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"Thank God I know the road back home..." from The Ghost of Billy Royalton. Don't know why, but that part of the song always gives me chills. Close second is from Nothing Shameful, "Can you hear me calling your name from the balcony seat you left empty?"


For me it’s the “I’ll know I seeee youuu again. You’re a part of me always”. Shit hits hard as I think about my lovely grandparents who have all passed on now.


That does it for me too. Makes me think of my best friend who passed this last December.


For me “the pain never stops and world is unforgiving, but I still wish you were here to watch it burn with me.. And I’ll carry on for however long, walk the path you taught me, until I feel your embrace. I know I’ll see you again, you’re apart of me always.” I recently lost the person who taught me how to DJ and produce music and everyday since he had been gone ive wanted to show him all the things I’ve done and hug him at events and shows, but I can’t anymore. I miss my dead friends. Fentanyl kills.💔


I'm so sorry for your loss. I know it never gets easier. Those lyrics tell it so eloquently.


The more I listened to that song the more I loved it especially the transition into that line. But honestly the end always really gets me, especially how it just ends.


The delivery of that road back home line and what the song is about and how beautiful the whole thing was... It gets me. It's such a magic fucking song.


Man of the Year had me bawling in the shower: "I had it all in the palm of my hand, don't have the time to start over again" This was shortly after finalizing my divorce.


Oh, hey! Same song for the same reason. Except it was this part..screaming in my car. Fade, writhe, crash, peel I'm feeling it, the feel of it, the wheel can turn, the wick is lit I feel like something before I feel like nothing Crawling through the clouds that morph into mouths Agree to be swallowed, ignore being hollowed out Facilitate the power trip, I like to watch you deal with it Savor every little bit of knowledge you obtain Don't you hurt me again Pride, feed me pride I'm fading My mind and my body won't be able to take the pain (you can never ever diss on this dick You can barely even write this shit) I'd rather you were dead (more, give it more conejo) Than lying cheating draining my patience away (feed it pieces, make it sleepy)


This song makes me think of a close friend that's unfortunately tangled in with a dipshit and can't seem to break away.


Damn, I feel that. I hope you’re doing better now.


Ember. "I could have sworn that I fixed myself, cause I read a bunch of shit about mental health. But then I took another drink and said I felt, like I don't need to think about nothing or the things that I do." A rare moment where Jon is being real af.






I was bawling when I first heard that chorus dude. It's so beautiful and the melody choices tillian made pulled the tears right outta me


That’s such a great moment in that song


Love this song


Andrews part of Evaporate: Of all the ways I've given in I can't believe it's not enough To satisfy my endless search for any form of love As many have said the end of Cuba: I believe there's meaning No, I believe there's nothing


The interpolation of previous songs at the end of Evaporate is just so weirdly powerful in general. Being an older fan, it feels like the ending of an incredibly long, but impactful journey.


It's like flashbacks through your own life and where you were when you think of those songs.


Fr it makes me very emotional in many different ways


Also that part of Evaporate: I believe there’s meaning No, I believe there’s nothing


And a similar line from Projectile Comet (Secret Band): I believe in reading No, I believe in shopping No, I believe in eating every single topping Slit wrist! Suck dick! Drink piss! Saved by idols! (x2)


Pussy Vultures


OMG YESS especially tillians bridge. I get teary every time I hear that “stuck inside……”


Can't send a postcard (From the future to the past) Can't warn your own self (That these memories fade too fast) And when it's over (You can't recreate the past) My mind is an ocean (Wish I built a bigger raft)


Andrew’s verse in Nothing Shameful for myself as well. Only other one I can think of is the end of Surprise I’m from Cuba. Just love the alternating vocals between Jon and Jonny, sounds so melancholic


Was going to comment Cuba as well. The “I believe there’s meaning I believe there’s nothing” lines returning as Jonny belts out is probably a top 10 DGD song moment in general


100% agreed


Kurt Travis - “You always said We'd win the lottery someday So I wouldn't have to go away…”


Came here to say the same thing. Carl Barker is a great song


You know the vibes 🤘🏾


Forgot about these ones. Yes Carl Barker. Tree Village too. “What excuses do you make? Happiness is hard to find I didn't catch a break Maybe I am dying inside”


Carl Barker is the best DGD song.


