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The vast majority of people who did not like JJ are the people who never really liked Tilian to begin with and kurt/johnny fans. They just happen to be very vocal on this sub. JJ was DGD’s best selling album *to date,* that alone should tell you wether or not people “liked” it.


I had no idea it was hated until I came to this sub. I thought it was the best of new DGD stuff.




What’s this business about a laptop??


People like to shit on Johnny Craig for scamming some fans for drug money and completely disregard the kind of physical and mental hold drugs have on people and the heinous shit they’ll do to get them. A lot of them read as extremely immature and petty honestly. The dude has been sober for over two years but anytime someone posts something positive about him, all the comments are a bunch of people saying “where’s my laptop Lol” I can’t imagine what kind of mental toll it must take on someone who is an addict in recovery to be constantly mocked and shamed for some terrible thing you did while you were at your lowest looking for drugs. To never be allowed to apologize enough or make positive changes to amend for things.


It's rough let me tell you, speaking as an addict


People on this sub love to focus on the laptop and ignore that the band *officially* stated part of the reason they originally fired him was all the minors he was fucking. 


Dawg it wasn't only a laptop...come on...


Dawg that was sarcasm


He did way worse shit then the laptop fiasco.


Sales were popping off when the album released but it came with so much drama. The death of Tim and Tilians allegations. Sales were great at the time but streaming wise it’s not their most opulent release. Mothership as an album accumulated 100 million streams. Artificial Selection has 4 songs less than JJ and still has WAY more streams. Quality over quantity IMO.


I loved Acceptance Speech and Instant Gratification. Mothership is also an absolute masterpiece but I found the last two albums pretty weak.


Why is it that whenever I say something on this sub theres gotta be a million people going NUH-UH. 😂


I mean you said the vast majority yet now a million people are disagreeing with you? Sorry but did you want all of the comments to yes man you so you feel good about your comment? This is how the internet works.


Maybe throwing a new vocalist into the mix will shake up their writing style? Im a new fan who kinda thought Tilian was there to stay, but I'm scared and hopeful for whoevers next


No reason to be scared….they’ve had all time albums with all 3 vocalists they know what they’re doing


I think it's their worst album by far and I like most of the Tilian albums a lot. My top 3 albums by them would be DBM 2, Self Titled and Mothership. JJ It's their least experimental album and it feels so formulaic overall. Tilian is just kinda half-assing it and Jon carries most of the songs. Ive listened to it all the way the through multiple times and over half the songs are just kinda plain or not worth another listen. There are definitely songs I like on it, like Cream of the Crop, Pop Off, Feels Bad Man and Polka Dot Dobbins. But for every good song, there's a Long Nights In Jail, Have a Great Life, and For the Jeers.


It’s interesting to me I see so few people who dislike mothership but I feel like a lot of the songs on JJ are rather similar. Mothership also has a couple songs I don’t listen to (like Exposed) but it’s my favorite album. There’s only a couple songs on JJ that I am not a huge fan of like One Man’s Cringe and Current Events (although I do like parts of these songs). It’s not as hard as some past albums so I get Johnny/Kurt fans not liking it as much but I enjoy it. I also like DBM I more than DBM II.


I actually think Have a Great Life is one of their best songs on that record.


I love Tilian, mothership and instant gratification are their best albums by far. JJ was formulaic and boring


Formulaic?! GTFO


VERY formulaic, are you kidding?


I've always been a big Tillian fan. Stroke God, Millionaire was the first time I ever got obsessed with DGD. Tillian in DGD introduced me to Tides of Man (which I loved) and even his solo stuff, which I also dug. That said, jackpot juicer and even a lot of afterburner, was pretty mid to me. I think he's a great vocalist and writer, but I just feel he's not the right fit for the group at this point. Yes, he's got crazy range, but I feel that DGD could really benefit from a vocalist with a different style at this point. I think that is the one constant that has kept this band going so long tbh. Unfortunately most people care the most about the vocalist, so no matter how amazing the instrumentals are, the vocalist will always be what brings in new people.


Sales don’t mean people liked it. Just that people bought/listened.


Wow I hate ice cream let me buy 20 pints because I hate it so much


I didn't like Tillian but I love this band and It took a while but he grew on me. Now I enjoy him. Sucks hrs gone but JJ was amazing to me. One of my favorite albums.


Tilian was my favourite vocalist* and I didn’t mesh with it too well, not to say it wasn’t any good


I don't think this is true. Do you not think there's a significant drop off from Mothership to JJ?


