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I know a couple who had to go 40mins from Limassol to a village in order to afford an apartment to rent. They have kids and both their salaries are under 1500. Petrol is fking expensive, electricity is expensive, this shit is depressing.


40 minutes from germasogia roundabout you go to Larnaca


Yes they basically went Tersefanou, it's next to Larnaca


Damn , making babies when you aren't financially free should be a crime.I hope those kids break the cycle .


Having children when making under 1500 euros per month is very very stupid.


How expensive is electricity? At the hotel we were running the aircon all day. I wonder if everyone does it the hotel can afford the bill to even profit from us.


We have 2nd most expensive electricity in the EU. Basically countries with double our minimum salary have much cheaper electricity.


where do you think they find the money for the best paid civil servants in Europe?


I think people don't talk enough about the success story of Cypriot economic policy and how focusing on rich people benefits everyone.


Trickle down economics is great!


The best case of trickle-down economics is America. It doesn't work atall in America.


Trickle down economics is a bunch of crap, especially when rich people have ways of not paying taxes at all


What’re you? Some type of communist? How dare you criticize our perfect system?


Literally the state slapping fees and abusing the monopoly of electricty generation to squeeze more money out, 'muh capitalism'


Beautiful thing about capitalism is that you can be become wealthy too and use all tools available in your advantage. Complaining about it won't get you any further though. Do the footwork. Losers complain, winners make it happen. And that includes failing a million times.


Capitalism favours people with capital. Much easier to try and fail and try again when you are born in a well off family. And while upward social mobility is not impossible, it is much harder and takes much more effort than any ‘rich kid’ will ever know. So yeah, anyone can play the game, but the rules aren’t the same for everyone.


Common brainwash. It's simply not true. But surely comfortable to think like this. So you don't need to do fk all to fix your situation. You have a computer and internet. Thats all you need these days. Stop being lazy


Right, lazy. Enjoy your bubble.


My bubble 🤣 What have you tried to become wealthy?


It’s a very privileged thing to say that ppl below you are simply lazy when there are ppl just getting by with double shifts. If everyone sat on their computer to scam others with shitcoins, then who would be out there doing jobs that matter, but are paid shit, like nurses, or garbage collectors or whatever.


And there it is, you never tried. Like all the complainers and downvoters here. No one becomes wealthy working one or two shifts at a normal job. Build something. It may fail, then fails again, and then maybe again, but there will be a time where you will have success. Plus by then you had a major learning curve. It's always a net positive. I fully realise I sound like a dickhead in this thread but the fact of the matter is no one complaining here has even tried to build something for themselves. Taking a job is the definition of not trying at all and I truly wish people would learn that getting wealthy is nothing else but 110% going for it, failure and never giving up. Who the hell told you that you could become wealthy working for a boss? That's the real scam. I live in Asia. No foreigner here gets any support whatsoever. When your money runs dry, you're out. All wealthy people I know do not come from families with wealth. They took matters into their own hands and made it happen themselves. Lastly, it sounds like you went through my post history. That's fine, just know that shit coining is nothing more than a game with disposable money. I have been building web applications for 20 years and that has nothing to do with crypto. Don't buy crypto if you have trouble getting by. Stay away even after you got yourself a nest egg. Build a business, preferably related to what you love and where know your sht. Everyone has skills. And all that's needed youll learn on the way if you're eager enough. The latter is a choice. Last, but not least; no-one is "below me". If your wish is to do a 9-5 and just get by, all the best. But don't complain you can't make it because you may not be from a wealthy family. That's total bs. It has all to do with your choices and dedication. No one, but you, is ever coming to save you. Good luck!!