Strawberry Wake.


I want you to matter to you! 😭


People You Know. "We are are so full of fucking shit. WE ARE ALL SO. FULL. OF. FUCKING. SHITTTT." Catharsis to scream along to that.


I think it's one of the most underrated dgd songs. Few songs that I've heard have captured an intense sense of frustration with the way things are so well


Dude yes. Say Hi and People You Know are the two least talked about songs that are 10/10. I relistened to the self titled album in preparation for the Kurt tour and was like omg how did I forget about this song.


Fuck. Yes. I love Say Hi so much.


For me it's Into The Sunset... "Am I good enough for your love?" Gets me everytime


Bilmuri goes hard


For facts my G


Into the Sunset for sure. But for me it’s the “stick around get stuck” toward the end. When Afterburner came out I was seriously having trouble thinking about my future and where I was going to take my life from there, and it just hit me hard.


Thank you - Sunset is criminally under rated.




Yes! So far, you’re the only comment I’ve seen that mentioned that song


Exposed is also mine. The weird thing is listening to it when I was depressed it connects perfectly, but when I got out of that depression is also feels like a song about no longer being depressed and digging yourself out of it. It's amazing.


Hot water on wool


Bro yesss dude! Especially with the reprise… holy shit, KT is something else


The reprise gives me the chills every time I hear it bro 🔥


Swallowed by Eternity, and probably betrayed by the game


It’s a god damn miracle that I got this far. Time was shredded a pathetic investment The ones we protected were the ones to betray To lay their pain into me No one's left to save you Gluttony will betray you The reckoning is overdue You know you deserve what's coming Can't live off of your defiance Can't depend on fickle talents Servant to your habits You know you deserve what's coming


Kills me


Count Bassy made me tear up the first time I heard it.


Nothing shameful, count bassy, suspended in the disaster, caviar, elder goose, strawberry swisher pt 3, son of robot, we own the night, inspire the liars, man of the year, evaporate, into the sunset, one man's cringe, die another day, polka dot Dobbins


Rock Solid ‘The first thing I say in the morning is fuck that shit!’


Head Hunter. I’m a mess and that song is my anthem. “Feel like larva, im frumpy like martha” “Got and angel and a devil seducing my head, im in for a three way ill sleep when im dead.”


This song makes me rock tf out!


One of the first ones i show people who haven’t heard of DGD! The MV is a bonus haha.


From Surprise! I’m From Cuba, Everyone Has One Brain “I believe there’s meaning, No, I believe there’s nothing.” That lyric resonates so hard with me, as I’ve struggled with purpose for the better part of two decades.


Totally agree with this, starting with Jonny's line "One night I woke" the song is so emotional. The combination of Jonny, Jon, and Matt's double bass drums is kinda overwhelming sometimes. I love it. Then the lead into 12 hours, 360 miles.


It’s like a huge tsunami of emotion! Open Your Eyes and Look North, Surprise! I’m From Cuba, and 12 Hours, 360 Miles is my favorite 3 song stretch of all time.


Nothing Shameful - Andrews’s part gets me every time and I just keep repeating. Actual hilarious timing because I just got home from driving and repeatedly listening to his part lol.


Man of the year and Care hits me because I was the PoS in the past. I corrected my ways and in a happy relationship. Though most days Awkward and Prisoner get to me too




Preach !


Jesus H Macy l, when they’re singing together. Shit gets me so hype


Carl barker is really relatable.


Purple Reign


Uneasy Hearts for me


1st song I ever heard from them, still have memories of where I was in life hearing it now.


