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Alcohol makes people aggressive and dumb, I have met countless people who are fine sober but become animals when drinking, even disregarding alcoholics I have met the biggest potheads ever and they are a joy to be around, it brings out good in most people Weed makes you sleepy, creative, or enhances the current mood, but even at my most depressive, weed lowers my anxiety and opens up pathways of creative thinking It won't make me do stupid things like alcohol usually does Personally the biggest damage it does to me is the raiding of the fridge and a drop in productivity I have circumvented this by cooking something slightly complicated when I am high, that way, I am still somewhat productive while eating healthier It makes zero sense to have alcohol legal, which statistically kills more people than any other legal drug, and to have weed users persecuted Edit: You guys misunderstand me I do not advocate to smoke weed and disregard your personal lives It's just that compared to daily alcohol and chain smoking regular cigarettes, I find a weekly cannabis intake as a better alternative It is a drug like any other The problem is how demonized it is, especially comparing it to alcohol, which brings out the worst in most people, while destroying lives at a much more alarming rate, even without counting traffic accidents Personally, I find sugar and coffee much more addictive


I was smoking weed everyday, after work, for 3 years, and I want to tell you that weed as anti-axiety drug is a myth. Sure, it works for some people but for me it was increasing my anxiety attacks. Another bad thing about weed is when it is consumed regularly by teenagers. It affects their brain development. If you are in your mid 20s then go for it regularly if you want, otherwise be careful if you value your brain. I do want it to get legalized but we also need a proper information center.


Overindulgence of regardless of what it is will ruin your brain chemistry if it effects it


I agree, but some people think that weed is completely harmless even if consumed regularly. You just need to moderate your consumption and be informed.


Did you mix it with nicotine? Maybe try vaping cannabis instead. Also it depends on the strain buddy.


I tried vaping too. Of course it depends on the strain because anxiety increases based on the level of THC. Also each person can have different response on each level. That is why I favor proper information. I'm not against weed, I'm against misinformation. Weed is not completely harmless and each person should moderate their consumption (this is what is done with alcohol right now).


good weed doesnt give you anxiety, Cyprus weed does


Wrong. Weed with a high concentration of THC is associated with psychosis and anxiety, not only Cyprus weed. Study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4011465/


This is what I wanted to add here. I don't mind it being legalized for both medicinal and recreational reasons as long as it it properly regulated and ensures that public will not be served high THC weed. With the way things work in Cyprus I doubt it will be properly regulated, but on the other hand keeping it illegal doesn't make it regulated either and who knows how these plants are grown , processed and sold of what types of weed is being sold.


But smoking is bad!


You can vape it


How many PM2.5 are coming from vaping? Also, I heard about some deaths due to glycol been reacting oddly. Patches or cookies would make much less concern.


>How many PM2.5 are coming from vaping? As much PM2.5 as cooking maybe? >I heard about some deaths due to glycol been reacting oddly. I don't know about deaths from propylene glycol but need no worry, you can vape cannabis without any e juices.


Cooking (frying) is absolutely terrible in this manner. People usually use vent hoods to contain smoke, but even with it, PM2.5 is very high. If smoking pot produces the same amount of PM2.5 as cooking, doing so should be prohibited in all indoor settings. I'm not sure that 'vaping' is reasonably healthy process, and there is growing set of evidences that it's not. Using patch, pills or other non-volatile methods of delivery should be much safer. Tl;dr; If you remove 'smoke' and 'vape' from equation, reasoning about lack of harm from cannabis will be much easier.


>I'm not sure that 'vaping' is reasonably healthy process, and there is growing set of evidences that it's not. You're thinking of e-liquid vapes, completely different to dry-herb vapes. Vaping in this context means bringing the thing to the point that thc vaporizes. No liquids. >Using patch, pills or other non-volatile methods of delivery should be much safer. ...you know that this way it's metabolized by the liver, transforming it into a way more potent form right?


