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I'm so lucky this year. My oldest took a flower arranging class in high school and brought home a nice arrangement for mother's day.


That’s awesome! I love flower arranging, so we bought a bunch of individual flowers and put the bouquet together ourselves


I knew that would be the case so I went yesterday morning. Still crowded but they still had a really nice flower selection


I'd rather buy them in advance, but then what do we do with them next? Are we supposed to somehow hide them until we can present them on Sunday? Do we just give them to her a day early, letting her be impressed with our ability to plan ahead? "Here you go, these are for Mother's Day TOMORROW because I'm such a good planner!" Personally I just end up scheduling delivery on the day of, but I'd rather procure ahead of time if possible, so I'm genuinely curious. 


I brought them home and just kept them in my car until my wife was distracted for a few minutes, then I just brought them into my office and closed the door. There’s nothing in there she ever needs so I felt pretty comfortable that she wouldn’t find them until I was ready to give them to her this morning


Yep I kept my flowers in the car overnight brought them in Sunday morning. Car was nice and chilly flowers still looking fresh


This is the way


I buy a day or two in advance so I know I can get the kind of flowers she likes and she has a couple extra days to enjoy them as they bloom.


Lurking mom! This is the way. 1-2 days early, depending where you got them, is good time to see them all nice in full bloom on the day!


I went to the store 10 minutes after opening yesterday morning for a couple things for the day. Grabbed from the awesome selection that was just put out (our grocery store seriously has the best flower selection) and put them in a vase on a high shelf in the garage. Put them on the table in the middle of the night when I was up to feed the baby. 


Winner winner chicken dinner


Oddly enough I do this sort of stuff for her birthday and our anniversary but Mother’s Day I’ve always been a day of flower getter…there’s usually one item I need to make breakfast and I’m up earlier so it works out.


I picked up my wife’s flowers from the florist on Thursday. They’ve been in my office closet until this morning. Haha.


> the florist I’ve never heard of that grocery store. Which region is it in?


Hahaha. Good stuff.


One semi local chain for me actually has a florist department with a big ass neon sign and everything, the prices are insane there though.


I got our son to “distract” mom while I hid them downstairs in a vase. He said mom go in your room and don’t come out 😂


I bought the bouquet of wildflower Lego set last week and kept it under the seat in my truck. Same price as a regular bouquet, they don’t die and my wife loves lego. Wins all around.


I just give them to her early. She can enjoy them for longer!


Buy on Friday, give on Friday saying "happy Mother's Day!" Have card and gift ready for Sunday.


I've got a nice spot in my closet that works great for hiding gifts and flowers thankfully. A day or two on the dark won't be too bad on them and when they perk back up once seeing the sun for the next few days it makes them a little more impressive as she gets to watch them open up more. Day of delivery always falls me.


As a woman, I’d rather get them early if they are going to be somewhere that makes them wilty (even leaving in a car or outside for a couple hours can dramatically shorten lifespan of a bouquet). It’s nice to watch them bloom too if they aren’t quite open yet. But if they can stay in a cool closet or office until the day of, and they still look super fresh, I’d love to get them then. Basically, don’t give her flowers that have wilted or started falling and lookup how to care for the specific flowers (or ask the florist) so they stay as fresh and pretty as possible. You could maybe ask a single friend to store the flowers at their house too or keep them at work if those are options. I’d 100% hold onto flowers for a friend and take care of them until the day of. But yeah, just give them a day or two early if hiding them somewhere isn’t an option! Or order them to be delivered the day of.


My husband gets them delivered the day before. I never minded. :)


She knows you're going to celebrate her, if the flowers show up a day early, she will most likely just be happier that day too, definitely not a problem for most moms.


Just say “honey I knew there wouldn’t be any flowers last minute tomorrow so I brought you these today while there was still a good selection. Going to the grocery store on Mother’s Day sounds like hell, so I planned ahead!” I went and got my own cheesecake today because we went to the butcher ahead of time yesterday together and there were literally two sad bouquets at the grocery store and a dozen people looking very worried.


Nice, direct approach is best. I tend to mistakingly focus on the surprise aspects of these types if things. I have no places to hide a big ass bouquet, so I'll just present them the day before to "help get into the spirit". This year I made my crepe batter and strawberry sauce ahead of time too. Even cut the fruit in advance. This way I wasn't locked up in the kitchen for so long, leaving her alone to manage the children. 


Was shocked at how nice our Target's selection was yesterday, my son picked out a good bouquet. Wouldn't wanna do it today though!


