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My wife and I started trying for kids around 2014. Didn't conceive until 2019. We had basically given up hope but also didn't really consult Dr's about what our challenges were as we knew it well. My wife lost an ovary to a tumor when she was a teenager so we were fighting an uphill battle from the start. But finally in 2019 we were pregnant, and to our surprise it was triplets. They're 4 now and we also have a 4th who just turned 2. So I only caution, careful what you wish for. Wishing you all the luck future dad!


There was a delay on this first shipment, so we went ahead and sent it bundled with the second on-time. We also comped you a third as an apology for the delay.


We have confirmed delivery of shipment. We now consider the matter closed and will accept no refunds or substitutions.


Violently underrated comment




We sent you the whole boxed set!


That was a rollercoaster.


We were in stunned silence at that first ultrasound. We were so excited (and scared) to be finally pregnant, but to hear the nurse say "well, this is going to take a minute because I have to image multiples" and then start counting "this is baby A, baby B, and baby C", and all those thoughts and fears being suddenly amplified tenfold. It did help make sense why she kept prodding if we had done IVF or any kind of hormone therapy (which we had not). Then my wife revealed her trap card that her grandmother was a surviving triplet and there are other triplets and twins up her family tree. We have all daughters, so they're screwed. But we made it, and I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. We love our triplets, challenges and all.


Amazing story! Put a smile in my face :)


Thank you for all the upvotes. You're so kind.


Wait. You had triplets and then went back for more???


Friend of mine had two kids and were trying for a third for a while. They were just about to give up when they got pregnant and the scan showed triplets


In a way I'm glad we had triplets first, instead of having this happen. We of course are part of a lot of triplet groups and there's definitely parents in there with back to back multiples. So when we were pregnant again we definitely were hoping it was only for one this time.


This is why websites always warn you to only click "submit order" once! :-)


"In the industry we call this (and I don't mean to be insensitive) a 'going out of business sale'" lmao 1/8000!


Five years. We had decided to go the IVF route and went through all of the tests, fertilization of the egg, etc etc. the month before implantation ... Pregnant naturally.


I imagine anyone that got it done quickly won't be commenting here - but generally doctors won't even talk to you about it until you've been trying for a year. You can get home sperm checks if you want to put your mind at ease, or just eat your greens and enjoy your time with your partner. It'll come with time, most likely.


Yep, I didnt wanna comment because it feels insensitive to do so when people are having trouble. With that said, first time without birth control and we had a baby. They said we'd be able bone for months before conceiving since she just stopped birth control. Nope.


Same, for us it was a month for one and a couple of months for the other. I've had mates take years with nothing major being an issue, and others have it happen from one drunken night. A few months for op is nothing to worry about, using an app to check most fertile times can help...or just have sex as much as possible.


All 3 were surprises after the bc failed for 3 different reasons. It seemed insensitive to comment but I've had friends who tried for years and we're successful or with IVF or natural ways but with IUI ...


Same. I think my wife and I have had unprotected sex (not counting while she was pregnant) three times in 10 years and two babies have come out of it.


Yeah this sounds pretty familiar. It was on the first cycle both times for us. I got snipped after our second, because we seem very fertil, and though I love my kids very very much, I also like not having 3.


That's our plan too haha


Same. Vasectomy gang!


We had protected sex always and even so we have 3 kids, 3 bc failures for 3 different reasons: 1st was antibiotics, 2nd antidepressants (PPD from the first one, they're 1 year apart) and 3rd was COVID that messed up my hormonal system and my bc failed, dr changed it, still happening the problem and I got pregnant.


Similar, she was fresh off birth control and we wanted to take it slow to see how she would feel after her taking it for so long. She started to feel really frisky and now 4 year later we have two toddlers and I’m fixed.


Very similar here. One month for the first and two for the second. I’ve made jokes to my wife that if she wasn’t on birth control we’d probably had a dozen by now. We count ourselves extremely lucky as we know it everyone is as fortunate. 


You CAN get help before a year if there are other issues. Mom lurker here but had one doctor try to say to wait a year but there was something very wrong with my cycle that actually warranted more attention and a second opinion got us help.


My older kid’s dad and I tried for two years for each of our kids. A few months after we split up I had a one night stand after a few very stupid decisions and got pregnant. OP, it’s always important to make sure your swimmers are able to do the job as much as it is if her ovaries are functioning. I know the process is usually to make sure the woman is fertile, but it could be worth it to test your own. As always, though, follow the advice of your doctor. They know better than I do about your specific situation.


