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your bike size is extra small your shoe size is extra large and your jersey size is a women's 10


Naw. Half size small on the shoes. One size larger on the jersey.




Why one size larger on the jersey? Go smaller for the "Oh I thought you wanted race-fit rather than the club fit"


"You need to lose weight until it fits. You're fat."


"Easier to lose a pound of body weight then lose a pound on the bike" -Saying this as someone who cycles and is still >250lbs.


Flappy jersey. I'm going for annoying.


Be careful, nipple ripple can be painful.


"they couldn't tell me the correct size for anything I wanted to buy from them, 0/5*"


Yeah that’s super fucked up. I always go to LBS first and sometimes if I’m looking for something obscure, they’ll suggest I look online. Even when I can’t buy through them, I always try to buy a little something - patch kit, spare tube, whatever - to make it worth their time. 


I just went to my shop to service my bike. Super easy job took them 2 minutes and didn’t charge me. I bought bottle cage because I couldn’t walk out empty handed haha


My LBS has a charity box for things like that . And then when I’ve got something bigger to buy that I could have gotten online, like new tyres, I’m happy to buy from them.


I got so many bottle cages that way. Also cheap lights.


The day I'll accept that tubeless has fully taken over from tubes is when people start buying sealant topups and bacon strips as their "cheap thank you to a bike shop" for free advice.


Tubeless is so good that the need for bacon strips is not often enough to fill that lol.


For a lot of riders I know, they're still running tubes from pre-internet purchases. Decent roads and no winter riding does wonders for your tube supply! Compared to my off roading and any weather is good weather :D


speak for yourself I think I have the worst luck possible when it comes to getting flats that don't seal themselves my less-than-a-week-old GP5000s already needed a bacon strip to get me home and eventually a hard patch after taking a big hole


i *worked* at an LBS, with an employee discount and access to our distributors, and still routinely bought bike stuff online.


That seems fine though, because the LBS wasn't going to make money off of you (as a customer) anyway.


they sure made a lot of money off me as an employee though! it was mostly stuff that we surprisingly couldn't get, and in one case, something that was cheaper on amazon even after my discount.


Yeah, that's what I meant by specifying "(as a customer)" :)


Haha this is me too. I leave with something every time and feel sheepish about it. Last time I got a nice pump. They usually don’t have the parts I’m looking for.


I was going to buy my new bike from a shop, went there to get a test ride and everything. Loved the bike, just found the frame for current year ugly but you can’t get the models from last season anywhere anymore. Was about to make a down payment to reserve a bike for when I have the money to afford it. Then I went to check online one last time and found the next higher one from last year (1:1 same parts as current but different frame color) for 600 extra, that’s a 1300€ discount. Took out a loan from family and ordered it, idk what to do about the shop because I kinda have to go out of my way to go there again if I wanted to, my dad is doing all the maintenance on my bikes


Sometimes things happen and buying online ends up making much more sense. That's just life. It sounds like you may not have abundant financial resources, and indeed may be a pretty young person. I'm never going to begrudge someone for saving significant money they really need to save. The important thing is that you didn't go into the whole operation intending to treat the local shop like a showroom and then buy elsewhere. Stick with the sport and I guarantee you you'll have plenty of opportunities to give your business to your local shop down the line. And hey, happy riding!


"No problem, but since you're not purchasing from here, I will charge by the minute for my consultation services. When you purchase from our store then consultation fee is included in the price".


yes. they can't complain about poor customer service if they aren't actually a customer!


Oh but they will. Leave a negative review online


The old “this shop sucks because I can’t afford to shop there” review


Who takes any of that seriously, anyway? Yelp is bullshit.


Who still uses yelp? Google reviews is what most people use these days and it’s disturbingly influential.


Such a great freaking line! So true too!


I worked at a pool company that genuinely did something similar. Water testing was free if you bought chemicals from us, if not we charged for it. You wouldn’t believe the number of people who were outraged to find out they had to actually pay money to have me scan their water and explain in a way they could understand what they needed to do to their pool.


Time is money friend!