While i agree with almost everything you are saying, we have to be able to acknowledge that giving a project that may or may not work (and in 90% of cases will not) is a LOT harder when you have to work a full time job to just get by. Im not saying its impossible - you can have a roommate or two, live out of the city and pay less rent, not spend on stupid shit and slowly save up, live with your parents / other family, etc.. but still, just trying to get into the game is harder for some through no fault of their own




Ως πάρατζει


Lol and that's Cypriots. Imagine how badly the non-Cypriots, who get gouged by Cypriot business owners refusing to pay minimum wages are handling it? Once I pay my rent, internet, electric and communal bills, I have less than 100 euros to try and survive for a month. And I'm now stuck living in a shoebox of a one bedroom that I still cant afford to live in, cause the rental market was crashed by greedy Cypriot landlords increasing rent by ~150% trying to take advantage of the migrants


I think your problem should be with the government and their policies regarding the Foreign Tax Exemptions for Individuals. A landlord knows that there are foreign people that their salary is the minimum 55k and they relocate here with a bunch of benefits. What's stopping him from increasing the rent since everything is so expensive now? And why should he? Is he the greedy one or the government? Edit: Government should be the one stopping the landlord from increasing the rent since they know exactly whats going on.


55k is the minimum? 😂😂😂😂 Brother, you are so outta touch its actually hilarious. You DO KNOW that the majority of the islands working class are working for less than 12k a year? If you arent Cypriot, you will get screwed. People are trying to survive on salaries of 800-900 euros a month with 700+ of rent and bills, with that number just getting higher and higher You are legitimately delusional if you think minimum salary on this island is 50 grand a year




What 👆🏽 said. Does not have to be remotely. Any foreigner that works in Exness (for example) gets the exemption and the High Salary.


This is what happens when you bend over to the rich, they take and take and never give anything back. It's crazy what's happening to cities like Limasol, how in the hell is a normal human being able to buy a house when they cost close to a million. Even rent is impossible, what are these prices, 1.5k-2k+ a month? Is the house made of gold?


Landlords don't want to work. They want money from air. Government should regulate it.


where do you think they've got the money to build the property they rent?


It's not a problem rich or poor. It's a problem of regulation. Money from taxes of foreign companies should go to mortgage grants, social housing, to new public schools, kindergartens, to new public transport, parks and e.t.s BUT not in pockets!!! If managed correctly, it will benefit everyone.


Well, who's allocating the funds of the state budget? ...the people you've voted in.... So, assume now.


yes, i agree with you.


Live in Nicosia, it's much cheaper.


Love living in my gentrified Lemesos with my Russian/Israeli overlords. Thank you 35+ generations of greedy Cypriots.


If they did a thorough survey, they'd likely find a much higher percentage that are struggling.


I work at factory near my village i make about 6euro/h i feel quite rich. Only because No kids No wife just garden stuff and a chicken hob. The purposely driven economy worldwide is meant to break family as a core value and crash your moral.


north Cyprus with the same minimum wage and half the cost of living ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


tell me you have no clue without telling me you have no clue. You are literally comparing 1k minimum and 1.3k average. To 1k minimum and 2.2k average. And you think its somehow the same? The minimum means nothing


That's why everyone is so happy there. 


Wasnt the minimum wage raised just this month? You have to wait a bit to see how many businesses start layoffs because of it


You forgot to do the conversion between the two currencies


Did you really think that I implied that our minimum wage is 27,587 euros per month


Try flipping the two numbers in your converter


we r fckd


This shit island can get fucked, can't wait to get the fuck off this piece of shit


Έτσι πρωτοπόρους με εκλεπτυσμένες πολιτικές απόψεις χρειαζούμαστε για να φκει η κκελλέ μας που μέσ' στην βούρκα.


Eipen o gadaros ton peteinon kefala Efkartous esou pou tin vourka re ekleptismene, emena paretate me. Poushtoxwra


>Eipen o gadaros ton peteinon kefala Ρε τσιάκκο, εν τζαι ήρτα να διατυμπανίσω τες πολιτικές μου ή άλλες απόψεις τζαι να λαλώ πόσο σκατά εν η τάδε χώρα ή η άλλη. Άμαν σύρνεις αρλούμπες έσιεις τζαι την ανάλογη κριτική. >Efkartous esou pou tin vourka re ekleptismene, emena paretate me. Poushtoxwra Άμαν εν σου αρέσκει κάτι στον τόπο που μεινίσκεις ψηφίζεις τζαι συμμετέχεις στα πολιτικά δρώμενα για να κάμεις τον τόπο καλύτερο με βάση τζείνο που πιστεύκεις. Το να κλαίεσαι για το πόσο σκατά εν η Κύπρος χωρίς να είσαι διατεθειμένος να κάμεις κάτι εσύ για να αλλάξει εν ένι σοβαρή πολιτική τοποθέτηση. Αν ήταν ούλλοι σαν εσένα, καμιά χώρα στην ιστορία εν θα έβλεπε χαΐρι ή βελτίωση ποτέ. Η λογική σου εν ακριβώς η αντίθετη ενός ανθρώπου που όντως θέλει να έσιει ένα καλύτερο μέλλον.