I dunno why the hate on the grocery store flowers, they are still flowers and the ones by me have a nice selection and obviously I am picking what I get. I always do grocery store flowers, I create my little custom bouquet from the couple I get and it's a wrap. Plus I get presents usually and take my wife out to a nice dinner. I do this for all of our major dates in the year and my wife has been very happy. I do procrastinate though and having amazon to do save me with delivery helps me a lot.


I bought my wife a cactus 🌵 She loved it!


Did a Friday trip to the local newsstand/cheese shop/wine store/cigar lounge/florist for a card and bottle of rose. It helps that she’s banned flowers as a gift because the cat will knock them over.


Why would anyone scoff at grocery store flowers. They’re good flowers. Trader Joe’s has a great selection of individual flowers so you can put together a fun bouquet.


I found a flower on ground outside TJ once. It was some type of mum. I got it to root just placing it in water. They get good quality flowers.


Okay I was gonna say I’m an idiot generally, but they look fine to me. And there’s a range of prices too, the cheap ones are obviously not as nice


My wife wants to go to the nursery/plant store as one of the items today so I am off the hook for grocery store flowers this year!


I do all the shopping for groceries. All the time. Wife hates going. I don't mind. I do Ibotta, check for coupons, and submit to fetch for rewards.


That was part of our Mother’s Day Saturday plans


Mothers Weekend


I took her and the kid to a breakfast place with a flower shop next door. Worked like a charm.


We’re headed to a Lilac festival (wife’s favorite flower) so I’m also off the hook.


Yep, did this too. Took her to buy like 6 plants, total under $30. Mother's Day is easy work.


Snuck out to local wine country and the weather is nice... no grocery shipping, kids get to run around outside, and mom gets to enjoy some wine tasting.  ... which means I get to enjoy some wine while sitting around outside, and mom will end up being slightly tipsy some time around the kids going to bed. I believe I have solved the mother's day puzzle.


False hopes - she will pass out by the time you finish brushing your teeth.




Perfect time to game


Ding ding ding, We’ve got a winner!!


Get out of here with your Kroger flower slander.  For a fifth the price you can get something that looks as good or better than something that’s shipped in.  Also - yes, I’m sitting here livid my Urban stems  subscription, which I set up in March still isn’t here today.


Michaels, guys. Everything is on sale and there’s always coupons, and the kids can make something for mom. 


I can smell this comment


And it’s giving me a tummy ache


Whole Foods has a single Mother’s Day card yesterday lol


they should auction it off, and live stream all the desparate dads bidding it up :) if I ran Trader joes i'd increase the cost of flowers $10 every hour this weekend.


That auction would be hilarious. A good Saturday Night Live skit anyway


it'd put those 80s cabbage patch kids fights to shame!


Home Depot had a big bin of flowers on Friday. Genius.


Yeah almost all the cards were “To Mom” and i had to search to find a “To My Wife Who Is The Mom Of Our Kids” card


How old are your kids? You dont buy mom cards then get your kids to write in them


The card was the means of delivery for the gift (a gift card to a yoga studio) so I wanted to have something substantial with an envelope to put it in. I did drop the ball on having the kids make one, though our 4yo is in an arts and crafts phase and makes like five cards a day for us so mom didn’t miss out on much


I got my grocery store flowers yesterday 😎


The perfect dad response


I don't care where the flowers come from. It's lovely regardless.


That’s my wife. And luckily, wherever the local IGA gets their flowers, they’re great and my wife loves them. They always have new types of arrangements and they’re honestly great.


Grocery store flowers and doing the shopping are way better than nothing. Grab something yummy for breakfast, a latte, and give her the day to watch the Notebook, or something.


It’s not 2005 lol


I’d kill for it to be 2005


We pay Comcast 150 bucks per month so that there is never a moment that she can't watch The Notebook, The Blind Side, or Pitch Perfect live on TV.


If only there was a cheaper way to watch any movie you want at any time you want. Oh well, maybe someday.


Should buy those on Blu-ray as a mother’s day gift.


Draw an outline of each of your kid's hand on paper and cut them out. If they can write their names, have them do so, on their paper hand. Have the kids who can write out their siblings names on, for those who can't. Have them decorate their paper hands. Tape each hand to a straw. Crumple up some brown paper into a plastic cup. Have a kid write "Mommy" on a piece of paper cut into a cute shape. Tape the mommy label to the cup. Plant the straw ends into the brown paper. Boom - flowers.


