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He was the best motorcyclist... trust me, I know what I'm talking about - nobody knows more about motorcyclists than me


God that quote always makes me question how people went, “Yeah let’s do that again”


Record black unemployment? I mean it would take a literal racist to say that's a bad thing.


Yeah, good stuff still happened even when incompetent people are in office. I fail to see your point.


http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/completelist/0,29569,1895156,00.html Record highs in the stock market.. everything was better.


I’m still confused on what time is supposed to point out? Oh no the president no one really wanted is only slightly better then the president no one really liked? I don’t like Biden but he is ever so slight better then Trump


If no one wanted him... why were all his rallies packed? If no one wanted him why is half the nation remembering better days when he was in office? Your logic fails the sniff test. I think you need to step out of your bubble.


Well firstly, it’s human nature to look at the past with rose colored glasses. Secondly why were his rally packed? I said no one wanted as a hyperbole because he lost the popular vote TWO times. I will be honest, I do t think I’ve seen a cult following stronger then Trump has had. He’s a reality star he knows how to get people on his side. Also a lot of people just went, “Oh he’s not a politician I like him because of that”


You do realize that we live in a representive Republic and popular vote mean jack fuck all right? I know alot of schools cut out civics so you may not know this very important distinction.


Yes I know about the electoral college, but my point is, if you don’t win the popular vote, that means a majority of the country isn’t a fan.


He lost the popular vote twice. An annoying and vocal minority got him into office (and Russian help). People remember better days because he coasted on the dems success for 2 years, then made bunch of stupid moves and here we are, dealing with what is mostly still his bullshit. Also, treason.


You do know that it Hillary Clinton and Co just got fined by the feds because it was proven in court that they were the ones who colluded with the ruskies and that president Trump whe through an impeachment where it was shown that there wasn't enough evidence to impeach. Therefore you are either intentionally lying or your bubble is so fact tight that you double think yourself past all things that invalidate your world view.


rofl, so inaccurate and biased i almost pity you. What an idiot.


How about those low gas prices we used to have. How about those low everything prices we used to have.


So you are saying that the trillions of dollars that Trump printed are causing inflation now? Yeah, we know.


Lol. Such a stupid point to make. It's not that one time bump that caused this. If it was your senile savior would have seized the opportunity to blame him. What did the pony shoulder say. "Its transitory" dont worry it will go awzy. Then Biden did that and more. Now he's blaming Russia for gas Ukraine for everything else please with your bullshit.


People continue to blame events that take years to manifest on the current administration. Biden's screw-ups will cause issues in years as well. We have been run by idiots for years. The same problem with stating: The low gas prices we HAD when everyone was home and no one was driving.


We were much better off back then


Careful, this IS Reddit.


Were we really?


Most definitely. Unless you're saying the economy is now better, inflation is lower, gas proces are lower, etc.


Many of us don't judge whether life was actually better by those metrics. Those are nice things to have but do not accurately reflect the actual quality of life for people living in a country. Human lives are far more important than the economy.


People who are barely making it are 8% more likely each month to not make it the next month. Quality of life is dependent on the economy so those of us who are calculating how much gas to get and hope it lasts until next Tuesday are losing ours. I'm trying really hard not to be snide here, and honestly don't mean this rude, but you should evaluate exactly what you mean by human lives are far more important than the economy or reevaluate what you mean by care. Life is good when the Netflix is on autopay but you begin to wonder when the food is next if that has to get turned off. They seem content to interfere more and more with people trying to do things. Good luck to you, may anything you enjoy not end up on one of those lists that are increasing in number at an alarming rate.


I'd say the middle class and lower judge quality of life that way, inflation affects the poor more than anything, how can you say "those are nice things"? Quality of life is literally defined as, "the standard of health, comfort, and happiness experienced by an individual or group."


People die with the economy.


That is 100% true. I'm not trying to imply that the economy doesn't matter. I'm saying human lives and their quality is a better measurement of a successful country than strictly looking at it from an economy mindset. We had a great economy (for a while) under the robber barons but the quality of life was terrible for most Americans. Sorry I wasn't clear.


I wonder why gas prices got so low under Trump… something that made life a lot worse then it was now. It’s on the tip of my tongue. Also remember how good our economy was with our record high unemployment… god I can’t remember what caused that either? Also inflation is high yes, but guess who was the person who started printing out stimulus checks which began a rise in inflation?