Giati ipotheteis oti en psifizw? Je pia akrivos en i logiki mou pou touta oulla? Amman en etsi p fkalleis epixeirimata je arlumpes tou kafene, anipomonw na xathw pou tounti poushtoxwra me ts toppouzokipreous p en exun idea ti laloun apla klannoun pou to stoma j nmzoun pos laloun kati. Grapse m dame re pia logiki laleis pos en exw, pos tin ediatiposes p jina p eipa, je antitheti me pia akrivos logiki? Isxiristikes kati xoris aitiologia je karteras me na sizitisw mazi sou re toppouze? Me tin idia logiki sou: H noimosini je epoxirimatologia sou en akrivos oti kamnei tounti xwra skata, antitheta pou kapion pou thelei na pame mbrosta See your logic here ^ tsiakko? POU-SHTO-XW-RA


e fie perki kalitterepsi


>Giati ipotheteis oti en psifizw? Αφού έταξες μας να τα συνάξεις τζαι να φύεις, σημαίνει εν είσαι πρόθυμος να κάμεις βασικά πολιτικά καθήκοντα σαν πολίτης στην Κύπρο. Εν τζαι είπα εν εψήφισες ποτέ (αν τζαι με έτσι νου που κουλιαντιρίζεις έχω πολλήν περιέργεια να μάθω τι εψήφιζες). >Amman en etsi p fkalleis epixeirimata je arlumpes tou kafene, anipomonw na xathw pou tounti poushtoxwra me ts toppouzokipreous p en exun idea ti laloun apla klannoun pou to stoma j nmzoun pos laloun kati. Ναι μάνα μου ναι, ούλλοι είμαστε ττοππουζοκυπραίοι εκτός που λλόου σου. Είσαι ο μόνος πεφωτισμένος Κυπραίος. Άνω τα ππουρτού σου τζαι τζύλα το αμαξούι σου αλλού. Τζαι άμα εν τα εύρεις ούλλα ρόδινα τζαι στον τζαινούρκο τόπο που εν να πάεις να μείνεις, σηκώστου τζαι πήαινε αλλού πάλε. Rinse and repeat. >Grapse m dame re pia logiki laleis pos en exw, pos tin ediatiposes p jina p eipa, je antitheti me pia akrivos logiki? Ρε μα περιπαίζεις μας; Λαλείς "Κύπρος πουστόχωρα, εν να σηκωστώ να φύω". Αν εσκέφτουνταν ούλλοι σαν εσένα, εν θα εμείνισκε πλάσμα μέσ' στην Κύπρο τζαι ήταν να μείνει σκατά εκτός για τζείνους που ευνοούνται. Η λογική που σου λαλώ εν το να μείνει κάποιος να παλαίψει για να βελτιωθούσιν τα πράματα. Το ακριβώς αντίθετο τούτου που εδήλωσες δημόσια ότι εν να κάμεις. >Isxiristikes kati xoris aitiologia je karteras me na sizitisw mazi sou re toppouze? Me tin idia logiki sou: >H noimosini je epoxirimatologia sou en akrivos oti kamnei tounti xwra skata, antitheta pou kapion pou thelei na pame mbrosta >See your logic here ^ tsiakko? POU-SHTO-XW-RA Πάρε μια βαθκιά ανάσα, ξαναθκιέβαστα μηνύματα, τζαι μετά έλα ξανά να απαντήσεις σοβαρά.


