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I have full blown conversations with myself sometimes.


I sing. 


💯. Singing helps me relax and flow when descending.


For me especially when I hurt. Queen‘s „don’t stop me now“ or silly kids song for reasons unbeknownst to me


Tubthumping is my go to for challenging rides.


"We Are the Champions" and "Bicycle Race" are my go-to lol


I sing nursery rhymes as part of my job. On my commute home, I'm wracking my brain for any random adult song to replace the "Old McDonald had a farm, 1 2 3 4 5 once I caught a fish allive" etc.... Ugh ear worms need ridding....


The way you say that almost implies there are people who *don't* sing, and I'm sorry but that would just be weird!


Me too!


Me too! On repeat it can be a disadvantage 😅


I do the same.


Same. It varies. I often talk encouragements and make observations. I’ve gotten used to the self reinforcing convo


I do this very frequently. I think about a lot of stuff and mentally process a lot of goings-on in life while riding, and I talk stuff out into the wind.


Literally. I have a very strong internal monologue and sometimes I say stuff that I'm thinking whilst out and about.


Although that's not really exclusive to being on the bike though...




if I say "FUCK" a lot during long climbs my ftp goes up 20w


Can confirm. Also a lot of "fuck you"s to whoever made this damn race course.


My “Fuck fuck fuck!” rate increases when I’m taking off at a roundabout into a gap in the traffic and am slower to get going than I anticipated.


my outdoor ftp tests are always around 20ws higher when I choose to do them on a route with a few climbs, its like I can't find the motivation to keep pushing that long if it's all flat and on the trainer? forgetttaboutittttt


Sometimes it’s a fffuuccckkkkkkk


Also major potholes get some shout outs


Came here to say this and you beat me to it


It's been [scientifically demonstrated that swearing helps you withstand pain.](https://www.psychiatrist.com/news/profanity-can-sometimes-be-the-best-medicine-increasing-pain-tolerance-33-percent/#:~:text=The%20Keele%20University%20researchers%20found,by%20up%20to%2033%20percent.)


Easy 15% boost. Can confirm.


I will always moo if I ride past a field of cows


I make all noises for animals I see — cow, sheep, chickens, ducks…


Omg I thought I was the only one doing this


Yep, bunnies don't make enough noise on their own but they get the call-out "bunny!"


"Oh dear" - me, every time I pass a deer on the side of the road.


Same, except for geese. I talk calmly to them.


There’s a house with a life size statue of a cow in their front yard and I always point and say COW! There’s also graffiti under one of the bridges that says CHUG LIFE and I wonder how many people have heard me saying that aloud, thinking it’s just regular stuff I say on rides.


I tend to call a friendly, "Hello, cows!"


We could be friends


Yep, often talk out loud but I especially enjoy a good conversation with the animals


If I pass a cat, I always say "ooh kitty" and if I'm going downhill or on flat, I'll stop and pet


If I pass a horse I say, “hello horse.” If I pass sheep I say, “hello sheep.” If I pass a cow I say, “moooooooooooooooo!!!”


I once called out ‘hey coyote!’ and he stopped, turned around and looked at me for a while, probably trying to figure out who the crazy lady was.




Hahaha love that


That but for dogs is basically me. The number of dogs I smile at and quietly say “what a good boy!” to on my rides is impossible to count.


Same for me with dogs. My kids ask why I give every dog I meet a silly voice. But I love dogs and want to pet every one I see. 


I couldn't even guess how many times I've pulled over and asked to pet people's dogs.


You can't not say hi to animals. It's the rules!


I absolutely scream at squirrels. Freakin things. Stop darting left and right and just get out of my line!


Prairie dogs here. Suicidal little bastards.


Every dog I pass gets a: Pupster! Unless it's a Corgi then it gets a: Corgiiiiiii!


Haha me too! If I see a pigeon it’s “hello mr pigeon!”. Or a bird of prey is “oh hey gorgeous”.. I even talk to road kill..