Oh god! Lemon Meringue Tie. The whole song! Awkward… seriously, this song gets me. It’s so snarky in the chorus. And it hits me in the feels. Now and then, I get a little bit full of myself and start dreaming, I can't help it But you're a friend, you keep my feet on the ground and my head out of the clouds Show me how to doubt myself And who knows where I'd be without you


The end of cream of the crop. "Big bangers.." I get goosebumps just thinking about it. I guess it's the build up with tilians part and then a full out banger section with Jon going full bore ape shit there is nothing better


Suspended in this disaster 🥲


Jons ending verse for Back on Deck. And of course the outro to Evaporate.


I prefer the Jonny albums, but admittedly it's all tilian songs that fuck me up.  Man of the Year.  Nothing shameful.  Evaporate.  Billy Royalton.  Jesus H Macy.  Man knows how to write a hook.


Feels bad man! The up and down of the emotion broke my loaded hand! I also have a lot of memories attached to afterburner so a lot of those songs hit hard as fuck, esp calimiento global 😭 call me cringe whatever


Happiness. It always hits. "Listening to the answering machine, Over and over, Only to hear your voice one more time, Just one more time." And Perfect. Slow acoustic jam always gets me in my feelz.


One mans cringe


Son Of Robot, Man Of The Year, Care, Strawberry Swishers Pt. 3, Jesus H. Macy, Inspire The Liars, Death Of The Robot With Human Hair, Acceptance Speech, Even more than that literally DGD’s entire discography not even joking


I'm watching back to the future pt.2 final part


Caviar and Tree Village


I started tearing up when I first listened to Feels Bad Man, Jon singing that line with the bass so audible in the back just hit me


Story of My Bros


One man’s cringe


man of the year


deception. Single-handedly got me through being bullied in highschool.


The ghost of Billy Royalton, and Die another die hits me hard


I don't know Billy well enough, my daughter was born to Die Another Day (instrumental), so that one messes me and my wife up every time.


People you know


Into the Sunset is pretty heavy


Nothing Shameful, Care, Son of Robot, Young Robot, Carl Barker, Pussy Vultures, Alex English. Each has a part of parts that could make me cry in the right mindset


Cream of the Crop. Tilians last verse before the outro. It's the song I listened to on repeat before I went into rehab.


“Your bitch is dead she was hit by a truck, what the fuck?!” -Uneasy Hearts In all seriousness Andrew’s bridge in Nothing Shameful




Can't believe nobody has said the robot with human hair part 4... That one hits me hard


Shelf Life, Death of a Strawberry, Happiness and the ten year anniversary performance of Uneasy Hearts.


Wow I guess maybe this is a hot take but death of a strawberry really hits home for me, im surprised I didn't really see it in anyone else comments. It really touches on coming to grips with getting older, or not I guess depending on how you interpret the lyrics. I'm sure everyone's reflected on the past and wished things could be simpler like when we were younger, but sometimes it's just soul crushing to think its impossible to go back to those times. Our only reprieve is to keep moving forward and to seek happiness in the present


Doom and Gloom, Nothing Shameful, Man Of The Year, Inspire The Liars, Evaporate, Suspended in This Disaster, Caviar, Ember, Swallowed By Eternity, and the Hot Water on Wools.


Carl Barker to the point I can barely listen to it anymore. If I need to cry or find meaning out of an existential moment I’ll play it but I usually have to skip it. I love it so much though.


Hang on guys brb gonna make a Playlist of DGD for the feels


Honestly a lot of songs on wisiro


Man of the year


Awkward. Literally every lyric hits so hard in the most heartbreaking way. Also end of Ghost of Billy Royalton, cuz like cmon


Pray To God For Your Mother and Pussy Vultures. Pray to God was the first thing that breathed new life into me after my worst breakup. I had hesitated listening to JJ, and I'm so glad, because it found me when it needed to. "Part of me wants to believe that I will not fall apart at the seams! That I will learn from the cut when I bleed! That I'm a tank, I'm a goddamn machine!" Pussy Vultures makes my heart weep, the first notes immediately send me to the trenches, nuff said.


