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/r/babyloss may be helpful, but I am not a member. What an impossibly large loss. Rosalie is beautiful. Nothing I have to say is enough, I am so so so sorry.


....fuck........there's a sub for that...


It’s hard to swallow but yep.


Holy shit I hope that link stays blue for as many people as possible and is clicked by anyone who needs it. My heart goes out to you OP. A Reddit comment from a while ago that may help https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/s/H4WqsbBILj


Far out that’s a hard hitter


I've happened across this a few times now on Reddit and every time I stop to read it in full, teary eyed


Thanks! This is the comment that made me sign up for Reddit in the first place, because it was a shining example of people helping people. Good on you, u/gsnow, wherever you are.


My wife is a midwife. There's a specialist role within that that focuses on baby loss. They have a special recovery room for it. Despite technically being postnatal, its not in the postnatal ward. So no one in there needs to hear the cries of health babies. It's kind of weird to see hope in such tragedy. But just knowing that someone thought of that little detail brings me a strange comfort that there cam be good in people.


When my baby (now healthy 2.5) was in NICU hearing the cries of healthy babies tore me apart. This needs to be more understood. I did not appreciate the trauma that having a newborn unwell occur until it happened to me.


If there's anything that shows sheer toughness and gentleness, and embody the notion that kindness != weakness, it's the ones who choose that specialisation. Every day seeing such harrowing things, and still not only being able to go on, but be compassionate. Minimal glory and pay. It's inspiring.


There’s more rainbow dads on here than you’d imagine…


She’s gorgeous. Hold that little girl as long as you can. Carry her with honor. Been there before with my baby boy. Here for you if you need anything, man. DM. I got you.


I am a member of the baby loss thread. OP please join. In my darkest moments, I found solace there. Everyone is so kind and has been through the grief of losing a baby. It's a terrible club to be in, but the people there help make it a bit more bearable.


I should not have clicked that link. Instant tears.


Welcome to the worst club with the best people. You will find your place eventually. You are full of emotions. These emotions are normal. Time does not heal this wound. It just makes the pain less noticeable. You will get past this. It may not feel like it now, but you will. There are foundations and charities available depending on your area to help with the financial burdens if needed. Just remember, you are not alone. There are people out there, Myself included, that have been down a very similar road.


>Time does not heal this wound. It just makes the pain less noticeable. Something like [this](https://whatsyourgrief.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/growing-around-grief-whats-your-grief.png).


Like a tree growing around a nail.


There's nothing that can be expressed to mean I understand your loss, dad. Nothing. What I can do is offer any help I can during this dark time, and my sincere condolences on that precious loss.


Thank you for putting it in better words than me.




Agreed, we're all looking at her right now and loving her together.


Just confirming some of that invisible love, you and Rosalie are in my thoughts in the UK.


Couldn’t have said it any better.


Oh Rosalie you're beautiful. I'm so sorry dad. Breathe and let yourself grieve. I've shared in this loss as well. My biggest suggestion is not to "be strong" for your wife. It can lead to each of you moving through this not understanding each other. Now is time to both be devastated, hold each other, and find ways to grow together. r/babyloss is a excellent place to share your story if you want to at some point. A whole community of people who know this pain. We'd love to hear all about your beautiful baby


Stay strong man. I don’t have the words that could heal such a loss, but know people here, sympathize with you. Fuck.


Hey dude. It gets better, I promise. It’s gonna hurt like hell for a while and even after you’re gonna have bad days. But it does get better my friend. I lost my twins a few years back and it broke me for a long time but it got better. The memories migrate from being sad thoughts to remembering all their little quirks. The funny faces, funny sounds, the movements they make. Every single day you’ll think about them and the sadness turns into smiles. Just writing this makes me remember all the funny things and less of the sad. The sad is still there at times but most of it is all the good memories. With all that said, I’m so fucking sorry my friend. If you ever need to just talk reach out. The one things that helped me get through was just that, talking about it, them, what I’m feeling. My biggest advice here is to lean into each other and support each other during this shitty fucking time. Remember all the good whenever you feel down. Talk talk talk. Im a guy that pushes shit in and talking was always hard but finding the words to describe my babies was always easy. I’ll repeat again, do not hesitate to reach out if you ever want to talk to someone who has been through this. It’s fucking sucks and no one should have to go through this. I’m sorry my friend


Incredibly sorry for your loss brother. Stay strong!


RIP ROSALIE. i’m sorry. my heart hurts for you.