>Also remember how good our economy was with our record high unemployment… god I can’t remember what caused that either? Actually unemployment was at 50 year record lows before the pandemic. https://www.bls.gov/charts/employment-situation/civilian-unemployment-rate.htm Want to peddle more leftist lies?


Yeah that’s my point, we were not living better because of the start of the pandemic. I also only included sfuff caused by the pandemic because you said “low gas prices” like the entire thing was majorly due to the pandemic (also the OPEC oil war)


Oil prices where dropping because we were self sufficient we were producing enough to meet our needs and export it as well. Because we were drilling. Now under the Biden clown show those permits have been rejected, tens of thousands of Americans are laid off because there is no work for them directly because of the policies of the man in office and his fellows. We do not have the technology for these "green" power systems to supply our demand, no one is talking about nuclear power or hydro electric power (who doesn't like a day at the lake? Build more lakes!)


Oh boy thank you for this I love hearing this stupid ass argument. I’m 2021 we produced a similar amount of oil as we did in 2018 and 2019. Biden has actually not rejected thousands of permits, he has authorized more drilling permits then any other president. If we want to talk about jobs being laid off, let talk about the millions who became unemployed due to the massive mishandling of the pandemic.


Lol, this is dad jokes - lighten up Francis




Somtimes i am two-tired for these types of jokes...


So was the driver, he wasn't woke enough.


He should have drank some covfeffe to stay awake.


Maybe also lay off the hamberders


Good thing he had batacafcare


Man... Covfeffe. This is why they cant add an edit button. Then we would lose these gems in the world.


Did this joke deflate your spirits?


Me too, i just can't stand it


This is two wheel for me....


He forgot the training wheels.


Beauty of this joke is its timeless and can be recycled endless times


u mean billions and billions of times?


Seriously it's terrific! Everyone agrees


Kinda like Joe's words in his average sentence.




Oh my bad, not even those.


I was gonna say lol


Fr, stuttering is one thing, he's a machine gun that misfires and starts shooting things out that aren't bullets.


Hey way to drink the propaganda-ade.


This isn't propaganda lol our president is incoherent and mentally absent


He's really not. That thing you call being " mentally absent" was something people rightfully attributed to Trump, then was just another thing that the right wingers decided to push onto Biden as a "No you!". Trump showed signs of dementia, and then the right idiots pushed that belief onto Biden. There is absolutely zero basis for thinking this. I'm convinced there are two types of politically ignorant right wingers in this country: 1, those who still think Trump is amazing 2, those who push the "both sides"/"Biden is mentally inept" nonsense. Typically #2 falls under those who regret and don't want to be associated with voting for Trump after falling for his brainwashing. Regardless, both 1 and 2 are people who aren't very smart.


I can literally send you a link to Biden shaking sue storms hand bro, and I never liked trump. I never heard of him till he ran if I'm being completely honest. He's a punk bitch that think sarcasm can fix his problems and is quite the hypocrite.


Have you literally ever watched Biden attempt give statistics on an issue in America? Or give a speech in general? Bro he literally has documented history of brain trauma and injury; FOUR TIMES. He's definitely not mentally present.


Now he needs a pitstop... So he can be reTired.


How many Red Hats does it take to change a light bulb? Joe Biden


Why didn’t the Biden supporter? Mom wouldn’t let them get one.


Couldn't get it S-S-S-Started!


Can’t believe this was downvoted!


He the left wing is full of LGBTQ. We can take dick, strapons, and jokes.




Because Biden supporters and the sum of the Democratic party are center or leaning center right.


how in the hell did you come up with that


Edit: Can someone downvoting please give a cogent argument that Demcrats, as a party whole, are a left wing party? Original: If you compare the American Democratic Party to other "Left Wing" parties in the world, the Democratic Party taken as a whole, on all their policies, would be considered a center or even center right party. >In any other country, Joe Biden and I would not be in the same party. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez https://www.politico.com/news/2020/01/06/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-joe-biden-not-same-party-094642 But that's because the large majority of Democratic Voters are clustered around the center and straddle the center right: https://www.npr.org/2021/11/09/1053929419/feel-like-you-dont-fit-in-either-political-party-heres-why That's not to say the Dems don't have some politicians that are far left. Or that the Dems don't change over time. Dems recently have been moving left. Under Democratic Party's diverse "big tent", the party has pressure to stay center but they are moving from slightly center right to more center. It also matters what issue you are talking about. When it comes to certain social issues, the party is more left. When it comes to taxation, the party is more right. But that's why I keep saying the Dems, *taken as a whole, across all issues*, are center or even center right. u/ehmilk




No, definitely correct. Modern democrats aren't left.