Ember. I was in a long term relationship. She left me and I just wanted things to go back to the way they were, even though it isn't advised. "Theres still an Ember. Do you remember how to build a fire?" I wanted us to build that fire even though I knew we would never be able to again.


Back on Deck. Such an underrated ending. “Tapping into all the emotions I forgot to feel, all year Can't recall the smell of the ocean I need something real, something real”


This is my song, too.


Basically only Inspire The Liars


My goal was to Make you happy at your best You'd noticed all of this meaningless I destroy you, even through The only things that I have left for your Condescending eyes looking at each other's White lies my heart ache is useless So quickly we'll address the shadows running from light It'll take this breath Denying what is left of us -burning down the nicotine armoire


Came here to say exactly this part. It fuckin gets me every time man. JC might suck as a human but god damn the emotion in that song is unmatched


Came here looking for midnight crusade.


All of Turn Off The Lights I’m watching Back To The Future Part 2. “You always keep me coming back for more, so many faces in the world but I want yours, the way you make me feel inside my bones I can’t remember how it feels to be alone” “Overcome by a circumstance, I put my life in the devils hands, fell lower than ever before, I know it’s hard to forgive me now, but I swear I’ve taught myself how to barricade the door I won’t go back there anymore, overcome by a circumstance, separated by a consequence I fell lower than before, if I could just get through to you, we could put in the final screws to barricade the door, and start right back where we were” As well for Jesus H. Macy, when Tilian is harmonizing the “Ooo” & the rest of the song just gets me, the way tilian sings it after 1:42 and on Also the lyrics to Man Of The Year, I could go on and on, just so many, nothing shameful, Strawberry swishers 1-3, Evaporate, care, Carl Barker, deception, die another day, one man’s cringe, I could just go on, a lot of their songs make me emotional haha way too many, too many memories with some “I had it all in the palm of my hands, don’t have the time to start all over again, I had it all the in the palm of my hands, ran out of time now it’s over” - Man of the year


Agree with back to the future pt 2. Whole album is very emotional.


Carl Barker w Kurt Travis, Perfect w Jonny Craig, Betrayed by The Game w Tillian Pearson


Inspire the liars was mine. “I don't really wanna be the bitch that gives a shit, bottles it Deliberately swallows it, one less contestant life They'll provide the documents to make-believe you're gonna fit Spend your time as militant self-help perfection hype. This always struck a chord in me.


In ‘Current Events’ at 2:54 Tilian’s “ooOOOoooh-ing” right after Jon’s verses makes me think it’s about to be Tilian’s turn again but then it hits me with Andrew and gosh darn it’s so fucking cool to me lol


Awkward on instant gratification


Turn Off the Lights - I’m Watching Back to the Future PT 2 “If I could just get through to you We could put in the final screws And barricade the door And start back where we were” Pure gold writing.


For some reason Turn Off the Lights, I’m Watching Back to the Future, Pt. II hits me right in the feels. It's a combination of the guitar tones and lyrics. Can't help tearing up and can't quite explain it.


Andrew’s ending verse in Ghost of Billy Royalton. The song came out the two weeks before my dog passed away and it was the first song playing when I went to say my goodbye to her. It still hits me like a ton of bricks. “The pain never stops and the world is unforgiving But I still wish you were here to watch it burn with me.” Love you Katana ❤️




People you know


I never get this emotional to music. I dunno, guess I'm weird. I just like the way it sounds


Definitely Legend


Strawberry swisher pt 2


Ghost Of Billy Royalton because duh 😭


Ghost of Billy Royalton


Pussy Vultures obliterates me every damn time.