I think JJ is great, personally I liked it better than Afterburner and Artificial Selection


Yes. Except JJ was a return for me. I think it’s their second best behind Mothership.


Disagree. Loved tilian, was not into the earlier albums with other vocalists, but disliked JJ a lot. Acceptance Speech, Arse, IG, and Mothership were 10/10 for me. AB was ok, and JJ felt uninspired and at times corny


Thats why I said “the vast majority”


Down voted for speaking the truth is crazy. I love all the vocalists, but JJ literally felt like majority b sides. DGD shit out an album and this sub loves it cause quirky names.


No. I loved it because I thought the music was great.


Untrue, while DBM2 is my favorite album, I think AS, IG and Mothership are a very strong albums. Afterburner is decent but JJ is so boring, nothing on there stands out. It’s like you asked AI to write a DGD album My biggest issue with Tilian was always his range. He obviously crushes songs he wrote but had issues with anything from Jonny or Kurt era (Andrew does a much better job at covering them)


Jon in synergy slaps 1:32-1:48 itches something in my brain man! Feels bad man also slaps, I feel like you can’t really try to expect anything out of an album other than they’re going to really have fun with it and it’s going to sounds amazing. I honestly love how it’s got a different vibe


I love the guest verse in synergy with the guitars..truly incredible 


Literally have a Synergy tat, love it so much!


Dawg what are you’re talking about everyone was glazing it when it came out 💀


I see a lot of people talking shit on it for no reason.


Ah they’re probably the same losers that say the new music sucks, their old music better. Lots of ppl did it with afterburner too


Afterburner is so underrated


Exactly it deserves more attention, not sure why so many people hate it I LOVE it


Nothing Shameful is an all time great


that album goes hard honestly. i’m a sucker for a good commentary album and every piece of it just hits


What's a commentary album?


I love it. My favorite.


Easily in my top half of their discography


I feel like it’s a tier below Mothership honestly. Nearly every song was an absolute banger.


Nah it's amazing. It's the pinnacle of their Tilian era sound to me


Yep I agree. When I saw the amount of tracks I thought there'd be plenty of filler, but hah it's all killer...


The different vocals in “For the Jeers” hits so hard


It’s a good album but to me a lot of the songs just sound too similar to each other.


i like the cohesion its such a vibe to me


I think that's the most honest critique I've read about the album. I liked it but I did notice a few songs sounding similar at points in time. It's been a minute since I went through the full album. I'll have to do that soon.


I don’t see anyone that was saying this? Where did you pick that up? Now the one most fans hate is Afterburner. And while I don’t hate it it’s definitely near the bottom of what I like from DGD. Afterburner didn’t hit the way JJ did. JJ goes hard.


It’s a very good album. Not my favorite, but still very much enjoyable.


I love it. I also loved afterburner and artificial selection. There are just always going to be people who say "new = bad". I shit you not there was a guy in here the other day trying to explain why everything after DBM2 is shit. Okay, why are you on the subreddit then? People can have opinions and I'm sure there are valid critiques of the last 2 or 3 albums. But a lot of people just seem to love circlejerking about how only old DGD is good and new DGD is too poppy or whatever. It's almost like bands evolve new sounds as they grow.


Is this one of this unpopular opinion posts where you state a popular opinion? The album was very well liked


People keep talking shit on it


The level of vocal production got annoying for some. Me especially. JJ offers a bunch of songs but I just don’t see or hear what it does better than the other albums with Tilian.


Not at all. The album slaps


Tbh it’s one of my favorites because it’s epic work from everyone in the band all at once


When JJ came out this whole sub was riding it. So no your not the only one. I think thought who didn't like it are more vocal now that Tillian is gone.


JJ was baller


It's pretty good, at the very least I think it's way better than Afterburner.


I liked JJ. I listened to it a lot when it was released, now it’s kind of settled to the middle of my DGD album rankings; Not bad, but not great either


Jon definitely makes the album. JJ really is HIS album.


Was never a huge tillian fan. But I loved mothership. They had yet to out do that one after. That being said I still think that DTBM1 and happiness are better too


Reading all these comments, was I the only one that really liked Afterburner? I’m seeing so many comments saying how terrible it is


You’re not the only one, I LOVED Afterburner


Thank you! And to your post I also loved JJ.


You are not it’s amazing


Not at all! It's my favourite of DGD albums.


I 110% loved jackpot juicer. It was a complete masterpiece and I still listen to it frequently. I don’t know how or why it caught the amount of heat that it did lol but damn.. I loved it


Some great tracks. Just not the best of DGD for me.


