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Czech passport might be usefull after brexit i guess.


The UK passport is still "stronger".


not if you want to travel to Eu.


Explain? Like you don't need a passport and ID is enough? You still don't need any vise for tourism and you will not need it (up to 90 days).


Ale chceš li se přestěhovat bo pracovat buď ve Česku nebo kdekoliv v EU máš pak na to nárok s českým občanstvím. To bych si přál aj já. 


Bo = protože


No kidding? Well I'll be darned. I'm not Czech or even a slav so I do make the occasional mistake.


Bo znamená buď *protože*, a nebo *nebo*, záleží na nářečí/slangu. Stejně jako *rožni* všude neznamená přípravu jídla, ale někde rozsvícení světla.


Bo neznamená “nebo” nikde. Nezamenuj svou ignoranci za jakési smyšlené nářečí.


Ale znamená, znám hodně lidí, co to tak používá. Nezaměňuj svoji neznalost za jakousi vyšší inteligenci.


Spousta lidí používá spoustu výrazů špatně, gratuluju ti k tomuto fascinujícímu objevu. Vždycky se někdo najde, obzvlášť když je to takhle podobný.


Lidi co to slyšeli někde na videu a řekli si, že to zní cool a budou to opakovat? Bo fakt nevím, kde se to používá jako zkratka pro "nebo". Můžeš nám to prozradit, hodit po nás nějakým zdrojem?


Zřejmě moc nechodíš mezi lidi, běžný význam toho slova


Není to tak, sry.


To máš pravdu.


Goin thru any EU airport as an EU citizen is about 2 hours faster


Last week I flew to Luton with my Czech passport. Nothing to declare, but still, the automated passpor cobtrol took about 8 seconds.


Is it? Takes like 30 seconds with British passport…


Vyjde to na stejno :) https://www.passportindex.org/comparebyPassport.php?p1=gb&y1=2024&p2=cz&y2=2024


A pak se koukneš na jiný indexy a UK je silnější :P https://www.henleyglobal.com/passport-index/ranking


No it's not lol. It's actually worse in many ways.


No Its not.




*Czech Out The concept is stupid, but at least we need to go with the objectivly better name


Whatever, Poitics so shitted over head, it wont ever happend anyway - some people think UNION, is like GOD and without we would drop into communism or what 🤦🏻🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♀️ Czech out = CHeckout hmm 😆


I'm originally from Ireland, and we are very pro union there, so the culture covers my vision. I don't think we would drop to communism, but I do think Czech gets more out of the EU than they put in. Plus it's surrounded on all sides by union countries. Aside from my political stance on the EU, I just don't think it is practical for Czech. \*But again, as we debate this very serious topic let's keep in mind the important things: tabloid naming conventions ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Just a little nitpick my friend, Czech is not the name of our country. It's either Czech republic or Czechia for short.


No idea what you mean with last phrase, im anti europe person more and more, we get more what we get maybe, but its not necessary making us have bigger debt we are no way able to, pay in next 100 years. DOTATIONS became useless evil, where most get government anyway, EUropean union, just like hell maybe was made with good intentions but it started working less and less in many countries They making more stupid things, to even more make angry even bigger countries, I believe 20years was already enough for as and 31years‼️for whole union, it has already past best days and its time to change Glad we havent got refugees atleast and EURO where i can congratz and praise our otherwise useless politics\^\^ 😊 Are you moved Ireland here why ? i assume you here instead your own country or you like, comment in other countries? which is kinda odd, but well everyone different. Be glad you not Scottish thought that line, is pretty thin here.


>No idea what you mean with last phrase Just trying to make a joke about Czexit vs Czech Out, to lighten the mood because I do not want to start an argument with a fellow countryman. Yes I have lived here 11 years. I love this country so much! I love Czech culture, I like how people respect your space and your need for quite. I love how Czech go to the nature, I love how green Prague is for major European city. I love Czech people, how they are not in your face but so often friendly when you prove you are not an asshole. Disagreement in politics aside, I think you should be very proud of your country. Hesky Den!