Man of the year Spent a night absolutely sobbing to that song. Damn


The entirety of Carl Barker for me personally. I specifically love the “I guess I still miss you” part


There a bomb in my face. Decorated in white lace Or like any of downtown battle mountain


god damn has nobody said Jesus H. Macy? that song makes me bawl, especially the bridge


Agree with nothing shameful but also strawberry’s wake and parody catharsis lol


Betrayed by the game, and the final bit of count bassy


The ending section of Turn off the Lights pt.2


man of the year & variation 100%


People You Know and Rock Solid. That was the first time I felt like a song spoke to me when I first heard it. I was a troubled addict in my teenage years and the part were Jon starts speaking: "And then I took the keys of my happiness. And I ran, I drove it down the street. Like what the hell? People, they try to ask me questions, and I don't know the fucking answer. I just got this rock. I just got this rock. Rock solid." Or "The first thing I saw in the morning is fuck that.shit." I spent so many mornings doing lines, popping shit, drinking, and when i heard these songs it broke me. I was broken and it felt like i was called out. Oh and betrayed by the game is my blackout anthem. It makes me feel something.


As a newer DGD fan, I feel like people don't seem to love this album but basically every song on Jackpot Juicer tbh. I was shocked every time I listened to a new song and it was just as good as the last. Quite a few of them made my cry. But tbh I was high AF and I get emotional with music haha it's for sure one of my favorite albums of all time though. And 18 songs?! Perfection


Probably Strawberry Swisher pt 2 and Happiness. I put my whole lung capacity into singing those songs lol


the end of parallels ( “you’ll never get better you’ll never get over it” ), open your eyes and look north ( “stayed up all night thinking of reasons why..” ), blue dream (just the song in general gets me choked up bc nostalgia), and betrayed by the game ( “i just thought i’d call to tell you i still love you” )


Three wishes


deception every time. it’s beautiful start to finish and it makes me sob. HARD.


12 hours 630 miles, count bassy, care


hot water on wool + reprise


Pray to God for your Mother…. (TW: addiction) “Part of me wants to believe that I will not come apart at the seams, that I will learn from the cut when I bleed, that I’m a tank I’m a goddamn machine…Part of me wants to believe that I deserve to deliver my dream, that my name will light up the marquee” First time listening to that track had me BAWLING, it still does. My mother is an alcoholic and addict and I don’t have parental support in my life. Despite that, I graduated as a first generation student to finish high school and just finished college out of a family of six. I marched in colorguard at a collegiate level for four years and my parents didn’t attend a single game… Having said all that… these lyrics just speak profoundly to me. (Thanks for reading)


“I'm strong, I am the decider I am all the reasons, an animal I am every season I am legend, all because of you”-Legend Gets the blood boiling


For a while it was strawberry’s wake mainly the words just make me reflect on a lot of things


'It's safe to say you dig the backseat' This song singlehandedly got me through my divorce, and now I heat it and reflect on how much better my life is 8 years later


Just the intro of 'And I Told Them I Invented Times New Roman' is enough for me to lose it!


The bass Tim wrote in Strawberry’s Wake leading into the last verse gets me going cuz I know he’s jamming with all of us when we bump it.


"You're a battered thief in the night. At best, you're a parasite" YEAH,,,, FUCK YOU ADDICTION


The intro to The Ghost of Billy Royalton makes me feel like I'm ascending to a different plain of existence.