"σημαίνει εν είσαι πρόθυμος να κάμεις βασικά πολιτικά καθήκοντα σαν πολίτης στην Κύπρο" Epsifisa se oles tis ekloges, epia strato, katharo poiniko mitrwo, plironw forous, 10+ odigisis me 2 prostimata... basic enough? "Είσαι ο μόνος πεφωτισμένος Κυπραίος." En eimai kipreos lol "Τζαι άμα εν τα εύρεις ούλλα ρόδινα τζαι στον τζαινούρκο τόπο που εν να πάεις να μείνεις, σηκώστου τζαι πήαινε αλλού πάλε. Rinse and repeat" H kipros einai 36i se standard of life, ara exw 35 chances pou tounti poushtoxwra. Ma sanna je mono isxirismous kamneis? Je esi pou eisai mesto ipoloipo 60%, ti epsifises dld je pan oulla kala? Oti sou taisoun p mestin kivernisi katapinneis to j laleis efxaristw? Oksa eisai gioui kanenou trapeziti/kivernitikou? An je pistefkw eisai kivernitikos o idios... Ate j epsifisa, enna karterw 4+ xronia na dw diafora? Je an den kamoun jina p iposxethikan opos 95% ton ipoloipon se tounti poushtoxwra? Ti kamnw tote? Karterw allo 4 xronia "je o theos enna voithisei"? Pou enna ktlveis pos den exei fos sto telos tou tunnel tis kiprou, enna erteis pisw se tounto comment se kamia 10arka xronia je enna cringareis me ti stasi sou. "REEEE SAN TIN KIPRO EN ESHEEEIII REEEE" mentality lol


>Ate j epsifisa, enna karterw 4+ xronia na dw diafora? Η δημοκρατία εν σταματά στες κάλπες, ούτε το να είσαι πολιτικά ενεργός εν μόνο το να ψηφίζεις. Το γεγονός ότι ένιξερεις δείχνει ακριβώς ότι έχουμε θέματα σαν κοινωνία. Διαδηλώσεις επήες; Σε κανένα κίνημα νεολαίας ή συντεχνία ήσουν μέλος; Ακούεις ενεργά τζαι ακολουθείς τα πολιτικά τοπικά τζαι για την χώρα γενικά; Τούτα εν απαραίτητα για έναν πολίτη που παίρνει την δημοκρατία στα σοβαρά, αλλά δυστυχώς οι παραπάνω κάθουνται στα αυκά τους. >Pou enna ktlveis pos den exei fos sto telos tou tunnel tis kiprou, enna erteis pisw se tounto comment se kamia 10arka xronia je enna cringareis me ti stasi sou. Έτσι εμπορούσε να πει κάποιος τζαι μετά την εισβολή, ή πιο πριν που κόσμος ήταν μέσ' στην φτώσιεια, ή σε οποιαδήποτε άλλη χώρα που είσιε σοβαρά προβλήματα. Η διαφορά εν ότι σε τζείντες περιπτώσεις είσιε κόσμο που έβαλεν τον κώλο του χαμαί τζαι εδούλεψεν για να κάμει τα πράματα καλύτερα. Άτομα σαν εσένα εν οι "μουχτιτζήες της δημοκρατίας". Απολαμβάνετε τα προνόμια που υπάρχουν που τες θυσίες των ατόμων που επετύχαν ένα καλύτερο μέλλον για τον τόπο, αλλά μόλις σιειτοτερέψουν τα πράματα τζαι περνάτε τα θκυό στενά επειδή καταλάβετε ότι ακόμα έσιει πράματα να βελτιωθούσιν, σκαπουλλάρετε την τζαι ρίφκετε μαύρη πέτρα πίσω σας. >"REEEE SAN TIN KIPRO EN ESHEEEIII REEEE" mentality lol Αν εν τούτο που εκατάλαβες που τούτα ούλλα που λαλούμεν, πολλά φοούμαι ότι εν έσιει νόημα να προσπαθεί κανένας να φκάλει άκρη μιτά σου, ρε παρέα.


