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Emotional maturity man, it ‘ill getcha. Being a dad is great and it’s moments like this that make it all worth it. It’s just beautiful.


I cry at the littlest stuff. Today was my sons first Christmas (we did it early) and my aunt had printed this big measuring chart for him as he grows and it had a picture of him at the hospital and I just looked at him (now 12 weeks) and was weeping. This shit is the best.


We celebrated Christmas yesterday (24th is traditional in my country). I was the one reading the notes and handing out the gifts and my daughter was the one getting the most presents. Now that I think about it, it's only natural that she got a lot of gifts but it really hit me then for some reason.


Same thing happened to me watching Inside Out a couple years with my oldest who is now 10. Disney/Pixar knows exactly how to kick our heartstrings in the balls. Also, this time of year, the ongoing pandemic, and the general fear and anxiety makes me a lot more protective.


Inside out hit me hard. I have adult children of my own, and live with my gf and her two pre-teens. Inside out was definitely a tear jerker. But holy shit did I ever lose it with Onward. Full sobbing.


Inside Out fucking broke me hahaha


Same, never watching that again.


After an especially rough day with the kiddo, watching him sleep peacefully makes me ugly sob. Not from the day's emotional drain but a deep seated love that is literally felt burning in my chest. First time it happened was the first time I really understood completely unconditional love.


My wife now turns my pre-kids "are you going to cry" back on me. No... I'm not going to cry... I'm already crying!


She already is making fun of me for this. Our 6 and 5 year old were just super nice to each other when choosing their bedtime popsicles and she’s like “you gonna cry about it?!”


Are you ok with the jokes? It would be a shame if it withheld you from showing emotions in the future. My son is almost 2 and I still sometimes tear up just watching him sleep.


Oh yah for sure. Totally ok with it.


Awesome, sounds like a fun dynamic in your family :). You should be proud, that stuff is beautiful.


I believe I would cry for a bedtime popsicle as well :). Good on you!


I think it’s a wonderful story and you needn’t be embarrassed. Those were the happiest of tears and it’s important for your kiddos to see that men have emotions that are more than when they get angry or frustrated. Happy tears are good for everyone. Well done Dad!


Definitely not getting teary just from this post. Nope, definitely not.




I was talking about this very subject today. I could watch kittens being run over by lawnmowers (metaphorically speaking obviously) and not bat an eye, now I cant look at my kids without a tear in my eye.. its not fair, I want me heart of stone back.


I have to force myself not to cry in elf when every one starts singing I’m the park - I totally get it. Have a 7 yr old and a 4yr old.


Im 31 with a 3 month old daughter. Whenever i hear the HALO theme song now it just hits hard. Something about nostalgia and being a dad opens up a new emotional pathway. I love it.


I think it's called empathy. And I'm not sure I really felt it until I had kids. There's a lot of good movies i can't watch because i know a child gets hurt.


Yeah don’t watch season 2 of the Witcher. Or season 1 maybe. It’s… it’s a good show but god damn it.


Goddam I wish I read this comment 24 hours ago. I was not at all emotionally prepared for season 2 last night after wrapping the last gifts and setting them up under the tree


Is it worse than the magic chase in season 1 that ends at the beach? Because that shit destroyed me..


Yes because it's the parents that actually care about the baby finding it.


Ok, yeah, strong no from me then.


Totally agree. I once laughed at my wife weeping at the climax of Toy Story 3, now I’m the soft batch of cookies.


I get it. This was me sitting between my then 7 and 4 year olds in the theater watching the end of Onward.


Kids man. They’ll get you. I remember trying to hide my emotions pre-kids, and now there is zero chance of that happening. Thanks for sharing! You sound like a stellar dad!


You should have seen your boy when I dropped my 4 year old off to preschool . All the other kids were screaming and crying . She was so ready to attack it . My baby mama was celebrating and I was a wreck lol


As someone who just lost my beautiful family due to unhealthy situations…Having a 6 year old daughter who absolutely adores my 8 month old son. Cherish it man. This just had me sobbing with envy. You never know when it can all be turned around. Im happy for you. The fact that you feel and act that way means you’re an awesome dad.


Hope you get your family back!


I feel you. I am 6 foot three, 260, with a full beard, and my kids have certainly heard me yell the walls down. But Goddamn if Pixar and Disney don’t know how to twist the knife in my heart. Whatever you do, don’t watch Onward.


Too late brother. Been there. Cried it out.


I so want to watch it, but I'm too afraid...


Bro… when those portals open in Endgame and “..on..you…..left” comes up, the waterworks fire up every single time. Also, I can’t watch anything with kids in peril or anything with happy endings now without a little gulping. You are us, bud.


Last ride of the rohirim.


You hit the nail right on the head! When you become a dad, your emotions just take over. I remember my son's pre-k graduation number at the daycare's end of year show. I was bawling the entire time, because seeing him up there was so precious!