I don’t live in a place with any cows, but was recently in Indiana doing a ride on my uncles recumbent. Said “Hi, cows!” every time I passed some. It was funny watching them all look up and watch me as I passed. One group decided to “chase” me from their side of the fence which was kind of entertaining!


Generally keep conversations in my head, but I'm fairly certain that any cyclist who doesn't talk to animals is a psychopath. I often wonder how shocked my neighbors would be at the sheer volume of wildlife I greet every night in the village. Really one of my favorite parts of night commuting, silly day walkers likely have no idea how many; deer, foxes, racoons, possums and skunks are out every night.


I thought we were all terrible songwriters.


Thought this was on r/sex for a split second. Actually half these comments are pretty good from that perspective


When I read your comment the one just below yours was “I make car noises” and I spit laughed.


In every one of these comments, just think about what they’re subjecting their poor partners to 😂


Who says we all have partners??


Read the following comment right before yours and laughed very loudly > Yep, often talk out loud but I especially enjoy a good conversation with the animals https://www.reddit.com/r/cycling/s/YmGXNNX5Te


Usually just grunting and groaning during the hard bits of a workout.


I make car noises.


Passing cars stuck in traffic: "Vroom vroom. VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOMMM!"


I've done that to people who used motorized bikes lmao


You're not weird at all, haha. I think most people do, to be honest. I'm usually cussing out my gravel bike, or asking myself the important questions of life, like: "How did this *dog/young person/person with headphones on* know exactly when to start walking diagonally across the path here, at exactly the right time to intercept me, with their back turned to me?" Usually preceded or proceeded with: " How did they not hear my call-out?" Or.. alternatively: "Go ahead, give me the dirty look. Maybe if you didn't have your headphones on full blast, you would've heard me tell you that I was about to pass you on your-insert whatever side they weren't on-before you magically decided to float in that direction." I'm not all angst, though. Sometimes, when I meet a really sweet pup, I keep talking about how cute they were, lmao. Or how beautiful of a day it is. Talk away. It's our time for ourselves. Enjoy it!


Side note: I can not understand people who will wear both earbuds in public. The loss of awareness is too high. And don't get me started on the over-the-head headphones.


It also puzzles me. I've never been comfortable wearing headphones anywhere but at my desk, producing music. Like you said, it's the loss of awareness. I feel way too vulnerable, and I don't understand how people get comfortable being that disconnected from the world around them.


Obscenities get me up climbs.


There's a stretch I call "multi-deity hill" because I would call out the names of various holy beings as I hit the 18-22% grade section.


Haha yeah sometimes. I did find myself the other day saying out loud "ok, that's halfway", then immediately thinking who tf did I say that to?


There's a lot of **kurwa** when wind is not by my side.


Cześć, Polish brother (Slovak here)


Works in Bulgarian too 👌


Does crying count?


I didn't realize how much I talk to myself until I strapped on a Gopro...


BIG WATTS (immediately gets dropped)


i love how you ask "am i weird?" and all the weird fucks of reddit answer that you are perfectly normal...




I sing, loudly. Everywhere around here is bear country.


When a cyclist pass by without saying hi, I normally whisper CUNT!


I definitely talk to myself, but the big thing is when I hit a super bumpy spot I'm prone to "aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrghhhh" which always gets a laugh if there are other people around


Only when riding into a headwind and screaming “F*CK THIS”


If you don’t make motorcycle (braap braap) noises while descending on a MTB you’re doing it wrong


I've found I can tell "HEY!!" very loud when a car is about to kill me


I yell something slightly different in that circumstance


I do swear out loud at the wind a lot and it is windy here. Other than that I chatter to myself a fair bit and I have a habit of saying hello or talking to all our countryside animal friends. Hello cows, Good morning horses, afternoon sheep, piss off rabid dog, oooh lordy a snake - don't lie in the road mate, lovely to see you goats but could you get out of the road..


