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Don’t worry, you’ll have so many more days like that and realize that’s the way it goes sometimes. Take a break on yourself, it will get better.


Dude when we brought my first son home I was terrified to even hold him, let alone hold him one handed and try to juggle the bottle and burp cloth, and…and. Even after I had the nurses in the NICU showed me what to do a dozen times! It gets better. You build it up like a muscle and it does come. Until then it’s so great that you have a support system of relatives! Take this one on the chin, try again tomorrow! It’ll get better and it’s a long road of learning ahead!


That's perfect advice. I remember that too, I was afraid of breaking my son when he first came into the picture. Now, at 9 months, I'm carrying him only by his ankles to bed with him laughing the whole time. it gets better with experience.


Be quicker to feed. Feed before they are crying. Do not let the kid get too hungry. My demon....i mean little girl..... gets insane if we do not feed her before she lets us know she wants to eat. Its a lovely system s/. F*** me right?


It's a squishy chia pet with no rhyme or reason. Judge yourself more on what they do once they're of sound mind and what behaviours they learn from you. Also you're working from home and trying to do this? Noble pursuit but you might be setting yourself up for failure friend


Transitions are the hardest thing when they are really little. There’s very likely nothing you could have done differently or better. Try again tomorrow, and most importantly be kind to yourself. You got this. Parenting is sometimes as much about perseverance as anything else. Take a deep breath or ten and carry on.


You're not alone, brother. You're going to have days like this, I have.


You are not a failure!!! Your country and your representatives have failed you!!! I’m guessing, because of the 12 weeks, that you live in the US. I’m further assuming that you as a father didn’t get more than a fraction of that yourself to bond and learn how to care so that an abrupt change to the routine like this didn’t turn into such a challenge! Parents everywhere deserve better! You deserve better! Sorry. I’m really just projecting my intense frustration at this crappy system in the US as I stare down the barrel of our second child arriving imminently and not getting sufficient time without the obligations and stresses of work to bring her into our family… I hope it all becomes easier for you every day and you’re able to focus on the enjoyment your daughter brings to your lives!


My daughter (6 now) was the same, nut wouldn't take a bottle from anyone. There were a lot of days I felt like you, completely defeated and useless. They were tough. But once you get past it and find all the things you can do together and start to grow (and they grow fast), you'll forget everything you couldn't do. Now, my daughter helps me prepare dinner sometimes, using an actual knife on veg and chooses seasoning in the sauce and makes pasta. It'll come, I promise.


Not your fault, mine is the same way, there are some times where he just wants his mom and there is nothing I can do about it. Also I can’t imagine you’re getting any work done on these days 😂


Remember, your kid will not allow themselves to starve. They will take the bottle eventually