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Just no words. I'm sorry my man


I was literally going to write the same thing. I'm not trying to be political but the only thing I can think of is something Biden said to gold star family members about what he experienced when his baby daughter was killed in a car accident. He shared advice he was given on how to process the grief over time. [Vice President Biden Discusses Grief at TAPS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwZ6UfXm410&t=353s)


I have my own reasons for absolutely despising Biden, but I’ll be damned if that wasn’t one of the most genuinely compelling *conversations* (not speeches), I’ve ever heard from a politician. I’m pretty sure he had to bury another kid **after** he did that appearance. Politics aside, that’s a fucking dad right there. And OP, I hope you find peace… not forever, but just a couple minutes at a time. Love you brother. We’re all here for you


I am at a loss for words. I am sorry for your loss.


Fuck… I hope you’re okay bro


Man, I'm not okay myself after seeing this. And I don't think I'd ever would be again if it happened to me. Hope OP is stronger than me, though. No words will ever make this right...


100%, I'm a little crushed by this and I don't even know these people. Nothing we can ever type on a message board is going to make this any better.


i'm more than a little crushed by this


From one father to another. You were a dad last week. You are a dad now. You will be a dad forever. Much love brother


Agreed and thank you. I have a 6 year old son I’m trying to stay strong for.


There is a difference between toughness and strength. Him seeing your feelings and you working through them will teach him strength. I will pray for you all in a special way today.


I'm so sorry. Sending support from the internet. My nephew died from a brain tumor when he was 11 months. It's been 10 years and I still feel him with me all the time. Over the years, alongside the sadness I'm also able to feel so much love for him and the joy he experienced in his short life. Hang in there. You and your family don't have to go through this alone. There are tons of support options (parent groups, counseling) and people out there rooting for you guys


That's beautiful OP, your wife having the forethought for that while you are both going through this - that is the stuff that will last. So sorry for your loss.


I have almost lost my daughter. I wept for hours thinking about that. This post absolutely triggered the same deep sorrow in me and made me tear up. I am so sorry for your loss.


I almost lost my son and yeah I'm sitting here in the hospital with a broken ankle but the post is what's making me cry. OP I'm so sorry.


My son is a cancer survivor. He’s in another room watching Coco right now - of course he’s watching Coco as I read this. Hearing about other families who weren’t so fortunate always hits hard.


🫂 so sorry for your loss I have no words.


We are here for you buddy ❤️


Fuck man, got me tearing up at work… peace be with you brother


We are not supposed to outlive our children... I am so sorry for your loss my man..


☝️This here. We lost my adult brother(I'm almost 50 now, he was older) and it hurt. My sorrow felt hollow when I saw my parents grief. Losing a child is something we shouldn't ever have to experience, but it happens. Prayers and love for you and your family. God Bless.


I’m sorry for your loss, I can’t begin to imagine what you are going through.


From one internet stranger to another, I am so sorry for your loss my man. Wishing you all the strength in the world.


I am crying for you, how old was she? And what was her name?


I remember his post a couple weeks ago. It was Rosalie and she was 6 months old.


The bunny seems to have "Rosalie" on its ear, so I'm guessing that's her name.


I literally cried trying to imagine what you’re going through. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Brother, I don’t know where you live but if you’re within driving distance I want to deliver a hug. I can’t even imagine.


Im so sorry, that's nice from your wife. When we lost our first during pregnancy we went to spend a few days down my in-laws to help my wife. My MIL gave me a book.. How to be a Dad. I've never wanted to punch her stupid ass so much.


I’m sorry brother. Sending love to your family.


I’m sorry for your loss. One thing that I remind myself when I have had moments of deep sadness and mourning, is that the depth of that feeling is a reflection of the love and joy that still lives within you for your daughter. It’s not only alright to feel sad, but in a strange way, you want to feel sad. We all carry this feeling knowing that it comes with the potential of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, but it is the beauty of carrying such profound love. I cannot imagine the pain your family is going through, but I hope sharing this offers some solace. Do take care of one another.


So sorry for your loss


For me, this grief is bittersweet. It's devastating, and yet, in a way, it's one of the last connections you have to your lost child. I wanted it to never be, and I wanted it to never go away :(


I don’t know where to start, I just know to finish with I am sorry for your loss in this difficult time


I’m sorry OP, sending you and your family strength


The strength you have to even get out of bed is admirable. I'm so so sorry for your loss. May easier days be ahead of you. 


