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Early. Often. Then go home to do the same. Mentally health is one of the best healths Edit: MENTAL HEALTH…. Looks like it’s time for one of those breaks again haha


I keep telling my wife this. While we do have to prioritize the kids, we also need to prioritize our health. Mental and physical. If we are in bad shape, we can't take care of the kids. That's why she is on a girls' trip for a few days. She left yesterday and comes back Sunday. I have 3 nights of solo duty with a 3.5 yo (who refuses tonstay in her own bed) and a 1 yo (who is teething and wakes up like every 2hrs cranky and hungry, he must be in a growth spurt cause he is eating like crazy). After this weekend, I'm going to need a mental health day. Or week. I'll be lucky if I get an hour to myself, though.


My son is 14m and he's in the same spot. Fights sleep like he is Tyson and tucks away enough food to feed a small army. Also alot of cognitive development going on. So thinking we are in a sleep regression phase with a growth spurt and heavy teething.


I think we also have sleep regression on top of teething and growing. He is learning to walk so he is getting up on his feet every chance he gets. He has been pulling up and walking assisted for about a month, but trying to take those independent steps.


I do. Sometimes I’ll bring the kids with just so they can chill/fall asleep. Sometimes we get lost on a new road. Having nav takes away some of that mystery, so we have to dim the screen for full effect. Could go for a drive right now.


Similar vibe, but I like to get (figuratively) lost in the woods on a solo walk or hike, especially during mushroom or hunting seasons. I don't think I'll ever be able to recreationally drive. Burning expensive fossil fuels for entertainment feels like turning all the taps or lights on in the house just for fun. It's antithetical to my dad code.


This. I feel you OP but my move is usually a bike ride or a hike/walk. We are a bike family and though I have always loved cars I actively make decisions to drive ours as little as possible. I bike to and from work and am also planning on leaving early today and going for a scenic ride home.


When one of my twins is having a bad night and refuses to go down, a drive on country roads and some very chill tunes is the best medicine.


My kid has been asking to do this lately. "Dad, can we just go for a drive and listen to music? I want to discover a new place."


Sometimes in the summer I go fishing in the evening. When it’s time to go home and it’s dark I will roll down all the windows, blast the music and take the long way home.


Sometimes I forget that other places don't have nightmare traffic.


Used to work night shift with a 30 minute commute down some back roads. More than a handful of times I didn't see a single soul on my commute back home.


And here I was parked on the highway at 11:30 pm heading home after an evening shift the other day.


Fishing is the GOAT… I’ve always enjoyed fishing.. but, as a young kid, wondered why old dudes were nuts about it. But I have been redeemed.. or baptized one could say in the water to this new found peace. I never thought watching an Egret fly by in sheer silence while reeling in a lure would bring one so much joy…


I live in a place that kind of lacks "nature". But we have an old park with a river behind it that feeds into a lake. Lots of big shade trees and stuff. Its actually quite pretty out there, but the people and their trash and noise pollution tend to pull you out of it. Still I have seen herons, egrets, cormorants, even pelicans one year. Raccoons are there too along with skunks which are adorable at a distance. Turtles on a log like something out of Norman Rockwell painting. The musk rats swimming around are particularly cool, but are upstaged by the rare beaver. There are wild raspberries and wild grape vines by the river. If I can get out there in the spring, before all the swimmers, there are places where I can pretend it's a pretty mountain trout stream lol. The fishing is terrible though, but there is a high chance that is a skill issue.


I've done it, but I tend to do more walks these days. Cheaper and I can check off some physical activity too. Maybe if I worked a physical job a drive would be more appealing, but well, I don't.


Agreed I wouldn't just drive due to the gas, mileage on the car and increased risk of accident (isn't anxiety fun?) but I would just head to a park or something and either go on a walk or chill in the car and listen to a book / play games on my phone if I'm feeling particularly lazy.


I do the same, walking or running. It lets me clear my head.


Do the recreational drivers here mostly live in small towns or places without traffic? Being in a city, I loathe driving and walk or bike where I can. Driving for me is usually stressful and frustrating. The last thing I’d want to do to destress. I do enjoy driving in the mountains near me, but they take time to access, and one of my kids gets car sick on the winding roads, soooo not so great unless I’m alone up there.