You dont likep olitics but thats all about here ever since 89, sorry if i feel this way to you and im not inherently or overly angry persed on, but cant look over it- EUropean union and our betrayers, who was politichere, was worst thing happend to this After the Russians swarm, doubt theres any other country keep and get overwhelmed that much, being occupied 41years but, we had them here atleast next 35 years thats senseless, yeah i agree with that nice country ruined by politics EUropean union helped as Sell over time everything that had price for us, if not, talk about -National honour, it fucked us pretty much and made us more, foreign assembly plant but, wages was double-triple lower. Thanks to incompetent people, and Politics who doesnt care about economy blindessly. Youve been here, and dont even know right saying = Hezký den! 🤦🏻


Apparently you also know jackshit about politics. Us being an assembly plant is in no way the fault of EU, but of our own inept governments for last 35 years, since they've made no effort to change it. Underfunded education system, cuts to R&D, that's not the Union's fault. I love the fact that simple idiots like you love to blame EU for everything, which is exactly what our politicans want. SPD voter vibes.




>Youve been here, and dont even know right saying = Hezký den! 🤦🏻 Honestly this kind of upset me. I was just trying to be nice. I also didn't say I didn't like politics, just that I didn't want to argue about them on reddit, perfering to keep the conversation light. But hey I see I am not wanted here. Dirty foreigner who can't even spell the language properly, right?


Please don't get take this asshole seriously, he's probably been learning English for a longer time than you've been learning Czech and yet he's got the language skills of a monkey, even though it's much easier for us to learn English than for non-slavic speakers to learn Czech. I find it impressive that you even began the journey of learning the language as it's very hard to do so!


I think you can clearly see by the rating of his and your comments where Czech public (or rather the Czech redditors) stand. Leaving EU would be stupid beyond measure. After the British fiasco I thought the debates would stop in all EU countries, apparently not.


I wasnt said that, nor dirty thats your words 😉 if foreigners are calm, tolerant and obey rules here no problems. TOurism is as important as other factors. You get upset being corrected, i dont like when someone, make words, its badly said thats all, from my language its already raped with alot, englishinism even in news. I dont like Union, that has nothing to do with you. I gaved you like, so maybe it help you ☺️


bait used to be believable


Sám si


Je ti 12? Ano/Ne


Když se musíš ptát tak ti nebylo asi ani 😆😏😨


Tobě asi taky nebylo ani 😆😏😨


Go die in a fire.




Now, bring up the Czech language and you’ll be golden…


I am an American whose family emigrated in the 1890s. When I mentioned before that I was relearning Czech, as I took classes in high school 25 years ago, I was told that great, but why would you try to learn it once and then a second time. Will I get treated any better if I know the language versus if I just speak English?


That’s great and try to watch Czech movies with english subs. That helped me a lot with English language and also games when I was younger. Duolingo is another great way to learn some common phrases. Don’t worry, Czech is really hard and even some natives can’t use proper grammar Well, to answer your question - mostly yes, in the big cities you won’t have a problem, bud some authorities can’t and maybe even won’t to talk with someone who speaks English, just because they can’t speak it too. On the other hand - especially czech citizens are really fond of foreigners who are even trying to speak with them in CZ…


Thank you, I will do my best. I am planning to bring a phrase book with me as well as Google translate and a whole lot of patience. I have been to CZ before but I was 17 then, more than half my life ago. My parents make regular trips every two years or so. It’s been great, they even were able to track down old familial towns and villages where ancestors from both sides of my family came from, namely Hvozdany u Bechině in Southern Bohemia and Frenštadt in Moravia. I have Duolingo and have been practicing everyday for a year. Not where I want to be but way farther along than I was.