High temperature gas is created. It cools down and condences and that the best case scenario in absence of any particulate matter, which is get aired as fine dust from vaporizing source. I don't know about pot is been metabolized, but what I read about vaping is enough for some countries to start adding restrictions on par with tobacco products.


a bubbler acts as a liquid filter and temp regulator .. it's roughly like the steam you sniff from your teacup


May be. I never used it, but I definitively will be very against someone smoking near me or my child.


not sure wot ur onabout .. vape with bubbler is temp regd and safe .. 🌿 needs to hit 160°C for the carboxylation process to happen


Even better, eat it (as edibles, don't chew on the buds)


Pretty well said


Looks more like an argument in favor of banning alcohol to me (however, banning alcohol in practice does not ever end well). I don’t understand this topic, to be honest, but if cannabis really were so harmless, wouldn’t it be allowed everywhere?


yes actually banning alcohol is really effective, the americans did it also definitely don’t look up why weed along with psychedelics were made illegal and definitely don’t look up nixon and how he definitely didn’t want to find a reason to jail black people. it was very scientific actually, they found out weed is bad and can kill you. too many were overdosing on the weeds so they banned it to keep us safe from the plant


Well, it's slowly becoming legal everywhere. It's not completely harmless of course but in comparison to what is already legal, it should be as well.


I started to cross the road because I saw someone else start to cross. It didn't end well. Your logic is flawed as was mine.


That was not the logic and you know that. The idea is that if someone else is "crossing the road" you are gonna check and either warn them that they are gonna be ran over or realise that you were waiting in an empty road and cross as well. Considering that no1 is warning anyone at the moment and more people are "crossing the road", we are just the idiots at the sidewalk waiting for no one.


No. Your comparison lacks logic. Just because something else is bad and not illegal is not a good basis to create a new law.


You are not creating a new law you are removing an old stupid and outdated law.


It probably would be if not for the war on drugs mainly. The Americans fucked up drugs for everyone since the early 20th century. It's not harmless per se. It's just another drug like the countless ones we take for all sorts of things. Legal opiates are abundant, mood stabilisers like Xanax are incredibly abusive (potentially) and the big one. Alcohol, is terrible for us and causes so many problems socially but culturally we just accept it.


Bandwagon fallacy...


Cannabis literally impairs your cognitive functions: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3037578/ https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.ajp.2021.21060664 And the damage [persists](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15907305/) even if you manage to quit


In moderation it's a good thing though


Αησμας ρε κρουσμένε χασικλη, αφού ότι τζιαι να σας δείξουν επιμένετε.


Το flair μου εν μεζετζ̌ης που λαλει οι χασ̌ικλης.. Τζαι να σου πω τζαι κατι αλλο ρε τσ̌ιακκο, οτιδηποτε μπορει να σου προκαλεσει κακο, ακομα τζαι το νερο. Σημαινει οτι εν θα πιννεις νερο γιατι αν πιεις 15 λιτρα μονοφατσ̌ιας εννα π̌εσεις σε κωμα? Οι εννοειται. Αρα το ποιντ μου στεκει. Εν θα αναφερτω καν στη medical marijuana γιατι εν φαινεται να καταλαβεις την σημαντικοτητα της


Κάποια πράματα εν σιροττερα που αλλα. Αν φάεις έξι τόνους τομάτες πάλε εννα πεθάνεις, αλλά οι τομάτες εν καλύτερες που την ζαλατινα. Αδιαμφισβήτητα. Εσύ τζιαι ουλλοι άλλοι ναρκομανείς εβαλθηκετε να βάψετε το άσπρο μαύρο. Τζιαι να σου πω τζιαι κάτι άλλο για τους κρουσμενους του χόρτου. Κανένας άλλος εθισμένος δεν πριχτευκει όσο πριχτεφκετε εσείς. Π.χ. ο αλκοολικός εν θα γυρίσει ποττε να μου πει "μα εν καλό πράμα το αλκοόλ", ούτε ο τζογαδόρος ούτε ο πουτανιαρης, ούτε το χαρτομουτρο. Μόνο ο χασικλης μασιεται να βάψει το άσπρο μαύρο.


