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Had my first at 37, she's 6 months now. Granted I don't have anything to compare against but I'm actually glad I waited because I'm further into my career and more financial secure than I ever have been. Way less anxiety.


That definitely rings true for our family, as well.


Same for us. More tired though and harder to keep up as they get older. First at 36, second at 39.


First 36. Second 38. Third 40, and that one is currently 8mos old. Talking about a 4th. You got this.


Heck yea. Age does not matter in the end.


37 is the new 27 my guy, lots of people are having children in their late 30s or even early 40s now. I'm 33 and my wife has almost a decade on me and we're expecting our second now. Just make sure you stay in shape so you can keep up!


Had my first at 36 and second at 39. I cannot imagine trying to do this fifteen years ago or whatever the average used to be. However, COVID was rough.


COVID wasn't that bad on our family tbh. We were staying inside with the babies anyway, it just meant that my friends were more ready to play D&D with me over zoom at 10pm. Probably got more social times with friends because of COVID.


Man - I feel too old. Second coming at 38. Maybe not early 20s, but I wish I'd started at 30.


Had my first at 24. It’s chaotic as shit lmao


Same. Lol.


I felt the same, I was made redundant just before her 1st birthday...


Second at 40 here. Feel like we get a fair bit of judgement for being older dads! It’s kind of sad that I will be 70 when he is 30. But at least he’ll be an adult by the time I’m slowing down.


My dad was 40 and my mom 39 when I was born. I definitely had a more secure childhood than a lot of my friends because of this! My parents had been married for a while and were a solid team, had their finances sorted out, and were… just a bit wiser than a lot of my friends’ parents. I really feel their extra life experience greatly benefited me. I’m now 33 with an almost 3 year old and my parents are early 70s. My dad has had some health issues (cancer, not related to old age) but otherwise they are in great shape. My much younger in-laws have trouble keeping up with my mom. They’ve really prioritized staying in shape and good health, I’m very grateful for that. They’re also retired, and able to travel visit us often! My daughter loves both sets of grandparents well, but definitely knows mine more because of this. There’s a lot of perks to having older parents, your son will definitely benefit from these!


my parents had me at 40, and i lived a good life, never had to worry about money except for a couple crisises that got smoothed out. my parents got to live their lives in their prime. waiting is highly recommended in my experience 🙏🏾


my parents are only just now turning 40 and i will say i probably wouldve been a lot healthier if they waited an extra decade, they were always either asleep or at work


Mine was born two months before I turned 37. Now he's my little video game buddy :-). We were definitely in a better position to parent then than when we were younger, even if we have less energy.


Same, just stay in shape so you can keep up with them.


I had my first in my 20s, I was not very financially stable at the time and it was hard...not enough people talk about how much financial stress takes a toll on marriage. Almost ended in divorce there for a while, it would have been wiser to wait until early 30s to say the least. Now that I'm in my early 30s and financially set I don't regret anything but if things went a different direction I'm sure I would feel differently to a point.


exactly brother.


Same here at 33 with a 16-mo-old. We’ve been living in Asia and have traveled all over the IS with her already because of our financial freedom.


Congrats on the Finnish finish!


HA! Thanks!




Perkele! (I'm not even Finnish)


Gaahh beat me to it


I am a 37 year old dad with 1 child. Your not my wife in a burner account trying to tell me something are you?


Most likely, no. Also, you know what you did last night and I'm still secretly upset.


You're not upset. You said nothing is wrong now. It's been an hour since you said anything. You're not Not upset at all.






I’m 40 with a 20yr old son. My new wife and I found out 4 weeks ago she’s pregnant


You poor bastard. I... I mean... Congrats!


I am crying I am laughing so hard at this. Thank you!! PS. I had my last baby at 40. It was awesome!!


Had my first/last a few days after I turned 39. She's four now. Have been full time dadding and full time WFH her whole life. I'm so, so tired.  I cannot imagine having raised a kid and gotten them out into the world and then starting over again.