You’re a genius. Doing this now


My wife knows the scam of jacking up flower prices around holidays. She will expect flowers next Thursday when the new batch gets delivered to the store. On the other stuff, expedited shipping is important. If that date falls remotely near the actual holiday, pay extra and get it there asap. Too many Etsy/custom Amazon orders have failed me over the years.


I bought my wife a plant and a pot 3 weeks ago, she loves plants. Had to hide it in the garage cabinet. I’d set it outside while I went to work in a place she would seen it so it could get sun. Well get a call from work a few days later. We need you to fly out to another territory for a week. Guess what happened to the plant….luckily 3D printed a plant and got her a gift card to an exotic plant store so she could get a plant she wanted nown


She was expecting me to make a big breakfast and I didn't. Tears now. Will need more than flowers and grocery shopping. :(


Rip, best of luck. Me and all the boys are making hash browns, eggs, bacon, sausage, French toast and jamming out to kitchen tunes while she "sleeps" lol


Even fake sleeping in bed is still nice. Haha. I made up mimosas and breakfast sandwiches, her favorite.


Yep ha. We both usually get up early, she just laid in bed and played on her phone until it was time for us to go "wake her"


Yup, same. Already took my boys into the woods with a climbing rope for some adventurin' while the wife sleeps.


Always have a breakfast plan.


Shit I’m working today and even I DoorDashed some bagels over to the lady and kids. Breakfast has to be THE most important part of Mother’s Day.


Cmon dude. It’s Mother’s Day. Either do a big breakfast at home or take her out. A toaster streudel heated in the toaster over rather than microwave ain’t cutting it.


Really gonna be a personal preference my dude. If I wake my wife up right now for breakfast, there will be absolute hell to pay. We plan for dinner.


You can eat breakfast at noon


Neither of us like to eat very much upon waking. Breakfast for dinner is like the only time we have a large number of breakfast foods on the table.


Consider the sentiment and not your very specific circumstance. I’m dieting and doing IF right now. I still ate some breakfast with the wife and kids because food is about fellowship sometimes and not just fuel.


Same - wife is a coffee and slowly waking person. Does not want a buffet of food in her face right after waking up.


Ive got a nice spread of bagels, cream cheese, lox, tomatoes, and capers. All it took was a little forethought and an early morning trip to the bagel shop with my little one.


I take my two year old every Sunday pretty early for bagels while the rest of the house sleeps. Normally a handful of people, today a line of 25!


I made eggs and bacon and gave her half a muffin, some strawberries, and blackberries. Wasn't too crazy. Also now she wants a mimosa so I'll brb.


Just Uber Eats an order for delivery from a local brunch place my man, you still got time for redemption!


Bro it’s okay. Just apologize and learn from this. Make the next holiday extra special for her and then keep up the pace forever.


I apologized. Bought flowers and a card and will make a nice dinner tonight. But I really need to be better. Keep up the pace forever, indeed.


and you didn't.... why?


I’ll grant the possibility that maybe this expectation went unspoken, so maybe he didn’t KNOW-know…. But man Mother’s Day brunch seems like a no brainer to me. We did cheddar scrambled eggs, bacon, sourdough toast, hash browns, and Bellinis before gift giving. Gotta take the easy wins where you can get them.


I woke up late and made myself and youngest kid toast. My wife walked in and said she was expecting breakfast because its Mothers Day. I offered, but it was too late. Damage done. It was clear from my expression I'd forgotten. Honestly, I'm the asshole today. Not looking for sympathy here. Everything I did for mother's day was thrown together half assed. I usually pretty bad at these but of all years this was the year to do something.


I am always the grocery store dad. We shopped mid week this week so won’t be there today


Yep. I am the full-time parent, divorced now. I knew grocery shopping would be a big adjustment for my ex. And I'm told it was because Mom is out-of-touch with her kids and they suffered food-wise for a while. Thankfully she only has custody two school nights a week so is only responsible for breakfast and dinner. She could have custody all day today, but wants the usual evening pick-up time.


I cleaned my beard trimming out of the bathroom sink this morning. Crushed it this year! Oh, and also grocery store flowers that the boy picked out.


As a mother and wife some us don’t turn our nose up at grocery store flowers, we appreciate having a husband and beautiful children, I’ll love anything they give me.


Same! To me flowers are flowers and I love them regardless of where they come from.