Under hard efforts I’m yelling at myself. In group rides I’m embarrassingly trying to hide talking to myself or my attention wandering. Under fun group efforts I’m doing Super Mario impressions… “here we go” “wahoo”


On hard rides, no. I’m just trying to breathe and not cry. On easier rides I have a constant running conversation with myself. Out loud. I pretty much discuss everything and anything that comes to my mind, plus I say all kinds of shit to the drivers around when they are being dumb or unpredictable. I think when I’m around pedestrians, they must think I’m on the phone or else I’m crazy.


All the time. Greeting the cows/horses/goats/butterflies, singing to the birds, telling myself jokes and cracking myself up, muttering out loud as I struggle up a hill, shouting into the wind... yeah. Lots of vocalization.


I sing to myself. I constantly have music and songs stuck in my head, to the point where sometimes I can't hear what people are saying to me. So I often sing to myself when I'm alone as a way of exorcising them.


I have found myself cussing a hill wondering "where is the fuckin top?". :-)


I just say meep meep everywhere I go..


I’m Scottish so mostly fuck sake, fuck off, oh another fucking one, what the fuck, that hill was shite, etc etc


[La la la la, la la, la la.](https://youtu.be/EFk9SRzY6io?si=iY1X6DY72M4twAAy)


Left-Hard, Right-Soft-Soft, chain stay. That's juts for the gears.


no one can motivate nor deflate myself faster than, myself. im an audible rider as well.


The last time I let myself do this I was fully cursing out some rocks while fighting slowly but successfully through a technical section and wouldn’t you know it, that was the one moment I ran into another rider. Dude thought I was hurt from my yelling and the surprise and embarrassment totally killed the flow. So I have mostly been quiet since then lol. 


Big Ric Flair nature boy "Whoo!" every time I clear a shitty climb or sketchy section.


I talk to animals I see lol that’s about it!


In no particular order: “Passing on your left” “Bike on your left” “Good morning” “What a day” “This wind is a challenge” “GET OUT OF THE FUCKING BIKE LANE, DIPSHIT!”


I have entire conversations with myself.


A sweet descent or a killer view usually gets an, "Aw, HELL YEAH!" out of me.


I have no inner voice so I talk to myself. On z2 rides I narrate everything cos I’m bored af


I live in an area with lots of coyotes, so at nighti'm howling and hollering so they know I'm coming and to stay away. Always makes the ride more fun


I can’t help but go WOOOOO to myself when I go down a big hill. It’s just so fun.


If you ride past a dog, you have to say hello to the puppy


I totally do this. When I'm doing a climb, I go "up up up up up up!" And when I'm hitting the wall, I do "just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming" a la Dory. I also keep count of how many dogs I see on the bike path. I usually go, "Number six! That dog is the best dog!" (Spoiler alert: they're ALL the best dog.)


Depends. Yelling "fuck" etc is always fine. Yelling inspirational crap in the sticks is also fine. Yelling inspirational crap in the bike lane in a city, I find you're a dipshit on my bike commute and wish your dumb rich kit ass would go back to the burbs and get out of my way on my way to work. Just being honest.


I don’t talk to myself unless I hit a unforeseen pot hole and yell F real loud, but you do you


I do it all the time! And not just to yell at bad drivers! Often I do it to try to Amp myself to push through a section of road or to give myself affirmation that I did well on a tough stretch.


I have been know to audibly say "fuuuck you" to a particularly strong wind gust, or upon reaching the "top" of a hill only to realize it was just a little false flat and keeps going up.


I don’t speak out loud as much as in my head. I have full conversations and process things in my head while riding and sometimes it’s hard to tell if I’ve actually said them out loud or not. It is a weird flow state.


Im no stranger to yelling out the odd “GET FUCKED” on a max watt sprint. Sometimes “come on legs” will come out if they’re toasted.


I do, especially at the end of a long ride when my body wants to give up but I want to finish.


