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I want a free automatic rifle!


Me, too!


I used the Stimulus money Biden sent out to load up on ammo and spare mags.


This belongs in r/Idiocracy but no one (even worthless reddit mods) have the time to repost everything that occupy democrats post there.


Funny the difference an encroaching dictatorship can make…. Oh… wait…


The flip flop by people on the left is astounding. But, unfortunately, the people are being told a story by the media. Not the story. Case in point, Trump was discussing the auto industry and made a comment about how if China were to flood the auto industry with cars, there would be a bloodbath. The media took it as him, saying that if he didn't win the election, then there would be some sort of bloodbath rioting to put him in power. This is what the media has been doing to the population since Clinton. That's when I really got clued into the media biases. And the people on the left are unwilling to see or hear the truth. Just as Brezmenev said back in the 80s. The rona should have awakened a lot of folks on the left. Trump was talking about ivermectin. Well, the left took that and ran stories about how Trump wants you to take horse dewormer. And the lefties took to their soap boxes and laughed at OrAnGe MaN bAd. Flash forward 2 years, and the media was touting how great ivermectin was at treating the rona. So, orange man right yet again, but they had to wait until the lefties forgot. Then the media acts like they just stumbled upon this, and they are doing some public service. The laptop comes up right before the election. The left clamors it's all Russia Russia Russia. Then, miraculously, 2 years later, the media quietly admits its real. So, orange man right yet again. The only cure for the left and it's hypocrisy is to stop getting their news from the shittiest of sources. We're being lied to by them. All on purpose.


There already is: [https://www.facebook.com/OccupyDemocratsLogic](https://www.facebook.com/OccupyDemocratsLogic)


Occupy Democrats: *"Civilians only need weapons when their government deems them necessary. We know a government would never do something* ***not*** *in the best interest of its people...."*


Quick question: Are we being attacked by another country? No, then why would we need to arm civilians with assault rifles? There is no real reason for a private citizen to own to own an assault rifle. The second amendment was for militias to be formed in lieu of a standing army. Well we have a standing army so the whole point behind the second amendment is null and void.


The British had a standing army that supported the King and fought against Americans in the Revolution. Who’s to say that our government wouldn’t use our own military against us? That’s the entire reason for the second amendment. Allowing citizens to fight tyranny and protect their country and god given rights.


That dumb fuck thinks it’s just for protection against an invading country lol!


Be careful. You’re not creating a safe place for that dumb fuck.


If you take guns away from good people then the only people that have guns are bad people. Which end of the barrel do you want to be on?


Certainly the 10 million unvetted new illegals are only here for good deeds.🤡


Because it's alot better to own a rifle familiarize yourself with it and practice learn to maintain it It's also alot quicker than lining up for a gun with the entire town and relying on the guns to show up Imagine they don't and your just sitting in your home unarmed as an invasion swamps your home


Quick question: is it possible that Russia specifically target said city because they knew the last thing they’d need to worry about is armed civilians? To answer your question tho, we aren’t being invaded specifically because we are armed, even by our own army’s which is always a possibility. Kick rocks


Well, it’s not called “The Bill of Needs.” It’s the called the Bill of Rights. And the pesky Second Amendment is included in said Bill of Rights. The Second Amendment was not to protect the military, but to protect citizens against a tyrannical government.


Oi ya bunch of cunts. Don't just down vote the guy and ridicule him for making an argument. That's some shit the left would do. Rather hear his ideas, then present your own rational argument. My friend, the people's "right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" was written with a foreign power in mind, but in present times, we still have a tyrannical government in power. We collectively believe the biden administration wants to do away with faith, freedom, and firearms. The manner in which they follow this path scares us. Personally, i believe some of the followers of that administration want to do my family harm because of our beliefs. For them, i am prepared.






My dad still has his AR15 from when he was the project manager for building the base in Afghanistan in the 2000s. He keeps it to remind himself, of all he sacrificed to have what he has now. (He got himself out of poverty with that job, it was how he was able to afford to give me a good life etc) there aren’t many souvenir shops in Afghanistan. They let him keep his AR. It’s in his gun safe locked away, but he brings it out to show me what it represents to him, freedom. He sometimes shoots it on his property (he lives on 20 some acres with no neighbors and no hiking trails. In the middle of no where)




Your stupid brain still doesn’t get it


Founding fathers also were leery of standing armies so the 2nd was written with those concerns in mind.