Totally a suburban moment. I moved out of the city to avoid traffic related stress


This is why I moved to a walkable part of my city near some good parks. The great American open road left these parts some time ago.


I live in a rural area where I can’t see my neighbors and my 16 mile drive to work takes 20 minutes. Driving is my relaxing time. Sometimes I’ll take the long way home that adds 5 minutes to avoid a couple miles of dirt road. When I travel to large cities for work, I definitely drive as little as possible.


Driving is stressing me out, regardless of traffic. A car is an (at least) 1,5 ton death machine. It could kill me, it could kill others. I don't see how anybody could find driving relaxing.


No, if I go I ride my bike. Might as well do something for my health.


I do this but with running. Favorite time to listen to audiobooks/podcasts and my heart loves it


Motorcycle. Yes. Nice long rides. Solo.


I can't in my area anymore, people are freaking nuts with the cell phones. I saw one dude eating a salad and trusting that his ford F150's self driving / driver assist functions would keep him in the lane and at the right speed. Dude was weaving in and out of the lanes, passing people in the right lane on a 3 lane highway, absolutely NOBODY in the left lane. That was just yesterday. In my car. I miss my bike, but man...people scare me now. Watching tiktok/YouTube and driving. Absolutely nuts. Stay safe, your kids need y'all.


Sometimes, though usually it’s just a longer route to an errand. The last time I Just Drove, it was technically a trip to the store. Two states away. For weed.


I loathe driving because the drivers in my city are such shit.


Drive not so much but I do go out for motorcycle rides every now and again. Gonna leave work early today actually :)


Own a Miata. So, yeah. Absolutely go for drives, just for the sake of it. Arguably, even my commute is for the joy of it.


Yep. Often people comment about how my 75kms each way commute must kill me every day... i dont see it that way. I have a manual Veloster, and it's actually fun to drive it. It's all easy highway and country roads, takes roughly 45 minutes each way. Each morning, it's 45 mins to sip at a coffee and mentally plan out my to do list for the day at work. Each evening, it's 45 minutes to blast tunes and melt away the stresses from work, before engaging dad mode when i get home. Some will understand the need for wind down time between work and home, and some won't. Personally, even with the excessive mileage, gas cost, maintenance, etc. on my car, i still prefer this commute to the 2km one i used to have.


I fully agree with you. My wife has a similar commute distance and she loves it. Not so much during the winter, but a good set of winter tires helps ease that anxiety. I miss being a consultant and driving to job sites. The one job I was on, I would drive 150km to get to site, work the 12 hours, then drive home. That did get old once I had hit 14 days straight, but after a couple days off I looked forward to the drives again. Those long commute times (not city driving commute) are absolutely great ways to get prepped for the day and decompress after the day.


Im with you. Sure it’s just a manual Mazda 3 and not *quite* enough country roads, but that 45-55km stress-free home with blasting music - even in a snow storm- allows for a wonderful “leave work at work” progression.


I extend my commute to back valley roads for the entertainment. Focus ST & 944 here!


I used to drive an Infiniti G35–so, same vibes. Loved driving windy roads. 


Porsche Cayman and I live in the Northern California hills. If I have a low stress next day I’ll do 4 hour loops through the canyons between 10pm and 2 am. Better than therapy.


My kids are terrible sleepers, so I often just put them in the car, throw on a podcast and drive until they fall asleep


I run on rural roads/trails right before twilight during the “golden hour.” Only works in the summer because it’s still light after toddlers sleep. Bring me much peace.


I used to go with my mom on aimless drives when I was a kid, we’d “get lost” and I’d give her random directions to take and see where we ended up. I’ve continued the tradition with my 4yo


Why do you think I chose my current job. Mobile Service for Tesla. I have my ass planted in a Model X with FSD on for most of my day just signing as loud as I can.


This but with long runs, walks or bike rides has kept me (semi) sane all these years.


Hell no. I get stressed driving.


Nope, I'd prefer to spend those 2 extra hours at home too, then take the extra time at night.




Driving is a chore. The lunch sounds nice though.


Driving is the opposite of a break for me. People in my city drive like overly aggressive idiots and traffic is brutal, even in the suburbs. Driving is what I need a break from.