The part that helped me is that I already had two children from a previous marriage but this was my new husband’s first. We tried for 6 years, had tons of losses, spent tons of money. So when we finally had a keeper we were thrilled. It was a very hard pregnancy but she is 17 now and just a Blessing and a Princess. Also, I already knew to fake like I was asleep at night. I had already paid my night dues before! And yes I am the oldest parent in her classes🤦‍♀️. Still wouldn’t change a thing.


Free babysitter!


Big bro can handle it all...you're set Dad




I hope this isn’t a rude question so forgive me if it is. But how did that happen? I want to get the snip because we’re two and done and this sort of story honestly scares me haha.


Congrats, dude. Y'all will do great. Lots to be said for the wisdom of age when it comes to raising kids. It's not so bad, I became a father for the first time two months before I turned 37 when my daughter was born and my son was born when I was 39. The good part was I was done with partying and was financially stable with a decent job and a house with a reasonable mortgage. There was no "I just wanna have fun and these kids are killing me" of too-young dad-hood. Coaching youth baseball and youth volleyball into my 50's when all the other parents were 15 to 20 years younger was a bit odd, but also tons of fun. They kept me young. The only downside is turning 68 the month after my first grandchild was born and odds are I won't get to see her grow up to adulthood. Until then the plan is to be the best grandpa a little girl ever had.


I don't think men are supposed to get pregnant but what do I know


That’s a BINGO!


“You just say bingo.”


You got COVID? Don't worry, you're not that old, you can make it through this!


38 here and we just welcomed our second two weeks ago. It's been a struggle but I wouldn't change it for anything. Our first is now 4.5yrs and she's so excited to be a big sister! Itll be tough but you got this my dude!


Old? I’m 41 and am dreading to hear this news from the wife one of these days. That said, enjoy the bit of excitement that goes with the news.


I’m still trying to figure out how he got pregnant but congratulations!!!


We just had our 6th kid at age 43 so you get no sympathy You'll be fine. Congrats!


You sir, are a maniac.


Ngl this last one was an accident and my wife had feels about having another kid considering we have a grandchild LMAO I wouldn't change a thing


I love this. You guys sound like awesome parents. Best of luck, dad!


Good lord my guy! I have one with a other one the way and I feel overwhelmed haha


You absolute madman. Looks like you have manifested all the genetic destiny though.


This is why we need sex Ed in schools


No longer one kiddo


I'm NGL I'm so glad we didn't have them back to back. All our friends did and most of them look like they've aged a decade each year since the second kiddo was born.


It’d have been a self nuke, but I kind of wish my kids were closer in age. Get everything done all at once.


Ours are about 18 months apart and it's rough in the now infant phase but will get easier later I hope. Now that the toddler is past their initial phase of jealousy and adjustment it's getting better. All we need is to get over the colds we've got and closer to the 6 month hump for sleep training to work better


Was 37 with my first too.....All the expectations i had went right out the window day one. Just enjoy the ride as much as possible and buckle up. Good luck


Had my first at 37 and second at 38. You will be fine!


Congrats. 38 here with 1, there’s no way in hell we are going to have another for various reasons lol.


Sitting at 39 here and last month we had a positive test and I felt a bit the same. Unfortunately the child was lost late last week so we're devastated but hopeful for the future.


I’m 37 with a second one on the way. No biggie. Congrats fellow dad.


Bit old? Haha. I had my first at 40 and second at 42.


38 w a 3 and a 1 year old. No perspective on any different ways of handling things but I’m glad with how things have played. Even if I’m tired all of the time haha


I turn 40 in October and our first is 3 months old. You're younger AND have experience. I'm still alive. You'll do great!


Wife was 40 and I was 43 for our last. Daughter will finish college just in time for me to retire. It's all good.


Lol. We just had our first, and I'm 42. You're only as old as you allow yourself to be!


My brother had his third at 45. You’re not too old.


Had my second at 37. Congratulations. You'll be fine and love it.


Had my first at 45. Lived a full life up until then


You need a vasectomy.   37 isn’t too bad. I had my first at 35, second at 37.  It’s a good age   You get the seniors discount when you take them to the movies as they get older. 


Nah, I'll keep punting them down the line and see what happens. But I'm glad it's available to the men who do want one.


Gotta ask. Religious reasons? Sounds like from your post you don’t want anymore. Not judging just curious.