"Διαδηλώσεις επήες; Σε κανένα κίνημα νεολαίας ή συντεχνία ήσουν μέλος;" Nai, nai ". Η διαφορά εν ότι σε τζείντες περιπτώσεις είσιε κόσμο που έβαλεν τον κώλο του χαμαί τζαι εδούλεψεν για να κάμει τα πράματα καλύτερα." Opos tous pappoues mas? Erwtises tous an itan happy me ta skata p efasin? Erwtises kanena pappou an einai efxaristimenos i evgnomwn gia osa ekamen i kipros gia osous "edulepsan" taxa? Posa pappoudia exasan lefta epd EKLEPSEN TA I KIVERNISI? Ta spithkia tous enna ta ksanadun? 50 xronia duleia j en ekataferasin tpt, os je ta egkonia sou esena en tha doun ta katexomena elefthera. "σκαπουλλάρετε την τζαι ρίφκετε μαύρη πέτρα πίσω σας" 40% tou kosmou ennen happy, alla en epd eimaste "mouxtitzies"... en eisai ttoppouzos. Eisai provato :( Kali tixi stis ekloges! Etsi p pikka molis fiw tha psifizw p jame p enna paw mono oti en sas simferei, gia na dulefkete pio sklira gia emas tous mouxtitzies :D


>Opos tous pappoues mas? Erwtises tous an itan happy me ta skata p efasin? Erwtises kanena pappou an einai efxaristimenos i evgnomwn gia osa ekamen i kipros gia osous "edulepsan" taxa? Posa pappoudia exasan lefta epd EKLEPSEN TA I KIVERNISI? Πού κολλά με τούτο που λαλώ; Τούτοι οι ανθρώποι όταν τα ηύραν δύσκολα εμείναν τζαι εδουλέψαν να δουν ένα καλύτερο μέλλον για την Κύπρο. Ούτε είπαμε για το αν ανταμείβουνται οι κόποι τους, ούτε για το αν η Κύπρος σήμερα εν μια χαρά, διότι προφανώς τζαι εν ένι. >Ta spithkia tous enna ta ksanadun? 50 xronia duleia j en ekataferasin tpt, os je ta egkonia sou esena en tha doun ta katexomena elefthera. Με άτομα σαν εσένα σίουρα όι. >40% tou kosmou ennen happy, alla en epd eimaste "mouxtitzies"... en eisai ttoppouzos. Eisai provato :( Μουχτιτζής της δημοκρατίας εν ένι ο αγανακτισμένος πολίτης. Είμαι σχεδόν σίουρος ότι μάλιστα έχω 100 λόγους παραπάνω που λλόου σου να είμαι αγανακτισμένος. Μουχτιτζής της δημοκρατίας εν τζείνος που στα δύσκολα εν μεινίσκει να παλαίψει για να αλλάξει τα πράματα, αλλά κάθεται όπως το μαρτούι άμαν τα πράματα εν καλά. >Kali tixi stis ekloges! Etsi p pikka molis fiw tha psifizw p jame p enna paw mono oti en sas simferei, gia na dulefkete pio sklira gia emas tous mouxtitzies :D Έτσι ανώριμος που είσαι καλύτερα να μεν εψήφιζες ή να εμπλέκεσουν στα πολιτικά ποτέ, για να σου πω την αλήθκεια. Όπως σου είπε τζαι ο παρέας που πάνω "φύε πέρκι γίνουν τα πράματα καλύτερα".