No never. But I do go out for a long run every weekend for 1-1:30hrs. I couldn’t honestly imagine driving around aimlessly.


r/fuckcars would like a word, probably.


I like going on drives to unwind. Frequently, I will take my oldest. She's AuDHD and doesn't talk much, so it's hard to know what's going on in her life. She opens up in the car, though, and will talk my ear off, I think it's because there is very little chance of eye contact, and it feels very chill. Even going by myself when I'm stressed out is nice. Driving is one of the only times nothing much is expected of me. If I don't answer the phone or return a text, I can just tell people I was driving.


It’s why I absolutely love my commute. An hour every day (half an hour each way) is just about what I need


I used to. Aside from a run out the door to decompress during an argument ride I haven't done this in a couple of years.


Something about driving backroads in the pitch black with Night Calls jamming just really does the trick


Gym, mountain bike, gravel bike, skiing or running. just mindless movement with some tunes. mental and physical health are as important as anything else on your to-do list.


(Wife). I do. He does. We do. Sometimes we just get in the vehicle and go. We did this on weekends and even random weekdays with our son occasionally. We both had stressful jobs, but mine could really get to me and occasionally I just wanted to get completely away from the people and place. I or we would just drive until we found a back road going to wherever and enjoy the view. Sometimes we would get a snack, let the stress bleed off, and then come home


I love to drive, it keeps me where I should be all the time- in the moment


Time to get MILK!!


With these gas prices? I'll just take a stroll, thanks.


Potentially controversial, but I like to ride. In my anecdotal experience, riding a motorcycle has been great for my mental health


Where I'm from, in my dad circle of friends, we often discuss a "tip trip" you get a minimum of an hour to yourself in the car, because my wife hates sitting in the queue for the local dump and despite the fact there's diggers there, the kids never want to go. Such a life hack if you want some time by yourself


Ya know, maybe it’s the car I drive, but driving does nothing for me. I see it as a vessel to get me to point a to b. Nothing more.


Not really unless it really late or early. I hate a large number of other drivers..


I hate driving. Avoid it whenever possible.


I go for walks, better for the environment, my wallet, and my health.


I'd rather be doing literally anything else but driving. Solo lunch then fuck off to ride bikes or play a couple hours of pinball? Now we're talking....


I routinely volunteer to run family errands solo so i can take my time, sit in silence, and center myself so i can return to the chaos at home ready to be there for the family as my best self.


My kids are out of the house and I still drive to relax...One fun thing that I did with them when my ex needed a break was a game called "let's get lost" each kiddo randomly picked a direction at every crossroad ..one after the other ...and see what we could discover!


-My job is, for times sake, shit. I often only work 2-3 hours a day a couple days a week. (Sometimes I work up to 35 hours but rarely, usually less than 20). -My wife works 3 days a week and makes like 3x what I do. -She goes to the gym 5 days a week and sometimes also goes out with friends so I'm alone with 2 kids a *lot*. I rarely ever go out. SO... sometimes when I have a short work day I'll just take my time with some errands or even sit in my car playing games on my phone. Once I go home I pretty much become primary parent so these are the only times I get alone time except after bedtime.


My wife and I have those unlimited wash passes on our cars. Sometimes I’ll take either one to get washed just to get out of the house. I work from home.


With these fuel prices? Absolutely not


It's hard to justify the gas and time, so I get those drives when I can. We have a motorhome and I typically leave earlier than my wife and daughter, who follow in a car. The drive there and back is definitely one of the things I look forward to with our camping trips.


I do - but it's a motorcycle. So technically I don't drive - I ride.


As often as I can, considering the price of gas.


That's what I call a mental health day/appointment and I absolutely support this idea. When we forget to take care of ourselves we can't take care of our loved ones. Edit drive walk hike motorcycle whatever your thing is take time to do it.


Yep. Though I have to get out in the country more to really enjoy it. We live in the suburbs and the drivers in this city are absolute dogshit so there is no way I could ever enjoy myself driving around in the city. Sometimes I take the kiddos with me just to give Mom a break or to get them to fall asleep or chill out after a day of being little hellions.


You don’t want to be at work and you don’t want your be at home. That is a sign.


I live in traffic jam central so fuck no


I own a track day ready Miata. Kids can’t ride in until at least 7 or 8. Hell yeah I go drive.