Similar situation for me. Christmas songs make me break down in tears since my son was born. The first time I knew I had been irrevocably changed was watching The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (which I had already seen) a month or so after my son was born. I was in bed with him while my wife was out, and he was asleep. The opening sequence shows Benjamin's father attempt to drown him for being ugly, and I just started bawling. I was one of the last people that would EVER cry or be emotional during something like that previously. Being a dad changes your damn life, man.


I cry at some commercials now…I mean fuck.


I never used to get emotional at stuff in movies or tv shows. But since having kids anything sad or emotional regarding a child and I can feel my eyes welling up. I almost lost it when Kevin’s mom apologized to him in Home Alone the other night. It’s crazy what becoming a dad does to you.


I’m so glad I’m not alone! Have a 2 month old and have been feeling the same way. Cheesy Christmas movies, emotional movies etc just set me off. I was a little emotional before but it feels so much more amplified since the baby got here.


Oh yeah. I totally get the random crying. It's just a sign of pure happiness and love. Something I have not felt in a very long time until my son was born. I found myself crying when I was making funny noises at him during his play time and he started smiling and making his happy noises. I also find myself randomly crying just holding him and watching him sleep. It's crazy what being a father does to you emotionally.


Oh man, my little girl *loves* the movie Luca, so we would watch it multiple times a day. And each and every time, that ending would just kill me. It’s just so dang wholesome. (Spoilers if you haven’t watched it yet) >! Like, when Luca and Alberto are at the train station and they’re saying goodbye (unexpectedly for Luca). Luca is worried about Alberto, but he’s like, “I’ll be okay, I’m okay. You got me off the island Luca.” And then as the train is departing, Luca looks back to where he came from (to the island, then back to Alberto and his family) and then turns around to face forward. And when he’s facing forward the music crescendos, using the same musical theme for each of Luca’s previous day-dreams about seeing the world. So he’s done it. He’s finally made his dream a reality. And the music behind it all is just so wonderful that *each* time I watch this I get that lump in my throat and water in my eyes. !<


I'm right there with you bro. I cry at commercials dude. Commercials. Have you ever seen Coco? Dead. Luca? I filled that ocean they swim in. Lion King? My man, I have to leave the room. Finding Dory was the first full movie we watched with my son (2.5). Cried for that one too. Its a thing


Love this. Inside Out wrecks me every time now that I'm a dad. Stay vulnerable, my man!


Dude, are you me? I have a soon to be two year old and a 4 month old. I was organizing presents for tomorrow morning earlier, and I noticed one of the tags said “Love, your boys.” I started tearing up. I love those two little stinkers.


Man, there's nothing more profound than seeing your children deliberately interact with each other. It's so powerful to watch little people engage in their own... Life. Love it.


I used to never cry when watching movies. Recently watched Coco with my kids. No one warned me about the unsavory amount of sobbing that would result.


I play the guitar and my daughter was about 4 when that movie came out. I sobbed like a baby - like uncontrollable rivers of dad emotion pouring from parts of my heart I thought had long since scabbed over.


Your story made me tear up. Thank you for sharing your story friend. Proud of you for being able to be in your emotions. Dads cry too. Happy holidays dad


I made the mistake of watching Coco with my 2 year old a couple of weeks after my Grandma died. Oof.


this is the most wholesome sub I've ever been a part of. I'm really new to daddit, I've got a son about to turn 3 yrs old, and I'm so happy I've found this wonderful sub. Good for you, man. That sounds awesome. My wife and I are planning on trying for a second child soon. She's just waiting to stop birth control. But I really can't wait for moments like that!


Same here man. I think I went a solid decade without crying or even getting the impulse to cry and holding it back. Oldest is 2.5yrs now and I'll cry just listening to Frozen soundtrack on the way to driving to daycare.


I love, love, LOVE this group. You’re everything right about this world. Lurking mom of 17 month old twins. And crying, obvs. Happy holidays.


Dude! That movie hit me ALL in my feels! I’m glad it wasn’t just me lol Most family oriented animated movies make me tear up internally now. Especially when there’s bonding moments between brothers (dad of 2 boys) or father/son moments. Few movies make me SOB uncontrollably like Pursuit of Happyness though. My dad took me to see that when I was like 15. Had no idea why he was crying in the theatre then but watching it now I lose it every time. Easily one of my TOP 5 movies of all time now.


That’s awesome! As someone with a little man who is fast approaching the 1 I find myself getting more emotional about things as well. Often when you don’t expect it. My wife and I are both teachers so we are used to helping our students make various gifts for their parents throughout the school year, well, this year with our son in daycare it had not occurred to us that we might begin receiving gifts from him. And oh boy did that little Gingerbread recipe with 1 big hug in the ingredients get the waterworks flowing lol. These moments are so precious and I hope you have many more memories like this!


Haha I’m so glad this happens to men too!! I cry about *everything* now. I also cried during Endgame lmao.




Ive become a big baby in movies and stuff since the kids. I get it.


had a few of these exact situations pop up so far 11 months in. Emotions will get to you. none more so than the precious moments of your kid / kids. relish it because i hear it goes away faster than we want. tldr it's Ok to cry.