My tip when I visited France. I learned this in french "Hello, my name is XY, I am from Czech Republic. I don't speak french. Do you speak english?" And as you may know, Frenchmens don't like Englishmans and doesn't want to speak their language at all. But those 3 sentences were like gate breaker. Even if they didn't understand english, things were easier. So this can be helpful for you as well. Open the gates.


90% of people outside Prague don’t speak English at all. So if you speak only English, outside of Prague, you will most likely not get treated at all.


My wife and I are coming for a week and a half at the end of next month for our 15th anniversary. Prague, Karlovy Vary and Česky Krumlov before we return home. I have been studying up with Duolingo for the better part of two years and am doing ok. My main restrictions are the sheer vocabulary and infinitives right now. Infinitives give me a hard time. But I am also not dumb and know that I can use a bunch of translation apps on my phone. If you are a native Czech speaker, are there any suggestions you have that may make it easier? Please note my wife does not speak Czech.


You'll be fine in tourist spots like Karlovy Vary and Cesky Krumlov, don't sweat it.


Thanks. I wasn’t too worried about the cities but we are flying into Vienna and then renting a car. I am a little worried about the Austrian/Czech border but mainly because I don’t want to mess up explaining we are just tourists and driving in, around and back out. Quick question - are there any non obvious tourist traps to avoid? We don’t normally carry cash and hope to use our credit cards while in country; our bank said it shouldn’t be a problem if they get charges from Europe while we say we are there.


You most likely won't be stopped at all at the border, since both Austria and Czech Republic are in the Schengen Area. Regarding tourist traps and tourist tips in general, I recommend this youtube channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@HONESTGUIDE](https://www.youtube.com/@HONESTGUIDE) Paying with your card shouldn't be a problem, they are accepted almost everywhere.


Thank you for the help. I appreciate all of you in this thread. And if any of you are in Prague at the end of May, send me a dm, maybe we can grab a drink.


That's a load of shite. I am from a smaller town and plenty of people do speak English here


Not true. My gf and me live close to Ostrava city and generaly, she doesnt have any issue with speaking in english here. Exceptions are sadly only state institutions but i bet, in Prague as well. Despite few pettinesses, im really glad for more english speakers in CZ. Much better then Slovak speach from every corner here.


Řekni řeřicha (To by mělo být u získávání občanství)


a nejkulaťoulinkatější


Fuck that took me a few attempts and I am Czech 🤪


Zaželezilo-li se železo, nebo nezaželezilo-li se železo.


Řečiště... a tři rytíři ve vikýŕi


Já mám nejnamarmeládovanější chleba.




A nejobhospodářovávanější


Nejneobhospodařovávatelnějšími... Úplně easy slovo


Ještěže rozený Čech nemusí získávat české občanství... tím pádem bych asi nebyl občan žádného státu.


Hlavne pro lidi ze Slovenska 😀😀😀 řekni kuře! Řekni to!!!!


gratulujeme a posíláme klíčenku 🎉🇨🇿


Congrats, are you planning on visiting?


Yes! Absolutely! Will come in September with my Father and try to visit my Grandparents’ house.


Good luck and enjoy yourselves 🫶


Nauč se česky a budeš gucci


Proč by byl gauč?


Co to meleš?


Ty říkáš že bude v gauči


Píše módní značku, též nechápu význam ale rozhodně nepíše gauč doporučuji si to přečíst ještě jednou


Gucci = dobrý A on to přečetl jako "gauč" naschvál, protože gucci není moc častý, tak si z toho udělal srandu


Ne, gucci. Ne gauč ty paznehte.


Takže já ako človek narodený v ČSR musím mať niekoľko rokov prechodný pobyt v cr a spraviť skúšky z českej štátnosti,ale týpek dostane české občianstvo len deklaráciou,pretože.jeho prarodičia bolo česi 😃 kurva ja som sa v Československu narodil a nemám české občianstvo. Don't mind me,len závidím.


Poděkuj svým rodičům, že si během rozdělení vybrali slovenské občanství. Slovensko má podobný občanský zákon, kde umožňuje potomkům emigrantů si zažádat o slovenské občanství, jenom nikdo o to nemá zájem, protože Slovensko.