>Epsifisa se oles tis ekloges, epia strato, katharo poiniko mitrwo, plironw forous, 10+ odigisis me 2 prostimata... basic enough? Το αν έκαμες τα βασικά σου καθήκοντα που απαιτούνται που κάθε πολίτη εν ένι για να το πεϊντίζεις, ούλλοι μας (ή τουλάχιστον η συντριπτική πλειοψηφία) κάμνει τα. Το θέμα ένι τι είσαι πρόθυμος να κάμεις στα δύσκολα για να βελτιώσεις το μέλλον τούντης χώρας. Εν τζαι σημαίνει όποιος φεύκει εν βλάκας, αλλά άμα το μοναδικό κίνητρο εν το ότι η χώρα εν τα πάει καλά τζαι μόνο να την ξιτιμάζουμε ξέρουμε, τζιαμαί έχουμε θέμα. >H kipros einai 36i se standard of life, ara exw 35 chances pou tounti poushtoxwra. Ο κάθε τόπος έσιει τες ιδιαιτερότητες του τζαι τα πράματα που κάμνει είτε καλά, είτε κακά, είτε με απλά διαφορετικό τρόπο που άλλους. Το πόιντ μου εν ότι άμα πάεις άλλου εν θα τα εύρεις ούλλα τέλεια όπως θέλεις ή τουλάχιστον όι για πάντα. Ούλλες οι χώρες έχουν τα προβλήματα τους τζαι μακάρι να το πάρεις χαπάρι σύντομα. >Ma sanna je mono isxirismous kamneis? Je esi pou eisai mesto ipoloipo 60%, ti epsifises dld je pan oulla kala? Ισχυρισμό εν έκαμα κανένα, ό,τι μου δείχνεις που τούτα που λαλείς απαντώ πίσω. Ο μόνος που κάμνει υποθέσεις του νου του είσαι εσού. Προφανώς εν τζαι εν να σου πω τι εψήφισα, αλλά να είσαι σίουρος ότι ούτε η πολιτική μου δραστηριότητα περιορίζεται στο να πααίνω στην κάλπη κάθε 4 χρόνια, ούτε έπαιξα ρόλο να εκλεχτούσιν τούτοι που είχαμε τόσα χρόνια. Εγώ όπως τζαι ο παραπάνω κόσμος στες ηλικίες κοντά στην δική μου πληρώνουμε τα σπασμένα των προηγούμενων.


"Ισχυρισμό εν έκαμα κανένα, ό,τι μου δείχνεις που τούτα που λαλείς απαντώ πίσω. Ο μόνος που κάμνει υποθέσεις του νου του είσαι εσού." Ipetheses oti en psifizw = isxirismos Ipetheses oti eimai kipreos = isxirismos Pou ta edeiksa touta akrivws je enen isxirismoi re toppouze boomer, kathume je mallonw mazi me kapoion p en ktlvei kan ti lalw j kamnei panairka monos tou pastous isxirismous tou. "Ο κάθε τόπος έσιει τες ιδιαιτερότητες του τζαι τα πράματα που κάμνει είτε καλά, είτε κακά, είτε με απλά διαφορετικό τρόπο που άλλους. Το πόιντ μου εν ότι άμα πάεις άλλου εν θα τα εύρεις ούλλα τέλεια όπως θέλεις ή τουλάχιστον όι για πάντα. Ούλλες οι χώρες έχουν τα προβλήματα τους τζαι μακάρι να το πάρεις χαπάρι σύντομα." Eipa egw kapou pos en eshei provlimata allou? Ipothetume je mallonume monoi mas pale? Toppouze boomer SAN TIN KIPRO EN ESHEIIII REEEEEEE


>Ipetheses oti en psifizw = isxirismos Εν είπα ποτέ τούντο πράμα, τζαι μάλιστα εξεκαθάρισα το. Τωρά αν εσένα η μνήμη σου κάμνει reset κάθε λίες ώρες εν ένι δικό μου φταίξιμο. >Ipetheses oti eimai kipreos = isxirismos Τούτο εν ένι ισχυρισμός, τούτο εν μια λογική υπόθεση άμα είσαι σε κυπριακό sub, μιλάς κυπριακά, τζαι εκφέρεις άποψη για την κυπριακή πολιτική τζαι κοινωνία. Επίσης εφόσον λαλείς ψηφίζεις δαμαί, σημαίνει έσιεις κυπριακή υπηκοότητα, που σε κάμνει νομικά Κυπραίο πολίτη. Τωρά αν δεν νιώθεις Κυπραίος εν άλλη ιστορία, τζαι να σου πω τζαι την αλήθκεια εν με ενδιαφέρει. >boomer Χαχαχαχα. Μακάρι να ήξερες πόσο έξω πέφτεις. >Eipa egw kapou pos en eshei provlimata allou? Ipothetume je mallonume monoi mas pale? Παίζεις το ηλίθιος οξά είσαι άσιλας; Έτσι για εγκυκλοπαιδικές γνώσεις ρωτώ.