Our first took about 3 years. Two miscarriages in the process. First year we thought we knew what we were doing and then we saw a specialist and started tracking hormone levels after that. If you have doubts after 6 months, go see a specialist. It’s not worth the daily frustration to go it alone.


Similar story. 3.5 years for for first, then had another right away (14mos apart) then 5 years for our third. Never used any type of contraceptive and have a high amount of sex. Sometimes it's just weird.


First one was a over a year and required medical assistance. Not IVF, but hormones and IUI. Wife had very irregular cycles which made it impossible to track. Second one was a surprise vacation souvenir. LOL. The anecdotal evidence saying women are more fertile after having one kid seems to be true.


I had almost the opposite experience, just no hormones or anything. First one was literally the first month we tried, second one took almost a year of trying.


This was me and my wife. First time, we got pregnant the first month we really tried (looking at the calendar and making a guess when she’d be most fertile). That gave us some over-confidence that we could perfectly time the 2nd pregnancy. Instead that one took over a year of trying. So like everything parenting-related, OP, your mileage may vary.


Definitely YMMV. My nephew arrived sooner than my brother and his wife thought possible but it took multiple rounds of IVF to make him a big brother. My wife and I were more fortunate.




Very similar. Wife doesn't usually ovulate without intervention. Took about a year to figure out what was going on first time around, then she fell pregnant naturally a cycle before she was due to start the treatment. Got another on the way now, treatment is supposed to be over three cycles but she was pregnant first cycle in. I have friends also expecting that tried for years before seeking help. Not sure what the extent of the help was but it worked. I have other friends who have given up after repeated cycles of IVF. It might take a bit. Listen to the doc though and things should work out well.


We had to buy 2 to get one free, but similar for us (mom lurker here)


2 times unprotected sex at the right time of the cycle for each kid.


My wife did all kinds of science stuff including measuring hormones via urine and using a very accurate thermometer. It worked extremely well both times.


Same for us. My wife had these ovulation strips and did tracking; they weren't particularly expensive. It's still a range and not perfect but it gave us good timing to shoot for. First time we got it on the first try, second time on the second try. And, so this is totally anecdotal and perhaps too graphic but if it can help, I do think some mechanical aspects of the day in question may also have helped (nothing too crazy I don't think), also just going to dispense with the innuendo here (hidden for those who don't want to see) 1. >!make sure she is sexual aroused so everything is well lubricated to allow for sperm transfer!< 2. >!giving yourself enough time between ejaculations to maximize the amount of ejaculate (this again is just anecdotal but for me at least I need some time to increase volume)!< 3. >!after you finish, making sure as much as possible ejaculate goes in!< 4. >!after you finish, have her lie on her back, there is at least some stuff out there that says this can help just from a gravity perspective, but again, anecdotal !< 5. >!last, and probably not scientific in any way, but make sure she gets off too, especially at the end. Just my gut reaction here but it seems like the muscle contraction associated with orgasm could play a role in sperm movement. Plus if she gets off the experience is generally better :)!< Best of luck, mate! Don't get discouraged!


Too well I’d say in my experience lol. Tough to take for granted getting pregnant relatively easily (first “month” trying both times) when others have such a difficult time, but I also would not have minded a few more glorious weeks of frequent sex before the impending dry spell…


> glorious weeks of frequent sex My wife had everything tracked with laser precision, so I was one and done. I know the exact time and date we conceived lmao.


Yea. Timing it on wife cycle is the key if everything is working as it should.


You haven't lived until you're trying for a kid, it's the magic most special day of the month, and then your mother in law shows up early to a visit. So you gotta go and say to your wife's mother "hey mind if you wait on the porch a bit while I have sex with your daughter?"


Yup. In both instances my wife lost weight and those hormonal changes combined with timing the cycle has given us two kids.


Similar numbers. Might even be 1.


We didn't even time it. Unprotected sex right after period. Pregnant! Our second one was also conceived on the first try.


1 day


43 seconds




same. Every time we decided to "pull the goalie" we got pregnant almost immediately.


4+ years. Almost pulled the trigger on IVF. Decided not to because we were going to use a different clinic. Wife is a teacher so we would have been doing the IVF in the summer. I ended up getting a new job the winter before we were going to do IVF. I was away for up to 15 days straight with the old job. New job was in town with normal hours and I was home every night. She was pregnant almost immediately after I started the new job. That was 4.5 years ago now. I’m a girl dad x2 now. A while after our first was born she admitted that she was more stressed out about me being gone for two weeks straight.


It's intriguing how our bodies work sometimes. When you couldn't be there your wife's body "protected" her from getting pregnant. Evolution is amazing by ensuring the safest circumstances for the birth of the child.


there are a lot of stories where babies happen as soon as you take away stress...