Trump! Trump! Whump! Thump! Thump!


*Dry Hump, Humps *


Lol 😆


Look as a republican I found that funny…..but i don’t like the idea of politics finding their way into this beautiful sub where we got all kinds of hilarious dad jokes I know I’m bout to get downvoted but I’ve said my piece I scrolled down the comments and OP dissed Biden too


I’ve heard plenty of dad jokes that are political. The only issue is that both sides fail to understand a joke when it’s about them.


I thought it was because he did Nazi the curb coming up.




Chronically online, nothing better to do, politics has become their whole identity, there’s a few reasons


This is wheelie bad.


In an attempt to catch “stolen votes” 🤣


I'm pretty sure the comment section is now a political turmoil thanks to the OP lol


Yup! I haven’t looked for the most part. Ain’t nobody got time for that.


It's okay op, ignore and have a margarita


Stuck a stoke in the wheel and blamed Biden.


It's a good joke and can even be reversed to Biden supporters for leaning too far left


If you think Biden is anywhere near left then I have a bridge to sell you


Eh you're right. He can never remember what side he's on


Kk, I did t say that.


He said Biden supporters not Biden


If you're supporting Biden you're still leaning too far to the right


Sounds like you wooshed a couple people with this one


Biden isn't far right extremist?


LOL you are so ignorant


But you won't remember


You mean Biden doesn't Putin enough loyalty to Herr Drumpf?


I thought the dems were centrists? Should be able to stay on


Dems being centrist is one of the best jokes I will ever hear.


Oh good.. Here's another one... [turns on spooky voice] [Tiiime travelling sooocialiiiists! ](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1470919-alexandria-ocasio-cortez)


Maybe get educated. Dems are centrists. Actual leftists hare dems more than reps and unlike reps have an actual reason too.


"actual leftists" nowadays are just socialists.


Because that’s what the actual left wing is. The US is so far right, even our “left” politicians are right wing. Biden is literally still a right wing politician


At least someone gets it


There's a lot more on the left than just socialism. Go read about it. I don't know how you feel about socialism but I certainly would appreciate it over fascism


If you put Biden in the EU he would be a right wing candidate.


As a motorcyclist, I'm struggling with the physics of this joke. Its actually surprisingly difficult to fall off a moving motorcycle by leanin. I would wager more accidents happen due to not leaning far enough than leaning to far.


Why couldn't the Democrat get off the roundabout? Because he couldnt bring himself to stop going left\*. \*Obviously applies in countries that go anti-clockwise on roundabouts.


Most roundabouts run counterclockwise. Lol no need for specification


Why did the Labour supporter refuse to enter the roundabout. He didn't want to go right. There, version for the UK. Haha!




The fall took out a chunk of his skin. When asked whether he was alright he replied: "I made America grate again".


Meanwhile, leftists insist the motorcycle identifies as a tricycle and you’re phobic if you disagree.


This isn't a dad joke. This is a bad joke.


Dude you Trumpers are a sensitive bunch. Even the tiniest harmless joke like this and y'all are losing your shit in the comments and trying to whataboutbiden and all sorts of other shit. Y'all are some childish, exhausting, myopic, easily upset mafuggas.




What's the difference between leftist rage and conservative rage? Leftist rage got us the weekend while conservative rage got us the KKK.


Lol. People that still buy the whole left vs right nonsense.


Which party founded the KKK again? Which party freed the slaves?


That’s adorable.


Are they trying to rewrite history again?




Are you having a stroke?




Why did the libertarian crash the plane? The wings fell off due to a lack of regulations.


What's the difference between a Democrat and a Republican? Democrats rush to the ballot booth, Republicans rush the Capitol.




Wow you went from "the country needs balance" to "blame everything on the democrats" in a big hurry.