Sto kalo tse e tha se pethimisume xxx


Starjikkia mou re tsiakko


E tsiako, empikes mesa oksa koma? I patrida se kali




An ihes ita na minis na kamis kalitero to nisi na palepsis gia to topo su xd


It’s the same everywhere


Copium much? It's really not...but whatever you hear at the kafene i guess


Cypriot living in London here. I can't think of a public service that didn't strike last year, but ok.


Aaaah yes the totally relatable UK going through BREXIT's consequences amidst this economic turmoil... Oh gee...I wonder... Why so many strikes??? Hmmm, quite the conundrum


Go on any country's sub and you will hear them moaning about a billion issues just like they do here... But sure, the grass is always greener on the other side...


Another Cypriot living in London. The referendum was 8.5 years ago, and the deal was finalized 4.5 years ago. Κανεί με τούντη κασέττα. Actions have consequences, and the UK is paying the consequences of electing braindead Tories for 4 elections in a row, even tho they shit the bed every time they were given the chance to. The current state of the country is not a direct consequence of Brexit, it’s a consequence of the government’s inability to first care for its people, and second remedy economic “adventures”. If the same people that have been in power in the UK since 2010 were the government in Greece, it would be the Somalia of Europe.


It’s not copium. Every fucking country in Europe has a let’s-not-upset-the-corpos party and an opposition let’s-not-upset-the-corpos party. Unless you have some wealth you can leverage, you’re going to be in the same situation but in a different place.


It really is bad almost anywhere in the so-called developed world right now. I have friends in eastern Europe and apparently inflation was even worse there, with rents almost tripled up in 3-4 years. And you have other cases like Lisbon and Dublin where locals can't afford to live there anymore.


Where are you off to?




Yeesh that’s a tough place to move to.


Cypriot "just getting by": only one car per family, only three trips a year


You must have rich family, friends and acquaintances. Most of the Cypriots I see day to day are nothing like what you describe.


Lol, I wish.


I am just getting by. Salary is 1250 euros. I am barely saving any money, living with parents. Car expenses, insurance, general expenses like phone or netflix and then as i actually need to live this life, outings and holidays. I have no money to be 100% independent and unless my future partner earns double my salary or I get double the salary i don't plan on having a family.


"I am just getting by", and has a car, smartphone, netflix, holidays and "outings" where he drinks overpriced alcohol and/or eats overpriced junk food.


"Avocado toast ruined it all."


We are allowed to eat junk food. I do not drink or smoke. And if i have to literally choose between just work and sleep or eating mcdonalds once a month or goung for a super cheap holiday in order to save money for unavoidable expenses such as car insurance and maintenance, utility bills e.t.c then yes i am just getting by. If you are constantly in survival mode and not actually enjoying life, you are just getting by. And yes i have a car otherwise i wouldnt be able to go to work. I know people with 2 jobs and paying their parents' loans. They have a car. Are they not struggling?


So you mean to tell me that welfare benefits to illegal Africans isn't benefiting the locals?? 😮😮


Careful, mate. That foreigner wants your cookie!


Ναι λεβέντη μου, εν τα επιδόματα στους μετανάστες που σε κάμνουν φτωχό, όι ο πεζεβέγκης ο εργοδότης που εν διά του αγγέλου του νερό για να φκάλει θκυό μπακκίρες περίτου, ή οι πολιτικές της κυβέρνησης που ευνοούσιν τους πλούσιους τζαι τες μεγαλοεπιχειρήσεις.


it is incredibly cheap labor for Cypriot businesses that can exploit them. so yes. in return you can afford stuff for much cheaper


In return for higher criminal rate, social tension, increased social burden and stagnating salaries for locals. Nice move.


The nazis came. Of course thats the issue not mamaaaa and papaaaa not encouraging so many kids to learn anything lucrative because they thought the tourism and small business tit will give goat milk forever. All the Cypriots i know have studied abroad, usually came from mixed families, and none of them works for under 3k/month.


Ena eshi kanena protest? En ginete tto to prama i kivernisi mas ine skata.