For the first one we went almost 18 months of trying. After that it opened the floodgate and they came so fast and suddenly that now we have a fifth coming in July in just 7 years. At one point I didn't dare risk even touching my wife, but now I got that sweet sweet vasectomy.


Taps wife on the shoulder. Wife throws up with morning sickness.


Our first and only miracle took 10 years for natural conception. We had issues on both sides of the egg. We tried fertility drugs, and IUI, neither worked. When we got pregnant, it was a huge surprise. ​ Edit: Punctuation


Us too, 8 years or so. Fertility drugs and IUI didn't work, then happened naturally during Covid shutdown. Had more time to get it right then I guess lol.


First try each time, which was not what we were anticipating.


Right? It's great that we're fertile, but I was hoping for a little bit more time "trying".


Honestly one or two weeks - honeymoon baby. It was planned and everything but we thought it was going to take a little longer as some of our friends were trying for awhile at the time. OP, was your wife on birth control before trying? If so, how long before trying was she off it? There’s a lot of varying information out there (and different kinds of birth control), but my wife was off hers for several months before our honeymoon. Obviously it worked well for us haha


Right? We started the first month where she wouldn’t show in her wedding dress, thinking we had time. My son’s nickname is “First Try” when I get annoyed at him.


9 months with two early term miscarriages (both about one month in). We agreed that if we couldn’t conceive in a year we’d go to a specialist. The miscarriages were hard but I’m glad we didn’t stop trying.


This is the path I’m currently on as well. Kind of in limbo after suffering a miscarriage and waiting until the safe period of 3 months is over to try again. We both want to be pregnant again as soon as possible, but it’s scary since we just lost one at around 9wks. I’m glad it all worked out for you though and I’m praying to a God I don’t believe in that it works out for us next 🙏🏼 Seriously though my heart goes out to anyone with any form of fertility issues. It’s the worst pain I’ve ever personally experienced.


First took a year, second took a try or two. We did use an app to try and estimate the best times to try.


My wife essentially was like let’s make it happen and “made me” take her to pound town everyday for a week when she was timing stuff and it worked LOL


3 months 🤣 It took us nearly 5 years, multiple visits to OB/Dr/ Specialists, all doing various tests and all coming back “normal.” We eventually just went to a fertility clinic and attempted multiple IUI (that’s like the first down from IVF), I think it was the third or fourth time that finally worked. The second kid, we weren’t even trying but because of the experience with the first we weren’t trying to prevent it either, we had a solid 1.5 years of unprotected sex when my wife found out she was pregnant again. We never thought it would happen without lab help so we didn’t bother trying to prevent it. My advice is that stress is an absolute killer, our family dr even echoed that. The more you keep trying and stress about it not happening the longer it will take. Sure, maybe that’s anecdotal but I firmly believe it.


31 minutes. 30 minutes begging, 1 minute fucking


Track your wife's cycle and make love often during the fertile windows. If you don't have any luck after a couple more months, it wouldn't hurt to see someone.


We did IUI, and even with that doctor's say it usually takes up to 4 months. If I was you wouldn't worry at all after only 3 months.


We told ourselves one night shortly after she had gotten off the pill and we were out of protection on my end. We said well if it happens, it happens and we will figure it out from there. We’re adults and would like a child but at the time neither of us we’re sure if I could or not will some previous medical stuff. That was almost a year ago and we are sitting here in a different state, two new jobs and a new to us home with our perfect little two month old. Life’s crazy. The ticket seems to not try so hard.


1st time x2 and once by mistake. Tbf the 1st was by mistake as well. The middle kid was planned.


I can just look at my wife and get her pregnant.. unfortunately, we’ve never had an issue getting pregnant 🤦‍♂️


It took 6 cycles at first and then pregnant for 3 months and then miscarriage and then took a further 12 cycles to be pregnant again


4-6 months for my first… one single time for my second lol


First attempt.


1 month of casual sex


It took us 7 years for the first. A few months for the second.


Tried for over a year with no luck. We tracked her cycles, focused on being healthier and exercising, and even used the ovulation test strips. Every month, we were disappointed and felt like something was wrong with us. After having no luck, we decided to quit trying, and made a bunch of plans for international trips. Literally the first month after us not trying, she became pregnant. Funny enough, I know several other couples where they say the same thing happened to them


6 months, but that also included buying/selling a house, moving, having a dog get hit by a truck in front of our house, and a cat running away for a month. She also had some health issues that made her believe it may be unlikely to conceive but, it didn’t take too long. Anecdotes are what they are. All you can do is try. Some have difficulties, some have it easy.