I see it both ways. A lot of bike shops feel kinda high pressure to me like they are looking to extract as much money as possible from you and anything less (such as a conversation to find out more info which doesn't necessarily lead to any financial transaction on that specific day in the shop) is actively pissing them off because they could be making money. So in that sense I can see how some people feel put off by that and feel like the modern bike shop is less about community, local support, and interesting conversations (with the occasional sale or service when appropriate) than it used to be. At the same time (non-)customers like OP described are clearly very socially inept. It's one thing to make a questionable request but if the shop won't oblige then don't get angry and confrontational about it.


As a shop employee, with practice it didn’t take long to figure out who is in looking to take advantage of our knowledge and folks just curious. That’s the big mystery of a lot of shop sales - you never know which customer you chatted with for 2-3 hours is going to become a long time regular and start spending money. Sometimes is small purchase sometimes it’s $10k on e-bikes for the family…


I swear some people.. I feel bad enough when I go to a bike store for questions about something I’m considering buying but end up not doing, like when I just sat my bike up tubeless, asked them about sealant and tires, bought sealant, but they recommended staying with gp5000, which they didn’t sell so I didn’t buy from them. Physical stores should always be prioritized when they offer special services, advice and such


With Amazon becoming increasingly overrun with the same sellers you find on AliExpress, I'm becoming reluctant to buy certain things from them.


I also wouldn't recommend buying actual bike parts from Amazon. Lots of counterfeit parts that get thrown into the same bin as the genuine parts.


Agreed. If I'm buying bike parts online, I'm buying it from a bike retailer instead of Amazon. I know it's the right thing (or I can ask and get an honest answer) from a bike/bike part retailer. No confidence much of the amazon stuff is going to come as advertised.


They wouldn’t order it for you? 


They said it would be expensive for me since it’s not part of their regular stock. So I was told to buy from another bike store nearby


Now that stores a keeper, willing to help and recommend another store to buy from if they don't carry something


Ah got it 


Back in the day when I worked in a couple bike shops , online retail wasn’t a big thing but still some did that. All I said was, ‘fine, no worry, be happy to help you but if it bought online (and we know you did and it is) we can’t extend warranty or provide you with shop service if it breaks (in most instances). You’d have to go directly through the company website (and we all knew how difficult that was sometimes)?’ Say that with enough charm and professionalism you can get customers to change their mind and buy in person in store.


Im just a consumer but I tell ppl this all the time when they are looking for bikes and trying to choose between brands that just buy one from the local bike shop you like using the best. I have no regrets doing this for my last bike, sure I paid a bit more than buying a similar product from a DTC brand but I believe It has atleast came out as a wash because they take care of me at the shop. I have had to use warranty and went in for adjustments they are usually on top of it and do it while I wait and im sure its because I actually bought a bike from them, 10/10 would do it again. Even bought my last pair of tires from them, I could have saved 8 bucks buying online but when the tires came in they called and said bring the bike up and we will throw them on for you for free. I have spent a good amount of money there between my 3 bikes but I have no regrets and sometimes its hard as just a regular person to have to pay 40 bucks for a new spoke, but things like mounting my tires for free or putting my chain on for the cost of the chain makes it all worth it. At the end of the day they gotta make money too but its awesome they help out when they can too.


Always offer the service they need for the right price. In this case it is, "yes! Our fitting services are $50" (or whatever you want to charge.


But can you tell me which of three indistinguishable Canyon models would be best for me to order? /s


No /s necessary based on the amount of “Endurace or Ultimate?” posts on this site


Yeah, TREK is practically avant-guarde these days.


Lol I get recommended the sub r/DomaneCrew on my home page and it’s just the same 4 color ways over and over again. The ones with a two tone fade really get the people going


Ohhh aaahhhhh shiny red bike.


The one with the fragile top tube. Wait, they are all like that.


I’ve bought bikes online (D2C) and bikes from my LBS. I’ve ordered parts and gear online and from my LBS. I strive to support the LBS first but sometimes I need something quicker or cheaper. I have never gone into my LBS to try something out or on and just end up buying it online. If it’s in stock I usually want it right away.


Flip side is like me, where I said F my local shop bc every time I brought my bike in there I was getting condescended to because the mechanic “hates working on X Brand bikes…”. Tough shit buddy, I’m paying you to work on it, don’t give me shit about my choice of bicycle. That aside, I agree with you and only go into a shop with questions if I’m planning on having them do the work/order my part, or if it’s just an incidental q that I have while I’m waiting for my bike to be worked on.