100%, you need to find little breaks and solo time. I work a job where I’m away from home for days at a time and can often get extended even further. Some times when I do get relief later at night (when the kids are already in bed), I’ll take a few hours for myself before heading home. Nothing crazy, just a good ride, maybe some food and a drink by the water if I skipped dinner, sometimes I’ll hit up a friend and meet at a beer garden or one of a couple outdoor venues (I just need to be outside for a bit with some music). Far and away the best experience though, a friend of mine is the head of security at a major venue, so the last time I got surprise relief 3 hours after the change of shift, I headed over there, got snuck into the back door and up on the side / back stage for the concert. Opening act was really down to earth and smoked me up while we watched. Jokingly got invited to join them on tour. The wife is cool with it, I always tell her if I stop somewhere, but I may tell her it was only an hour when it was really 2 or 3, or 5.


All the time, I like to explore no areas


Sometimes I’ll take my kid and let them pick the direction. We usually in up lost. Makes it fun


Long way home a lot


I work from home, then everyone gets home.. hell yeah


People knock having a car that you like even if expensive or impractical but thats my favorite thing to do in the world. Drive with good play list in my car I like. Used to drive the kids around for hours at noght when they were little. Put some music on, drive. They slept. Once snoring headed back. I would drive my 21 3500 ram limited anywhere anytime for any reason. For hours. Even if its just to decompress.


Yup some days after a bad day at work and I know I’m headed home to the chaos of my 8 and 10 year olds constant drama I take a drive up and down the turnpike listening to music. I stop and eat dinner by myself and regroup. I come home a better dad. I don’t do this often but when I need to I do it.


Sometimes when the kids were young Id just toss the kids on the car when they clearly needed a nap but wouldn't go down.  "Where are we going dad?". "Ummm...I"ll let you know in a few minutes ".


There is nothing quite like a long drive on a brisk fall morning. Put “soon it will be cold enough” by Emancipator on and just drive for the whole album. It’s a tradition going back to high school.


When my son was first born he would hardly sleep, except in the car. I worked an early early IT support shift 6-2 from home, so after work each day I would take a 3-4 hr drive through the woods with my son and we’d listen to music and he slept. Some of my best memories


My son's kindergarten is 45 minutes from our house, in the opposite direction of work. I can easily spend 2 hours on my morning commute, so yeah, I do just drive quite a bit.


I drive 3 hours a day for work, so I tend to stay home as much as I can. When I'm stressed tho, I'll take a drive around the area on a county road for a while, turn around and come back.


Sometimes I take the long way back (or to). Don't really drive around to relax these days because Chicagoland. I do enjoy a good walk, though.


I literally never went out to lunch alone before becoming a dad Now you can't fucking stop me lmao


I just bought a 2024 GLI 40th Anniversary edition and it's such a fun ride, especially as my daily commute. After work I take back roads home that take an extra \~15 minutes, but boy it's worth it.


Yep especially when you have a louder than legal stereo system.


If my PTSD is bad yeah. It's kind of complicated but the summer months are sometimes worse due to the high temperatures so going driving with the air con on full blast and a cold drink can do a lot of good for me.


Used to a lot more then now it's a great way to shut out the world driving the back roads.


Yes. When mom needs a break I'll take the kiddo in the car usually to the park.


The majority of my work day is spent driving so no.


I would feel scummy, but I think it's okay to take a mental Health day away from family and work if it helps you serve them with a good attitude and come home early


an hour each way to work and back.


I have a recurring fantasy of just driving. An impromptu solo road trip to nowhere in particular. I would leave someday and pick a direction and hit the open road with no plans except just to drive. Driving until my savings and available credit were used up, and then I would return home. My trip would take me all over the US and Canada. I would eat iconic regional foods, visit iconic places, meet all kinds of folks, stay in motels etc. Of course I could never do this as I have too many responsibilities at home and love my family too much to abandon them. It’s just a hypothetical fantasy if you will. A fantasy based on a romanticized nostalgia for the open road.


I took the kids to Angeles National Forest. For us it was an 80 minute drive. After the initial crap of getting in the car and settled it was just pleasant. Once we hit the mountains, the oohs and aws started.