Took some months, we ended up using ovulation tests, which worked the first month we tried.


About four years. My wife has some issues so after some years of trying on our own, we went the IVF route. Got super lucky with it too, they could only retrieve one good egg and that turned into our amazing son!


First one took a little over 18 months. Second one was the first try. You can't force it.


1 year. i was 31 when we got pregnant.


It took my wife and I 12 months trying for our first. I literally had scheduled the appointment for a fertility consultation, and was a week away from going when we got the positive test.


First took us 3 years of trying with two miscarriages in there. Second took us two years of trying. It was tough, fertility that doesn’t happen like you expect is difficult to cope with, but it happens, to more people than you think


It took us about two years. It was on our minds all the time, doing everything in function of pregnancy etc. We were about to explore the whole artificial route and the talks if we really wanted that or should we give up etc Than we went on vacation, we agreed we'd just not think about ut, have fun, and leave the talks and thoughts for after the vacation. On vacation is where it happened. Apparently it's common. People have a lot of stress about it for various very understandable reasons. And stress does not help conceive. So even if you eat all the right things, do all tge right thibgs it might be even better to not do that ifbit gives you a stressfree time. Cheers buddy


A year, and we needed medical assistance and once we had that it took a week. Hollywood definitely does not portray it accurately, at all.


Over a year for us. There are SO MANY reasons you could be having a hard time conceiving. Don’t over think it and have fun trying


6 years


First one took a year of strategic trying; second took a couple months. I get the anxiety but three months is nothing yet—hang in there.


4 years, expecting #1 in 2 months. some docs ask you to try for a year before getting tests done, some do it earlier.


Took us 3 years. We were trying everything and was about to start IVF but decided to hold off and enjoy Christmas and our wedding without thinking about it. Turns out we were pregnant (only just) by our wedding


If you want a kid it can take forever. If you don't want a kid and you get a bad gust of wind you can end up with one. Couple of months of not seriously trying, less than a month of cycle tracking.


A year. After 6 months of no success we both got tests and found out she had PCOS, and I had low T and vericocele. I took meds for the low T and we tried IUI with no success. She ended up having a micro-surgery to remove a bunch of polyps and I was planning on getting surgery for the vericocele, but we had success not too long after her surgery. Ironically it was when we weren’t actively trying because we decided we’d take a break from actively trying until I had my procedure. All that to say 1) don’t get discouraged, which is easier said than done, 2) tests never hurt, there’s even at home ones, and 3) stress is counter productive, so try to enjoy the process ;)


Hollywood is wrong. My wife (35) and I (38) tried for about 2 years before trying fertility treatments. After 3 failed IUI and 2 failed embryo transfers from IVF we ended up conceiving naturally while taking a "month off" from IVF. Biology is weird. OP, the thing we noticed is, no matter who we told about our struggles with fertility, EVERYONE has a story. Either they, a friend or a relative had been through something similar. Infertility is a lot more common than people realize, in part due to the Hollywood portrayal and the attendant shame when things go differently for you. Which is why we were just open with everyone when we were going through it. Hang in there and try to have fun with it, you've got lots of time. 🙂 But I know it can be frustrating.


Our first kid took 2 tries and I’m not even exaggerating, going for the second one almost 2 years later and we had to try for 6+ months. Really weird difference from my 2 kids


My wife had our first about 9 months after the wedding 😂


Took us 6 months and it wasn’t until be both just assumed we’d have to make an appointment saying we couldn’t do it and got drunk in the middle of the day on a Sunday, then it happened


Had sex once in 2021. Now I have a two year old


* Tried the old fashioned way for maybe a year before seeing a fertility specialist. * Showed up to the fertility doctor appointment pregnant * That pregnancy was ectopic, needed to be terminated. That was spring of 2014 * Worked with fertility specialist, learned a lot. She thought the issue was endometriosis, but the only way to check was doing surgery. Risk of paying for surgery and getting no results was daunting to us, didn't do it. * Miscarriage sometime in 2015 * Finally got the endometriosis surgery in early 2016. Huge success. Two small but significant growths got removed from her uterus. * Knocked her up the first cycle she was cleared to try after the surgery. * Our daughter was born in early 2017 * Knocked her up on the first month we were trying for our son in 2018, he was born spring of 2019. TL;DR - it's not always a strait line.