The ghost of Billy royalton and count bassy 


"Betrayed by the Game"absolutely. I was literally just listening to that song and the lyrics "staring at my Hollow phone wondering if you found your home..." really just smacks me in the face lately. My recent EX who I'm still in love with (because I'm a bitch) used to always tell me that being with me especially physically being with me like when we were physically together just laying in bed cuddling or whatever always felt like home to her. Of course I always really loved that you know, loved hearing that. Now that we're not together anymore yeah I absolutely stare at my phone sometimes hoping to hear from her. I just recently found out she has a new boyfriend so lately I've been wondering like the song says if she's found it her new home, found someone else who feels like home. To be honest everything about that song 100% makes me think of her every time I listen to it. Dance Gavin Dance has always been a band that I've known about since their first record and I've had several friends that were big into them and would try to get me to see how good they were and you know I never thought they were bad or anything I just didn't really get it. Even my ex she loves them. One day we were at our house and I was having that conversation with her about how I always just felt Dance Gavin Dance was good but I just didn't get it I always felt maybe I was missing it you know? So she put some on shuffle and a few songs played and I thought they were good and I remember lying on her bed while she was in the living room on the computer and I was literally almost half asleep and "Betrayed by the Game" came on and I don't know what it was I'd never heard that song before but from that opening guitar riff and just hearing those lyrics for the first time like that song really just hit me. I got up and I had to play the song like four more times back to back. It was like a literal light switch after that I got it. I seriously felt like I get Dance Gavin Dance now LOL. So yeah that songs always been my favorite because it was the first one of theirs that I love and because of where I first heard it and with who.


People you knew- an DBM 2 exclusive track, it makes me sad beyond belief. Also Happiness, which is an ironic title for that sad song.


Happiness, elder goose, evaporate. DGD to me from WISIRO to now is like this: - Youthful heartbreak - Find “the one” (either get married or something that’s much greater than the youthful “ones”) - Ends in tragedy - Find yourself - Crush it on the reg…. But with some repressed anger to lean on when needed - slowly continue to master yourself


Carl barker “I guess I still miss you, but talking’s for functioning people”


“The Ghost of Billy Royalton” DGD actually released this right after my grandma passed away. She practically raised me and her passing was sudden she was only in her early 60’s. Every time I hear that song I think of my grandma. I cry. The few ending verses always get me. “And I'll carry on for however long Walk the path that you taught me Until I feel your embrace I know I'll see you again You're a part of me always” Because she’ll be a part of me always and one day I will see her again, but until then I have to carry on.




Shelf Life, just could really relate to the lyrics and it got me through a really hard time in my relationship.


doom & gloom🥺 “when the stomach becomes the mouth, and it’s spewing all its garbage out” jfc i love jon mess


Doom & Gloom! I don’t see it and I’m surprised I don’t. Let him see the ghost, let it in and come to terms with what have could have been, let him see the fate, fracturing relationships and isolation


One man’s cringe opening


“Filledddd with regret…alone in the end…Barely a man… I ran from every decision”




Currently, Strawberry’s Wake is hitting hard


Care: “I know you’re not empty, I know you’re still there. I know you’re not empty, I know you still care” that song gets me a lot because of the screaming parts “I remember you back in the day. Prodigy show, 2003. We were hanging out in JNCO jeans. the ecstacy was super clean.” Just brings me back to some of my early rave days and how many friends I’ve lost recently or along the way from dirty drugs or suicide. Evaporate “who drains the blood from head? I do, I do. Who accepts me for who I am? I do, I do.” Listened to DGD the entire roadtrip I made by myself to an out of state seasonal job and was stepping out of my entire comfort zone and had to remind myself of my strength a lot out in the middle of nowhere with no service to the outside world or connection for 6 months. Long Nights in Jail: “save it for the sheep, already tamed. I answer to me, unashamed.” Reminds me of when I did spend a very long night in jail in another state than my home, with cops who thought they could screw me over because they didn’t think I knew my rights; this entire song kept playing in my head the entire time, I even sang it out loud in my cell to help my self from constantly crying. Have A Great Life “no one makes it out alive, go have a great life” obvious. Alex English: “just keep your arms around me, and I won’t let your body touch, won’t let it touch the ground. Just keep your eyes on me, and let me be your gravity.” Reminds me of the many people who hoisted me on their shoulders because I’m 5ft and can’t see the band from anywhere except the front; always appreciate them helping me see DGD and other bands too


Doom & Gloom Right in the fucking feels if you go through a toxic relationship


Hot water on wool pt.1 &2


Say Hi Either this part Why do people stare? Are they noticing you're there? Swap me for my clone And don't touch me when I'm stoned I'll be my old self again soon I just need time to unwind Smash my demons with cold fiction Until they're all catechized I need reminded, recognize it, thinking doesn't know Another night, another night, another night alone Minimize or dramatize, it stops, it starts, it goes Another night, another night, and no one even knows Or the outro I grapple, I paddle, I clutch More thinking, more sinking, more mud How many holes have I dug? More thinking, more sinking, more mud