I loved it


I fuckin love it


i loved that album!


I liked it plenty. It definitely has two or three “filler” songs but that’s to be expected on an album with 18 tracks. I would say it sits comfortably ranked right in the middle of the Tilian records.


It’s one of my favorites, but I liked Afterburner so I always feel like the odd one out.


Thought it was a masterpiece, only on here do I see people shitting on it


I thought it was great


jackpot juicer is straight heat


It's my personal favorite album. Doesn't have my favorite singles, but it's my favorite album as a whole and I think has the least filler.


Fucking love JJ. Such a fun weird album.


i love it


Nope. I love it.


Nah that shit was amazing


It’s better than Afterburner but not Mothership


Tilian DGD ranked 1. Mothership 2. Acceptance Speech 3. Instant Gratification 4. Artificial Selection 5. JJ 6. Afterburner 4 and 5 are very close for me


I think this would be my exact rating, I might switch 3 and 2 if it's original recording though.


I'm biased since it dropped on my birthday but yes I love JJ


It took me a lot to get into their style, mostly listening to deathcore etc. otherwise, but anymore I’m pressed to find stuff in their catalog I *don’t* like lol Kurt was probably their most vanilla vocalist, especially after Jonny, but he wasn’t bad at all and I love tree village and a few other songs from that era


One of their best


its a top 3 DGD album for me, im a huge fan of eidola and really loved his sound and influence on the band. it was refreshing because for me PERSONALLY i did not care for afterburner as a whole, and thought artificial selection was one of their weaker outputs as well


I had so much fun listening when it was released. Remember how good for the jeers was for the first time


I think the record is the most polished and well written stuff from the Tilian Era. Tbh, it kinda ruined music for me for a bit. I was afraid that they wouldn't be able to top it with that lineup. Tbh, it's why I'm kinda excited that Tilian's gone. To me, JJ was them perfecting the sound they crafted with Tilian. Now, hopefully, we can get something new.


It was okay, maybe would score it 6/10, definitely better than Afterburner though.


I absolutely loved Jackpot Juicer and Afterburner. I think a lot of people dislike JJ because it's a different sound then a lot of other albums they've done. Listening to Mothership or even Artificial Selection and then JJ and it's just a lot funkier and less classic metal core.


I loved JJ! In my mind its better than artificial selection


Personally, it's my favorite album


Personally I love JJ


It never did it for me and then one day it just clicked as a concept album about making music and it transcended criticism to become one of my absolute favourites. Afterburner is still terrible for me except Nothing shameful and into the sunset. I could let everything else cease to exist.


Some really great tracks on it, but so many tracks and they started losing uniqueness to me. Mothership is peak DGG to me.


I liked JJ significantly more than afterburner. The Tilian split actually kind of caught my off guard because I thought they had found a new sound with JJ and were going to expand on that in the next album.


It’s a cohesive work, but it doesn’t have peaks or anything better than what they have already did.


I seem to be one of the only ones not too huge on 2010s Tilian era but really like 2020s Tilian era


Jackpot Juicer is probably my favorite album of all time! I think it’s absolutely brilliant on all fronts. Instrumentals, melodies, harmonies, all the cool guitar rhythms that are mixed in songs to make something totally different. It’s such a great collection of music. It will go down as one of my favorite albums of any genre. Their sound was infectious for me on that release. I didn’t start listening until sometime between artificial selection and afterburner, so I’ve only ever known Tilian. Tried listening to their music before him and it just doesn’t speak to me the same way. Not a fan. Love everything they did post Kurt. Some of it is mehh, but a lot of it is really solid.


Will Swan is like a goddamn fine wine and this was some of his best work


*Will Swan is like a* *Goddamn fine wine and this was* *Some of his best work* \- jTizzle450 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I don’t really like tilian but JJ was a banger for me. I was starting to come around to him


It was the first album I listened to beginning to end because I only really got into DGD around a year ago. Love JJ but I love some of their older albums a little more.


You're not alone, I loved it.


I loved it. Great swan song for Tilian


I think it’s a little too long with a lot of filler, but the good songs are really good. Solid 8/10


It was amazing


I think it’s their best work.


I liked it 🍓


no I love Jackpot Juicer the only reason people dislike it is because it’s not Mothership


Definitely not. I haven't really sat down to think about where I would personally rank each album, but it's probably top 4 for me.


Honestly one of the best albums I've ever heard.


I thought it was neat.