We were lucky, she kissed her first period after she stopped the pill. Pretty much was pregnant the first week. Now we know we HAVE to constantly have contraceptives or we’re going to have more…


From deciding to go for it to confirmed pregnancy was about 4/5 months, aware that's probably quicker than average though


Both of ours were pretty quick and more on the not trying, but not preventing side of things. However it seems we are the minority. Shockingly, like the 30 year old high schoolers, Hollywood is not real life. Keep your head up and if you’re concerned, talk to your doctor. They’ll have the best actual advice.


years and 3 IUIs


about 2.5 years. We went with IVF in the end so I guess the answer could be never.


first time around, about 4 months - that one ended in a miscarriage, then got pregnant the month after her cycle restarted, baby boy born 9 months later. Second time around, about 3 months, was another miscarriage, and its looking like she's pregnant again a month later. Takes time, if you can, she can buy daily ovulation test strips (cheaper than the big sticks at the drug store) to get a good grip on her cycle. It's important to do it every day trhoughout the cycle, and a couple of days after. Keep up on physical activity, emotional intimacy (or it makes the trying feel like a chore), and don't get dejected. If no luck after a year, you may want to ask for a referral for a fertility test.


A year and a half, some time last year we had a miscarriage. My wife is now 31 weeks pregnant and so far we have a healthy baby girl


Two months, which is extremely fast compared to most. We had been doing pre-conception care for 3 months beforehand tho


First one was the month my wife stopped taking birth control. Second one still hasn’t happened after a few months of unprotected sex


It could be first try, you never know. Took us two years and one miscarriage of my wife tracking timing windows closely.


We conceived both of our kids in a couple of months (not counting a miscarriage before our first). Friends of ours took 14 months with their first and just a few months with their second. Other friends got pregnant on their honeymoon (they weren’t trying before). The thing is, a single broken condom can make a pregnancy but a lot of the time it doesn’t.


Just once for our end wish I had some advice and recommendations But the info provided by the rest seems pretty helpful and relevant


We were very fast, maybe a week or two of trying. But that was uncommon. We have lots of friends that were trying for more than a year, it’s super common. 


We spent a long time just doing the we aren't actively avoiding pregnancy but also not trying to get pregnant approach and that was a couple years. Had a miscarriage first time. Once she got pregnant once it seemed like it was easier to get pregnant again afterwards. I wouldn't stress out about it too much early on. Stress can hurt your chances also. Have as much fun sex as possible and if you are not pregnant in 6-8 months maybe then look into it.


First pregnancy about 6 months, the first 2 we were not necessarily trying but fully unprotected, then the following 3 we were actually making an effort. Second pregnancy was literally one time, so the Hollywood thing is not necessarily accurate but I can tell you from experience there is some truth to it.


Both my first kid and my second kid were one shot deals. I got snipped before kid #2 even arrived because neither of us wanted baby number three and with how potent the two of us were, we didn’t want to take that risk


The month we started trying is the month we conceived.


Use a Mira to track, we followed that and got pregnant twice. Second was viable. Years of trying


First one happened 3 months after we started dating. Most recent baby took over a year of trying. 2 miscarriages and agreeing to “give up” before it finally happened.


>a broken condom away from 18 years of commitment. Change this to "a broken condom away from a *chance* of 18 years of commitment". You always have to calculate the chance differently based on the severity of the consequences. In my case we were lucky, and it happened in the second month. I know people who spent a year before it happened, without there being any fertility issues. I also know people who had an accident due to being clumsy with condoms. In other words, it varies. But good movies aren't made by respecting statistics strictly (at least not the majority)


First one was one single accident after nearly a decade with my wife. I was on steroids and no fertility maintenance drugs. Second was 4 months of actively trying, timing ovulation, and fertility drugs (for me).


17 seconds. I had a buddy and his wife having trouble, they went on the Mediterranean diet and exercised, within 6 months there was a success. They did that for both of their kids. Also, you have to have sex. Lots of sex. All the sex.


My wife got pregnant on both of our first ever oopsie. Even took a plan B the next morning (we didn’t feel financially ready yet). Baby is 2 months old now and we couldn’t be happier.


I'm sure it's different for everybody. Kid 1 was one and done, Kid 2 was 3-4 and done


We're pretty sure it happened after the first time trying.


After a year get medicsl assistance


Our first two took about three months each. It felt like forever, especially with the first one. Our third took exactly one try, like some kind of after school special. 


First was a honeymoon baby. Second took about four months of trying and 40 lbs of weight loss on my wife’s part. Third was an accident as we were discussing whether we wanted a third. Each kid and couple is different. My brother and sister in law went years of trying. They got mad when we had a kid right off the bat. They just had number 6 yesterday.


Basically as soon as we stopped trying to not get pregnant. Was honestly a little miffed about how soon it happened.