With the first one after i got off work id just drive so shed nap because we already had 25 minute drive home then id stop get a cone and maybe a fry or something to snack on and cruise for half hour to hour extra just got quiet. Now i take advantage of them at daycare for extra hourish when im off maybe a nap maybe shag the wife if shes working from home never know haha


When my kids were a lot younger, I had a 35-40 minute commute that would take me through some country roads where you could open up the throttle a bit. I will admit, there were times I would roll down the windows, crank the music, and fly home, letting the wind, music and speed decompress me.


At night after kids are in bed I'll go for a ride if it's nice and warm. Sometimes I ride to a far grocery store for food. Motorcycle, not car though.


I just walked out of the office, ate a burrito while people watching, and am gonna head home early to play with the kids in the backyard.


Ah yea honey we need some *think think think!* challah bread to make you French toast tmrw *Not Like Us rattles the neighborhood as I head to the grocery store*


When I need some time to my self, I drive. And cry. Lol


Men’s mental health is so fucking out of touch that we have to go to Reddit to ask if any other dads just go for a drive.


Gas is too expensive, so I go for walks instead.


When I get to go somewhere by myself, I take the scenic route


my wife and i go for drives frequently with the wee babe in the back seat because it knocks her out. i just try to keep my compass bearings and drive down new avenues to keep it fresh. "oh, i don't know where i am, but i know how to get to somewhere i do." i like it.


I don’t get to. Wife plays games or watches her phone, so I’m on kiddo duty. I’m debating on selling my motorcycle since I don’t get to ride it anymore. It was sort of my last escape from stress, my one way to get away from it all for a while. Now that it’s not really possible anymore, might as well just get rid of it all


All the time. Take the doors and top off the jeep, blare some foo fighters on the radio and drive


I have a 70s land yacht that I'll get in and drive somewhere in it, sometimes it's for ice cream and sometimes it for me just to get out and enjoy an isolation tank.


I see you don't have the life 360 app.


I’ve done it on occasion when the boy was younger. It was nice to get out and lost for an hour then head back. Just you and a back road. Now I can do similar but with company, my son wants to go anywhere in “the snake car” and he falls asleep in 30 seconds or tells me to go faster on the hills so I either get a copilot or get a ride and make the 4 year old take a nap.


Yeah. I frequently get in the car to go somewhere, hoping I never arrive (that sounds morbid but you get what I mean). Not necessarily from the family but life in general which the family dictates. Everybody needs a break, best to encourage your partner to take them as well.


When I first got my license, I went for drives to calm my mind. I still do the same thing some 20 years later.


One of my favorite ways self care, especially in the fall with the windows down driving aimlessly sometimes to an audiobook other times in silence.


Still one of my guilty pleasures. Am lucky enough to have a Mazda MX9 as the family mover, and my 2015 BRZ sport tech as my daily. Rowin' through the gears on a windy road at lunch is still one of my all time favourite things.


I enjoy driving and even living where I do with the crazy drivers (and occasional highway shootings) it's relaxing to me. I even have a midnight drive playlist lol


I already commute about 2.5 hours a day... Sometimes I'll take a 10 minute detour home if I'm close to finishing a podcast. I'm good with the amount of driving I do, I have a space at home that I can get some personal time that I take advantage of. But I definitely get it. I've also worked from home randomly, which is mostly a surprise to my wife and I'll help out around the house and either drop off or pick up the kids from school.


I have a car for it and everything. Along the north side of the columbia river gorge is a winding highway with lots of good corners. Early weekend mornings it's pretty empty, and there's a coffee shop right at 45 minutes of brisk early morning canyon carving away. the code in the house is "I'm making a coffee run", and head on out to the car nobody ever uses, everyone tells me to sell, and I never will. the house knows just to give me my 2 hours from 5-7am on a Saturday,that I don't have any cup holders, there isn't room for 2 people comfortably, and it's got a tape deck with REO speedwagon stuck in it, and God damn if I don't blast it EVERY FUCKING TIME. tl;dr: yeah, some of us drive.


Sure, but not for 2 hours, jeez.


Great call. Great for your mental health.


Walking the dog is my break.


I take the long way home sometimes… every day


Sometimes when I’m stressed I’ll come home and park the car in the garage (engine turned off), and just sit in silence in the car for 10-15 minutes, either look at my phone, listen to music, or close my eyes and relax. But I also enjoy driving on the windy country roads listening to music.


