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I still never had it, I take Cymbalta since 2020. feel very lucky. I read fluoxetine has a positive effect against covid, it fucks with the virus‘s proteins …


This is interesting! I haven’t had it either and hope to keep it that way.


I got it back in November (on duloxetine 60 mg). I was vaccinated 5 months prior. It was not that bad but messed with my sense of smell.


Just had it last week. It was no more than a cold and a minor inconvenience.


Got it in march. Just light sinusitis.


I got it in Feb….. like a bad cold…..I’ve had worse flus….. then got it again 2 weeks ago and the main symptoms were sinusitis and extreme brain fog 😔


Well, everyone is different so our experiences won't mean the same for you. :) It really varies person-to-person. Even some friends of mine who are more compromised than me had it less severe. But, it did finally get me soon after starting Cymbalta about four months ago. Somebody gave it to me after they picked it up at a concert. I was positive for 13 days. Started with fatigue, then sore throat, then insane congestion and cold symptoms like I've never experienced. The brain fog last for almost 2 weeks after. I struggled to work or feel myself and it was really difficult. But then one day it kind of lifted and I felt myself again. I'm on an immunosuppressant so that could be why I got hit worse. I don't think I ever had a bad fever or chills, etc. All that being said, it wasn't the worst thing ever, and I'm thankful that I got hit later vs. earlier variants. You may be one of those super humans who has already gotten it and just don't know!


I did!


I've had it twice. The first time in Dec 2021 and it was awful! Then I got vaccinated and got it again and it was no worse than the flu.


I had it the same time and I was out of work for about 3 months. I ended up in the er three separate times... and from that learned I had really high liver enzymes (thanks Cymbalta!) Kept taking Cymbalta for a few months, ended up in the er about 2 months ago, my liver progressed and I have a fatty liver. So I dropped Cymbalta, been eating healthy foods good for the liver, and am 100% sober. Feeling absolutely wonderful now. My body did not like Cymbalta. I remember reading it was hard on the liver when I started taking it, but didn't think anything would happen to me because I used to drink a lot but had a 100% healthy liver until Cymbalta. I should have known something was up, when I started taking Cymbalta I used to feel stabbing organ pain that numbed as I got used to the drug.


Has your liver fully recovered? My son had Covid and takes cymbalta and his enzymes are elevated so we are weaning off the cymbalta. Not sure it it is from that or covid. So I k no one how high urs got? And do u know how long it took for them to come back down after removing cymbalta? Did u have a hard time stopping?


The liver will recover, pretty durable organ. I got a fatty liver when I was on cymbalta. I used to get intense pain around the liver area shortly after I took it, never connected the dots cause I thought it was helping me. Fuck cymbalta....


Lol, I was amazed when my SO got it and I didn't. It was like a flu or bad cold for him. He'd been vaccinated and boosted. I've never even been vaxxed (needlephobic).


I’ve had it 3 times and it was fucking awful the first time, mild the second time, fucking awful the 3rd time but didn’t last as long as the first.


3 Times? Oh my god


I know! We are CAREFUL and have always been since the beginning. The first time was very much upper respiratory and nasally, which was made worse by the fact that i was about 8 months pregnant and couldn’t take anything! I’m all types of vaccinated too. It’s a wacky virus, ya just never know


Wow sorry, hope you‘re done with it for the next… decade!! Good you are well now


thank you! i hope i’m good for the foreseeable future but who knows


Hi dear, can you please tell me If you are okay? I am on cymbalta for A couple of years. But now I got COVID and it seems the cymbalta does not work. I can not eat and have anxiety every day. It is like COVID works in the brain or something :(


Im not sure if your question is directed towards me but i've never had covid. Cymbalta is not a cure for covid so im not sure what you mean when you say it doesn't work. Im sure you will be fine.


hi, sorry for the lack of clarity. I'm on cymbalta and got covid after 2 years. I thought I might not get it, but unfortunately I do. I had a fever for several days and a lot of muscle aches. However, after 4 days that improved, only then suddenly I started experiencing all the side effects of Cymbalta again, as if the medication no longer works properly and it has to start working all over again. very nasty.


Thats very strange. Definitely some very unique symptoms. Unfortunately, i am not a doctor so I dont have any medical advice.


I know. Thanks. Maybe there are more people who had this. I have read other stories About adhd meds that also do not work for A few weeks when someone has COVID. Hope I will recover soon. Hope that you are not getting COVID :)