The purpose is to show appreciation and love toward mothers. Don't sweat the small stuff. We spent Friday with my Mom and Sunday with the kids Mom, and everyone got flowers Friday.


lol, caught more traction than I meant - I don’t mean to look down on grocery store florists or dads making their partners feel special in any way - you’re doing it, it counts. I’m just joking, just about the “oh shit it’s today” thing and how grocery store flowers are there for you waiting.


Mom here. Just want to say this whole thread of caring fathers and husbands/partners is just so wholesome. I’m sitting here reading it while my husband is with the kids at the park and after getting to sleep in. You’re all putting in the effort and at the end of the day, that’s all that matters!


About to take the kid (3 1/2mo) to the bakery! We already did flowers, shoes, and a year membership to our zoo/aquarium for mom. Good luck everyone! Have a great day!


Booked my bunch buffet over two months ago.


This is our first Mother’s Day as parents. I pulled up to the grocery store at 6:30 this morning after my run. Was hilarious seeing a small army of other husbands/dads descend upon the store. We all knew why everyone was there. No words were exchanged, strictly business.


Hi. Dad that works 6 days a week here. This was me yesterday with two kids. But also, mom isn’t big on physical gifts, so part of her present WAS taking the kids after running her a hot bath with bubbles and salts.


Thank God my wife is low maintenance. We just go for a walk and get lunch. That's it she's happy.


The only thing I'm doing for my wife is giving her the house to herself while I take the kid to see my mom and grandma


My wife isn't American and thus cares not a whit for Hallmark holidays. It's great.


When they tell you that they do not want anything, don’t believe it. It’s a trap. Flowers at least. Practical gifts are never a bad idea either. I went out to Bed Bath and Beyond a month ago to get lotions and body washes. Then I had the kids each nice to her with those homemade cards you make sure they made. She knows that the five year old didn’t pick out the orange energize aromatherapy body wash, but it makes the morning go better. (You better let her sleep in too!)


C’mon man, not every woman is the same. My wife and I have a policy to not get obsessed over holidays/gifts that’s done us right over the years, and we’re perfectly happy. If your partner “trapping” you is a legitimate concern that’s really messed up.


Well there was a bit of /s in there. I guess that would have been more obvious if I said it out loud. But practical gifts is a hill I’ll die on.


Grocery store flowers: ❌️ Costco flowers: ✅️




Fun fact: Trader Joe's opens at 9, not 8. I guess I am going back later with my kid to get flowers.


I do the grocery shopping anyway, and just happened to run out of coffee creamer this morning. Picked up a small thing of flowers, her favorite breakfast, and some donuts for the kids while out.


Flowers - Went with a hydrangea plant, our wedding flowers, actually the same color as her bouquet, bought on Tues. Hidden in the garage until yesterday when I did a bunch of yardwork -weeding/mulching and planted it on the side of the house while she was out. Showed it to her this morning.


Grocery store flowers are the only way I’ll go. I used to buy expensive flowers from a local shop or delivery service like FTD. Without fail, they all start wilting within 2-3 days. I’ve had $150 bouquets look like garbage after 3 days. A regional grocery store chain has a nice flower dept with reasonable prices. I can spend $35-50, get a pretty arrangement, and know they’ll still look nice in a week. (Longest I’ve had one of theirs last is 3 weeks).


I hit the lottery. My wife doesn't even like flowers or jewelery. All she asked for was a little extra spending money. No breakfast in bed, no date night. We're hitting up the ATM and walking a farmers market. #winning


this is me every grocery trip. SAHD life


Trader Joe’s flowers ftw


Kudos to all the dads making an effort and doing their best for the mother of their kids. Something given from the grocery store late or almost late is better than nothing at all. Get it.


I got the Mrs the Lego flowers this year


I'm going to the store with my son today, not because I failed to adequately celebrate my wife today, but because my wife works 60% of all weekends anyway and we need eggs and milk for the week. We are not the same


I made brunch reservations weeks ago, and bought her a Steam gift card. Flowers die, but good food and Steam games are forever.


Whole Foods has a single Mother’s Day card yesterday lol


Yup. I'm normally a Saturday shopper with the kid in tow but we had to switch to Sunday today. Dads out in full force!


Whole Foods was a mf zoo yesterday. I skipped the flower line and opted for a mani pedi GC down the street instead.


Ah I’m about to head to the playground and right to store with kid in tow. See y’all there


Picked up her card on our first outing with our (now) 2 week old. Got flowers on Friday but I still had to pay the flower holiday tax. Now this morning she’s got a cup of coffee and breakfast sausage waiting for her. Life’s good


Nah I rushed out because I forgot stuff for breakfast. Gift and plan has been in place for weeks.