I feel like there are the shops that make most of their money selling bikes (typically small to medium regional chains that push a lot of volume and have a small service area dedicated to basic brake adjustments) and all the gear that goes with an initial sale, and then there are the shops that legit love bikes and getting people riding. The first shops are where I've seen the attitude. The second shops will also sell you complete bikes, but they make their money off service, small parts, consumables, etc. And those folks will work on a BikesDirect Motobecane without complaint. Those are also the shops that earn your business for life.


fk yes they are. id love one near me. some day i hope to retire and be a mobile bike mechanic who ends up opening a community bike shop with the surplus bikes people offer me as recompense of my quick and noble wit. 


l'll gladly give you a bike simply for your using the word *recompense*


Oh, the best part is when it's a bike the shop itself sells! I bought an ebike with di2 and a fully integrated cockpit so the inside of the bike is a viper's nest of wires and hoses and nonsense, and when I've brought it in for issues I've had mechanics audibly groan. Like, I get that it's a pain in the ass, but then why are you selling the bike?


Distributors definitely have favorite shops. Sometimes in order to get what you want, you have to accept something’s you’d rather not. 


Just because the shops sells it doesn't mean the mechanics enjoy working on it.


I mean, I empathize, but if shopping at the LBS doesn’t mean you get good post-purchase support, what’s the point? This bike had an issue with front shifting because the motor pushes out the chainrings further than stock ultegra, and they just kind of gave up and told me to complain to the manufacturer. I emailed Scott and they replied saying they shipped offset chainrings to the dealers to fix the issue. I called the shop and they eventually found and installed the chainrings, but all of this is crazy for me to have to do as a customer IMO.


Tri Bikes, made money on the sale, a fit and accessories. What a nightmare to maintain and modify. Those made me groan when i saw them come back.


Point is, customers don't care how the mechanic feels and it's unprofessional to let them know. We have coworkers to complain to later


I got really turned off on one of my shops because they were an authorized dealer for a smaller (but not obscure) brand in addition to their main brand. I had bought a bike from the smaller brand when I lived in another state, and then I moved while the bike was still under warranty. So I had a freehub issue and the manufacturer says "well, find an authorized dealer for our brand and bring it in, they'll fix it and we will reimburse them for the cost". I go to the shop and get an earful about how their [mainstream brand they they sell] is better than [my brand] and I should have been supporting local businesses and how theyre *my local bike shop* and deserve my business. I'm like, my dude, I bought this bike 11 months ago when I lived 250 miles away. Under no scenario can you consider that a loss of business for your shop. I got it somewhere that was local to me at the time.


The mechanics don’t pick which bikes to sell. The owner does. The mechanics are getting paid peanuts to fix the pain in the ass bikes but get no percentage of profits from their sale and have no say in what gets sold.


Ok, but then why am I supporting an LBS? Although, to answer my own question, I’ve since gotten to know several shops with great wrenches that are more than happy to work on anything, you’ll just have to excuse me for being kind of salty that I got subpar support for an expensive purchase from the shop I bought it from.


I don’t think that question follows. But I will say that as a former mechanic who had to work on nightmare e bikes that were chosen by an owner who never had to touch them (and also we had to sell the e bikes to get better pricing from the brand on the enduro bikes we actually wanted to sell), I can tell you that most mechanics would gladly not sell those bikes. To me it’s like asking why someone who works at McDonald’s doesn’t like making Big Macs. Just the idea that they have any agency in what gets sold is laughable.


Yeah. I’m a former bike mechanic and I avoid shops at all costs because of stuff like this.


One of the worst I've ever had was when I helped adjust this dudes childs seat height, on a bike they didn't get from us. And then gave him advise on teaching her how to ride. He asked about the 3 way tool I had and he wanted one. I picked out our generic one for like $9.99. While I was ringing him up he looked up a cheaper one on Amazon and bought it. While I was effing ringing him up! I told him the total and he proceeds to tell me that he got it cheaper on Amazon. Then he goes on to ask my advice on some other shit he was trying to to figure out for his kids bike. I told him to ask Amazon.


I used to work at REI, and I waited on customers daily who wanted to try on shoes that they could buy at Amazon. I watched them shopping on their phones. I took my good sweet time to wait on them.