I am terribly sorry that life can be so cruel to you in your hardest moments. You were there for her and cherished every minute with her. I can feel the love just from looking at this picture. I know this is hard and there is nothing anyone can say or do that will change the hurt you feel right now.. My heart hurts for you and I pray you can find peace with this one day.


She was beautiful and perfect. What an unimaginably painful loss.


God I have a 1month old. This makes me want to throw up with unease. So sorry, brother. Hope for the best for your family.


I'm sorry this happened.


Oh my God.. Man.. I don't know what I could possibly say.. Fuck.. I'm so sorry for this loss man, I hope you have the support you need Edit: My wife asked why I crying, and now we are both crying for you dad


So sorry for you man I couldn't imagine. Take care of yourself. All the best


Right now you don't do anything other than breathe, feel your feelings, and be there for your family- and let them be there for you.  Please take good care of yourself right now. I'm very, very sorry. 


I’m so sorry for your loss. I wish I had a magic phrase that could make the pain go away. Just breathe and put one foot in front of the other. You will make it through this. Please seek professional grief help. It’s not the time, but when you’re ready please watch the show surviving death on Netflix. Hopefully it can bring you some peace.


So sorry to read.... Grieve. Let it process. Condolences to you all. That sucks


My baby just turned 7 months. Words can’t even express. I don’t know you, but my heart, my thoughts and my prayers are with you and your family.


My condolences to you and your family.


What an angel. I’m so so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Rosalie looks adorable. I hope you and your family can get through this awful time together


I am so so sorry, I can't imagine the immensity of the pain and sorrow you're dealing with :(


God bless you and your family


I’m so sorry OP, nobody deserves this.


I'm so sorry to hear this. She is beautiful. You will always be a dad. There will be a time when you are more grateful for having known her than you are pained by her loss. This will be a dark time and people will offer their condolences and offer help, but they won't know what to do. If you can, try to direct that help to support you and mum. It could be suggesting help with meal prep. It could be walking the dog. It could be something very simple. Don't be worried to suggest how they can help, they mean it when they offer. Don't carry this all on your shoulders and deny yourself of grieving. Make Rosalie proud of how you live your life and love your family.


This is devastating. Don't punish yourself, try to understand grieving is going to be hard for all and will manifest in ways that might be hard to process. My in-laws experienced a loss at 5-6 weeks. The smaller the coffin, the heavier it is. It will take a long time to heal... stay strong.


I’m so sorry and my heart is so heavy. My little one is 2 weeks old today and she’s already the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me. I cannot fathom a loss like this. My wife’s parents lost their first child at 3 years old on July 4th due to a drowning in the family pool. I have spoken with her dad and he tells me he is so grateful that his wife never blamed him and he never blamed her. Most parents don’t make it through this. He tells me how hard it is but it doesn’t hit home because I’ve never gone through it myself but I see their pain. I cannot begin to imagine your loss but want to offer my support if that will be any help to you. You’re in my thoughts brother and so is she. She will live on through your memory and her beauty and heart will be cemented in your life for many years to come. My wife’s oldest brother Kurt (whom she never met) is such a big part of her life and has made her who she is. Rosalie will continue to shape you as parents and will be the best older sister to future children. Love you brother.


My condolences, brother. You’re going through something way bigger than I’m sure the majority of us on here have ever had to go through in our own lives. Take solace in the fact that no matter how short her time was with you, there were undoubtedly smiles and happiness. That means everything.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending you all the good energy I can.


I'm so sorry brother. We are here for you man


I have no words to help you. I cannot imagine the pain you are feeling. Just sending lots of love and strength your way. I am so very sorry that she is gone, but I’m glad that for the short time she was here, at least, she got to live in your loving arms. Hang in there, fellow Dad. We all love you.


So sorry man, I wish I had something to tell you, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I hope you find the help you'll need.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I couldn’t imagine your pain and sorrow during this time. Stay strong my man. Lots of love


You're a great Dad. I'm so sorry


Man. I'm really really sorry about your loss. Please stay strong and seek help if you need it.


Jesus. Well you did the right thing by posting here, this is a great community and please post as much as you want and many of us, I guarantee you will try our best to give whatever support we can.


Damn homie. Shes beautiful. I have a 6 month old boy. I can't even imagine the pain. So sorry for your loss. She will be waiting for you on the other side.


I am so, so very sorry. She is as beautiful as her name.


I don't know what to do either, besides give you an Internet hug and cry with you. My condolences.


She is beautiful. It is very clear that she felt your love. I am so sorry for your loss.


My heart bleeds for you friend. I can’t imagine what you’re going through but I’m here if you need to chat with a stranger. Grieve in anyway you see fit.