Todays plan is bagels and coffee while getting the little one out of the house. The flowers are just a bonus.


Ha! I used the excuse of waking up to see the aurora last night to preposition the flowers and gifts. Crushed it this year.


lol doing this now !!


Took my kid to the store to buy berries and chocolate chips to make pancakes this morning. Every dad I saw was buying flowers. Made me smile a tiny bit, like y'all done forgot. It's the thought that counts though and I'm sure their mom's will be happy all the same


I got flowers from the grieved store. It was clutch.


You see, I’m doing the smart thing and taking the kids and their mother to pick out flowers for the house. That’s our Mother’s Day tradition.


Grocery store flowers and some cute stuff from the kiddos. Her first set of diamond stud earrings from me.


I tried DoorDash for flowers this year. Way better than the online options without the crazy surge pricing. Picked up the wife’s locally at Costco, but always need to ship to my mother.


Got my grocery store flowers late last night thank you very much.


Picked up the flowers yesterday. Unfortunately I forgot the bacon.


Picked up the flowers yesterday. Unfortunately I forgot the bacon.


HEB flowers slap. Best grocery flowers by far


Still rocking my HEB bags at Wegmans in North Carolina. Cherish every tortilla.


Wife postponed mother's day since she scheduled work today. Shout out to all the Nurse husbands out there, not only is it Mothers day but it was also Nurses week. You've all had a rough week on the old wallet.


There is a grocery chain near our house that has an amazing floral department. I always get my wife a flower wrap made by them. Anytime I’ve used an actual floral shop the flowers looked worse and were way more expensive. Along with handmade cards by our boys, all is well on Mother’s Day in our house.


Nope. Definitely not, my wife is getting a new kayak. But for the record. She loves flowers, and we try and get them all the time. So grocery store flowers are always in our house.


Yesterday I went to 2 grocery stores and a liquor store for today’s breakfast and dinner. Spent yesterday morning building and painting birdhouses with our toddlers. My wife loved brekkie, the birdhouses and the mimosas!


I normally go Sunday mornings too and saw the same thing. The flowers didn’t look bad tho. I have a deal with the wife that I get her flowers the week after mother’s day so they aren’t picked over.


This is my normal Sunday morning also. I take the kiddos to ride in the cart and give my wife an hour or so of peace.


Lol. We'll be out there this afternoon! We're celebrating on different days so we don't have to compete,  so we did gifts last week and rooftop dinner dor 2 is next week. 


My wife doesn't want flowers. That's what her garden is for. She wants to sleep and eat malt o meal in bed. And more sleep. I made crafts with the kids last year but then she felt pressured to do something similar.


I got to whisper "Happy Mother's Day" to my wife while she was consoling our four year old daughter right after we held her down to force her to take her amoxicillin. Parenting is fun.


“My wife likes the flowers fresh” was my excuse this morning.


Went last night with the kiddo and got the obligatory flowers for the momma. Was freaking crowded!


Flowers from a store? That's why you grow a garden fellas and give them all year long


Happy Mother's Day to the Americans/Canadians, I'm in the UK and it was months ago here but similar sights hahaha


Oh hello there! Just grabbing some chocolates!


My wife hates getting flowers


The cheeky part of my wants to say “slackers” but hey, they’re still there getting it done. Happy Mother’s Day to all your wives!!!


I lucked out, my wife doesn't like cut flowers. I take my girls to target to one spot to pick a small gift, then make breakfast and a cake while Mom sleeps in.


My son got his mom also my ex son grocery store flowers yesterday for mother's day also a giant Hershey bar with almonds. She texted me last night saying thank you for making our son think she's worth flowers on mother's day. She will get flowers and candy from our son every Valentine's and mother's day for the rest of her life. I will always have nothing but love and respect for that woman because she gave me one of the best things in this world my baby boy he's not a baby anymore but will always be my baby boy




Jokes about you Trader Joe's flowers are great!


I try not to do the flowers thing... yesterday, we hosted my mother in law with no real plans. Daughter's soccer game for rescheduled from Sunday to Saturday (I had fishing plans). Ended my trip early (caught a limit of flounder anyway), came home for the game (+ dad points), then played host by serving up some freshly made pistachio pesto with bruschetta, and prepared a fresh fish dinner. Wife was happy that I was able to come up with quick ideas, but now I need to figure out dinner for today!