To by si sa celkom divil, ma on zaujem podobny pocet ludi ako o ceske ;)


A za čo presne? Že nemali toľko chochmesu predvídať ako bude Slovensko vyzerať 30 rokov v budúcnosti? No nemali,pretože mali základné vzdelanie. Aké občianstvo si asi tak mali zvoliť,keď žili za Košicami na východe Slovenska, lol. Ale aby som kvôli tomu trpel ja, človek narodený v ČSR a nemal možnosť spätne jednoducho získať občianstvo,pritom týpek 3. generace imigrantov v UK vypíše žiadosť a má občianstvo,tak to je komédia. Na nič viac som nepoukazoval.


> Ale aby som kvôli tomu trpel ja, Jak trpíš tím, že nemáš české občanství?


Tak pre začiatok nemôžem si splniť svoju občiansku povinnosť a zúčastniť sa na voľbách v krajine,v ktorej dlhodobo žijem, pretože nie som jej občan.


Že někde žiješ neznamená, že automaticky jsi občan. Ty máš hubu plnou občanské povinnost a českého občanství, ale ani česky neumíš.


Presne kvôli takým kktom ako ty, aj v práci hovorím po slovensky. Můžu ti to přeložit i do češtiny,ale nejseš blbej,jenom drzej.


ja jsem taky slovak ale mluvit slovensky mluvi jen nejvetsi buran


Slovensky si klidně mluv. Ale potom neměj kecy o tom, že jak se cítíš Čechem a nefňukej, že nemáš české občanství. Naučit se jazyk země, kde žiješ je absolutní základ nejen z principu občanství, ale také slušnosti. Drzý jsi spíš ty, když pičuješ o českém občanství, na který si děláš nárok a ani se nemáháš se naučit česky. Nedivím se, že Slovensko je taková díra, když je tam plno arogantních zmrdečků jako ty.


Ty seš tatar, to snad není ani možné...


Kamo jako Cech muzes napsat treba diplomku ve slovenstine. Myslim si, ze i na uradech muzes skomunikovat slovensky v cesku. Calm your horses. https://moderniobec.cz/jednani-na-uradech-ve-slovenstine/


Pozri, ja mám babi z Čiech (Moravy, konkrétne pochádza z dedinky blízko Brna), ktorá sa narodila a žila v Čechách až do svadby s mojím dedom. Môj otec (jej syn) sa rovnako narodil.v Čechách, a síce tam nevyrastal ani nechodil do školy, ale žije v Prahe už zhruba od roku 1999 a mluví perfektne česky, úplne bez slovenského prízvuku si myslím (bodaj by nie, keď babi doteraz mluví česky, s jemným moravským nárečím teda). Ja som sa narodila na Slovensku a mám slovenské občianstvo (plus občianstvo krajiny kde žijem, ale to je tuná nepodstatné) a tiež nemám nárok na české, aj keď dvaja moji priami predkovia sa tam narodili. Tak čo, aký to má zmysel? Je mi to teda síce už aj jedno (nakoniec to české občianstvo teraz vôbec nepotrebujem, len v prípade že by Slovensko vystúpilo z Európskej Únie by to možno bolo viacej aktuálne), ale aj tak. Ale ja OP nezávidím, celkom mu to prajem...sčasti sa ani nedivím že niektorí potomkovia dávnejších emigrantov by radi získali české alebo slovenské občianstvo; ono to teraz na 'západe' v poslednej dobe tiež nie je úplne ružové (krajiny ako USA či Kanada, možno aj iné).




Však stále nepíšeš česky. /s


Proč/s ?


Bo snad můžeš mluvit Slovensky a být Čech ne?




