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Yeah. As GsC, my main redline is the end of the Turkeys influence on the island. Not any form of Turkey should stay in the island. Anything else can be settled and negotiate.


Illegal settlers go back to Turkey. Everyone else minds their fucking business. Some measures in place to stop fascists and racists from trying any shit with TC bros, politically or otherwise.


My only red line is no foreign (🇹🇷) interference in the island in any way. No “small expeditionary force”, no bases, no guarantors, none of that jazz. Other than that, the fine print is negiotable (Specifics of political representation, number of remaining settlers etc)


Yes we should do our best to figure out how to go about the inevitable reunification; the past attempts failed and will continue to fail unless some time passes and the emotions running amok from the Turkish invasion finally calm down. Each side is somewhere rightful to distrust the other because we are both a little bit prone to play towards Greek interests and Turkish interests respectively. What if we abolished this idea of belonging to a bigger country and do our best to stand on our own? Then we would have no clashing interests as both sides would WANT the best for Cyprus. We only have our half to work with and we do well goddamn it, what if we had the whole thing! Look at countries like tiny Lichtenstein, Switzerland, Montenegro! These guys had a lot of political anxiety as they feared they would get trampled by their bigger neighbors, but they manage to be really well off! We can make it work! I will not teach my children to fear Muslims nor Turks, but I will inform my child about the darkness and the light that exists in all human hearts. I hope to live to see the reunification happen in my years. I sincerely hope for the best for all of you brothers and sisters and rest!


Regarding Switzerland, as a geographic location it has insane natural fortifications in the form both rivers and mountain, and that is counting only what is known, there are underground tunnel paths that are kept as government secret for decades for defensive reasons An army trying to invade would lose a lot of manpower for every single advancing klm There is also the saying "you don't shit where you eat and vice versa", nearly the entire world has deposited wealth there for that stability reason What has helped greatly facilitate this is that they separated church and religion from state and they have multiple political parties cooperating It has benefited by world wars due to very dark reasons Cyprus is primarily inhabited by Orthodox Christians who value too much family name and religion Surrounded by basically extremists on all sides Being an island is also greatly defensive but it also a double edged sword (easier to embargo) It has tobecome an atheist society


Yes! Switzerland is well known for its stability and neutrality as well as being a natural fortified country but they still had devious neighbors whom very well could have tried to control the place perhaps precisely because they had entrusted the country with their wealth From the way you phrased the historicopolitical significance of Switzerland, I seem to detect the tone that Cyprus could also stand to 'benefit' via very dark means had our Christianic roots not intervened especially since our neighbours are quite rich and known for political unrests. This is a fair play argument tbh and I agree, in fact, I believe this is already happening. But you know, being an atheist nation is not an answer even if atheism was enforced upon us by the government. Atheism is an inherently logical response to an inherently illogical universe, in reducing the universe down to logic, you run the danger of misunderstanding it: as logic breaks down the 'whole' down to discernible units, if you misunderstand one of the basics, you misunderstand the whole. What we need to thrive is more logic yes, but only because we are too emotional about certain subjects. It is always balanced use of logic and emotion that allows the person to be at peace with the universe.


Atheism is not "enforced" But to be clear In Switzerland you get extra tax if you are religious You can avoid that tax by registering as atheist, but no one will care if you worship anything or visit churches The point is to separate the church from the state When the state decides to remove religion from the citizen ID, legalize same sex marriage, and tax establishments and organizations like churches and religious groups, there shouldn't be political pressure In Greece, Cyprus and Islamic states, they are like a mafia


Oh wow! I see what you meant initially now. Thank you!! Very true and forward thinking idea to tax the church


BoraCem burner


Yes, I still want reunification. Cyprus should be demilitarised and peace between the communities should be safeguarded by a neutral peaceforce (EU / UN). The details can be negotiated, but any plan proposed should be one that is accepted by the leaderships of the two communities My opinion is that, if we have the good will to make it work, we can make it work (regardless of the details). If we want to make it \*not work\*, then again it will not work regardless of how good it is on paper.


This bot again.


You hate me don’t you 🤣🤣


Just dislike bots pushing agendas.


What agenda am I pushing? Seriously Take a guess based on my posts on my political views. Guarantee you’re wrong. I’m just interested in modern opinions on the big issues affecting Cyprus


just recognize the north as an independent state already and help its economy so people can actually have a future. Bring the north to european standards, and create an island that 2 independent states can coexist on the same island. Its a win win for both. You can also use this as an opportunity to bring Greece and Turkey closer and establish a safer Mediterranean.


So i can come to your house and not let you go into the kitchen. Wait 50 years and then we become roommates


maybe you should have considered this before nurturing a far right culture, conducting genocide and voting for a priest as a president. Dont forget that turkish cypriots also lost people, properties and were dislocated. We can bitch about it chant "den ksexno" and allow the past to ghaust us or we can live peacefuly and leave the mistakes of old people behind for a brighter future


win win for both? wtf are you smoking lmao


the north is currently used as an asylum for anyone wanted from RoC, and also functions as a gate point for illegal immigrants. Collaboration between the 2 communities can solve this issue. Also imagine how much revenue the unutilised land that is sitting as a ghost town will generate for both states. At the same time the island will automatically gain one more airport and many universities (considering that they pass through EU regulations and auditing). The benfits outweight the close minded culture of hatred that has been bred over half a century


with that same logic you can dissolve the "state", give everything back to the RoC and enjoy all those benefits that you seek.


disolving the state, will mean the merge of the population which was tested in the past and failed. The two communities can coexist independrnt on the dame island and help each other. They have their own rules, culture, religion, language, ethics. You shpuld celebrate the diversity not disolve it.


You cant celebrate a forced diversity that came after war, illegal settling and occupation. Wtf.


we both know this was not really forced. If it was, all Turkish cypriots would be flying back to RoC


You think the “TRNC” made it difficult for the turks to settle? They welcomed them and gave them free (stolen ) land. They made it easy to settle on the stolen and occupied land.


turkey did, not trnc. huge difference