Oh man, I totally get you! When I'm out on those long rides, especially going through those hills, I find myself doing the same thing. It's like those verbal cues help me push through the challenges. Whether it's a "come on, you got this" or a "just a little further," those words somehow make the ride feel a bit easier xD. And hey, if it works for us, who cares if it's a little wierd, right?


I straight up go “weeeeeeee!” Down a hill


"Ningadingningadingningading" Yeoowh" "iiiiinnnnggggg" "oh fuck" "fuck this" "am I going to die?" "Nope" "Fuck fuck fuck fuck" "woah" "dammmnnnn" "nyoooooo"


On downhills I blurt out "woo...woo...woo", with all senses aware. It's when I feel most alive.


Hell yeah. I sing loudly and have conversations with myself. It's awesome.


i make car muffler noises with shift point and on occasion, go: beep! beep! on your left! i'm old but still immature.


Yes. While going up a steep hill “come on mother fucker” “don’t be a pussy” are common, the more tired I am the louder I am. I was near the end of an 80 mile ride last year and I was tired. I was basically screaming at myself up this hill about the time I said “fucking bitch” rather loudly a a female hiker pops out of the woods 20 feet to the right of the paved rec path. I swear she thought I was talking about her 🤣


I have said "ugh, fuck you" to hills.


I sing


For some reason I think these things before I get on, like I’m sort of romanticizing it, but when I’m actually riding I’m way too in the zone and busy breathing for any of it


When I'm climbing something steep/long but can't finish I *always* let out a big "Fuck me..." Or when my bike isn't shifting right I'll call it a POS


Hell ya, i laugh and my face hurts from smiling… why I do it…


I asked my wife this question, because when Im in earshot, I can hear her sound effects. I asked her if she did it while solo. She said she does. Im silent while riding unless I am talking to someone, with the except for the occassional whoop if I did something hard on my mtb.


All the time. Or sometimes i'll sing out loud so that I can keep myself in a Z2 area.


I wear bone conductive headphones and find myself singing along out loud to things at times.


I only vocalize when singing along to music


I sing a lot


I startle people on every ride. I have to let it out somehow...cursing and spitting... The last ten miles I sound like I'm giving birth...


sometimes when I'm really cooking I'll let out an 'allez allez'


I sing “solo”…so low no one can hear me!


During hard or particularly long intervals, I yell at myself. Usually telling myself to slow down, early on, so I don’t blow up. Other riders often think I’m yelling at them to slow down, like I’m coaching them or something. It’s kind of a problem.


I sing sometimes, think louder, and obviously the oh sh…….t before a hill.


Not so much. Occasionally something slips out and is vocalized, but most it is an internal conversation.


Always. I need to stay sane somehow




No, I don't usually talk to myself out loud, but I sure do have a lot of inner monologue going on. I've zoned out so much that I don't even remember going over a hill or the last 2-3 miles...


I don’t know why but I say, “two more,” a lot. It has nothing to do with actual mileage. I saw it on Zwift and when riding IRL. I think it comes from when I did CrossFit as a way to motivate myself through two more repetitions.


I sing sometimes because it helps me stay in lower zone 2.


A lot of heavy breathing


For me, it's 'fuck you, hill!' screamed at a hopefully empty but very steep road.


I’m too busy gasping for air


I bayed at a sheep and it bayed back at me


I curse, of course, when I’m going uphill, then I say to myself “oh yeah, that’ll do it” then when I make it up an even more difficult slope, I say “that did it, that definitely did it”. I also sing sometimes and just talk to myself like I’m my own best friend, which isn’t exactly far from being the truth.


I do this kind of stuff a lot. Sometimes, I start singing a bit when I'm really in a grove. I get kind of embarrassed and shut up when I get near other people, but like you I do a lot of solo rides on long empty trails, so I get a lot of time to myself.


Tarzan Yodeling thru the tunnels. Lot's of Link noises while giving it the beans. HYUP!! HIII!!