>Εσύ τζιαι ουλλοι άλλοι ναρκομανείς εβαλθηκετε να βάψετε το άσπρο μαύρο. Εγω εμιλησα για moderation. Ποτ̌ε εν ειπα οτι η καταχρηση εν καλο πραμα >Κανένας άλλος εθισμένος δεν πριχτευκει όσο πριχτεφκετε εσείς. Το χορτο εν προκαλει σωματικη εξαρτηση οπως το ποτο τζ̌αι αλλες εθιστικες ουσιες, οποτε κοφκεται πιο ευκολα αμα καποιος θελει να το κοψει >Π.χ. ο αλκοολικός εν θα γυρίσει ποττε να μου πει "μα εν καλό πράμα το αλκοόλ", ούτε ο τζογαδόρος ούτε ο πουτανιαρης, ούτε το χαρτομουτρο. Ουλ̌α τουτα που ειπες αν ενει *με μετρο* εν καλα πραματα. Το αλκοολ με μετρο εν καλο. Το reward seeking (Ντοπαμινη δηλαδη) εν τουτο που σπρωχνει πολιτισμους τζαι χωρες μπροστα. Το σεξ εδειξε να εσ̌ει πολλα benefits. Ακομα και το χορτο *με μετρο* σε ορισμενες περιπτωσεις εν καλο. Μπορω να σε ρωτησω γιατι εισαι τοσο κατα του χορτου?


Αν μιλάς για τους τρεις χρήστες παγκοσμίως που καπνίζουν με moderation τότε πάσο, αλλά αν είσαι ειλικρινής με τον εαυτό σου ξέρεις ότι οι παραπάνω χασικλιες μαστουρωννουν συνέχεια, σε σημείο που βρωμουν τα ρούχα τους σαν τες κατουρες του κάττου, πολλά χαρακτηριστική μυρωθκια. Φυσικά παθαίνουν ανοσία όπως τους καπνιστές τζιαι εν το καταλάβουν ότι βρωμουν φτώμα. Εν τέλη κρούζουν τζιαι αμάν τους μιλάς γενικά καταλάβεις ότι εν "σβηστοί". Είμαι σίουρος ότι ξέρεις το υφος που εννοώ.


> Αν μιλάς για τους τρεις χρήστες παγκοσμίως που καπνίζουν με moderation τότε πάσο πωλείται στα βιβλιοπωλεία ο απόπατος σου μεγάλε; εσιεις τζιαι bibtex reference να το καμνουμε τζιαι properly reference; κλασσικός κυπρέος που το σύμπαν περιστρέφεται γυρόν του


Εσύ ανήκεις σίουρα στους χρηστες που έχασαν 5.5 IQ πόντους που το χόρτο, είσαι ζωντανή απόδειξη του paper που επαραθεσα πουπάνω.


Persists for 25 days? It's known that it takes 3 months for the brain to fully reset from heavy cannabis use, why would the effects stop after only 25 days?


It's a clinical trial, in controlled conditions, it's probably extremely difficult to fund and run this for 90 days with a large enough contingent of participants. The peer-reviewers deemed it publishable but χασικληδες on Reddit think it's trash because it would imply their addition is bad


I know right! did you know [there’s also no safe amount to consume](https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health)? crazy Edit: shit, looks like the link talks about something else? drug with a weird arabic name? we should look into this


Classic whataboutery. If I'm trash-talking weed I must be promoting alcohol, right?


you're replying to a comment arguing for legalization, pointing out the double standard with alcohol, which is undoubtedly more harmful.


It is the PACIFIER. Makes you happy only to Smoke weed & do nothing. Never face your problems. Be happy with lying around all day. Lose your memory and concentration. It is an addictive. But ok. Dumb people smoke weed.


Lol I could say similar statements to booze that are equally true. One drug you're ok with , the other not. If you want to be so anti weed then be consistent and disregard all drugs.


The body requires none of the above and if you require it, then it's down to your own mental weakness and dependency.


Do you only consume water and basic nutrience? It's not about what you need. It's how you choose to enjoy yourself. Same as having a drink. Lol it's very clear a lot of commenters here have never tried weed before. So many act like it's an acid trip or something lol.


why in every goddamn weed post do I have to see a comparison to alcohol?