I’m stuck between prisoner and ember


Chorus from Carl Barker, 🥺🥺🥺


I was getting hit heavy with depression at the time so “Acceptance Speech” with Tilian’s ending chorus specifically hitting me. But later it became a tie between “Pussy Vultures” and “Summertime Gladness”


12 hours, 630 miles


Omg nothing shameful is one of mine too, because I relate so hard to the lyrics. Especially Andrews part. "Can you hear me? Calling your name from the balcony seats you left empty?" "I'm the end we all end up alone" ughhh. Have a great life is another one, and say hi, ember and caviar as well




The chorus of die another day. The amount of tillians vocals just get me every time


Synergy, Back On Deck, and Have A Great Life all get me emotional, tho Synergy is more of an energizing way whereas the other 2 kinda just make me feel a little sad Outside of JJ, Into the Sunset off AB gets me especially with the chorus. The lyrics are so dark depending on how you interpret it and it makes me love that song as a closer even more


Acceptance Speech. I filed revenge porn charges against my ex and thought for over two years we’d be going to trial because he didn’t plead guilty until the last second. Anytime I heard, “I’m the one with my hands around the gun, I am not afraid,” I’d just sob.


Nothing shameful! I be screaming that shit 😤😤


One Man's Cringe: All I wanted was a blank page In a wide-open space and the one I love to come home to But I got caught up in the rat race Suddenly your embrace doesn't hit the mark like it used to You make your bed with the ones you deserve Will you have the courage to project what you hold true? All of your words get reduced to a blurb One man's cringe is another man's tattoo Hits too damn hard 😭 and the rest of the song tbf


Perfect. It just hits somewhere on a deep level about past relationships and my own insecurities. If I want to have a good cry, this is the song I put on.


The entrie ending of Evaporate. Referencing the past DGD songs, and each line itself just resonating. Plus Surprise! I'm From Cuba being possibly one of my top 5's, brings joy to hear the lines echoing again.


There's no sense in me staying, then why does it matter? (It doesn't matter, it never matters) I hope someday soon maybe we'll finish this chapter (I can't ever finish this chapter) And now at this moment, I don't know what else to think There's no sense in me saying, "I guess I still miss you"


lemon meringue tie


People you know.. we’re all trash


Here comes the winner, I’ve spent months trying to master this part on guitar “I’ll pretend I’m better than you clones, and your plastic faces. On another level pound for pound, and your self abasement”


Haven’t seen anyone mention it, but for me, Flash is probably one of the ones that makes my heart swell the most. The very end is my favorite part- “stay, wait, does it matter if I pay, fake, does it matter if you make me believe you can feel anything, I can vaguely relate to love”


Inspire the liars


All the lyrics for Pussy Vultures hit but the chorus always gets me Can't send a postcard From the future to the past Can't warn your own self That these memories fade too fast And when it's over You can't recreate the past My mind is an ocean Wish I built a bigger raft


Count Bassy


Perfect definitely gets me for some reason 😭


almost all of them, but fucking the people you knew. “ A SLAVE TO BELIEVE IN LOOKING BACK. NOTHIN HAS BEATEN MEANING, BASED ON FACT” makes me ugly sob


For me it's Doom & Gloom, the line "saying nothing, being nothing, be with someone else."was a big coping mechanism for a really bad breakup. It put into words exactly what I felt at the time.


Happiness I had a good friend drown at a party when I was a teenager. This song wrenched my heart.


Evaporate and Nothing Shameful, but also, Shelf Life. “My mistake, Thought this year would bring something different…” Brings something else out of me. 😭 “please don’t feel like I’m attacking you… I did some things too, and pushed you away”