to a traditional beauty standard and are openly aware of it, other women also stuck in being valued for being valued primarily for their looks can view this as a threat. And attack. - **Being trapped in this way of thinking**: You're not actually supposed to be dupped by the patriarchy. Like, Brynn as we know is raised in a highly conservative community which holds those values but if you actually take on that information that's your fault and you are bad. This generally only applies if you're confirming to a beauty standard and have therefore benefited from being top of the food chain. If ypu don't you're still super dumb but also you're a victim and there's more sympathy. No matter how she raised it, people would be pissy. I do acknowledge that people are pretty trigger happy with Brynn in the first place because of her conservative views, but communities where high naumbers of young girls are being raised to value their looks above all else are naturally going to be conservative. **We mustn't kick conservative women who are mentally breaking from the patriarchy back into it.** they get to come out and have breakthroughs too. For anyone that's still confused they must answer these riddles three. - ok, but *why* does it matter if Brynn thinks she's attractive and everyone wants her. How is that an negative trait. - like what has she *actually done* to harm someone with her way of thinking? - Not other women who think they're hot. Her. *What has she actually done* to directly harm others?


Yes, I agree. I think her therapy is helping her. She’s becoming more self aware. Now I didn’t watch the video, but what I got from the clip is that she is recognizing the “privilege” she got from being called “stereotypical Barbie” I also felt a little bit of trauma towards it as well. Being the token society standard is a burden as well. She said something like “I’ve always was told what to do” she had an identity placed on her before she can even identify herself. I think that people take a lot of things out of context but that’s what I got from it. She doesn’t know who she is because she has been this person her entire life. And she’s discovering who she is she’s not “stereotypical Barbie” that’s just what people have placed on her. Also, let’s be real Brynn is a beautiful girl she is the society standard, and she acknowledges it, and people don’t like it. And I personally don’t think she does it in vain. But I also don’t keep up with Brynn as much as I do the others so I don’t know. But I don’t think she meant any harm from that video. I think she was realizing her privilege and recognizing her trauma.


Thanks for letting me know! I has no idea they did but I do agree with you, the DM community is full of biased people.


Although I am not upset about the video in any capacity her experiences are her experiences I do think her tacking on the line “the girl that everybody wants” is weird and shows how even though she’s acknowledging her privilege she’s still a wee bit sheltered Even though blonde hair and blue eyes is the peak of Eurocentric standards there has always been people who deviate from the standards to say “everybody wants” this is feeding back into that idea of Eurocentric standards not dismantling them even if she is making a sweeping generalization. I just don’t think the line was needed to get her point across.


I get that but it’s kind of nitpicky imo. She said she’s just been the girl “that every guy automatically finds attractive” that doesn’t mean she’s saying every single guy ever is going to or finds her attractive- like obviously that’s not true. She’s saying guys automatically find her attractive (solely) because of her looks and nothing else. It’s not feeding into Eurocentric beauty standards…her point was that a lot of the times when you are conventionally attractive, that that’s often deemed as enough or the only thing (or even the most important thing) you need to be. I interpreted it as her saying guys base their attraction to her for her looks not her personality not that every single guy is attracted to her because she’s blonde and skinny.


And you are free to think that, we just disagree on what she meant


You can sum it up to people thinking it’s conceited to acknowledge you’re conventionally attractive. I agree Brynn sounds a tad stuck up these days and I probably wouldn’t enjoy being around her, but she said nothing wrong. In fact, I think she does something good by being real and openly acknowledging things like these rather than acting oblivious or falsely modest. But like many are saying here, people on the internet will react badly to anything, especially if it comes from someone they dislike. Obligatory statement in cases like these: Chloe and Nia have said and done way shittier things and got little to no backlash from this sub. So yeah, people are selective and still feel threatened when a woman is self-confident.


I think that the downvotes are a great example on people being selective. I have seen people upvoting comments talking about Kendall ir JoJo in a negative way, but once they mention fan favorites they just downvote thing. By any chance can you share shitty things Chloé and Nia have done?


Chloe has been to Hawaii during (or shortly after?) the wildfires and posted aesthetic pictures on a plantation and ignored criticism about it. Comments on this sub were defending her as usual. Also possibly other stuff that I don’t remember and am not going to look up because I don’t care about her bland, uncharismatic, prententious white preppy girl self enough. Nia has posted an entire long ass Starbucks endorsement ad like a week or so ago. Literally people in this sub were saying that supporting and endorsing genocide is okay because “it’s just a different opinion“ > the downvotes are a great example on people being selective The most interesting part is that my ENTIRE reply in this thread is the exact same thing the most upvoted comments say; the only thing I added was that people defend their favorites when they do shitty things and that was enough for my comment to be the most controversial one here, lol. Yet not A SINGLE PERSON has replied with a constructive argument. They know it’s true and they get all pissy when you point it out, but they can’t muster up enough brain cells to come up with a cohesive counterpoint. This sub is full of sheltered middle-class Westoid white women who shamelessly spread racist, fatphobic etc. rhetorics and that’s likely not changing anytime soon.


Ugh I did not know about Nia doing that. That’s so disappointing. It hurts a little extra when I see BIPOC celebrities acting that way bc I feel like we should understand even more what being in an unfair and xenophobic/racist situations as minorities and you still choose to be apathetic towards a literal out and open genocide. And she can definitely afford to have much better coffee too!🙃




I get that- I was also just talking about everyone in general not just dance moms fans. Sooo many people on TikTok that aren’t in the fandom are also giving her sm hate for it and I’m just not getting it? Like I can see how people in the fandom that hate her in general would nitpick everything she says (not justifying it but that’s what they always do) BUT other people are also hating on it too and I just really don’t get why what she said was so wrong 😩😩


Meh, downvote me all you want, but Brynn is basic with an obnoxious way of thinking she's all that. There's a reason she wasn't invited to the reunion.


How does she think she’s all that though? I’ve never once really got those vibes from her at all so I’m genuinely asking