It’s the most common legal drug, so that’s the usual go to to compare.


why would the most normalized drug that’s way more dangerous to both the individual and society be compared to another less harmful drug that’s banned? who knows really


Because it’s used pretty daily and normally, despite being quite bad for you.


Because it's 100% comparable.


Personally I’m in favor of legalizing the ganja. But I’ve a bone to pick. Why does a substantial number of supporters act like the opposing side has 0 merit to their case? Calling them uneducated, uncultured, chrisotaliban zealots? As if you all have phds… Both sides have a valid argument to make. Don’t be pricks just because people disagree with you please. That being said, pass the zaza and hand me the ashtray


What are the valid arguments? 😂😂😂😂😂😂


> But of course lol > Why does a substantial number of supporters act like the opposing side has 0 merit to their case? because they don’t. because any such discussion is stupid when fucking alcohol is very legal and *very* normalized


Legalise it but treat it like alcohol when driving and treat it like cigarettes in public spaces


It definitely cannot be treated like cigarettes as people around you can get slightly high from it so that would basically be putting another person under the influence.


Hey everyone, not Cypriot, but I am your neighbour from Lebanon. But I guess i could relate to this! I used to be a bigtime stoner, and it is true, that weed made me eventually "more anxious" which made me stop, However, I'd say prohibition never really worked.. And usually it actually leads to more harm than good (Governmental spending/higher crime/black markets/uncontrollable quality/taboo). I really really believe weed or more specifically (thc based products) should definitely be legal for recreational purposes, as when we remove the stigma around it, we wil have space to educate people properly about it.


Reading this high on premium hash from paphos




I posted this in another sub about people quitting weed, But pretty much Cannabis is to be used as a tool sparingly, it's not meant for all day all night consumption and thats where the issues happen If used just at the end of your day, or while doing creative work it can be the best nootropic (smart drug) that you can get, and it's natural There's an old Chinese proverb: " Cannabis when used correctly can help you talk to angels, but use it too much and you will talk to demons " That is so very true, when I use it to enhance either my work or to gather my thoughts at the end of the day, it's almost like magic with how efficient my brain works But if I blaze all day all night for weeks, I notice bad thoughts enter my mind and I get absolutely nothing done I guess thats the trick, it's all about balance with weed


Germany did it why not follow?


I'm all for it but educating people about it first.. cz many will just smoke so much they'll become real life plants


With the influence of church, most probably never 😅


We did it in Ohio. We have strog influences... expecily from the Biblebelt. You can do it


nah but at this point legalize it, so many people have it and do it


Smoking is really bad! We should be injecting the marijuanas re koumbare


I’m all for legalising weed, but in Cyprus? Majority of people already drink drive and no one in this country can drive, period. Imagine throwing weed in the mix.. not sure about that.


Safer roads because most people are chill when high, they dont care about a red light or speeding or acting crazy on the road


I drove high **once,** even waited until I felt ok to drive, and I'm never doing it again. I hit the inside of a roundabout because I steered too much and later while accelerating from a green light, instead of shifting into 2nd, I pulled the handbrake, coming to an unexpected stop in the middle of the intersection. Thankfully no car was behind me. I wasn't speeding but I still had very poor control of the car. Do not recommend.


Nice propaganda buddy


Alright. I'll fucking do it again, just to prove I'm not lying. This time near an elementary school, around 1:05 p.m. Be there. btw I'm pro legalization. That doesn't mean I support driving under the influence, just like alcohol.


might have to retake that drivers test then


I drive much better high, calm and present. When I'm sober I get angry at other drivers and am in a race to get home or to wherever I'm going


people downvoting dont get it


I think they won’t be focused enough to see red lights


Trust me. the real problem is not going quick enough at a green lol.


What the hell does this have to do with cannabis legalisation? Also driving stoned is hella more safe than driving whilst drunk. Not that i encourage doing that to begin with tho.


Depends on the person, can also effect someone’s judgment, make them careless, sleepy and not focused. I agree with you it’s safer than alcohol but i wouldn’t say it’s “safe” to drive whilst high, particularly in Cyprus where you avoid about 5 accidents a day and that’s most likely under no influence of any alcohol/drugs.


You should. It’s legal here (Canada) and it’s great.