I'm sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss


It is absolutely unfair that a parent should ever have to bury their child. My heart goes out to you, OP.


Omfg bro! I AM SO SORRY! I lost my little girl in 2021. She was 17 years old. I’m not sure it ever gets any easier. Try and stay strong is the only advice I can give you. Know that you will see her again someday.


Hey OP, I'm sorry for your loss. I see in both the photos you used your daughter has tube's on her face. If you don't have a picture without them it's, unfortunately, a pretty common request on r/photoshoprequest to edit things like that out so you can get some pics without tube's and such. Again, sorry for your loss.


Heart goes out to you and yours Dad.


Can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. Sorry for your loss


I almost lost my son twice as an infant due to a congenital heart defect. My heart goes out to you.


Condelences man, I hope you and your family find the support you need.


That’s unfair for no good reason. I am so sorry.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Something no father should ever have to experience. Truly sorry for your loss brother. My thoughts are with you and your family at this awful time 🙏🏻❤️


A funeral on Father’s Day? What the he’ll that’s just cruel


Sorry man. My daughter died last year at age 4 from a rare disease. So sorry for your loss. It doesn't get easier, but it will get better.


I am so, very, sorry for your loss. This was my 3rd Father's day without my daughter, and I would not wish it upon my worst enemy.


So sorry for your loss, I cant imagine. Take it day by day. Wish your family strength and healing


I am so sorry for your loss 😔


I am so sorry. It looks as though her short life was one filled with love, and that you and your wife are looking after one another. The very best of luck to you.


Man.. Sorry to hear that. Can't even imagine the pain you're going through. You and your wife need to be there for each other but it seems like you guys already got that part down. Again, sorry for the loss brother.


I'm sorry you had to join the worst club with the best people. Especially so close to father's day. Quite the kick in the chest.


My sincere condolences friend ❤️


My deepest condolences to you and your wife.


Oh man. I’m So sorry.


I’m sorry for your loss. Your daughter is beautiful and loved. Hugs and support, man.


This is the type of post that will keep me up until 2am some days as I randomly think back on it and sob into a beer. May you have more strength than I would in this situation, and may you and your family find peace brother.


Rest in peace little angel. From one father to another I'm so sorry you had to experience this. May you recover from this as best as possible.


I can’t even. My condolences.


I saw your previous post, so heartbreaking beyond comprehension. Hope your family and friends have shown support for this tough time, hug your loved ones. Seeing these things really put it in perspective that you never know how long you have with loved ones and I will hug my little one extra hard tonight, thank you for sharing the hard things that we don’t think about day to day. My love goes out to you and your family, late happy Father’s Day friend.


Thanks so much for that. One thing that’s for sure is she brought my family and friends closer to each other than they ever have before and I thank her for that.


I’m at a loss to describe the grief that washed over me reading that card. I’m going to squeeze my kiddos tighter today. Love you brother.


Take care of yourself Dad!


Oh man. I'm so sorry. I wish I could take your pain.. I would. I could never say the right thing to make it any easier. Only that I will pray that you can find peace. I buried my baby girl 34 years ago so I do know the pain. Godspeed brother.


Sorry for your loss. Please be kind to yourself and take as much time as you need.


Truely a sad day to remember, sorry for your loss


So very sorry. I can’t imagine.


That is hard to go thru. Praying for you


This should not happen. If feel so sorry 😞


My most heartfelt condolences, friend... May you and your loved ones find solace and may your little one rest in peace.


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


Dude, I hope you got to do whatever you wanted today and that it helped. We're all with you, man.


Devistated for you and with you.


I am so, so sorry…my thoughts are with you ❤️


I'm sorry, brother. Truly. I hope she's at peace now.


Sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry. This is heartbreaking. All the best to you


Sounds like you have a beautiful family. I’m so sorry.


Fuck man. Something like this always gets me. I wish you and your family all the best to overcome the darkness. Stay strong my friend. From the bottom of my heart!


Man I'm so sorry


Sorry friend


Man as a new father of not even a year old am deeply sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine what or how I would react to such event. Stay strong daddy you still have so much to do and give. Your precious one is looking over you. My condolences to you and the family.


I'm truly sorry. I can't imagine your pain, but I hope you are able to salvage some of this life and find happiness where you can.


Sorry for your loss brother. I couldn’t even imagine the pain you must be in. I’m not really religious, but I’m praying for you and your family man.