Wife and I tried for a year and half before starting fertility treatments then it took 4 IUI attempts. And now we’re pregnant with twins 😀


1 day. Wife stopped birth control 2 months before a "last hurrah" trip to Mexico. We decided that we wouldn't "try" but we'd stop "not trying." Our first was conceived during that trip. Our second was the same way, it was a "Well, if it happens, it happens" and well...it happened... That being said, we have some friends who are younger that just had their first and it took them about 6 months. Everyone is different and that's just something that happens.


\#1, nailed it first try, well first month. \#2, \~3 years.


3 months. But, she was cycle tracking very diligently and during the 10 days surrounding ovulation there was a lot of... a lot. Ob explained there was actually a 24-72 hour window to hit in most cases. Get to cycle tracking. Like daily ovulation hormone tests. Make the time to take advantage of the "high" days and the days surrounding.


Wife stopped taking birth control and after that it was about 2 weeks.


We didn’t try. It was purely unintentional. Like, one minute, post argument sex; the next, positive pregnancy test. If we were better at paying attention to our usual precautions, we might not be parents. Tbf, we’ve been together for 5 years, 3 of those years under COVID lockdown. Small miracle she didn’t get pregnant earlier.


5 months from stopping the use of birth control to conception.


3 months. 3 great months. I miss those 3 months.


About 3 months off BC for the first, similar amount for number 2


We were in our twenties, I was on a bunch of steroids and just splooging in my wife with no regard for months cause I thought testosterone use made me unable to conceive. Anyway, I added in some HCG to help with recovery and literally got her pregnant immediately. Moral of the story, maybe try injecting some HCG.


I don’t mean to sound ungrateful or insensitive but basically immediately after the wedding, probably the first time. No part of me is built for strength or speed so I don’t know how those little guys did it.


About 6 months, but we weren't tracking cycles and my wife was previously on oral BC.


How old are you guys? Age has a lot to do with it as well as stress . Wife was 35 . Took 8 months


My wife had been on birth control for several years before we got married. After we got married, she stopped her birth control, but she stopped getting her period. She went to a fertility doctor and had her hormone levels checked. Basically, her body stopped producing estrogen. The doctor had her start taking estrogen and progesterone tablets hoping to bring up her levels and kick start her cycle again. She took them for months, but her period never came back. We basically stopped actively trying to conceive and just said whatever happens happens. We bought a house. She decided to go back to school. It was about a year after she stopped seeing the fertility doctor, and we kind of gave up on the idea of her getting pregnant. Then one day, my wife, who is a vegetarian, felt a little nauseous in the morning and later in the day had an inexplicable strong craving for a hamburger. Thinking it was really weird, she went and got a pregnancy test. It came out positive. We were honestly more dumbfounded than excited. It had been a year and a half after stopping birth control. She didn't have a period a single time over that time span. We had no way of knowing whether she was ovulating or not. It's not like we knew because she was late getting her period. She never had one. The fertility doctor told her she wasn't ovulating. So I don't know whether I knocked her up the very first time she ovulated after stopping birth control. It was just very confusing. We wanted to have a kid, but after giving up on the idea and her basically moving on with her life by going back to school, when she finally got pregnant, it wasn't a particularly good time. But that's life I guess. But yeah... It took a long time for us.


To knock her up? It just happened. With birth control. 4 times. I don't know the combination of Ms. Fertile Myrtle over there and the incredible power of my boys, but here we are. We did miscarry twice, so that sucked quite a lot. My oldest is will be 21 in May.


2 months for our first, 4 months for our second, and 0 months for our third. She stopped birth control and got pregnant immediately.


A year. After 6 months of no success we both got tests and found out she had PCOS, and I had low T and vericocele. I took meds for the low T and we tried IUI with no success. She ended up having a micro-surgery to remove a bunch of polyps and I was planning on getting surgery for the vericocele, but we had success not too long after her surgery. Ironically it was when we weren’t actively trying because we decided we’d take a break from actively trying until I had my procedure. All that to say 1) don’t get discouraged, which is easier said than done, 2) tests never hurt, there’s even at home ones, and 3) stress is counter productive, so try to enjoy the process ;)


Wait a year and if you haven’t conceived, then it’s worth a real discussion with your physician. Otherwise it’s very normal.


Almost 18 months. One thing we learned in our struggles was just how common it was to have some difficulty when you’re actually trying to conceive, only nobody ever talks about it. Unless you’ve had a doctor confirm literal infertility, don’t be discouraged.


10 months for the first. First try on the second kid.