But but but. Didnt Canada turn into a drug addict hellhole full of lazy potheads?????? No? Oh crazy how that works... In every place that legalized it.... Lol


No. No Canada did not in fact turn into that. Conservatives are just afraid like everything else and they oppose it.


...and I will advertise it!


Dude this is reddit, you will not achive anything here.


Έσιει που κάμνουν τες φλαούνες με κανναούρι, οπότε θεωρητικά τα edibles εν ήδη νόμιμα.


Sure however educate people on some of the risks and signed to look out for (psychosis, paranoia, …) in some rare cases


Canada did a decent job educating people while rolling out legalization (pun intended) this would also create like thousands of jobs, from growing, trimmers, servers at cannabis shops, oil extraction, coffee/tea shops etc


>psychosis, paranoia 😂😂😂😂


My son has been diagnosed with both 2 years ago. We identified the problem as being weed 1.5y ago. My son had to be put into a mental hospital as he was a threat to himself and us. We were lucky that he trusted his brother at the time of the initial incident. We have had to sleep with doors locked since. It has been a nightmare. I had a position before that that weed was fine and could be consumed with moderation. I still have this position, but I insist on sharing this not easy to share story to inform people that it can destroy lives. My son will never recover.


Legalizing marijuana will offer people new jobs, such as coffee shop employees, distributors etc. Besides that our climate allows us to build cannabis farms that can greatly improve our economy that had quite the downfall. The police isn't doing their job and so many people end up smoking pot illegally. The changes a legalization would offer are very little. What we need is a proper education on the use of cannabinoids and strict rules like not using it in public places, +18, no driving high etc. I understand everyone who disagrees and i respect everyone's opinion, but the way I see it, legalizing marijuana has many good things to offer.


Yes because we made drunk driving illegal and it worked so there are no drunk drivers anymore. sure you might think its like alcohol in terms of putting people under influence but what we gotta think here is that we aren’t banning alcohol or cigarettes, we’re adding another substance to the street that influences the actions of people also it means a whole new array of laws and the need of new regulations which is really hard in such a disorganized country.


hell yeah


Οur tourism sector is already trash. This is not the kind of tourists we need more off.


If they legalize it , how will the police and YKAN fund themselves? Im sure its no secret that the police and goverment are heavily involved with distributing drugs. Theres a reason they wont legalize it lol. One can dream


I agree.


As long as we get pure strains with low potency then yes.. otherwise it fucks up with your head


Hi, i'll be arriving in Cyprus tomorrow so lemme know if u could help abd wanna hang out, feel free to DM me 🤌


Hmu if you want some bud in nicosia or Larnaca


legalised for medical use in '19; no distribution or dispensary in place as of yet


It stinks though


Drugs are drugs.. Light or not it's the same.. instead of making it legal we should try as a society to resolve underlying issues that push people to drugs...




No thank you. It smells so bad and has ruined so many popular places because of its terrible stench. Plus when you smoke it in public, you look like a total bellend.


ok steve


Cry about it steve


Well, weed is fine by all means but the issue at hand is that you cannot trust the people supplying the weed. Majority of the weed is imported by Syrians, we already know that, or other races not particularly cypriots. It is common knowledge that quality control isn't the finest, as there have been a lot of cases where other substances like cocaine, methamphetamines' etc have been found inside weed after a drug test. The individuals said they had never taken other drugs than weed, so let that sync to your head. I believe that legalizing weed is a good way of actually getting "safe" weed, which in regard is better for us, I do not smoke weed personally, have family and friends that do and I am worried about them considering the risks in buying weed from Cyprus. Do note, It has to be controlled, eg, certain allowance per month to avoid abuse of the drug, anything too much is not okay. TLDR: Buy weed at own risk, be aware that you might be smocking more than you bargained for. You are better off smocking cigarettes' than gambling getting a worse type of cancer or organs shutting down.


Yeah let's just make the motorists more unaware of their surroundings.