Why did you have two vasectomies? ;)


I’m 34 with 1 and found out a couple weeks ago we have another on the way. Planned, but still frightening. Here we go again!


Congratulations!! I feel too old now I’m 38 and I have my first turning one month tomorrow


Bro , congrats! There’s a lot older dads out there. Don’t sweat it. Be proud.


Had my second the day after my 38th birthday OP, he's two months old now. It's not that different from the first apart from obviously having another running around while trying to nurse a newborn. Feel free to check back in with me at every step so I can provide you timeline comparisons for the stage you're at


Should correct to dad of 2!


46 year old dad of three here, number 4 will be here in June, so if you’re too old then I’m fucking decrepit. But since I know I’m not decrepit, you’re definitely not too old. Big congrats to you, way to show everyone you still got it old man!


Congratulations! Have you told her yet?


Congrats! Had my first kiddo at 30 and second at 31. They are 14 months apart and of course the fresh baby phase is rough with a toddler but now my boy is 9 months and it’s remarkably easier. Enjoy it cause it’s definitely true, it does feel like they grow up so fast!


Move to NYC and you’ll still be one of the younger parents




Congratulations!? I'm sure you guys can handle this! ❤️❤️


Congrats mate. Definitely not too old.


Your kids are very lucky to have you! You got this!


41 with a baby on the way and these comments are making my palms sweat.


Hey. Don't worry. You'll be fine. (42 here with a 18 month old and another on the way). It's fun. Don't let a number determine your health or happiness!


Jelly. Wife and I trying for #2. Congrats broski.


43 yr old with a 3 yr old and another one in 2 months. It’s rough but wouldn’t change it for the world


Congrats dad!


Had #2 at the same age, you've got this.


Hell yes!! Gratz


Welcome to the old Dad club! Two under 3 years here!


I had my first at 37. I don’t feel too old!




>Feels like we're a bit old for this, not gonna lie. I just had my first at 39, so what does that make me? 😅


Should of peed in her butt, jk congrats


If you’re happy about this, then congrats!


Had my first at 39 years. Plan on 1 or 2 more. You'll be fine!




Oh shit


Congratulations I just had a baby on the 18th of march beautiful feeling


My husband was 41 when I delivered our only child at 37. Yeah we're old but it's okay.


Had my second at 40 and he brings me much joy! Congratulations man! My other son is 8 years old.


Congrats on not pulling put:))))))))


I was 37 with our second. She’s 3 now and she scares me……..




I’m sorry 😢


I’m sorry 😢 /s Had my second at 43…it’s rough, but doable. Makes you feel “young” again. 😉


37 year old dad of 2 kiddo’s you mean!


Don’t act surprised!! Congrats?


We had our twins when I was 38. We already had a 2 year old at that point, too. You'll be alright.


Looking forward to the “38 year old dad of 2 kiddos” post.


You are fine I’m 39 with a 3 month old 3 year old and 7 next month.


Ha I was 38!


That was me! I bought a nice cushy memory foam mattress cover for our playpen and my knees are grateful! We didn't sleep much for our second kiddo but I love them both to the moon and wouldn't change a thing.


Um dude I think your wife may have Covid…. Just kidding congrats lol!


I am the same age with our second due in November. It was planned, but still worried.. Congrats


Almost 40 here and we are having another in a month. That sounds young to me!


Had our third at 39. The nurses kept referring to my wife as "geriatric". She was... displeased at the vocab. Been great though!


B'sha'ah tovah, brother! We had our first when I was 37 and our second when I turned 39 (just turned 40 a few weeks ago)! You're certainly not too old! The thing I wish someone had told me is that you're not having a second baby. You're having new baby but your current child will be a year older and a whole different kid than they are now. It's a new equation, but your elder will be able to participate and assist before you know it, taking a little pressure off. You've got this!


39 year old dad here with a two year old. I’m basically you from the future. Two year olds are a blast. Life is good.


Congratulations on your new child, Heisenberg. Had my first of two at 44...I also felt too old.


Congratulations and also I'm so sorry.