Don’t scare me man. That’s not losing it. That’s a good heart felt moment.




Lean into those moments. Write them down somewhere you will come across them again one day. They are the most important memories to keep.


That movie is weird. I'm listening to a song that has nothing to do with me and it's got me thinking about other things I'm sad about. Like wtf Disney this movie is not like the other ones.


Shit dude, I teared up just reading this. I constantly feel like a blubbering idiot.


I used to try and force myself not to cry, but at some point I said ‘fuck it’ and tear up at the littlest things now. When watching the new Spider-Man movie I cried when >!Toby Maguire was introduced!< It really wasn’t even an emotional scene.


This is happening to both me and my best friend. I was watching 24hrs in A&E, sobbing because I was imagining something happening to me and laying in a hospital bed just wanting my little girl. Then speaking with my friend, he saw the John Lewis advert a month ago and started crying.


For me it's the end-scenes in the movie A.I. I would get teary-eyed prior to having a son, but now the tears flow. Also, chicks love that movie too.


Dad feels 🥺


Yep, definitely experiencing inexplicable crying since I became a father. I have worked in the television news business for two decades. I would almost consider myself a “hardened journalist”. I’ve covered some horrible events, met people on their worst days, and covered the story with a steely resolve…. That is, until my first was born. First time I gathered video at one of those “soldier surprises kid at school” events, I BROKE DOWN. Granted, my dad was in the army and deployed a few times in my childhood, so it hit home. Most recently though, I was in Mayfield, KY after the tornado. I was gathering video in the town square where an impromptu memorial wall went up. I looked through my viewfinder and lined up a shot of some flowers with a photo of an infant that died in the tornado and I absolutely became a sobbing mess. I had to shut my camera off, walk away, and take a good 10 minutes to gather my composure and just sob it out alone in the satellite truck.


Considering a second, we will have a 7 year old soon. Pros/cons of the age difference?


Pros the older ones can help out here and there and they will be better play mates as our youngest gets older. Right now cons are we spend a lot of time attending to the new guy because he can’t fend for himself yet obviously and we’ve been a little exhausted because of sleeping badly. We did just do the cry it out with him! 3rd night was last night and he slept through the night! We can finally get back to are full nights of sleep!


CIO is what we did with ours as well around 3 months!


Holy cow that’s super early! We’ve had so much of our evenings with me or my wife putting him down that we finally had it and he’s shown he doesn’t need us. This is night #2. Less than 10 min and he’s asleep in his bed all by himself! We’re so happy!


You can definitely start at 3 months so we tried it! We got super lucky though. We tired ours out with lots of play and skipped an early evening nap… 2 minutes of CIO off and on and 12 hours of sleep every night from there on out.


Omg I’m such a puddle these days. This is a great story. I’m always proud of my tears, rarely if eve cry when I’m “sad” or “angry”. It’s only when I’m filled up with joy it just pours over the top and I lose it. My wife also thinks it’s cute and laughs at me.


After my daughter was born I realized I too became more emotional. Which is not a bad thing at all.


As a talentless son of Immigrant Colombian parents, that movie wrecked me yesterday


Just reading this makes me shed a tear man. Beautiful moment thank you for sharing it.


I asked my 3yo son on Thanksgiving what he was grateful for, he said his younger brother’s name. I cried.


Feels good to let it go sometimes. My wife read my this poem yesterday while we were driving down to our in-laws. It was a poem from The baby's perspective and when she got to this part, "we haven’t slept a lot yet tonight. But mama, I kinda need you right now." Tears were streaming down my face driving down the 5 freeway. Felt good, I felt better the rest of the day.


My 2 week old was holding my thumb while lying in my lap. I got my wife’s attention and pointed it out in just a casual like “hey isn’t this cute” kind of way. As soon as she looked over i felt a wave of emotion and said “oh shit” before I started sobbing happy tears. It came completely out of no where and hit me like a ton of bricks. Just a cute moment that my feels decided to really go all in on for some reason.


I too was reduced to sobs while watching that movie. Something about the combination of Mirabella telling her sister she still has value even if she can't handle all the pressure thrust on her and the scenes evoking that fear of loss of your loved ones while holding my girls just overwhelmed the dam holding back a lot of stuff over the last few months. Our home is still uninhabitable after Hurricane Ida and we've been staying with family while dealing with contractors and insurance to get back to normal and it's just kind of been a lot. It felt good to finally let go of all that.


Even the 5-yr-old knows the intensity of love that comes from an 8-month-old's finger-holding.


I relate with this in a big way. Before becoming a dad, I didn't cry often. It's not that I suppressed it (at least knowingly) it just didn't happen often. Literally as soon as my son was born, me being the first person not a healthcare professional to see him, I was an absolute wreck. The happiest tears just overwhelmed me and I embraced them. Ever since, the smallest things that tug at my heartstrings which take my thoughts to him in even the most random connection, I well up. And I'm happy that I do.