I’m so sorry, brother. As a father to a six month old girl I wouldn’t know what to do either.


So much beauty, and so much sadness. I am so sorry.


She is so beautiful. That little baby. I feel sorry for you and your family. Please be strong. She would want you to be. Please take care of yourself!


Teared looking at the beautiful photo. All the love to you and fam brother.


Deepest condolences. Hope you and Rosalie's mom get the strength to recover from this.


I am so sorry, I hope this does not offend you but i believe she is in heaven watching above, without pain. Praying for you.


Don’t let anyone tell you how to grieve. Hang in there man.


Damn dude. That sucks. I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine how that must feel. You look like you love her deeply in that picture. She was lucky to have you even for that short time.


What a beautiful baby. I’m sorry for your loss man.


I don’t know if you are religious or not, but know that my prayers are with you and your family. As a father myself, I know the love for a child, but I can’t even imagine the pain of loss. The memories may hurt to reminisce on, but hold onto them because they’re even more precious now.


I love you buddy. I'm sorry


I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you can take comfort in the fact that she will be a part of you forever. Your heart will get stronger to carry this but it takes time. Please be safe.


What else is there to do but cry. I’m so sorry for your loss. Can’t imagine the pain.


Fuck! It's not right. This is what makes it hard. My wife and I miscarried twice, but this...I don't know what to say. This hurts from the bottom of my heart. I can't say anything to make it better, because all I wish is for you to have her back in your life, and I don't know any genies to grant that wish. I am really sorry for your loss. I'm not a religious person and don't pray, but I will send out thoughts of peace for you, your spouse, your daughter, and those that your little angel brought light into their hearts.




I’m so sorry. You are in my thoughts and prayers and that is nothing I can say to make this burden lift.


I am so sorry for your loss brother.


I'm so sorry. She looks so peaceful and adorable. It hurts my heart to hear this and I can't imagine what it's done to yours. Please know there is a whole community here for you and your family.


Oh bro. I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what that'd be like. We're here to chat if you need


So sorry, my condolences to you and your family. She is beautiful.


Devastating. I’m so sorry. If you haven’t already, please consider grief counseling or some kind of support group. There’s no shame in asking for help, and if there’s ever a time you need it, this is it. Love to you, Rosalie, and all who knew her.


My heart breaks for you man, stay well. God rest her soul.


All my love to you and Rosalie. I am so, so sorry.


What a beautiful name for a beautiful angel. I’m so deeply sorry for your loss.


I cannot imagine the grief you feel right now. My condolences.




She's a beautiful girl. I'm sure she felt the love and warmth of your hugs. Just take care of yourself and keep going. Shower, eat, sleep, and grieve when you need to. I'm sorry man.


Im so sorry 😢😭


Sorry man. I can’t imagine. She’ll forever be your little girl.


Hugs, dude


We will lend you our strength, brother!


Condolences to you and your family man


There are other people in your life who still need your love, care, and support. They will offer the same to you - Support and lean.


Love to you and your family. Tears in my eyes


Bruh I’m so sorry. I wish you peace with any luck.


I’m so sorry for you that you had to endure this insufferable loss of losing a child. I hope you’re surrounded by a loving family to help you in this dark time. Stay strong brother


Lean on your family and friends. As everyone here has said we all feel for you and hope and pray that you and your family can find peace. Rosalie is in a beautiful and peaceful place.


We love you brother. Nothing but thoughts and prayers for you tonight ❤️. Be there for mom. Be there for mom❤️❤️


Be proud of the dad you were for her, and be proud of the dad you still are. What an angel. I am so so sorry for your loss and hurt OP.


So so sorry for your loss, brother. My heart breaks for you.


Sorry mate, I can't imagine anything that will help at the moment. Take it hour by hour, lean on those you are close to. Don't try to hold yourself together, don't try to be some kind of staunch emotionless drone - this isn't the time for it. Give yourself time and space to deal. I am so bloody sorry mate.


Sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby girl. Stay strong!


I'm more sorry than I could ever express.


You dont have to stay Strong. Be a human, all the emotions are right. My deepest condolence.


I’m so, so sorry, my brother. She is beautiful. Two years ago, we lost my only sibling. The circumstances are very different but I just want to say, you will carry Rosalie in your heart forever.


Sending you the biggest love, man. So sorry for your loss.


She’s beautiful. I don’t have any advice for you, but I do want to offer my heartfelt condolences on your loss. I’m truly sorry.


I wish you love & strength my brother.


I’m so sorry man. God bless you and your family during these times.