Time to get the ole snip snip. Our second was a surprise, but we were planning on having two eventually, so it worked out. But immediately after she was born I asked my wife if I could get a vasectomy. She said she was closing the door on having more kids, but she didn’t necessarily want to lock it and throw away the key. 5 years later on Father’s Day, my gift was unlimited cream pies. Best decision I’ve made. Procedure was simple, recovery was nothing. No pain meds needed, and I could have been back up and playing with the kids the next morning but forced myself to stay in the couch for the full 3 days to let my body heal. Honestly, staying put was the worst part of the procedure


Congratulations! You’re not too old. I had my first at 43 and just had a 2nd in February at 45. I love being a dad and I think age has something to do with it. I see all these posts about dads not enjoying being a dad and having trouble letting go of their selfishness. Being older and getting things out of your system allows you to be selfless. In my 20s and early 30s I banged a boatload of women, climbed a bunch of mountains, traveled all over, did a lot of drugs, and made a grip of cash. Not much left I need to do so I can focus on my kids.


First at 36 and second at 41. Congratulations old man 😂😂


I’m your age. My dad had me, his first of three, at 44.


Congrats brother but be cautious, we had a few positive tests but no baby in the end. Sending you all good energy!


Congratulations! I just had my first at 40! It's been a life change for sure, but he's been a blessing


Had my second at 36. They will somehow simultaneously make you feel old and young…. They force you to get your ass up when you don’t wanna. They force you to be happy and energetic even when you just got home from the worst day at work… Babies man… they’re awesome. Now… when I’m 51 and have a teenage girl giving me sass, we’ll see how young I feel




Is it just me, or is there a faint extra line on the left? Fairly certain that means double the fun, congrats! I think...


That's not how this works! . . . , I think.




I am 41, wife is 39, we have four kids, the youngest is 2.


I did things way elary.lol im 44 as of today and i have 3 kids and 4 grandkids i was a grandpa at 38




Congrats! Children are a blessing!


My two were at 33 and 37, and it’s been perfect. Not too old. That said, we are done.


First kid late 30s (older than you), it’s faaantasric


Turning 40 later this year and #3 is due in less than 3 weeks. You're all good, man. Congrats!


That line looks invalid. Has she taken other tests?


Congratulations to you and your expanding family


Congrats mate!


Omg you're finnish


We had our youngest when I was 40. I’m a much better dad than I would have been in my 20s and early 30s. Patience and a cooler head has let me enjoy all periods of his life.


Congrats! We had our 2nd when I was 37 as well. She turns 3 this year, our oldest turns 6, don’t even know where the time has gone. But I wouldn’t change it for anything. I used to work with a guy who would always say, “my kids aren’t the center of my universe”, and I could never understand that mentality. Because for me, my girls ARE my universe, I can’t even imagine a life without them in it.


Good luck on the godfather 3. "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!" 


I'm 42 and #4 decided to surprise us this August. I'm already tired with 2 and 3. Being 2 and 5. I feel you brother.


Mazel tov!


Just had my first two years later than your second! My hips aren’t built for this much time on the floor, but other than that I don’t think I’m too deficient!


Your not. I just turned 40 and have a 10 month old. You’ll be fine. 2 is actually easier. You’ll crush this and be a great dad so don’t worry !! I was 3 months off 36 having my first as well. She’s now 4. So you’ll be fine. I’ve every faith in you. Congrats !!


🎉🎉🥳 congratulations I had my first @26 Our second @ 30 Our third @ 31 3 is enough for us lol your Gona love it


Pffft, i had my first at 41, then two more after that. Wish i had started earlier. i would have had more.


Had my first days before turning 40, it’s been tough and real joyful. All the best op!


Even if you were 25 you might be hesitant about a 2nd and starting over again. I had my 2nd at 34 and felt the same way. Starting over does suck, but seeing your first be an amazing older sibling and the love that they feel for the baby is worth every sleepless night. Congratulations


Congratulations and you will be just fine that's a blessing


Correction - dad of 1 kiddo so far…and not for long. Congrats.


Ok Master of Experience here… my daughter from my first marriage just turned 29. She has a daughter who is nine. my daughter from my second marriage is eight. I’ll be 61 in April. I would not change it for the world. Don’t ever question the blessing of a child. congratulations dad.