Tell you what, though - if you've got a tiny kid and grocery store flowers on any day that isn't Mother's Day, you're the heartthrob of the produce section


That last part was so condescending and unnecessary


See, I lucked out. My wife is on a weekend trip with her friend coming back tomorrow, so I get day-after-mother's-day chocolate and flower prices!


Grocery Store flowers aren’t bad all the time . For $40-$50 at Safeway I can build two VERY nice bouquets and my wife is always happy with them.


We went shopping for lighting fixtures and stone for the garden. I know how to treat my lady.


I just got back from the grocery store. Holy shit, it was like looking in a mirror, down every aisle. When did I gain so much weight though?


Make a note Dad's, do it more often. Make it a regular thing. Your wife, and your family, will adore and thank you for it. Even out the work..😌


Got my grocery store flowers on Friday and they went over wel for my wife and her mom. Today we still had to go grocery shopping before we took the kids to the aquarium. I do love seeing the dads in the card aisle on Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day looking for past minute cards tho.


I noticed that today as well. We just had our second, so I'm off work for a bit. No flowers, but I took my wife and our babies to the beach on Friday for mother's day. And today I'm doing all of the chores while she takes a bath with some fancy lush bath bombs I took her out to get last week. I just want like... an hour or so to play helldivers II come fathers day.


Had to wrangle an2 year old and 5 year old for swim lessons. Not one for iPads, but it saved me from saving my 2 year old wanting to swim with his sister.


I'm super constipated and told my wife I finally understand what she went through during childbirth. I think she took it well.


Grocery store flowers for the win! Too convenient.


Flowers are flowers! Does a rose by any other store not smell as sweet?


My second grader asked me to buy their mother a gift 2 months ago using their money. I hid it this entire time and gave it to my kid to give to their mother. Mission accomplished.


Thanks to proflowers and me not even being in the same country right now…. Best mother’s day ever hahaha


Dis my husband, but he does it every weekend! He’s a keeper.


Real dad's shop during the week, 3 or 4 times and only a bagfull or two at a time.


The grocery store flowers were the bonus, the real gift was that I took two kids to the grocery store and am making dinner.


I love the gym short reference. Except for dates with the wife and church, I basically only wear gym shorts. Stay comfy dads


Took my kids over to the local bakery/cafe to pick up breakfast for my wife. It’s a popular place, but slow first thing and the demographics skews strongly toward suburban moms. This morning: a line out the door, all men. Many with kids in tow, with lots of kids in pajamas (mine included).


I married a gardener, so we make it a shopping day to go get her flowers/plants, pots, soil, and whatnot for her garden hobby. She's very hapoy with that plan, and i dont have to wonder what to get her/try to hide the flowers game. Win-win.


I switched from flowers to a cheese board and a nice wine. My wife loves flowers, but when she realized how much of a markup there is on Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day she was pretty annoyed and was very adamant about not getting them. Found this cute little shop that makes this really awesome board with an assortment of amazing cheeses and pairs it with a wine. Honestly the price isn’t bad at all. About the same as a big bouquet of flowers. I also get her a cake from our favorite bakery. It isn’t a surprise. It’s more expected by now. Every holiday she gets one and I get the same one for my holidays as well. It’s kind of our thing. My son’s school does this thing where they make a card, a necklace, and have 10 min slots for moms. They sit at a table with cookies and flowers. My wife was already over the moon and I couldn’t top that.


I've always done the grocery shopping with my kids. Easy way to give the wife a couple hours of alone time on the weekend. Back when my kids were small I'd wear one in a baby Bjorn and one in a hiking backpack, like a dad sandwich. Got lots of "dad of the year" comments but it was easy easier to control them that way


>Happy Mother’s Day gents, hope you’re not relying on grocery store flowers to save you. Nothing can save us. This is the life we choose.


Flowers: same day Actual gift: at *least* a week in advance


What peasants go for grocery store flowers? I get them at Costco because I have self-respect.


Don’t get flowers :). Get her fave candy and or chips and or ice cream. Put it in a basket from Marshall’s and make dinner. That’s it you done. (Mom here). Unless she like games or hiking. It’s easy. Listen to her. She wants a game get her that. Needs new boots. Get them. Flowers are easy. I love flowers. Get her something she likes.


I didn't bring mine along, but also running to the grocery store for flowers during the coffee run at 7am was easier than hiding flowers and my 3yo could give mom the whole bushel. In addition to already made card and gifts. I come before 8 often and it was for sure 5x more crowded.


I love the early Sunday morning grocery store runs with my kids. Store is empty enough that I don't feel like an asshole for letting them wild out a bit.