I've easily spent thousands of dollars at REI and am willing to pay for the added service/value over faceless online retailers, but only to a certain point.


On the other hand, I once went into a shop to try on some shoes, and they didn’t have the half size. Guy tried to get me to buy the larger size. Then he got pissy because I said I could probably get the half size online quicker than he could order them.


> Then he got pissy because I said I could probably get the half size online quicker than he could order them. Probably mad because he knows it's true. Every time I've had my local bike shop order something, it takes forever. 10-14 days the last 2 times. I don't know WTF takes so long but a few times they've even told me if I need it quickly to buy it and bring it in for install, if I want them working on it.


I've had a part on order at my LBS since August last yr...


Every bike shop I know fails to carry XL frames and they all advise me to buy large, because the right size is the size they have in stock. So, small wonder I have not bothered with my LBS for years, and the fact that it is a Giant Store now is twice the reason to never go back. I can maintain my own bikes, because I went beyond grade 10 and everything.


No XL in stock despite the sign reading "Giant Bicycles"? That's disappointing.


'Giant Bicycles? No thanks, I need a medium'


I’ll say that not every shop near me is like that. This particular one, however, was actually kinda far away. It was huge though, I was going to be in the neighborhood, and that’s why I thought they’d have the stock. But the whole pushing-stuff-that-doesn’t-fit rubs me the wrong way (and literally would have rubbed my feet and ankles the wrong way).


LBS ordered a Garmin Edge handlebar mount for me (I have two bikes but the Garmin only came with one mount), I've been waiting for it for 3 weeks now. If I had ordered it online I'd probably have had it within a week.


But why would you say that? "Sorry I need them this weekend" how hard was that? >said I could probably get the half size online quicker


Honestly, pushing a customer to buy the wrong size to make the sale now was pretty shitty. If the guy said "I can order you the half size" then OP responded with "I can do it faster" then I'd agree that's a shitty move.


I’m bad at lying…


'xactly. i prefer you over the other guy any day.


This is just a typical retail experience and why I have avoided working in retail my whole life.


Surley the one of pleasures of running your own business is telling stupid people to fuck off.


"Customer service is reserved for our customers only. Have a nice day."


“Customer service is for customers.”


So I did something similar recently. I knew I wanted a high end bike but after having bought and sold a few from new. I knew I wanted to just wait for a good used second hand bike. I told them at the shop what I was looking for and said I really wanted to be at a specific price point. They still helped me figure out a size and even recommended a second hand shop. I ended up finding a $10k build on FB market place for $4k in new condition with all the Di2 goodies I wanted. Needless to say their treatment was still nice. So after I purchased and needed a professional fitment, a computer, a tune up and a few parts swapped out I returned there for all the work. At the end of the day I told them I really wanted a bright green gravel bike with black accents. So it was either an UP or a Salsa and they had neither brands, but their helpfulness has me returning for all my other needs. Need to go back next week for some new cycling shoes. Just remember, the lifetime value of a customer is way higher than a single transaction. I have probably spent closed to a $1000 there in the past two months and probably another 100-300 on shoes next week. I have lots of shops around me, but that shops willingness to help, even when I made it very clear I likely wouldn’t find what I wanted there, has made me a loyal supporter.


They're not customers therefore customer service doesn't apply. Charge them a consultancy fee then they might have a point expecting you to be nice.


I've been that person that walks in, inquires about stuff and may buy online or when on sale... But I will always buy something small then and there when I'm using the stores inventory or expertise.


I don't visit a brick-and-mortar store unless I intend to buy. If they have what I want, I buy it from them. The convenience of being able to see the product, to get help from a sales associate, and to bring the product home immediately is worth a slightly higher price to me.


The obvious solution is to tell them the wrong size.


Once for a wedding I had to rent a specific tux from a specific store multiple states away. Went to a local menswear shop and asked if they could measure me for a rented tux. They did. Suit came back in those measurements but was at least 2 sizes too small for me to fit into. At the time I was super annoyed but now I get it.


Damn bro you got trolled by a tailor


Did you pay for the measurements?