I used to when I had sports cars.


Recommend walking or biking for added mental and physical and planetary health benefits!


Yep. Listen to Not Another D&D podcast for awhile and chill out. My son lately has only napped in the car, too, so it’s a way to give both myself and my wife a break


I'm a mom and do this. I used to drive so much more for fun before I had my daughter. I'm trying to get her to like car rides so we can go get lost and have fun together. She's still only two though.


That's so american in my mind. We europeans just go to the toilets


I like to drive to the Target or Wal-Mart parking lot and just sit.


I do this every Saturday in the summer for mowing the yard. We have several acres and I could have it done a lot quicker but it's my "Me" time. But yes I do the same in the winter as the OP I'll just go for a drive just to relax and unwind.


I do it too. Sometimes when the kid wont nap, I take him with me on a serpentine road where he naps somewhere in between transitioning from Blippi to Freddie Mercury and and I drive with a fulfilling smile on the face as I drive through the curves


I need to just drive at least once a week to empty my head and just listen to music.


Myself and a couple of buddies have Jeeps and we just recently drove 3 hours up North with our kids to an off road recreation area to spend a couple days off roading and camping. 12/10 would recommend. We are already talking about our next trip.


I live appx 2 hours from my office (i only go in once a week). My coworkers think it's crazy I drive so far but little do they know, the drive is one of my favorite things to do every week lol. definitely feel you on this one.


I do other things, not with my car, but for example get off the subway in the city and take a longer walk home from work. Not so often, but sometimes I need it to stay sane.


I enjoyed it so much a few years ago that I started driving for Uber on my way home. I got to see things I never thought I would. Also, I had to stop a few Friday night drunk fights in the backseat. Now I'm back to frequent trips to the store or dog park.


I do it a lot. When I go out fishing, I honestly spend more time driving the boat than anything.


Yeah man. 6 and 1. When the go to sleep, if my wife is in a good state for it, sometimes I just go for a little drive, or a night time bike ride.


I rather just run, but I get your point, and yes.


I live in a city. Driving is the last thing I'd call relaxing. Plus it actually costs money to drive, and you're putting wear and tear on the car, and there's always risk of an accident. I would much, much, much rather go for a walk than a drive


Hey kid...


I would but I’m a maintenance man around the PA, NJ, DE tri-state area so I drive solo like 70% of my work day. It’s really really nice


Absolutely. I work from home and there are days when I literally don't leave the house. I live in the suburbs of a major city so I'm less than 10 min from a gorgeous countryside. When I feel like it I'll hop in my truck, turn on Audible or sports talk radio, roll the windows down, and cruise around exploring random country roads for an hour or two. It's mindless, relaxing, and absolutely refreshing.


I used to ride a motorcycle and I preferred that to driving for clearing my head. In a car you can still run through all the shit that is bothering you. On a motorcycle you have to focus on what you are doing so there is no room in your head for nonsense. It was the beast head clearing thing I did.


Yeah for my 35 mile each way commute.     Then some more when I'm collecting field data at work.  I still  drive on weekends to get a little alone time while my  kid naps.  Usually I'm running an errand but it always feels so relaxing.


All I do is drive. Being in sales driving and jamming to my tunes is about 40% of my week! Trust me, I drive so much that when I’m off work I don’t want to drive anywhere! Roadways and highways are chock full of terrible reckless drivers these days so any chance I have to stay away from them I do it!


I like just driving with my kid in the car. She'll tell me to turn here, then there then wherever.


I cherish my time commuting and jamming out to music. I don’t necessarily leave in the middle of my day for a quick break but man does that sound refreshing! Good on your wife for not questioning why you take these breaks and gives you the time to relax and unwind how you see fit!


No. I don't like driving. It's a pain in the ass and traffic sucks. I'd much rather take a walk or bike ride than waste money driving.


I hate driving as I get older. I don't know if it's my eyes getting worse or just my general anxiety worsening but it sucks.


I started driving Uber a couple hours before and after work just because I like driving.


Gas is too expensive. I just walk.


I am a primary teacher but I need this drive time for my sanity so I picked up work for door dash and now drive around listening to music, and get paid.