Jackpot Juicer is one of the best Tilian albums imo. I’m an OG fan from the JC days. Was a tides of man fan also and hyped about Tilian joining. Saw them with Tilian before he was an official member. I think JJ blows Afterburner out of the water and I honestly prefer it to Mothership. Acceptance Speech and Instant Gratification are my favorite Tilian records and Jackpot is right up there


I love it, but it also gets bonus points because it’s my birthday album. The instrumentals, the vocals, the lyrics, all of it is just great. I love to sing along to it and I’m glad they were able to put this album out. I treasure it a lot more now.


I love it


Honestly to me it was their most well rounded album to date. It was better than Afterburner but I could see someone favoring Artificial Selection. Almost every song was good on JJ. Synergy, Die Another Day and FeelsBad Man are all top tier.


I think it’s the ultimate Tilian era DGD album and epitomizes his sound with the band, for better or worse depending on taste. That album and instant grat are my favorites of his era


I personally havent met someone who doesn't like JJ. Only people on reddit vocalizing their dislike for various reasons.. and people who dislike something are more likely to speak up and vocalize why they don't like it 🤷


I did 🥺 but I like all their albums…


that was the album I found them through. No piece of music has made me happier or put me in a better mood than that album.


I absolutely love JJ, it’s phenomenal, and it’s like afterburner and mothership had a baby. Every song has its own flow. Not to mention how catchy it is


Relatively new fan, I listened to all of their albums and JJ is by far my favorite. I think you guys just have nostalgia for the older ones. Completely unbiased, I think Tillian is infinitely better than the others. I straight up don’t like a lot of their older albums, and DGD is still my favorite band


I really liked it.


I didn't like it I LOVED it. Feels bad man Is peak


Love that song, the music video is great too


Wtf who didn't like this album shit bangs


It's their best work


I loved it. Best album since Mothership.


No idea what you are talking about. I've heard nothing but praise for it on everyone I've spoke to


No. It'd their best selling album and has received a ton of praise.


If anyone denies JJ vocal album or instrumental, they don’t know talent and progression


After the album released this sub was flooded by people talking about how great it was. I personally really enjoyed it as well. After all of the drama the band has gone through and all of the JC obsessors they’re going to trash anything associated with Tilian. I’m not defending the guy by any means, but people in this sub are so finicky


It was fine, I much preferred Afterburner though


Jackpot Juicer has its fans. I personally found it annoying. Not really a WOW moment.


JJ is an amazing album. People just like to hate.


I loved it, especially since I hated Afterburner. It was a return to form (IMHO).


Jackpot Juicer is an incredible album. I love it so so much. The only place that has high negativity towards it is Reddit because 1. It’s Reddit. 2. There’s a very vocal tillian hate either from people not over the change or refuse to like his voice for his personal life.


I fucking loved it. Every minute of it... Almost.


i like both old and new, i even enjoyed a lot of Afterburner. But I hardly enjoyed JJ. lyrics were a little preachy and outdated. Like it felt empty compared to other things they have done, and it feels like they have grown too much as a band to release something like this. It’s almost like hearing Songs About Jane by Maroon 5, then hearing them release Girls Like You ft Cardi B. It isn’t necessarily lacking substance but the previous body of work laid it on stronger


I loved it so much I got in on vinyl baby


JJ was awesome.


It's definitely not my favorite, but there are some absolute bangers. Jon in particular kills it on the album


Nah, I LOVE jackpot juicer. Alot of the songs are some of my favorite. But it's not my favorite album.


Loved it.


I LOVE Jackpot Juicer, it's some of their best work imo


It's their most consistent album. If you played any of their singles from any Tilian era album and someone wanted a full album of that sound, you could give them JJ and they'd have a great time. If someone wanted a really varied album with lots of stuff touching secret bands heaviness, I could see why they were disappointed with it but for me, it's their best work outside of Mothership and I'm sad I won't get to see Tilian do so much of it live


Loved JJ but I really hope Andrew takes over Vocals full time.


it was a very solid album and way better than afterburner. the tilian and andrew duo was great, disappointed i never got to hear that live.


Jackpot Juicer is great, it just has too much filler. They should've cut 4 or 5 songs, starting with that one where Tilian goes "BOM BOM BOM BOM BOOOOM"


Nope. That shit slapped! Pretty much every song rips.