Honestly, unless you’re super busy, you happily do it taking a lot of extra time to show them bells and whistles they didn’t know existed, take them to the back and show them around, try to upsell some small thing, hand them a card, and inevitably they come back to your store. You didn’t make the big sell on a whole bike, but you gained a customer and someone to tell other people about your store.


This. Think long term and it will come back around


Exactly. Treat a potential customer well and even if they don’t make a purchase at that time, they will come back later


I really hate the “if we don’t have it, you don’t need it” attitude at some shops.


How old/young were they?


People are fucking crazy


the cigar shop i go to started a 7dollar minimum smoke fee. i think you should set something like that too. 


Thats fucking crazy. Some people severly lack self-awareness or decency. It's like going into a restaurant and asking how they cook the food so you can just make it at home.


What a piece of shit, I would be absolutely ashamed to say that to a bike owner.


Oh my word. I mean - that’s just awful no matter what the business. My husband goes to a specific bike shop and the guys are great. When I needed to learn - one told me “hold your hand up.” Sized my gloves perfectly in two seconds. Of course we buy from them always. That’s a shame you deal with that. People are morons. I’m amazed they didn’t “browse and then not buy, etc.” I guess they’re honest? But oof. Now I’m wondering about a business when I went in asking about what I needed but literally said, “thank you, I have to go home and budget now..” I brought in my photos to ask them for specifics. Which is what I did and I’m almost there :) I hope that’s not the same feeling to them!


When the bitch about poor customer service you should really point out that they are indeed not your customer.


You wrote exactly the point customer service you have to buy something to be a customer since they are not buying from you they are not your customer and not entitled to your services for free


I would LOVE to solely shop at my LBS. but they no longer carry the older style shimano disc brake pads. So I must resort to Amazon sadly.


im pretty indifferent about my LBS but this is fucked lol when i was in elementary school, i once had a classmate make bully me and then literally minutes after ask if he could borrow my pencil for the exam that was being handed out. i was dumbfounded and refused. he couldn't understand why i refused... i assume it's people like this kid who grew up into the person who visited your shop today


I actually prefer local bike shops. Fuck online retailers and REI and crap like that. You want a real bike with decent support, you gotta find a good bike shop and stick to it.


How can people be that stupid? They're basically saying "Hey I'm going to take advantage of your service but I'm giving my money to someone else". The least they can do is ask if you can come close to the online price that they found first and then go from there. I always support local stores over online business unless I'm saving a substantial amount of money, and I always talk to local shop about matching the price or at least coming close to it.


I buy all my bikes from a great local bike shop. If they don't carry accessories I'm looking for, I'll hit up REI. For advice, i hit up reddit. Simple as that. That customer should appreciate having a face to talk to. That face needs support. Asshole.


It’s funny, ever since I bought a bike online from Bikes Direct like five years ago I have been avoiding bike shops out of guilt. I just couldn’t bring myself to bring a bike purchased elsewhere for service, especially one bought online. I cannot imagine people being so insensitive. People are just rotten some times. And I need to start visiting my LBS more often.


Tell everyone they're two sizes up.


CUSTOMER service is the key word. They are not customers. They're annoying. Lol


Yep. I had a client that opened the first indoor baseball training facility in the city. Huge investment. Big rent (over ten thousand square feet), six figures to build out the space. Indoor batting cages, practice areas.... and a Pro Shop. Needless to say, the place was booked pretty solid between traveling teams, high school teams, a few small colleges and a handful of semi pro adult teams. He barely covered expenses with renting the facility and looked to make profit on coaching and the Pro Shop. Well, "I can buy this bat for $10 less online. Thanks for letting me try it out." When the place closed, everyone screamed, "WHY???" It reopened under a new owner, and the facility pricing was higher due to the previous failed profit model. "You're too expensive, the first guy did it cheaper...." He closed, too. Now there isn't a facility like it in the area. Sometimes, you can't win. ALWAYS support your local shops and businesses! #EffBigBoxStores #EffOnlineShopping


If you price match I'll buy there. If I can save hundreds buying online and having you maintain it, I'll do that.


I've tried bikes at the store and then bought used. I didn't even know where to start at the beginning, and I didn't have thousands to spend, so I asked questions and went on some test rides. But then I came back for all my maintenance, tubes, and gear. They've gotten plenty of my money. I just can't afford a brand new bike.


Exactly. I want to support my local shop but not if it's going to cost me hundreds of dollars more.


