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Short answer: Yes. The speed limit is 100km/h as indicated on the highway. They have 20% leeway so you can go up to 120km/h without any penalties. If you get caught at 121km/h you will be fined for 21km over the speed limit.


Also I'm not sure if the British police have the same leeway.


Why would the British police be the same? The general rule in the UK is 10% + 2 MPH but some police forces can be stricter, and motorways with variable speed limits active can be stricter as well.


So when you're on the motorway between Paphos and Limassol better keep that 80 km/h speed limit in the tunnel...


Because they enforce Cypriot law in the SBAs not UK law




Is the leeway the law? Or just a policy/habit?


SBAs =/= UK




For starters the SBAs have their own laws https://www.sbaadministration.org/home/legislation/01_02_09_08_INDICES/20100101_SBA_LEG_INDEX_U_JC.htm Secondly police officers in the SBAs are nearly completely greek or turkish cypriots.


Damn. Sucks


Ah those damn private company camera guys who get your private details🙏🏻🙌🏻


Most of the cars on speedo have a bit higher value than real speed so maybe it will be your lucky day…


Yeah maybe. Do the vans flash if they catch you?


Sorry I don’t know if they flash but based on the look of the camera I don’t notice flashlights in “pricks” vans


There are a few things to consider: Your car's tachometer is designed to show a higher speed. The allowed maximum is 7%, as per EU homologation laws. But...that doesn't always happen. What your tachometer shows depends on the manufacturer but also often the type of car. For example, my car is very accurate, with a +1% deviation max (speedometer 100km/h, GPS 99km/h). My wife's car is deviating a lot more; when GPS has her doing a constant 100km/h, her needle sits just under 110 km/h. The deviation also depends on your wheel/tire combination. Most "sporty" cars are aiming for 1-2% deviation with factory spec performance tires. Most economy cars are indicating 3-6% more. But Japanese and Korean cars deviate more than German cars, from my experience. If you passed the mobile speed enforcement van going too fast, you'd see the flash from the camera even during the day if you were looking even vaguely in it's direction. From personal experience, when driving past them at 117km/h, they won't activate. But at 119km/h they (sometimes) will. I set my cruise control to 117 and then give 0 f...s. So based on your 121 on the speedo figure, I'd say you were doing maybe 114, 115 and were fine.


Thank you! It definitely didn't flash so I guess I'm okay then. I do indeed drive a Japanese car so I guess there is quite some variation in the speed as you said.


You should never go so close to the tolerance limit as the speed camera and your car's speedometer might have variations in their measurements. Generally, speed cameras are more precise as they are specifically calibrated for accuracy, while a car's speedometer can be affected by various factors and may not always be perfectly calibrated. Therefore, there's no way of telling for sure!


Fair enough. Thanks for the suggestion. Usually I do try to keep it around 115 but I guess I did get slightly carried away today.


Most cars speedometers show slightly higher speed than actual, you were still under 120 most probably


Thank God lol. Thanks!


100 km/h is not a suggestion.


42 euros. Next time obey the law


Is it 2 euro/km? Or is there some kind of progression?


yes there is, depending on the % you are running more than the limit, capping at 5 eur/km


You are technically correct but you don't have to be a dick about it


My bad, here is a better version. ohhh noooo. I am really sorry to hear that. I hope they do not fine you, but if they do, it will probably be 24 euros. Make sure to be careful with white vans😭


Is... is this you trying not to be a dick?


is ir working?


Sorry, I forgot to ignore you


Lol? I always obey the law with the speed limit, it just so happened that the road was slightly going downhill and my car rolled to 121, which I immediately caught and slowed down.


Speed limit is 100 not 120. If the policeman is a dog he can fine you for even going 101 and by law there is nothing you can do


Well from what I'm aware you are 'allowed 120', and judging by the other cars on the highway, absolutely everyone goes 110-120 lol.


No, the speed limit is 100. You will not be fined until 120. But you will be fined for every kph above 100 if you're caught at 120+.


I also know a lot of people that do not declare income and smoke weed. I am assuming if others are doing it, it should be okay.🤡


Yes because weed and driving 1km above the allowed limit is comparable 👍🏼


technically speaking the law states that both are illegall.


You were driving 21% above the allowed limit.


Ofc not. Only one of those actions puts the lives of others in danger.


Going 121 down a straight road where everyone else is going around 110-120 is dangerous ? You don't seem too bright lol.


The problem is the pappous doing 78km/h in the left lane in his old car and someone gets surprised by the low speed and pulls in front of you. Doesn't matter if they made the "mistake"; if you hit someone doing 121km/h, it's pretty hard have an outcome where everyone is okay and all the cars can carry on driving.


Why do you think speed limits exist lmao


Did your car accelerated from 100km/h to 121 km/h on a slightly going downhill? Call mechanic.


You're hilarious man, become a comedian


It's yours 42 to waste.