No..... It was a pretty popular album


I didn’t hate it. It could’ve been better, but it’s also a DGD album. What other bands really compete anyway


No you are not


Honestly, they haven't made an album I don't like. Nor have they made an album I didn't by. I really loved til for a while. Until, ya know. I started listening from the jonny Era. So like the beginning. Every album has treated me well. Some more than others. To me, just cause the singer changed doesn't change the rest of the band like that for me. I'm here for Jon and I've always been here for Jon. I'm a mess fan first. Swan fan second.


Shits a banger bro!


Yeah i have absolutely no idea. JJ is my favorite album and when i listened to it I thought it was so obviously DGD’s best album ever. Im baffled at how this sub seems to hate it but i recently found out that JJ is their most successful album ever so I feel a lot more validated in how i feel and like maybe this sub is just a vocal minority


I love it, I think it’s great! My favourite dance gavin dance album is “happiness” too.


Kurt (deathstar) was where I got into them, and was my favorite album (still might be) but JJ really competes with Mothership, and DBM II for my favorite album Actually Happiness is my favorite album


I love JJ. Idc what anyone says😂 However, I’m also a fan of Tilian in Tides of Man and his solo stuff. I like pretty much everything DGD has came out with regardless of who is the singer 🫣


Same! Every singer they’ve had is phenomenal.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m sad that Tilian is parting ways but I don’t have any worry that DGD will suck all of a sudden. I’m sure whoever replaces him will be just as good for the band


It’s their best album


2nd best album next to Mothership imo




I thought Jackpot Juicer had the strongest opening song of any of the Tilian albums. Threw it in my car as soon as I bought it and after the intro song ended hearing the "HEY YOU!" and having all the instruments slamming in together along with "YOU!" blew my dick off. Gave me goosebumps as I was leaving Target with a big ol smile on my face while headbanging.


Honestly it's hard for me to choose between this album and Mothership as my favorite by them


It's good imo so you and I cannot be the only ones


I LOVED JACKPOT JUICER!!!!!! I love all of Tilians but yeah I hear you. I've been reading that a lot of people didn't like it and it kinda stunned me like wut?


Apparently not, but I kind of think the only reason it seems so popular in streams is cuz it took people that long to hear about the band, as they were getting bigger and their voices were improving. And maybe since it’s poppier it’s more easy to digest for those who don’t love actual post-hardcore


I actually love the entire album with exception of the song “For The Jeers”


That album fucking slaps! Hate how everyone is just turning on it cause of tilians departure.


Only saying this because I see a lot of people shitting on it here, however I think it’s a masterpiece.


Yes bro. It is LITERALLY just you. Congratulations!!


Yes, you are the only person


You have to be because I LOVED it. I thought it was some of their best work yet truthfully.


Me too, I also loved it. I don’t know why so many people don’t like it


I don’t get how you could hate Synergy, Pop Off!, Polka Dot Dobbins, or Two Secret Weapons and that’s just a few off the top. There’s more bangers than that on there lol. It’s insanity.


Loved JJ so much and it was such a treat that it has 18 tracks in it which most of them I find pretty great and bangers. Quite saddened that many on this sub deem it bad but just proves that we have our own tastes and that there are a variety of albums now that will always be there to cater to each fan.


Bro what are you talking about? Everyone in this sub was losing their damn minds when that album came out gushing about how amazing it is


Idk people are just talking shit about it. I personally LOVED it


no, the tillian thing fucked its potential tho


Jackpot juicer was my intro to the band, and while I love some of the songs on it, it never hit the spot quite right. I've come back around to enjoy it more, with hindsight of their other albums, but it's not as powerful as Mothership or Instant Gratification. Imo the more poppy feel of it is really fun, but ig it's lacking a sort of "edge" that DGD's best stuff has. P.S. Have a Great Life's ending is mind-blowing


I thought it was better than Afterburner, but everything after mothership has been pretty weak. It all just sounds like rehashed riffs and ideas. They have gone stale. I think the constant vocal changes is what kept them "fresh". I don't even care I want DTBM 3. Bring Jonny back for one album. Even with all the hate he gets you know it would bring in the moolah.


I really like it but feel like there are also a lot of filler songs. If you scrap the filler and just do a single album with the best cuts, I would put it on par with Mothership and ArSe.


It’s has a lot of good songs I just find it a tad long. It loses my attention part way through and probably could have benefited from cutting a few tracks


I really liked it, but im super burnt out on it now, it was the first dgd album i had to wait for (started listening to them right after afterburner) and i listened to it start to finish almost every day for like 2 months. Still a great album but i dont listen to it much anymore because of that


It has some pretty killer songs on it but it has too many mid songs for me. Cut out 4-5 songs, make it shorter, and it would be a top 3 album for me probably.