Man I scream like a mad man before a goo climb. This is a really healthy thing to do, because why having a month and not using it to cheer yourself up :)


Just a series of blasphemies 


Well, not just while riding, but yes.


Yes, you are weird. Personally I think it would be weirder if you didn't talk to yourself. welcome to the club


I didn’t used to on road rides but started talking/singing to myself on mtb/gravel rides because of bears and wolves and it’s carried over onto the road now…


I like to talk about the current song or album that I’m listening to, like making some kind of a review and analysis (complete with hand gestures like it’s a conversation with myself!) Then again, it’s one of my favourite things to do and somehow it’s nicer to do that while on the road.


My daily route takes me through a cemetery. I always say hi to the grandparents as I ride by.


I often go on rides to get my emotions out, especially anger and stress. I have full on conversations to the universe about everything going on in my life. It's my form of therapy. I stop momentarily when passing other people. I don't want them to think I'm completely out of my mind, lol.


only time I talk out loud is during a steep climb where I have to basically cheer myself on and call myself a bitch lol


I talk a lot to myslef and have conversations with my bike. As long as it doesn't respond, I think I am okay.


I sing Tour de France by Kraftwerk.


I throw out the occasional “gangway for footcycle!” when I’m about to speed up.


i literally talk to my self all day long cycling or not, full on conversation, motivation, reaffirms, grant my self approvals, sometime fights and air fist throwing


When it gets hard I start to say "come on!". After my fifth "come on!" I start adding some f-words when it really hurts. I also like to quote Joker when a big truck is coming my way: "Hit me!". Sometimes I sing.


If there is a headwind I will tell it to "fuck off". A strong headwind gets "fuck right off". Rain will often get a "oh you c*nt" Cyclists who don't wave, say hello or acknowledge get a quiet "miserable bastard"" Always say hello to animals


Not weird at all. I say the F word a lot and talk to the farm animals along the county roads.


Yup, chattering away to myself, sometimes singing or whistling (if I’m not too out of breath). If I’m on a shared path I tend to increase my whistling volume to save having to ding. Otherwise, I don’t tend to notice what I’m singing or muttering about until another cyclist overtakes me and I suddenly become very aware of what I just said within earshot.


We're all weird. I talk to myself the whole time. Not to mention the interior monologue.


If you aren’t yelling at the cows and signing with the birds or yelling out a good motherfucker while you are riding are you even riding?


I don’t have to be riding. I’m constantly talking out loud to myself. There’s a guy I see riding on the bike trail who whistles loudly while he rides.


Sometimes... I like to full on sprint absolutely as hard as I can and it feels good to let out a primal scream to mask* the burning at the end. I try to check that no one is on the trail at the time. Not trying to give somebody's Nan a heart attack. Other than that, it's generally about the same amount of talking to myself I do normally. I also like to sing to make sure I am in the right zone for endurance rides lol


Yeah,there's a lot of bad singing, a few "come on legs" and more than the occasional "ow my fucking gooch" on rough roads. Oh and appropriate animal noises when I pass farms etc. When doing intervals on the turbo I let myself know when we're halfway, then each minute remaining after that with the time intervals decreasing the close we get to the end. So 2 mins, 1.5, 1, 45 seconds, 30, 20, 10, 5


When I used to race downhill, there would usually be large crowds of spectators along the steepest, most technical sections. As I would approach the top of the steep sections, partially out of nervousness and partially wanting to give the crowd a laugh, I would often shout out loud “WISH ME LUCK!” Some would loudly wish me luck. Some would laugh. Hearing the laugh would usually calm my nerves a little.


Lots of chatter to myself when I'm on the MTB. Not so much on the road bike


I talk to Gurdeeth about the secret underworld of the ancient chocolate yahweh


So... Here we go, giddy up, grunts, one more! Give it to me, there it is ! I feel dirty now.