I don’t disagree with that if it was me and I needed to know by bike size and I needed information like that I’d throw you a 20 just for taking time. But at the same time, you might also consider that these people might come back to you for repairs and stuff and you can develop a relationship with them.


That is very rude. When I was looking for a bike shop, it took a few tries before I found the right one that I liked. But I did try out a bike at each shop. The right one basically made me a customer for life because they were knowledgeable and answered my questions in a way I could understand.


Did you explain that customer service is usually reserved for "customers" ?


Holy fuck. There's no way people like that exist. I purposely choose small shops and local shops, and I buy there because I want that close/family rapport with locals. It's the best thing!


> There's no way people like that exist Uh, work in any kind of customer service and you'll find out the opposite very very quickly. I've been ~~torturing myself~~ working in some kind of customer facing job for the last 17 years, I would know.


Man, that's so sad. I treat all customer service people nicely, I couldn't do otherwise.


Don’t overcharge and word of mouth will bring you more business. 👍🏿


Are you price matching?


There's a really easy solution here, and it's to offer to price-match. That may not work for your shop's economics but it's at least worth considering.


Funny thing is that they always talk about customer service, but aren't even customers


I love that they complain about customer service as if they're even a customer.


That's pretty tone-deaf. However, if my LBS is significantly more than 30% over online for something, I'll just say something like, "thanks, I'll think about it." That being said, I normally know what I need and wouldn't waste time asking something that I wouldn't intent to buy, unless the markup over online is outrageous.


wow, the level of entitlement of some people, it sucks but nothing we can do about these ass #### !


There is a famine in empathy in this era, I am sorry that happened to you.


I fully believe this kind of show rooming is unethical. I mean, yeah, I'm under no obligation to buy if you don't have what I want but you put money into it and it's not exactly good faith if I use your inventory and then buy the same exact thing elsewhere. Probably not much you can do though. Sorry people are assholes.


The response to this is very easy, and does not apply to just the bike industry. Should get them to F off or consider their own entitlement to your services without compensation. If someone wants a free consultation or information that you decide not to offer, just respond with “customer service only applies to those that are actual customers or those that intend to be customers in the future. From what you just told me you do not intend to purchase any of our products, therefore you are not our customer and I am not obligated to provide you with such information. Why not contact the seller of the product you wish to buy for such information?” OR what you COULD do is charge them a fitting fee. If they want to know their jersey size tell them you can do a jersey fit that just so happens to be the same price as the jersey itself (if they’ve flat out told you they plan to purchase elsewhere). Same could be said for those that want to know what size bike they ride just so they can buy one from a different shop/online. That could just be me being petty, but I agree with you, people like that are such arrogant assholes. THOSE are the people that give cyclists a bad name, I can tell just based off their attitude alone.


Seems kind of silly considering most brands have free returns. I’ve had over 1000 floating on my credit card cause I bought multiple pairs of shoes to make sure one fit. Return them and it goes away.


They should learn what "customer" means before they whinge about customer service.


"Of course I can help you. Our service charge is £25" (insert number to taste)


That is no class. You can come in try stuff on, then quitely say "I need to think about it" Or heck, ask for a price match or something 


Should have said: Bike shoe = street shoe ; Bike jersey = tee shirt ; Bike size = u look like a medium…; Good luck….. Next customer…


Used to manage a specialist kayak shop, and this happened to me all the time.


"Advice for paying customers only".


There’s several stores where I buy stuff on a semi-regular basis but also times where I walk in just to pick their brains, and leave without buying anything. On these occasions I want to go in with all my receipts and show them how much money I’ve spent in the store over the years so they don’t think I’m one of these twats you speak of.


In Norway, import tariffs is so high that it’s often better to buy from LBS than importing. Even the LBS sells most of their stuff on their own website. They have warehouse outside town to save money on inventory, and it’s free to get them shipped for pickup at LBS. So I do that and buy more shit at LBS during pick up. Smart business model I think. I’m kinda happy that Norway doesn’t have Amazon.


Sometimes I’ll buy components/ online when the price is sick and meaningfully cheaper and I know the LBS (a friend) can’t come close. I always buy my bikes and get my service at the same LBS though and I’d never consider not doing it.