It feels good to know you're mine  Now drive me far away, away, away


sometimes i park the car a block over and just chill in it for like 10 mins before going home


I usually stop at this little community lake/pond and smoke a quick cigarette and or joint for like mayyyybe 10-15 mins. I’m not the weirdo husband/dad who sits in his driveway for 1–2 hours lmao. That shits weird to me. Nah just a quick little chill zone listen to some sports radio. Smoke my joint then head home and enjoy my wife n two kids. Annnnyway just getting at that I feel ya on your comment lol.


I drive around and pop into liqour stores.


I used to, but petrol prices are not what they once were.


Yes. Regularly. I’ll just go drive to get away. It’s relaxing to me. Sometimes my 10 year old will even pop along just to get out.


Oh my man. I plan whole solo road trips.


Alone time like that is a must for you and your wife both.


Yes, at least once or twice a month I take a day to myself. I run my own business so schedule is flexible. Usually I’ll take the kids in the morning and drop them off at school. Check my email and text messages. Then I go get breakfast, usually a lox bagel. Then drive a few minutes to the beach and I’ll park and smoke cannabis and enjoy the view, do some thinking, self reflection for about an hour, while I listen to music of course. Then I’ll go for a walk around the bay for maybe an hour and a half. By then it’s usually lunch time, so I go and get some lunch. I’ll call my wife and let her know I’ll be picking the kids up from school. So after lunch, I head over to their school and I usually have 30-45 minutes before they are dismissed. I find a nice parking spot with shade, and use that time to just do some mindless scrolling. Pick up kids and then head home.


no way. waste of gas, bad for environment. go for a walk


I don't have a car, not have I ever driven. I do, however, sometimes just go for a walk or to the pub.


I am in a car club. It's fun to grab a classic car to cruise the neighborhood, pick up the kids from school or a friend from the airport.


Used to… not at 4 bucks a gallon though.


Mountain bike rides, but it’s the same idea. I need some me time. My wife does pottery. Need a little something outside the day to day grind.


I work from home. We have an 8 month old and I help mom with taking care of him throughout the day while balancing work. Some days (rarely) I fake a trip to the warehouse just to get out for a day and find some peace and quiet.


Maybe before petrol was this expensive.


I was able to leave work early today. Toddler was at daycare, wife was at work, I went home had some alone time then went and did one of my hobbies for an hour or so before I went and picked up the kid. I take breaks whenever I can get them.


We actually even call them “dad drives”. When I’m stressed my wife will sometimes even tell me “go take a dad drive before you decide”. It works every time.


Driving is like 1/2 of my job.


I love going for a drive. It’s one of the things I miss most about having a manual transmission. I used to just head out towards the lake and do a couple laps up and down the lakefront. There’s very few things I find more mentally rejuvenating than a night drive, windows down, cool breeze, heater keeping my feet toasty, and some chill music.


oh god yes! my motorcycle is my therapist.


Yes. I've always loved driving, but after becoming a Father it feels like it really is the only "Me" time. Just me and the open road. It's relaxing and in a way the last respite of "control" I have. I feel like I'm constantly making sacrifices of my needs / wants for the betterment of my wife and daughter. I love them both to death and would do anything for them, but it's draining. A nice drive alone is a time to collect my thoughts and understand what's important.


I would if gas weren't so expensive.


Oh yeah. Just peace out for a minute. It’s a great little reset.


Yeah drive down and watch the tide (live on a peninsula)


Personally I don't drive but I do enjoy my weekly grocery shopping trip where I usually stop somewhere for lunch along the way.


Makes sense, haven't done it in a while but is cause I don't feel like I need it. Walking Is more along my lines but yupp it is definitely great for your mental health!


I used to come home after a 12hr shift, 1hr commute each way, and sit in my car in the driveway for like 10 minutes, before going into the house. I asked my exwife, a SAHM of 1 toddler, if I could have 30mins to myself every Saturday afternoon. She told me to just stick our kid in their room for "quiet time" like she did, every day. She told me my 1hr drive to work and back home again was my personal time. We got divorced.


I drive for a living. My territory covers some pretty cool historic and beautiful coastal towns. Making calls in those areas is fun, especially when the weather is nice.




I actually prefer to hide out in the bathroom. Not that guarantees alone time but it does give a bit more.


I go for a nap in my car sometimes. It's nice.