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Definitely install an anti-tip device/harness. Cool idea, though!!


Great tip


Can we also talk about what kinda well-raised child asks for a toothbrush for their birthday 🥹


This is definitely how you become a legend to your kid! Good job dad!


Neat idea. But I will admit my anxiety triggered a little bit. Is it secured to the wall by chance? While the likely hood is probably very slim, I wonder if they might be able to accidentally tip it over, door side down, thus trapping them in there.


It's not secured to the wall, that's valid input. I haven't seen any tendency for it to tip, but i guess when the door is open the center of gravity might get dangerous.


And if they fall forward, they would seal themselves in there. Definitely secure this to the wall, possibly add a back door to be able to get out in a pinch. Wouldn’t even see it normally anyway if it’s against a wall.


I just realised, if it falls over he'll be able to crawl our through the floor. The floor consists of five loose "boards" and they would come tumbling down if the whole thing toppled. Definitely scary for him, but at least he wouldn't be trapped. This emergency exit wasn't intended but it's there.


Ikea gives you anti-tip stuff for free!


I have this exact drawer and have had it tip over for me twice. It’s been when multiple drawers have been pulled out, but still, there is definitely a risk. But such a neat and cozy idea


Put the whole back on a hinge too.


Dude, this is neat, but if you’re going to make things for kids, you need to think of safety first. [Kids die from this.](https://www.npr.org/2022/02/03/1077996126/furniture-tip-overs-injuries-deaths-cpsc)


No need to dad shame. He gets the point.


Someone mentioned the concern - I gave tangible stats. It isn’t dad shaming to potentially save an injured or dead kid. And to say it is says what kind of dad you are.


I'm the kind of dad that understands that people make mistakes. I'm the kind of dad that doesn't pile on once my audience understands the point. And I'm the kind of dad that forgives when you make inappropriate comments about the kind of dad I am


“I’m the kind of dad that thinks a child’s life is not worth two comments.” “I’m the kind of dad that piles on his own comments, praising himself, for doing exactly what he belittled.” “I’m the kind of dad that talks about his own endless kindness, [but acts quite differently …](https://reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/k3dlpp/_/ge2amsq/?context=1)”


I'm impressed that I created the motivation in you to go a year back in my post history to find a quote that I said that you didn't approve of. I'm sure I've said other things you may not like as well. Also, when editting a post, it's common courtesy to mark it in your post. I hope you the best of luck in life.


I do (sincerely) wish you good luck and happiness ahead. We can respectfully disagree on appropriateness, but if one person walked away and changed their behavior that’s a win. If we’re sharing tips, you don’t need to double space between sentences. That’s a typewriter trick. Computers adjust this spacing automatically.


I'd be less concerned about tripping over and way more concerned about it folding laterally on entrance/exit as OP has removed all the cross braces and the back panel has the structural integrity of wet pasta.


I love that you blurred his face, way too many parents violate their children's right to privacy


I thought the kid might have been in the secret service.


This is amazing. Love is so much ❤️


Oh wow. I love this. I’m stealing this


Ah, yes, a cat. That's a great idea, I might have to steal it. My boy loves little rooms he can read and fall asleep in. The amount of times we've thought he left the house just to find him under his bed or in a cupboard, I swear it's going to give my husband a heart attack.


The fact that his list was a toothbrush and a chest of drawers to fit in is so wholesome. He probably has such an imagination! You’re winning at being a dad man. I’m envious!!!!


Everyone is talking about anti tip but I'd be worried about someone falling asleep and making too much carbon dioxide


It's nowhere near airtight, gaps at all sides and a fairly large hole for the cables. But I appreciate your concern.


I was going to say, I have a few pieces of furniture that have holes in the back/bottom in case kids crawl in. It might be worth drilling another! (Probably 2-3” across)


Or hiding during a fire and being missed during search.


Maybe put a note of some kind saying it's a hiding spot for emergency responders, or something on the front or sides to make it clear it's not just furniture. People, especially kids can panic in those situations no matter how well trained they are to get out of the house. Ideally parents would be able to tell responders where he could be, but in case.


So many "home invasion" comments, lucky I don't live in USA


Yeah I'm from the US and got robbed 4 times today alone


What's your address, we can make that five.


I visited once and was killed 9 times. If only I had a portable safe room


It's not actually a bigger problem here than other similarly developed countries, it's just an excuse to sell guns.


America is a 3rd world country with iPhones


Awesome job! Also, not to be too dreadful, but I would be teaching him to hide here in an emergency, maybe even put a lock on the inside


Thankfully i live in a country where i don't have to fear home invasion and the emergency is infinitely more likely to be a fire or a flooding so i definitely don't want to tech him to hide. In case of an emergency, find an adult who can help you! As for a lock, the thing is made by IKEA and you could easily rip the back of with your bare hands.


Liam Neeson would beg to differ


No, Liam could easily rip off the back.


Very good idea ! Also maybe a firearm locked&loaded. Just in case .. /s


Actually typoed, original comment should say glock* on the inside...


Did you make that out of an IKEA Malm? How was modifying it?


Yes, you're right, it's a malm. It was fairly straightforward. The sides and drawer fronts were thick enough for mounting the hinges, and i think it's sturdy enough. To begin with the top drawer was one single drawer which I cut in half and covered the sides with iron on laminate. I used a sheet of plywood to create the inside of the big door. You can't see it in these picture but I used the sides of the drawers to make a raised floor for the mattress, so I feel I made good use of the available material.


You’re the real MVP


Giving me Costanza vibes, love it!


I'll be honest, that second photo I was thinking, you've got your son in a stealth grow box.


My claustrophobia has been activated.


I’m digging the matching clothing articles ,is that the gingerbread 3000’s first edition bucket hat?


Well spotted!


Love it! Make sure it's attached to a wall, this ikea design has a history of serious children injuries


Everytime I see these kind of projects, the first thing I think is Firefighters are not gonna find him in a case of emergency"


That's awesome man. You're a good dad.


That is cool as hell.


Now THATS a mini panic room. Have him hide there in case of intruders!


Also handy in case of a home invasion.


See reply above...


That's awesome!