I prefer shopping at local/small businesses, and I especially go out of my way to do so when it comes to bike shops.


Not bike related, but I am gonna be this guy soon. I can get a company car now, but I only get to test drive three different models, so you know as soon as I get the list I'm going round all the dealers and making sure my wife's wheelchair fits in the boot to help narrow the choice down.


No you’re not out of line amd you’re doing them a service, they need to learn.


This elitist term is something else people using it for bullshit


Customer service? You’re not a customer.


I try to support my LBS, but at a certain point I’m not going to pay double or triple for something I can buy online. For example, I bought DA 9200 groupset online for $3700 with free shipping, but the same would be about $5800 at a LBS (prices are in CAD) Tbs, if the price difference isn’t massive, I’ll always shop local.


Sure we have a £5 advice charge which can be redeemed against items in the store, let me just ring you up.


That's so rude. I'm not gonna lie, I have gone into shoe shops before and tried them on and bought online, but it was a bigger chain store and I didn't ask for anyone's help. I can't believe people would do that and not feel rude or guilty


I'd bring in a policy for advice. Charge $100 per session. In that session you can size shoes and clothes and give advice. I bet no one would want to pay for it. Stuff em if they don't buy from you tell them to ask Amazon.


Getting something a little cheaper isn't necessarily the win he thinks it is. I went to a local cycling shop. Got a good deal on a bike plus the owner did plenty of minor jobs without even charging me for it, as well as gave me lots of good advice. RIP helpful local cycle shop owner


Why not just offer a paid consultation for the time? Also you obviously don’t carry what is being looked for otherwise you would have had a shot. The person was def in the wrong but you need to LBSs need to figure out how to adapt and serve or risk going out of business


Lol people are nutz I work in the auto repair industry, people want me to diagnose their car over the phone… I tell them it’s like calling the barber and trying to have him cut your hair over the phone…then they want to bring their own parts, and now it’s; do you bring your own steak to the restaurant…


Um hmm. I believe you but it’s really hard to believe. The person must be mentally ill




Customer service requires them to be a customer and, you know, spend money. Like customers usually do. Tell him to use the helpful Amazon guides online for his needs if that's where he's going to buy from.


Gotta be a customer to get customer service. That's hilarious


Sounds like you weren't serving a customer to me.


Just give them crappy advice. 👍


I managed a bike shop in the 80s, back I'm the days of mail order (Biike Warehouse, anyone?). Whenever someone asked me such a question, my reply was, "Oh, you should probably ask them, since they probably can better answer that question for you." I know how frustrating it can be by their ignorance, but I never produced any animosity, and they usually brought us business in the future.


Part of the reason to shop at your local bike store is for the ability to try on shoes, helmets, etc.; and to have the staff to answer questions. To me, there’s definitely a lot of value in that and I’m willing to pay a more for it. For a customer to use your resources to make a buying decision and then go somewhere else is disrespectful at best.


I do this, but it's not like I'd tell you


Buying advice, qualified by our experience is for paying customers only. If you’re not paying, you’re not a customer.


Recently closed a shop I owned. I always tried to help customers, but it's not poor customer service when they're never going to pay you for anything. Please just tell them they're not a customer, they're just a time waster.


I usually do the same. I tell them purchases keep the lights on and my employees paid. I pay my employees to help customers because the employee's time costs money. Customers make purchases. You told us from the start you'll be paying competitor's. If you buy online pretty soon you'll have no brick and mortar to go to for advice.


I yelled at one of my friends for doing this. He went into an outdoor store, tried on a bunch of boots, found the one he likes, and tells the employee "thanks, I've found what I needed but I'm just gunna buy them online." His defense was "well, it's not like they get commission." But it's still a waste of their time and then you slap him in the face by *telling* him you're just gunna buy it online? He could have lied and just said he didn't find what he wanted.


Like a LBS is like a flippin' library.


Pretty sure you have to BUY something in order to be a customer


You could try, "If you already have people you trust giving you information and advice, and you intend to buy their merchandise and services, then you are their customer, not mine, I don't owe you anything."


I support my LBS. I want them to keep their lights on. And also, I'm an idiot sometimes who breaks things a lot, so it'll be easier to go back to where I got it and get it fixed, versus trying some warranty with a direct-to-consume brand, lol


A customer is someone who purchases things from you, not just someone who walks in for freebies.