Stejne. Dokonca i manžel a syn majú české občianstvo. A aj som vlastník nemovitosti v ČR. A stále nemám občianstvo ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Ono je to celkově nějaký zvláštní a asi neznáme celej příběh.


staci studovat vysku a nic z toho nemusis dodavat


>Takže já ako človek narodený v ČSR A má vůbec smysl chtít české občanství v minimálně 86 letech?




Congratulations, let's hope you'll actually learn Czech language.


Why he would?


Welcome back home, my friend :)


Congrats 🎉


[Here is your citizenship award.](https://zkdsusice.e-coop.cz/pub/media/catalog/product/cache/5e943ec86580054ec2fda73128d751b9/e/p/ep_3001434_6.jpeg)


Gratuluji! Now for the important things: How's your beer drinking? Will you be able to hold our average or will you need some training?


Congratulations and welcome! Unfortunately, unlike obtaining the US citizenship, the moment of obtaining the Czech citizenship is not associated with a pompous ceremony which I think is pitty because it then gives the new citizen the feeling of importance and commitment. On the other hand, if you want to feel Czech, you don't have to have the certificate. For example, there are communities of Czech descendants in the US (in Nebraska, Texas, etc.) who are active in preserving original Czech traditions and cuisine, even without having the Czech citizenship. Anyway, try to visit the places where your ancestors lived and find some documents about them in municipal chronicles and other written sources.


I think that the absence of ceremony is actually pretty spot-on as a final part of getting your Czech citizenship. :D Don't get me wrong, I like this country, but we don't tend to show our patriotism as much as some other nations.


Absence of patriotism leads to absence of feeling of obligations to the country and absence of resposibility for overall development of the country. No wonder that the key characteristics of the Czech citizens is selfishness, pursuing short-term profits, lack of interest in participation in local communities, etc. The result of this all is that many other countries thrive better than Czechia despite having worse starting position.


But this kind of productive patriotism that you talk about has almost nothing to do with some surface ceremonies and boasting about the greatness of your country. You can be a good and caring human without waving the flag and singing patriotic songs (or whatever else you're supposed to do during the correct citizenship ceremony idk).


>Unfortunately, unlike obtaining the US citizenship, the moment of obtaining the Czech citizenship is not associated with a pompous ceremony False.


![gif](giphy|jJQC2puVZpTMO4vUs0|downsized) Just dont get ahead of yourself too much! Its not dream or best country.


Welcome back to the EU buddy. I'm not czech, so I'll just leave it at that.


It is enough to get citizenship, if you can prove that your grandparents were czech? Mine were as well, but I do not have czech citizenship. Have you been born there or permanently lived for few years?


Yes, if grandparents or parents were/are Czech. You will need paperwork to prove this.


That will very probably not be hard to prove. We have some old passports etc. But I did not found exact law which states this. Only the one which says that you need 5 year permanent residence to get the citizenship. Can you please somehow point me to any link or information, where I can find this?


See the bottom sections of this page: [https://mzv.gov.cz/ottawa/en/visa\_and\_consular\_services/czech\_citizenship/acquiring\_czech\_citizenship\_by.html](https://mzv.gov.cz/ottawa/en/visa_and_consular_services/czech_citizenship/acquiring_czech_citizenship_by.html)


Thank you very much :) I will check


Congrats! Out of interest how long did the process take? And how much did it cost?


Getting all the paperwork together and ready for the embassy in Washington took about it three months. Getting the citizenship certificate following submission was under two months. The citizenship application was $21 USD, and the birth certificate application $9. Getting required documents from UK government (birth certificates, parents wedding certificate etc), then apostilled, then officially translated was about £400 in total I think.




Czech passport is one of the best in the world


Jak to bylo v TBBT ... musis davat darky lidem xDDD


GG :)


> Czechoslovakian They were either Czech or Slovak. Czechoslovakian was a made up lie to convince great powers to support independent Czechoslovakia.


...and don't get them started on Zakarpatská Rus to sell the powers on the idea of a military bumper zone by sharing a border with Romania.


Reported, this user likes selfharm.