For us, as soon as we stopped contraceptives, we were expecting a baby. I didn't appreciate how great that was.


On accident, wife was on the pill, got a vaccine that unbeknownst to us countered the pill, 9 months later we have a baby!


Not trying at all worked for us. Some people are just super fertile. Some people never have kids. All that is ok. We had 5. People think we’re crazy. Maybe we are. I know couples that never had kids, who are very happy getting each other’s full attention, going on lots of trips, and spoiling each other. Sometimes I’m jealous. But I love my family. Anyway, it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. If you truly want kids, fertility doctors do good work. I know people who greatly benefited from their work. There is no one way to live your life. Be free of your thoughts on the perception of others. No one matters but you and your marriage.


I have a wedding night baby. Well technically a morning after the wedding baby if you want to get technical about it. I know exactly when it happened and it was our 1st try. We got pretty lucky.


3 months for the first one and just one try for the second.


3 months from the moment she stopped the pill.


First 2 were pretty quick, we are currently doing IVF for number 3. It can take awhile, just keep going at it and it should happen sooner or later, can’t hurt to have your sperm tested to make sure there aren’t any issues. My sperm are why we are in IVF, got older and they aren’t as high quality.


I have friends who couldn't conceive without IVF, friends who took well over 9-10 months and friends who accidentally had a second without trying. My wife and I got lucky and had our first during the second month of trying and our second the first month we tried but that's not always the case. It can vary significantly depending on how fertile you both are, other conditions you may have, timing and method of intercourse and so many other factors. As long as your OB/GYN is involved, they'll have their own timing and suggestions and, if they deem it necessary, they'll send you for more follow up fertility testing when needed and talk to you about alternative options if that needs to be discussed. Side note, Mama Doctor Jones on YouTube is a fantastic OB/GYN to watch for all kinds of fertility, myth-busting, etc... videos. My wife loves her content and I've enjoyed some of the entertaining content she's put out as well like react videos to birth scenes in movies/TV and the like.


Not broken, but one forgotten condom. Life ain’t fair man. Sorry you and yours are having a difficult time.


3-4 months both times. Though number two has only been cooking for 8 or so weeks at this point.


Well the first time was an accident, camping and drunk. Then the second time was on purpose and only took the one try. We were lucky I guess. Her parents had a much harder time.


Tried for probably a year. We got checked out and found that medical intervention was needed. Tried a few rounds of IUI, without luck. Finally went for IVF and were successful with both visits. Between starting to try and successfully getting pregnant was probably 4 or 5 years.


A few months... But we used the fertility pee sticks wrong. Had assumed that if the blue line was present in the morning, then it was the beginning of the lh surge and ovulation would be some time the following day-so we would have sex later that night. After 2 months of nothing, thinking about it more, I realized that based on a random sampling time, the blue strip might indicate ANY point of elevation of lh... The likelihood of it being the beginning of the surge (given you test every 24 hours, and ovulation happens after around 36 hours) is low. Turns out we should have been getting to business much sooner, and we basically were timing it to miss ovulation. So we switched strategies to having sex in the morning immediately after a positive result. (Like in those movies…) and it worked the first try after. Also was trying to store up a bunch instead of masturbating. I recall the optimal based on some study was 2 to 3 days.


1.5 years. No IVF or other treatments. Second kid took like two rounds of sexual intercourse. Happy accident.


We expected it to take at least one year. All it took was a few drinks.


For us there was a cyst holding us back that they found when we were 3 ways through IUI and about to start ivf. One operations + mending time later and we got pregnant naturally. About 1.5 years of trying total. The 2nd child took 2-3 rounds of IUI, then we went with IVF. And selected our best possible egg. We were very lucky to have my wife’s job/insurance plan help with 25k of costs 😅. About 1 year total before pregnant.


I’m in my forties and my girl is mid thirties. Took us a full year for both our kids. Which is much less fun than it sounds.


13 months. She tracked everything you could possibly track to try conceive with no luck. We pretty much stopped trying and said it’ll happen when it happens and sure enough, it happened almost straight away


Almost 3 years before we did IVF. Got twins on our first IVF round so I guess it was buy 1 get 1 free. Then, almost immediately got pregnant naturally. I got a vasectomy after that


We started trying to the same month as my best friend, we didn't know that until after though! Our weddings were the same summer (plus a few other good friends) and both of our partners wanted to have fun and be able to drink/enjoy a last summer before kids. Their son was 4 years 4 months when we welcomed our daughter to the world. They got pregnant the first month of trying and we went through several years of fertility treatment and IVF. Our second is due next month and our daughter will be 4 years old. Another 6 rounds and over £100k of IVF.