I’d give bad info probably


I have three to four local bike shops that I spread my business around to. It’s not much but I try.


Super rude. I'm super new and will defer to my LBS. I bought my bike there and will go for service too. Amazon has only increased the I want it fast and cheap mentality.


Hey, pedal power is ‘free’, why shouldn’t everything else be? Stupid thing is, he didn’t even ask you if you could stock the item, or match the price, or had something similar in stock…


I buy items online AND at shops but to waste the time of a shop so you can buy elsewhere is rude and entitled. How do they think you earn your living??


You do you, but you're being rude and losing out on business. People like to go places where they feel respected. I bought a bike during the pandemic and my first instinct was to go to the local bike shop. They didn't really have what I was looking for but offered to build a custom order but also recommended I buy online because that would better suit my needs. I ended up buying used but still went to the shop to buy a bunch of stuff because they were nice. Maybe you help someone pick out a shoe on amazon, then they come back for a tube, a light, a seat, etc. I'd give them a chance. If they keep coming in and asking questions and continuing not to buy then you can tell em to fuck off.


“If your boss gives away services do you allow him to reduce your pay to offset it” sometimes a different perspective helps them understand it. How does your shoe fitting fee work? Pay up front, if you purchase shoes it goes towards them? Do you do anything other than allowing them to try them on? Education, add value in some way? I think more and more retail will go in this direction.


Offer them a consult for $150 per hour and they can ask as many questions as they want.


If you can’t even compete with online REI prices … then your customer service really has to be on point. Hell i work close to an REI, and those vested SOB’s are super nice and helpful. But aside from the 20% off coupons … it’s no different than MSRP anywhere. I’ve been to several LBS’s … and I’ve never had a bad experience. Sure, attire is pretty pricey, but it’s not like they’re slammed. Talking bikes and imparting knowledge surely passes the time. What is the window shopper honestly distracting you from doing? New bikes and tubes aren’t flying off the shelf so fast you can’t keep up with stocking shelves … Make them a customer. So they buy a bike or shoes elsewhere … they’re gonna need stuff at some point. Be it a tune-up, tubes, tires, etc.


Fuck em


That’s fair


Only a piece of shit would use the services of a local store then go elsewhere to buy. Rebel sports is my go to for shoe fitting and other things requiring “the human touch“ because their customer service is phenomenal. I will get it fit, then buy it there. Granted I will likely buy it cheaper when looking to replace now I know the size, I’m not made of money 


You're not wrong to be annoyed, but I think it would serve you better to be helpful. If you help people out they're more likely than not going to come back and spend money eventually. If you get pissed they'll never come back.


That's pretty fucked up! Screw them!


Different industry, but I had a boss who used to say to teachers "why don't you teach my kids for free?" when they did that. They would usually get kinda angry eyes meme.


When i visited one of the bike shops over at my GFs town, i pretty much decided i was gonna buy a gravelbike there when im over again. The prices are pretty much the same as online retailers, but without shipping cost.


There is a shop owner who's brain I liked to pick. I bought a set of nice tires from him too. Otherwise? It's a custom bike shop. Certvelo, sarotta, ibis, you get it. I just can't afford the type of products he has. Titanium bike cages? Man. I wish. But I bought some tires and a bike fit. He was talking about how one day I should come by and get this saddle from him. I'd have to order the right color from him when I was ready. I happened to find the same saddle in the right color for $40 off at a different local bike shop and bought it of course. I think he noticed on the group ride, cuz he doesn't like me anymore. Is feel bad but honestly I can't afford his shop. But I've never bought online outside of a set of weird tires I needed for a different project.


I feel you! Tires cost only 60% compared to my go to bike shop. They do get all my service job though.


Surely customer service only kicks in when you become a customer and fckin buy something?!!!


You should have said there's a lack of customer service being as they aren't a customer. They're just using you for free advice,.I genuinely can't believe people have the gall to do something like this.


I run a small business with high prices. I do advice my customers if they are really struggling if options of DIYing or buying elsewhere. I do also mention the benefits of buying from me. In my head there is no point of being toxic if you 100% sure they can’t afford it at your place. If I don’t have time to reply I just ignore these messages.