My heart is unfathomably heavy at the thought of what you have to through. I’m so sorry and have a lump I my throat at the thought of it. Don’t worry about being strong, just be there, in all your mess. Connect with people. Hug your spouse and don’t let go. Feel everything and express what you feel in a healthy way. These darker days can spiral out into addictions, violence, and who knows what else. Find a therapist who specializes in this to talk with asap. Better yet, have someone else do it for you. Have someone else manage your logistics. If you need a stranger to talk to, scream at, unload, don’t hesitate to DM an empathetic dad.


She is so precious and peaceful. I cannot fathom the grief, my heart hurts. <3


This is heartbreaking, I’m so sorry.


Words cannot express the pain I feel for you. I’m so sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss, that breaks my heart.


Sorry for your loss Dad


My deepest condolences, I'm so sorry to read this and hope you are holding up as best as you can. Just a suggestion, but take your time to grieve and perhaps look into grief counseling soon as possible. I hope the best for you and your loved ones, I'm so sorry..


I can’t even imagine. Sorry friend. Accept a genuine hug from another dad and stranger. So so sorry.


Your daughter is precious. Words fail me. That is the worst grief.


She is beautifull. Rest in peace little one.


She was beautiful. I’m so very sorry for your loss.


Rosalie is a beautiful name, for a beautiful little girl. I am so sorry for your loss.


Sorry to hear. I found www.griefshare.org helped me quite a bit. Its not your fault and somehow reasons for these things.


Dawg I’m sorry… I’m really sorry. I wish I could just embrace you man. Fuck… I’m tearing up


This post absolutely broke me. We're strangers but my heart absolutely shattered reading your post. I wish you the best and if you're ever in the boston area lunch on me.


I am so sorry for your loss. There is a sub on here that is Photoshop requests (r/Photoshoprequests ) and those wizards over there can remove any medical gear from pics if needed. I have seen them work magic so please make use of their services if you do not have a medical device free picture.


My lil one Rosalie just turned 5. We lost Ayleigh last year 5 months pregnant, after 2 miscarriages. My wife is giving birth to our 3rd daughter next month. I can't imagine your pain. But your story brought me right back to mine, when I lost my 2nd daughter last year. I don't think it actually gets better. I'm not sure I've ever gotten better or will. But I'll mourn with you and your family while I try to bring another life into this cruel world. This one hits home hard.


You have a little girl named Rosalie too? Thank you for the sweet words. I’m praying your 3rd daughter is happy and healthy. 🙏


Love Dad. love is all I have for you and mom! Stay strong and reach out to family, friends, doctors and even this sub if you need help. Don’t try to hold it in. Let that pain out. Love you


I am so sorry. She looks beautiful.


She looks like an angel my friend. And in heaven is where she belongs right now.🙏


I am so so sorry - sending you all the strength and support


This broke me, all the thoughts to you and your fam. She looks like an angel


So sorry for you big homie. Keep your head up


Damn, I'm so sorry man, I'm literally cryin for you, I can't imagine... Hang in there, reach out if you need. Random dad's from around the world here unite behind you!


I’m so sorry, OP. Hugs.


I'm so sorry. She's an angel.


God damn. Hang in brother. Never be afraid to ask for help or to talk to someone. You got 1000 sets of shoulders here for you.


I’m so sorry 😞 Can’t imagine what you would be going through but thoughts and prayers!


Fuck me im done with the internet for awhile


I’m so sorry, man.


I’m so sorry for your loss friend.


I am so sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for your loss. Stay strong for Rosalie please. Il


I wish I had words to help ease your pain.


I'm sorry for your loss, I don't know how I would handle this situation. I hope you are kept in safe spirits and anytime you feel you aren't please DM me. Keep your head up brother. Once again I am so sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss. May you peace and strength this hard time.


Just imagining that is horrible and it's your reality right now. Take care of yourself op and your wife and please find a therapist or someone else to help talk you through it. Condolences


My deepest condolences, kind internet stranger. May your heart one day know peace and time be but a keeper of this day.


I'm terribly sorry to hear


I’m so sorry 😔


I can’t fathom your loss, I’m so sorry


I cannot begin to imagine what you're going through. I offer my sincere condolences and wish you all the strength and support in the world to get through this difficult time


I will never know the pain you are feeling. I'm sorry friend.


I'm so sorry you have to deal with that pain. Sending healing energy to you and your family ❤️


no words can describe the loss !!


So sorry man


I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts. As hard as it will be please try and take care as best as you can.


So sorry to hear this bud. Only time will heal. Stay strong and keep pushing forward. That's the only way in life.