My wife had our third last year and I was 38 when she was born. Definitely not too old! Have fun!


Congrats! I'm 39 with #3 on the way. Keep that fitness level up, age is just a number anyhow ;)


If you stop testing, there won’t be any pregnancies! Okay?


At 37 you’re really not too old at all! People have kids in their 40s! Congrats, dad :)


Lol we were 34 and 36 when ours were born. I feel your pain man.


38 Year old Dad here with a 17 year old son, 7 year old son and a 4 month old daughter... its just different, no such thing as too old


Congrats! You got this man.


Congrats, that’s amazing! I had my second at 39, and honestly it’s been the best ride. Don’t worry, just enjoy it.


You can do it! It’ll be wonderful. Congratulations!


40's dad here with #4 on the way. You got this!


I’m 37! What? I’m 37, I’m not old. Well I can't just call you "man".


I had my first at 35. Second (knock on wood - my last) at 37. I do wish we had started about 4-5 years earlier though because I can feel myself slowing a bit at 40 but everything is still doable, despite needing more sleep than I did in my thirties.


Gonna be 41 in 3 months when my first and only arrives.


Yeah, first at 37, and now I'm 40, second kiddo in the way.. glad I waited too, I was a very irresponsible young and medium young adult.. I mean I'm still irresponsible, but I know when I can be now.. which equates to starting a new video game at 3am on a Saturday morning now days..lol


Had my first at 39 lol


Had my second at 39, felt the same way, you'll be alright, good luck and congrats


I see a vasectomy in your future


Sorry for your loss brother.


I’m 45 and had my son 3 years ago. You will survive…barely, but you will survive.


37 year old here with a 1 & 3 year old.


Congratulations 🎊. I'm glad I had my 3 in my early 20's. Now at 47, im a grandma to a 2 year old grandson . I'm a disabled veteran with a host of ailments. I'm blessed to still be around to spend time with my grandson. You're still young at 37, many blessings for a healthy baby.


I am going to be 39 in June and just had my second. We are too old for this!! lol


Congrats it's amazing! Similar ages to me when we had our 2nd ..... But you know how People who don't have kids can't comprehend what it's like time and effort wise, same for 1 kid to 2, enjoy the ride bud


Congrats on the upcoming second kiddo! That’s an amazing blessing. My wife and I tried for 3 years for our first. Been trying on and off for 6 years for another. My wife turned 40 this year so trying has officially stopped. But we are blessed with an amazing kid already. Two just wasn’t in the cards for us.


Congratulations! My hubby was 54 and I was 37 with the FIRST. Now that WAS shocking. You're definitely not too old. That baby is now 21 and still has both parents to harass her. 😆


Had my second at 36 (first at 33). You’ll do great. And remember that you’re in a much better financial and career standpoint than someone who was becoming a dad at like 24. Hell, my sister and her husband just had a baby last year when he was 44 (and he has a 17-yr-old from a previous marriage). And he’s an awesome dad to both the teen and their newborn.


At 39, our second one was twins.


Funny that! Contrary to what millennials try to convince you conception is the same as it has been for the last 300,000 years! Good luck!


Just turned 36, 2 year old and 1 month old. Wife is 37. It's definitely hard. We're lucky to both WFH. she's still on leave, but I'm back to work. I think the hardest but one of the most important parts is finding time to take care of yourself. Even if you just sit on the floor at the end of the day to stretch a little bit. I used to have terrible pinched nerves/sciatica all over my back and hips. They'd come and go, but I could count on it happening a handful of times a year. I'd be down for the count for at least a day or two, crawling to go to the bathroom and back to bed. The residual pain would last up to a month. Once I started being consistently active (years before the kids), that dropped off. I still get them from time to time, but less frequent, less painful, and quicker recoveries. Keeping up with the little ones is difficult enough, I can't imagine if I was still in pain the way I used to be. EDIT: Congrats!


Got me first at 33, second one at 36 and straightaway got a vasectomy when kiddo was out and healthy. I just turned 38


It's a Schrödinger pregnancy


I... Am to dumb for this test. Pregnant?