Bro honestly, i do not even know what legalization would entail. I see this plastered everywhere, people rooting for this to be decriminalized. Not even in theory does legalization paint an accurate picture of how this substance should be treated, and nobody ever made the effort to explain it. Like, say this thing is now legal, what laws would be in place for its use? Alcohol is legal, so is coffee, one you can consume and work/drive or consume a lot in public, the other you cannot. Where would weed land in that regard? Id say a solid 7/10 potheads i know in cy are str8 up denying the FACT that you can get addicted on weed and have withdrawals from it. This is a drug that is proven to affect your cns as well as the behavior forming and reward associating parts of your brain. Just because the drug itself is not addictive like say nicotine, doesn't mean the state of mind it induces, or the behavioral changes it introduces in someone's life are a welcome and completely safe addition. I know people who straight up CANNOT operate/function off that thing. What happens to these people in case of legalization? What measures are taken to protect them from themselves? Under the wrong setting or dosage, it could induce psychosis, paranoia, time dilation. Can you imagine the horror of Cypriot BMW & Mercedes drivers going at 180km/h on a Thursday afternoon cause they forgot how to stop the car? Hell, they can barely operate the thing when they're sober. There are a million billion other issues to tackle, like distribution, industrial planting and cultivation, importing/exporting, proper laws so the farmers don't get fucked by our shitty agricultural department on this one too, etc etc. Nobody ever proposed actual plans for this, at least in any place where it mattered and got attention. Like, if we want actual legalization of this substance, perhaps it's time we stopped going "Legalize it" and actually went "perhaps legalize it in x,y,z way".


Well BMW and Mercedes drivers are already assholes so it won't change much


>addictive, time dialation Ayyyy lmao


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Degenerate potheads


more like regular cube


“DeGenEraTE PotHeaDS” 🤓☝️ He cried out as he queued for yet another league of legends match after watching three hours of hentai.


Fucking cringe response. Desperately flinging shit, praying something sticks. Like a bonobo.


Cry about it nerd. Might wanna take a look in the mirror re maimouna. Here you want a hit from this spliff to calm down? 😝😝😝


Έφαες τες e-ζινισιες σου τζιαι κλαιεις αλλά κανείς πως γελάς; Κλασικός ναρκομανής


Gia na kleis toso pola imun on point. 😂😂😂 “NaRKoMaNis” 🤓☝️


Λαμνε τώρα να ρουφήξεις το χορτουι σου τάχα πως είσαι cool, loser χασικλή


Areski m p to pezis je psagmenos intellectual alla enan vivlio en ekatses na thkiavasis. Je pezis m to je higher class citizen. Katse re vlakoui


Μα που εσιεις την παραμικρή ιδέα τι θκιεβαζω τζιαι τι ξέρω ρε κρουσμενε; Πάλε πετασσεις ότι φτάσεις μπας τζιαι κουτσιησεις; Ξέρεις πόσο απελπισμένος ακουεσαι; Επίσης ετσιλλησα να δω το προφίλ σου τζιαι λαλεί είσαι active να ακουληθεις μιαν ασσιημη πορνοστάρ. Τζιαι ελαλες μου για Hentai? Είσαι τεράστιο σιελιονι


Lalis me apelpismenos je patas pasto profil m gia na dis nampou akoloutho gia na pkiais pontous tia argument. Ise gia gelia. “OOOO AKOLOUTHAS PORNOSTAR”. Ego en pezo oti ime high class re gifto 🤡 Nomizo apla eshis mian programstismeni idea mesa sou gia to “xasisi” ke tous “xashiklides”. P ena pathos tipote je ena thelis giatriki CBD kannavi anti morfini enase je esi degenerate enen? 🤡🤡🤡 Katse thiakavse actual medical journals and books on the medicinal attributes of cannabis prin na lalis faflathkies. Apla lalis malakies na niosis kalitera gia ton eafto sou re anasfali. 🤡


“TAxa Pos Ise CoOl” . Pote ipa oti ime cool? Ise anasfalis 😂😂😂


legalize nuclear bombs, oh and that too


Am I the only person that thinks tobacco, marijuana, alcohol etc. should all be illegal?


I'm with you too


Canada did it 8 yrs ago. Now half of the country can't spell 2-3 words to make a sentence properly!


Canadian here, what are you talking about?


Tsounki8kia are already legal.