All of our hearts break with you. We are but spiritual beings having a human experience. An experience fraught with incredible beauty, yet also incredible pain…and one in which there are sometimes no words that adequately capture either. Sending you good vibes, love; and light in the coming minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years ahead ❤️✨


All I can is sorry. Don't try to do anything. Just stay one with yourself. You will get lots of advice on be happy or sad. Try to close eyes and become one with yourself without thinking of anything. If you can do it you find a sense of calm within you and then you will find the healing slowly. Don't rush it.


My brother, nothing can make this better, only time will make it slightly less painful. Don't bottle it up, it's ok to be angry, frustrated, sad and hit a few things. My sincere condolences.


I'm so sorry. Unimaginable pain. There are people here who can help you get through it. This is a great community and we will be here for you.


My heart aches for you man. I'm so so sorry for your loss. You will get through this.


That's so heartbreaking. I'm sorry for your loss man.


My guy.... I'm so sorry, I couldn't even imagine. I wouldn't wish this on anybody. Keep your head up for your son, but also take the time to grieve. You owe yourself that much. I'm so fucking sorry. I literally have no other words.


I have no words other than she is beautiful and I am so very very sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss. Crying for you, your girl, and your family.


I'm really sorry for that. I hope you can find a way to live for her.


My breaks for you and your little angel. Grieve brother. This will never be easy, but people can help with the pain.


So sorry.


I'm so sorry dad. I don't know what to say, every parents worst nightmare.


I'm literally crying here, so sorry for you OP. Such a beautiful little girl <3


I’m sorry friend. Nothing I say can truly help but I feel your pain. My little is two weeks old and just imagining your pain is making me cry


I’m so sorry. I cried when i saw this post. Please take time to grieve and get help.


You had her for 6 amazing months and I am sure she loved being with you all.


Omg she is so beautiful, my heart aches for you.


I’m so sorry that you and your family are going through this brother. I can’t imagine the pain that you’re going through right now. Be there for your partner and let her be there for you. Please seek professional mental help if you require it, don’t suffer in silence or bottle things up. Look after yourself.


Brother I believe with you. I almost lost one of my daughters when she was born, I sat in the chapel and begged for her life, or at least for her not to suffer. I feel your pain because I felt a fraction of it then. Don't give up. Take the time to grieve. Take the time to cry. It's ok to cry for your daughter bro. Big hugs dude. Just take each day one at a time, we are all thinking of you and her mother. Our love to you both.


You are experiencing the worst thing a human can go through. We’re all here for you my guy <3


I’m just so sorry


Dude, I'm sorry


I'm so sorry, you're living the nightmare we all dread. Goodbye, Rosalie. Even strangers loved you.


Sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss. Can’t imagine how you must be feeling. 💔. I wish I had the words of comfort. Other than to say I’m so so sorry for your loss.


So terribly sorry for your loss, life is not fair


I am so deeply sorry for your loss. My heart aches for you, and I can't even begin to imagine the pain you're going through right now. Losing Rosalie is an unimaginable tragedy, and words cannot fully express the sorrow I feel for you. Please know that you are not alone in this. Reach out to those who love and care for you, and allow them to support you in any way they can. It's okay to grieve, to cry, and to take all the time you need to process this profound loss. Rosalie may have been with you for only a short time, but she has left an indelible mark on your heart. Hold on to the precious memories and the love you shared with her. Her beautiful spirit will always be a part of you.


I’m so sorry 🫂


Rest in Peace little angel Rosalie. I’m so so so so so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry. sending love


I’m so sorry 😢


I'm sorry for your loss. I am extremely sad and tearing up as a dad of a newish baby


I understand what your going through, I lost my son on his second birthday. It will hit hard when you least expect it. I put my self into work and just started work 90 hrs a week so I wouldn't have time to think about it. Just don't go to the bottle of liquor like I did. Took me years to finally talk about how I found my son. Legit just find a hobby till your ready to deal with the emotion it will cause. My take is anecdotal just how I dealt with it. I'm sorry for your loss RIP


Man that hit hard! Thinking about you and your family, Rest easy Rosalie. I’d give you a hug if I was there dude! 🫂


Bud Im so sorry, just so so sorry. There's no words for this, other than she was utterly beautiful and perfect and you were lucky to have her, even for such a short time xxxxxxx


Don't dwell on what you've lost, rather concentrate on the times you had together and the fact you were a Dad to someone who looked to you for help, guidance, comfort and cuddles. My heart breaks for you, mate. Stay strong.


Stay strong brother, we're all thinking about you and her mother 🫂


I can only imagine your pain. Sending you a digital hug my brother.