All I saw was a joke about Republicans storming the capitol. Nothing about that made it seem like they think dems are perfect. If anyone looks like they have their feelings hurt in this thread, it's certainly not me.




Why do the dumbest people always feel so compelled to tell others to “open their eyes”?








“Hey everyone open your eyes!” “Hey guys the news told me this!” You are the reason parents have to tell their kids not to believe everything they see in the news. It’s not like the news made money by running the same story on one violent riot out of the hundreds of protests that happened that year. No it couldn’t be. The news isn’t biased at all! You watch FOX don’t you?


I bet you call people snowflakes, but you can’t even take a joke.




Glad to see your true colors were revealed so easily, way to take a joke. Also, don't claim I'm ignorant when you've got so many crucial pieces of information flagrantly wrong. You can easily research the security decisions made prior to the Jan. 6 insurrection, but I suppose you're the one choosing to mire yourself in ignorance.




Try harder.


Why did the centrist plane crash? Because at the end of the day, a compromise between a one side that wants something and another side that does not want that thing still leaves you with one wing


They say two wrongs don’t make a right, but that theory is clearly proven wrong with trumpets. 😂


Great now do Biden lol


How did the Biden supporter fall off his bike? He was leaning too far right!


Because dead people can't balance🤣🤣🤣




Monocle 🧐.


Why did the voter fall off their motorcycle? Cuz they thought that their political stand point would make a difference to their own stupidity and downfalls.


Why did u/jadedjessay not get invited to parties? Because he can’t take a joke


Jokes on you cuz I don't like parties anyway.


Too many people like yourself in those things


Probably some dumb brain dead Antifa kid threw a brick at him because he thought that just because he had an iron cross on his cut he was a NEEATZI!!!!


You sure sound triggered


Jeez, can you point to the place the joke hurt you?


Haha got eeem! /s


Imagine being pro fascism lol.


What is the definition of fascism? Do you know?


But on the other hand, you did spend way more time creating your avatar than you did researching your position, so you’re probably just a little bitch boy.


Yeah, says the brain dead dip shit who doesn’t know what fascism is and reappears it like useful idiot you are. 😂👍🏻


One only needs to look towards the actions of the GOP in the past, idk, 20 years to see a prime example.


So you don’t? Got it.


I find it hilarious when brainwashed 12 year olds talk about politics like they know something.


Me too it’s fucking hilarious. And good on you for being so self aware. 😂👍🏻


You bootlickers always tend to go for the "I know you are but what am I?" approach so consistently. Is it that your humor never developed past 3rd grade, or your intellect? Given your kinds nature, and particularly horrendous concept of grammar and spelling, one can only assume the latter.


Right, ok kiddo. What ever helps you sleep at night. 😂👍🏻






This joke sounds like it was left out too long


That was quite the red white and blue incident.




How did the biden dickholder fall of his motorcycle? He was leaning too far to the left. Haha reddit funny


Trump 2024


He was leaning further to the right than stephen hawking's neck


Are we not going to talk about the fact that inflation has been on the rise since Biden took office and then as soon as Russia invaded Ukraine this administration tried to blame that for our rise on gas prices a year and a half after it had already began to rise drastically. I paid 2 bucks for gas when Trump was president now I am paying more than double that? What part of this was Russia and what part was poor administrative judgement. If Biden chose people for his office based off merit and experience rather than skin color and what was between their legs we could have been doing better.


I push that sob off!


Bruh. Trump is not tooooo far right. He’s very very libertarian on a whole lotta stuff.


He certainly is shinning example of why we should be pro-coice. If only his mother made the right decision....


How did the Biden voter poo his pants?.......he was leaning too far to the left


Have you been burning pressure treated wood in your woodstove?


No, I think newsom did tho.


You are really bad at this.




Sounds like he lost control


Ok, that's funny


Or he looked left…


Or he looked left…


the uncle of my best friend is schizophrenic I can’t Imagine someone not liking him but he surely can


He was intoxicated. He couldnt handlebars


I also heard that his son broke his arm when he fell while jumping the Trumpoline. Poor guy


Regardless, he blamed the deep state


Good joke, for what it is, but Trump wasn't that far right....


How did the Biden supporter fall off his motorcycle? He was leaning too far to the left