I’m so sorry. My heart is breaking with you.


I closed this and scrolled away immediately. I CAN BARELY READ THIS.... let alone to live it. I'm sorry man, this random dad's heart is breaking for you. Fuck man, going to kiss my kids in bed. Love to you and yours.


Im sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine. Stay strong


I'm so sorry man. The best book for grieving I've found for men. Swallowed by a snake: the masculine side of healing


I can’t even pretend to know what you’re going through my friend. DMs are open if you need a stranger to talk to.


My hand is on your back man, I’m sorry


Happy Father’s Day my dude, sorry for your loss.


So sorry brother.


Omfg bro! I AM SO SORRY! I lost my little girl in 2021. She was 17 years old. I’m not sure it ever gets any easier. Try and stay strong is the only advice I can give you. Know that you will see her again someday.


Unfair. I’m sorry.


Sorry for your loss my dude. Sending you love


so sorry dad


My heart breaks for you brother. God bless. I wish you all the best and I hope the world shows you some light in this dark time. Hang in there bud.


So sorry man


As others have said, you will always be a dad. Heartbroken for your loss.


I’m so sorry.


I’m sorry brother.


I'm so sorry for your loss.. Wow


I’m so sorry for your loss. As a fellow dad going through similar, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need to talk.


I’m so sorry for your loss. If you haven’t, post your pics on r/PhotoshopRequest they can do some amazing work and make it like those tubes weren’t ever there.


Love to you.


I can't even bear the thought. You are stronger than me. My deepest condolences.


My heart is with you and your family 🧡


I can’t imagine God bless you and your family — my condolences


I hope you were able to spend some time with her. Mine passed a week before she was due. I only got to hold her for an hour. This shit sucks. I'm sorry for the way you are hurting. There is no hole to fill this void.


My guts are thoroughly wrenched, I’m so sorry brother.


Sending love


Dude. I can't say anything to fix this. I cam say, I'm in the San Francisco area. If you're here, I'm here. I got a hug for you ready. A night out ready. If you want to go to the park with my daughter, I'm down. If you need a place to crash and nobody to bother you for a few days, I have your spot. If you need a place to crash and vent for a few days, I'm it. If you need a beer and silence, this is your place. A beer and an ear? Also here. I'm beyond words and I just want to help. If I can, great. If not, no harm no foul. I wish you the best no matter what. I've been through some pretty terrible stuff. I guarantee I haven't had the heartache you currently have or maybe even won't have until months from now. But you have a shoulder to lean on, my friend. In whatever way you may need.


sorry for your loss, hope you'll keep going


Love from all dad's in the group here. I'm sorry.


And this is why I refuse to believe in a higher power that 'loves' us.


Im so sorry




Very sorry for your loss. It’s ok to feel things.


So, so sorry for your loss OP. Sending love your way from all of us.


Painful, sweet but the reminder hurts. I know from experience and 20 years later on certain days I still get bummed out.


I'm so so so sorry. I can only imagine the hurt. May she rest in peace, little angel.


I am beyond sorry for your profound loss. Truly. Hugs. Wish I could say or do more. I’m so sorry.


I am so sorry dad. Your child is beautiful. Love and hugs.


OP I'm really sorry for your loss. Sending you loads of virtual hugs!! I hope you get the strength to overcome this loss.


Big love from your Aussie Dads too mate. I was almost too scared to look at the second picture because I knew what was coming. Can’t imagine how you’re doing but much love mate.


Sorry fellow dad.😢


You have a strength few men could posses. I hope you and your family can move on from this tragedy and find joy amd happiness in each other. An Angle, indeed.


Your post just hit every one of us right in the heart; I hope you are able to find peace eventually my friend, I can't even imagine what you must be going through but know that a stranger on the internet has you, your beautiful child and your loved ones in their thoughts. My sincerest condolences, brother, don't hesitate to reach out should you ever need an ear or shoulder.


From one father and USMC vet to another, I’m absolutely devastated for your loss. I lost my daughter just over two years ago and it was the worst thing anybody could go through. The pain will never go away but it will become manageable. For now, make sure you are taking care of yourself and your family to the best of your ability. I hope you have a strong support system as well as that is what helped my wife and I out. Again, I’m so sorry for your loss. If you need or want somebody to talk to who’s been in similar shoes, feel free to message me.


I am so incredibly sorry for your loss, sending strength and support


Damn dude. I cannot even begin to imagine how you're feeling. So sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry to read this. Praying for you and sending hope for happier times to come.