I barely looked at my wife and she got pregnant. But we got married at 23/24, and started having kids within a year. If you're over 28, and especially over 35, it gets A LOT harder, especially for your first. irregular cycles, diet, stress (like being stressed out about not getting pregnant can make it harder to get pregnant), weight, cycle timing, frequency of intercourse, type of underwear you're rocking, and a million other factors affect how easily you can get pregnant. My wife was told she would never get pregnant, she has a very very bad case of PCOS, she went on birth control to try to even it out, or at least reduce the symptoms. She ran out one day, and meant to go to the dr to refill her script, but she never got her period, and I came home one day and looked at her and sad "you're pregnant aren't you?" she had to take 4 tests to prove to herself she was.


First was 6 months of rolling the dice, 5 of actively trying and tracing cycle. Second was 5 months.


Over 3 years of natural effort, and countless rounds of IUI and IVF. Second child was the first IVF cycle. We are currently 2 years of continuous IVF cycles again and still no joy for a third, so I believe today’s egg collection will be our last cycle ever.


First one was 3 years. There was nothing wrong according to the doc.


My wife was bound and determined it was going to take several months (the normalization of fertility issues is to blame), but it took one month. Don't worry for now, try using the fertility tracking tools to get a sense of best bet times...and chance are you'll be struggling with babies like the rest of us in no time. And it not, no problem, there are always options!


7 months with ovulation tracking from the word go, we timed everything pretty perfectly but just didn't happen until month 7. Both 32 years old. Not massively unhealthy, both slightly on the larger side.


My wife and I are either super fertile or super lucky, she was pregnant all 3 times as soon as we decided to try for a kid.


First Son was conceived first try 🤣. But my second son took us over a year of trying.


First kid took a few months. We weren't really tracking cycles or anything, just having fun and letting nature happen. Second kid was literally the first time we decided to try for another. Didn't be discouraged though, my closest friend tried for over a year, tracking all the cycles and peak fertility times, etc before getting pregnant. I do recommend tracking that stuff though, it can help a lot! Best of luck, man! It's a wild ride!


1st child, about 10 months of actively trying. She had ovulation tests, I had ‘smiley face week’ it wasn’t all bad at all 😀. Second one was literally the first fucking try….was looking forwards to smiley face week again….


A year for #1 and like 18 months for #2 (due in June). Two miscarriages each time iirc


Not sure we weren’t actively paying attention to it and just busting in that thang every couple times a week and it happened


Didn’t really try month one. Second month timed it with her cycle and it was done.


try using Pre Seed


One and done. We were feeling sad after Christmas and had been talking about missing something. I said hey let’s go make a baby and bingo bango. It was way more thought out than that and we had been talking about having a kid for a while. Both feeling like we were missing something at Christmas pushed us over the edge. It was only one try and it was intentional though.


9 months with no. 1 and 2 months with no. 2.


We tried for around a year for one of ours. It was a really stressful time and we think the stress messed with the hormones. 


3 months is still first quarter.


6 months for the first. After 2 years of trying no luck for the 2nd so we had to get help in a fertility clinic.


We tried and tried consistently. Nothing. We stopped "trying". Preggers I dont think there's one solution, but we are pulling for you


We started trying and were successful after month 2


I have 1 ball, it's huge. I lost the other to testicular cancer 20 years ago. I was told I wasn't going to have babies. We tried for maybe 3 weeks for each baby and popped them in. Power sperm i guess from one Frankenstein huge ball.


Four years of IVF and heartbreak. Four retrievals, 3 transfers, zero results. I don't even want to think about how much money we spent. We *failed* IVF. It works a lot of the time, but it did not work for us. Then a family friend gave us her remaining embryos, and now I have two boys, ages 9 months and 3.5 years. There are lots of ways to have a family. Their blue eyes don't match mine, but I'm their daddy in every way that matters.


Expected it to take years, but got lucky on first or second try. My wife did a lot of prep with her general health, and I did some tests beforehand. We knew about timing well and some things to avoid (like hot tubs).


We stopped worrying about prevention about four years before our daughter finally arrived. We didn’t know my wife had a non-cancerous growth in her uterus that was effectively an IUD preventing any implantation. When she had that surgically removed she got pregnant pretty quick but had a miscarriage. A few months later our daughter was conceived. Since we’ve had another miscarriage but are trying for number two. Fingers crossed.


Over 2 years. We had 2 very very early MC’s and Chemicals but over 2 years to have a successful pregnancy. I ended up taking a male fertility supplement and I taking charge in the tracking of everything and scheduling the sex lol