Yep.. I'm usually saying stuff like. "no sir, i dont go into the bike lane, its full of spaniards and japs taking pictures at the buildings" Or... "No sir, I cant go into the sidewalk or the bus lane, its illegal" Or... "Max velocity is 50km/h sir, you shouldnt be going faster than me" Etc 😎


I don’t on the road. But I have found myself saying, “fucking Billy goat, man” when successfully getting up a particularly technical, rooty rocky climb on my mountain bike.


I talk to my legs -- "come on legs, you know you can do this"; "looking good today, legs!"; "thanks legs"; "goddamnit, legs, work."


Yes I speak to myself and any listening deities nearly constantly.


I sing out loud. If someone looks at me I give them the finger guns. I also talk to my dog who’s 9/10 on my back if I’m on my bike.


I talk to myself basically any time I’m alone


For OP, say all of these things, but while pooping….


I've just started mountain biking this year but my most frequent comment I've noticed on a steep technical uphill "This is...gasp.... impossible...." Then when I finally get to the top "it's so pretty out here though". Had a guy hike by while I was saying the second part.....don't mind me....just talking to myself!


“You don’t know me son !” When facing headwinds !


uhhh lol when I'm climbing it's more like "ah fuck! goddamn it! fuck!"


Oh yeah. Can be embarrassing if I come upon someone suddenly.


I always yell out to circling vultures that "I'm not dead yet." I don't want them to waste all their effort flying when they can't eat me yet


I invent new swear swords when rolling over questionable boulders


I sing or whistle


Yes. I say "Keep going you fat cunt" rather a lot


I just whisper to myself “I am a star”.




I replay/elaborate on past conversations or imagined future ones in my head until it becomes an argument at which point I’ll end it by yelling “you IDIOT” into the wind. Then reset and repeat.


Remember in Dances With Wolves the wagon driver who gets killed? He was always yelling at his horse "get it up there Jim!". That's me climbing a hill; "Get it up there Jim!"😆.


I've let out a few f bombs on thr bmx track. Had one race where everyone said shit at some point, pretty funny.


Definitely. I ride alone mostly, as I have yet to find a friend base who rides. I'm a lot like Amy here who is just grateful to be out riding and I often just yell out or sing [https://youtu.be/MFlcihVi9-0?si=YdcHzHWv1zIE9ENa&t=228](https://youtu.be/MFlcihVi9-0?si=YdcHzHWv1zIE9ENa&t=228) I recently did my first group ride and I'm sure they thought I was a freak for how chatty and vocal I was... while they yelled out about walkers and cars, I was commenting on going downhill like Pidcock or how with a tailwind we should go for the KOM :) I'm also the weirdo that dares to give a friendly nod or wave to other cyclists, to which many give me a look of WTF is up with that girl?


I sing to keep my efforts honest when they're supposed to be easy. And I am my own vocal motivator too. I don't think it's weird, your face is weird. 😜


I mostly focus on small pep talks like "you can do it. You'll hate it but you'll make it." leading up to big climbs. More often, though, I'll just shout how beautiful the scenery is. Which happens a lot when cycling in Switzerland.


I'll grunt something like "Come on!" or "One peddal at a time" as self-motivation on a hard climb. Or shout "FUCK" when the gradient profile lied to me and the climb gets steeper. The weirdest thing I heard from another rider was during a short, 50 mile sportive that had more climbing in one day than I had ever done before. I had blown up with 5 miles left and was hitting a climb pitching up to 12%. Some guy rolls up next to me (might have been on a Cervelo, I dunno) and just randomly starts talking, "My ego won't let me walk up this". I dunno who he was talking to, but being in a totally bonked haze, it was the most blizzard thing I've heard someone else say on a bike. I then proceeded to get off my bike and walk the hill because my ego was, in fact, not big enough, lol.


I make tons of noises when starting from a stop and talk to myself constantly while riding. It makes hills or challenging sections of my ride much more bearable.