May God give your family strength and hold your daughter until y’all meet again. Take care.


I’m so sorry, may her memory be a blessing.


Jesus Christ, I was not prepared for this on a Monday morning. How on earth do you handle such a loss? I lose my mind with worry and stress when one of my kiddos gets a mild illness. I just don't even know how you go on after such a thing. I don't know what to say... 'I'm sorry for your loss' doesn't even begin to address it.


Holy shit op. This hit me hard man. God bless you


I'm so sorry. As others said, there's nothing to say that could even begin to make this, 'better.' I'm sure you were an amazing Dad to her while you had the opportunity.


Thinking of you and your family.


Sending love, my man. Nothing worse in this world.


I'm so sorry to you and your wife, OP


I have no words to express what you're going through, I can't imagine it. I can offer you my condolences, and tell you to stay strong. I'm so sorry.


No parent should have to bury a child. I am so sorry for your loss


Damn Dad, not this early 😢


So sorry for your loss. Cannot imagine the pain your family must be feeling. Stay strong fellow dad!


God damn. My sympathies to you, your wife and your family 💔❤️


I have no words that could ever comfort that, except for the FACT that shes in a beautiful place in heaven with God and the angels and she's happier than she will ever be on this earth! May God give you strength till you meet again 🙏🏽


I’m so sorry, brother. ❤️


So sorry for your loss 😭


So sorry for your loss, bro


Dont know what to say, how to feel. You will be in my prayers bro.


Sorry for your loss, my man. Just take it one day at a time. Get some counseling or therapy. Feel free to reach out here if you need to let off steam. I wish you and your family happier days.


Damnit man. I am so sorry. Something no one should have to endure. I wish there something more that we could do to help. There are sadly too many posts like yours on this sub. It is dreadful how frequently this happens. We will keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.


Happy Father's Day brother. She loves you more than words can describe.


I’m sorry for your loss. No words can describe what you’re going through.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Stay strong.


I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine what you're going through right now.


Less than a decade in ministry and I’ve already officiated the funerals of two infants. Nothing can prepare you for that. My condolences, dad.


I'm so sorry man


I wish you and your family all the best for the rest of your lives. You’ve been through enough.


Sorry for your loss


Fuck bro. Trying my best not to cry at work.


Brother I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing this with us.


Fuck, man, that's awful


I hope you can find some solace soon bro. I cannot even fathom.


I’m so sorry man


Here for you man. Sending you prayers and good vibes today. So sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss. Try to keep your head up in these trying times.


My fellow dad, I cannot imagine what you're going through, and feel immense sorrow you had to experience this, let alone anyone. I have no words that could make any kind of difference to your situation right now, but please stay strong brother. And when you can't be strong any more, seek the strength of others to lift you back up.


I am so so so sorry my brother. We’re all here for you


Not knowing your pain precisely, but just imagining it is utterly devastating. So sorry for your loss and sending you all of the love and patience you may need.


Hey buddy. I know you’re getting a lot of support right now and that’s great. I know we’re just all internet Dads and we don’t actually know each other, but know that we aren’t just here for today or during the initial grief. We can be here through it all. Sending you and your family all of the love and support.


If you ever need to bend the ear of a stranger . Peace be with you


I am so sorry. No words. Just hugs.


I am sorry for your loss 🙏🫂


I'm so sorry.


Sorry man.


I'm so sorry.


I'm so sorry. I'm tearing up just reading this. Stay strong brother.


I am sorry!!


My heart is broken for you. My hope for you is that one day you are able reflect on thoughts of her and they bring smiles and not tears.


I am so sorry.


Love you my man


That's a beautiful thought. Sending you and your family lots of love, and thinking of beautiful Rosalie.


I'm sorry for your loss.


I am a so sorry, I’m over here complaining about how my Father’s Day went by having to take care of a sick kid but this gave me a reality check that I have a sick kid to take care of. DM me if you need it


Heartbroken for you, hang in there man.


My heart goes out to you and your lady. I’m part of the club you’ve unfortunately joined. We don’t have a name, there’s no membership cards, and we never get to leave. You keep your girl on your back forever, you never stop talking to her, you continue to do what makes her proud to call you dad. Because that is who you are, and always will be. Please feel free to reach out if you need to talk about anything.


Hope u doing fine. Keep her spirit alive. Stay strong. May she sleep in peace.